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Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism, #2
Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism, #2
Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism, #2
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Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism, #2

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The second of the series "Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism", this volume focuses on counter-balancing the generally popular Darwinian narratives with counter-arguments from some incredibly gifted scientists and experts of the field, and also hostile witnesses from within the evolutionary community who provide further discussion on popular evidence appearing even recently on popular media television channels. It speaks about so-called "absolute dating methods", provides some examples in favour of a Creationist and Christian worldview, it rebuttals the common assumption that Creationists and Christians have never contributed anything meaningful to the world and documents bigotry and harassment suffered by the Creationist community from evolutionary scientists. It finally comments on the "Alienism" off-shoot of Darwinism by combining some disturbing yet interesting quotations on that trope from Gary Bates with the author's own commentary.

Release dateSep 1, 2020
Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists: Observational Commentaries on Social Atheism, #2

Erik Angus MacRae

Born Erik MacRae to Richard Warren and Valerie MacRae, the author has spent his whole life in the region of Ontario, Canada and grew up in Scarborough. Growing with a troubled childhood, and uncertain of what to make of his future Erik would face numerous bouts of depression, anxiety and escapism in his life until becoming a Christian and gaining a more thorough understanding of the literature of the Holy Bible of Christianity which gave him a sense of meaning and purpose and ultimate destiny. Erik has been through multiple denominations of the Christian faith with exceedingly different doctrinal stances, first beginning his journey in a Baptist-Calvinist Church, where he learned the basics of Christ for about seven years. After this he would become involved on studies in the Hebrew Roots movement, but later defected to a more biblically-oriented messianic congregation. Finally, he would identify as non-denominational and serve in discussions with numerous Christians of all denominations. He is very zealous for defending the authority and legitimacy of the biblical text and its core dictates.   Throughout his informational journeys he has studied the work of the Minnesota pastor Daniel Joseph of Corner fringe Ministries closely for over 3 years and numerous topics pertaining to apologetics. Fancying himself an apologist at heart, Erik carries a great passion for “equipping the sheep” of the Christian faith through education to defend their Faith, and for aiding the non-Christian in understanding the complex and numerous evidences that point to the reality of God and His Person in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and His Word as the Scripture of the Holy Bible. He has a deep interest in Christian philosophy, Biblical archaeology, and comparative studies, and for bridging denominational gaps through discussions of differences.

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    Scientific Arguments Against Darwin and Documentation of the Bigotry of Atheist Scientists Against Creationists and Christian Scientists - Erik Angus MacRae



    In this second volume, there will be a very great reliance on information pulled from creation ministries.

    We could liken the Ministry in this usage to a major outlet such asAmazon. Even if I may need 25 different items that I could find at 25 different sources, I know I can order all 25 from Amazon and receive them without leaving my own home which items it is relaying from 25 competent sellers. In the same way I know I can reference Creation Ministries on numerous issues of scientific debate, and if I cover 12 topics the original Creation Ministries document will be drawing from numerous citations of a very competent nature, in some cases hundreds, and I can freely review them when time more readily allows. It is a lengthy task for me to hunt all those citations down and insert them as footnotes in a Word Document in many cases, so it becomes simpler to trust that the avid reader, if he is looking to further investigate will visit the numerous Creation Ministries articles to extract its internal citations or watch the video and catch the quotations from the screen. Well, this is not to say I make no effort towards getting the original citations in the document at all, but I definitely am not going out of my way for it at this point- I do not have the free time. It is possible in the future I will change practices like this as I gain greater financial freedom and therefore more time to invest on such matters, but at this time this is the most I can do.



    Naturally, as my first works to be generally published, there will be some formatting inconsistencies here and there. I am not excessively trained yet in the ways of ensuring spaces between dividers, etc. are perfectly consistent in a uniform rule. Also, I could not afford a full-time proofreader at the time for the totality of the documents, so I had to rely on having a single sample proofread by full-time proofreaders[1] to get a general sense of how to improve my formatting. This led to conversion from the Arial font to the Times New Roman, a 2.0 spacing, in attempt to become more consistent with the MLA format. It also led to having a higher view to critique of my own books- I have scanned them each over about 2-3 times not only for spelling errors, but for needless repetitions, which is in fact my worst habit as a writer, and I am actively working always to curb it. There are two types of repetition that can occur in non-fiction writing: The first is the detrimental kind that I have sought to delete in every place, which is rambling. The second is the methodology of the paraphrase.

