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Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners: Gluten-Free Cookbooks, #1
Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners: Gluten-Free Cookbooks, #1
Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners: Gluten-Free Cookbooks, #1
Ebook92 pages27 minutes

Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners: Gluten-Free Cookbooks, #1

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Gluten-Free Diet Lifestyle Made Easy, Exciting and Fun!


  • Discover how much variety you can ENJOY on a gluten-free diet so that you never feel deprived again.
  • Your guide to eating healthy and gluten-free while keeping your taste buds satisfied!

Do you think that gluten-free diets are boring, complicated or confusing?

Not too sure where to start your transition?

Would you like to learn how to eat a healthy, gluten-free diet and make it:

  • Doable
  • Fun
  • Inexpensive
  • Full of variety and taste
  • Family friendly
  • Quick and easy (your time is valuable)

If so, read on. The solution is just in front of you!

You see, a gluten-free diet is actually really simple!

The problem is the conflicting information that many health gurus preach. Do you really have time for endless research and contradictory advice? Or would you rather get a simple blueprint to stick to so that you can spend your time doing what you love and taking care of your health in a practical way that works?

"Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners" is a practical step-by-step guide written for modern families.

Here's a short preview of what I want to share with you so that you can finally create a healthy lifestyle without feeling bored, deprived or stressed out:

  • What is gluten and why is it a health threat?
  • Benefits of a gluten-free lifestyle
  • Getting started made painless
  • Gluten-free blueprint: Learn exactly which foods to avoid
  • Healthy substitutes on a budget: You don't need to forget about your favorite recipes, all you need to do is to learn how to replace gluten-containing foods with other, gluten-free ingredients
  • How to lose weight on a gluten-free diet: Unlock the power of alkaline foods
  • Simple tricks to stay motivated and transform your lifestyle
  • Gluten-free cooking mastery: How to conjure up amazingly healthy and tasty gluten-free breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts and snacks


To make it simple. A gluten-free lifestyle means energy.

Energy is life. No pain, improved health and increased quality of life.

Every goal you set is twice as likely to be reached if you're living with energy instead of fatigue, allergy and disease. Take meaningful action today and give your body what it needs! Go gluten-free without feeling deprived.

PublisherKira Novac
Release dateJul 29, 2015
Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners: Gluten-Free Cookbooks, #1

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    Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners - Kira Novac


    It seems as though a new fad diet hits the newsstands every couple of weeks. Some celebrity is always coming out with a new secret to staying skinny and nutritionists debate the merits of the most recent cleanse or detox. The gluten-free diet is by no means new, but it has become newly popularized over the last decade or so. Many people switch to this diet under the misguided impression that it will help them to magically lose weight while others simply make the switch to follow the latest trend. Before you switch to the popular gluten-free diet, you should take a moment to learn the basics about this diet including its benefits, risks, and what exactly the diet entails.

    My name is Kira and I am a 35-year-old mother of one.  A few years ago, my son was diagnosed with celiac (also called celiac sprue) disease and, while the diagnosis came as a bit of a shock, I am glad to finally have an answer to my son’s health problems. When my son was diagnosed I made the decision to not only provide him with the gluten-free diet he needed, but to create a healthy lifestyle for myself and my entire family. We have never really been a fast food family, but I am ashamed to admit that frozen dinners and take-out appeared on our weekly menu more often than they should have. Now, however, I am committed to cooking for my family several times a week and we have all made the switch to the gluten-free diet for the benefit of my son.

    While this type of diet is not some magical weight loss pill, it does have a number of benefits even for people without celiac disease and those without gluten sensitivities. Many people suffer from a condition called gluten intolerance and they do not even realize it - switching to the gluten-free diet can completely transform their lives. Removing gluten from your diet can help to improve and regulate your digestion and it may provide relief from mood disorders and problems with concentration. Each person reacts to the gluten-free diet differently, but I am a firm believer that it can be a useful tool if you want to improve your health and transform your life.

    Committing to the gluten-free diet is not easy and it isn’t a decision you should take lightly. If you are thinking about making the switch it is my hope that this book will provide you with the information you need in order to make a well-informed decision. If you do decide that the gluten-free diet is right for you, you will find a collection of delicious recipes in this book that I have created for my family and am now sharing with you. Try a few recipes to see how you like them and you might be surprised just how easy it is to switch to the gluten-free diet.

    If you are ready to learn more about this diet and how it can benefit you, turn the page and keep reading!

    About the Gluten-Free Diet

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