    A statement may be repeated with slightly different wording, or in a more idiomatic form, or expounded upon. Where this occurs, it is always the intent of the author to make sure their words were not misconstrued or falling short of a critical concept they wished to convey. Most of the repetitions I have left which are hopefully not many are of a rewording/paraphrase nature. I make them when I feel a sort of state of panic in a hunch that an urgent concept will be overlooked by the reader in a very in one end the ear and out of the other kind of way.

    The most important point is the goal and the mind behind the sequential presentation of quotations and documents of history and the like. We live in a society in the West that tends to receive only one narrative. The goal of these books is to counter-balance that narrative with the elements our public educators neglected to inform us of. These books are written very much in a sense of urgency as a response to the lack of education of our times in the history and recent developments of social atheism.


    As I was writing this book and drew increasingly near the publishing phase I became increasingly concerned that the atheist reader would feel targeted, in particular villainized, or even demonized. By in particular, I mean singled out. I wish to inform the reader coming from either an atheist or agnostic background that the purpose of this document was never to single you out. For sure there will be points in the three volume where my personal frustrations and anger comes out, on account of the one-sided narrative of our time and total suppression of some of the bloodiest parts of atheist history. I realized I was in danger of unintentionally pushing the atheist or agnostic far, far away from us, almost as if caricaturing them into this people group that was innately more evil and more sinful than any other human being. If I gave that sense I apologize, and let me be very clear in my words here: To me, social atheism is a very real problem, a very dangerous force and a very real evil, and for sure that is an opinion formed by an objective look at some very real evidence and occurrences of history. It is not simply an opinion of what I want to be true where a historical discourse with documented events that have really occurred are brought to the table. Also, since that history does exist and is recorded, it enables us somewhat, alongside atheistic tropes[i] viewed in the present represented in science fiction and the like to predict the future of organized atheism, a very bleak future indeed[ii].  [iii]However, the individual atheist or agnostic also remains to me, a human being made in the image of God, of intrinsic value and worth, a person who like me has a mind, a heart, a history and a future that is worthy of striving for.

    Though the greater part of debate between the two may be prone to a level of personal hatred on account of forbearances and tolerances that we often grow weary of, the Word of Christ has declared all human-beings to be sub-par in our morality. For it is the confession of the Christian that there is not one normal human being on earth who is good of himself, and we were taught to follow that thinking by words Christ said for our example, No one is good, but God. – it seems to me the moment I take my eyes off my own inclination to evil and hatred and assume myself good, I would quickly prove the very opposite- I have desperate need of the forgiveness of my savior every single day.

    In describing the relationship of the God of the Christian Bible and the atheist or agnostic those terms, atheist, agnostic become deceptive or redundant. It is not The relationship of the God of the Christian Bible and the atheist and agnostic but rather The relationship of the God of the Bible and the man or woman caught in sin. For actually, the self-professed Christian indulging himself in pornography in secret, for instance, or the Christian who seeks to daily sit in the seat of God in the hidden realm of his heart to fantasize about being the one who determines by the power of sword and bullet who lives and who dies, and the Christian who pretends they have no sin, no lawlessness or transgression- these are in the exact same boat as the self-professed atheist or agnostic, and no better[2]. Many of us have these problems. And every other human who broke a law of God, or denied His Will! The Bible therefore tells us we are all equally guilty before God, equally human, and in equal need of both saving and exposure to information that will aid that salvific process. The general root of all sin and alienation from God is defined in the Bible not as even all these, but hardness of heart- a calloused emotional disposition[3]. All humans are vulnerable to that.

    I fundamentally disagree that the conclusions of creedal atheistic documents, and creedal Christian documents[4] are the same when followed through properly however. I do profess a belief that the Christians who do evil things, myself included when I do evil things, misrepresent Christ and the Bible and cause Him to be blasphemed to our own condemnation[5]. But the atheist who follows through with heinous acts- does he truly misrepresent the Communist Manifesto and Origin of Species and their conclusions[6]? I would say, there is a difference here, when it comes to the creedal documents and ideology. I would not say the painful events, spoken about in these three volumes in many places, the dark and bloody ones of history represent a misrepresentation of the Manifesto and Darwin’s Origins in any way- but rather a fulfillment of them. That then, is a critical difference.

    Nevertheless, God’s heart towards the self-professed atheist or agnostic would be the exact same towards me if today I chose to indulge my own sinful nature. The picture of God in the Bible is like a man with a precious, beloved son or daughter – and that son or daughter has wandered off, and become lost in dark places. Or in another sense, the child was kidnapped and held at ransom and subjected to horrors by a most sinister band of men which band is a picture of the spirit of the world and of our modern age. The complicated part of the picture is that many years pass, and with enough abuse and seduction that sinister band is able to formulate God’s children into full-grown members of that band of kidnappers who do the exact same works. Thus, the identity of God’s children is stolen away, and buried under a bunch of foreign protocols and relationships with the captors.

    God faces then the challenge- His child whom He loves has become both a victim and abuser, simultaneously. His heart is on one side torn into pieces – He has been in agony from the separation from his beloved children, His creations whom He deeply loves. On another side, His own children have been working on account of deception to advance some of the most heinous acts and systems that causes them to endlessly abuse and degrade one another and to overexaggerate their own individual importance to the detriment of the equally beloved people around them, and He absolutely cannot allow those actions and systems to continue to remain. The sorrow, the pain, the anguish of the heart of God is then, unfathomable. But His love is manifested in this: When the spirit of the world, holding his children hostage demanded a ransom in the cost of blood, God’s love determined that He would deliver even His Unique Begotten Son to carve a path to receive back His children[7]. God’s heart towards all humans is the same. He does not see one human or people group as superior to another in terms of genealogy[8].  

    His love also of granting the freedom to choose, the very thing that differentiates us from a mindless robot with no choices still determined that only those willing could be saved[9]. And the value of the sacrifice of the perfect Son of God determined that the cost of returning to Him would be very high for the repenting soul- for a profession to become a follower of Christ is to die to the world, and the love of it, and the popularity, and fame, and public acceptance, to be hated, to be despised by people who were once your best friends and to understand the guarantee that you will face hardship and persecution and great sufferings and torments, and often not even in the moment understand why you are suffering, but only learn later.[10]

    What I the author of this book offer you the reader in this work is not necessarily then a condemnation, for I am no better than you[11]. Neither however do I offer you a false comfort to say that you are safe to remain the way you are. Nor do I offer you a deception that pain and suffering does not await you regardless of whatever choice you make in life[12], I do not believe that at all. What I offer you is truth, and a lot of information that has been withheld from you by the public-school systems of our day. The reason for charging for a book is merely the cost of the time invested in the research, and to free up more time to clarify other topics and find a way to bring the various messages I need to relay to the peoples in an efficient and speedy way. But I suppose charging for a book then also depicts the fact that Truth is precious, it is a treasure and it has value. I determined therefore to strive to put a low fee on these books, to make them more easily purchasable.[13] Nevertheless, let the atheist or agnostic reader know for certain that if anywhere my words hurt you personally, it is not my intent to make any of the information here a matter of personal accusation. There are moments where I accuse the system of atheism – that is not a private or personal accusation, but a corporate one on which most of my personal anger gets directed - at the system, not at the person. What personal anger remains left, when it does get directed to an actual individual and spark for example, aggressive and condemning texts, it will be found more on the heads of the movement. For example, Marx, Darwin, Lenin and men like that, and those who hear all the information like this yet retain a completely stubborn disposition. In the very least for someone who identifies as an atheist or agnostic who probably has never even heard some of the information in this book, it is unfair for me to be personally angry with them. Other times, anger or annoyance is aroused because of the diverse stumbling blocks that have been placed in Christian to Atheist discussions, the sheer number of things at work that are never spoken about openly by educated professors, for instance.

    If my words have hurt your heart any point however, know that it may be a good thing- there is a biblical expression which speaks to this saying, Faithful are the wounds of a friend but the seductive kisses of an enemy are deceitful (Proverbs 27:6) and what it is saying is that a true friend will not aid you in overestimating yourself and your own goodness. That does not mean they will break you down with a brutal self-serving criticism but gracefully, as one caring for you, they will seek to inform you of your own weaknesses you may not wish to confront or admit to. They look after your best interests and they speak up about your private problems because they know it will hurt both you and others, as the proverb goes hurt people hurt people.. By contrast, the enemy in that text referred to are those called your friends and your friendship circle who never once in graceful way speak to you about your personal flaws or their own. They are those who always espouse, You’re doing great!, We are right on track, everything is fine when it is not true. They are by external appearances a friend, and they may truly believe it in their own heart. But they are functionally an enemy by hindering your personal maturation and development into a more noble character. For the one who brings up the weaknesses of another though – ideally, they must do it in as graceful and compassionate and humble a way as possible. Brutal put-downs are only fitting for those who are so proud of heart, the only way to snap them out of the delusion of the sense they have of their own greatness and moral perfection is with a public humiliation.

    Of course, not all readers will be atheists or agnostics. My word to the reader is this: Regardless of your background, may Yehovah the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have compassion upon you and bless you, and turn His face towards you and seek You, and may you seek Him if only you would hear His Voice of Words and Commands, through the healing Word of Jesus Messiah the Son of the Most High.


    When handling either showing evidences that weaken the evolutionary report, or strengthen the biblical report, or citing a claim of the evolutionary community attacking some kind of biblical narrative, I found that all these featured thousands upon thousands of examples. In terms of individual pieces of evidence and individual arguments stemming from a piece of evidence I would have had, probably, over 5000 case studies to sift through for each of those possible categories which would have made Point and Counter-point debates surrounding discussions of Darwinian Evolution a complete nightmare. The end result would have been countless thousands upon thousands of hours of research sifting through informational reports which in many ways are repetitive. The reason they are repetitive is because the general format is often the same, following some kind of preset. For instance, if an evolutionist document cited some kind of amphibian fossil, and another a fossilized shell of some deep-sea creature, and still another a winged creature of some particular appearance, the general format and usage of the presentation would be very similar – Description with narrative, particulars, repetition of the general methodology of presuppositions, etc. If I can inform the reader on the core points and core weaknesses of the general form of the arguments with some particular champion examples, I can save a lot of time for all of us. If a huge list of particulars is desired, the general resource of Creation Ministries is open to all. All the debates of the scientific community can be found here at the Creation Ministries YouTube[14] channel and at their website[15].


    From Volume 1 To Volume 2

    Previously in the first volume of the series, we described the system of Darwinian evolution, and in a very brief format the links between Darwinism and Marxism as conglomerates of organized atheism, we defined the concept of Darwinian evolution to be in particular evolution by means of natural selection, and we detailed how shortly after a wholesale adoption of Darwinian belief in places where Sola Scriptura Christianity’s influence was weaker, namely Germany, the result was horrific massacres and murders, brutal human experimentation and the collection of human remains and violating of gravesites for the purpose of a culture of evolutionary paraphernalia purposed in a perpetual propagation of the teachings of Charles Darwin. In a very real way, the first volume covered the conspiracy of a usurpation of the scientific community and a history of massacre in the Darwinian movement. The second will cover some of the chief evidences and arguments from evidence, and also expose a culture of bigotry that this particular form of atheism has brought into the scientific community.

    Afterall, if Darwinism were merely true, then those horrors would be mere history and not real tragedies. The harsh reality is, if Darwinism were true, life and death alike have no meaning, no ultimate destiny, no resurrection

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