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Eternal Shadow: The Urban Fae Series
Eternal Shadow: The Urban Fae Series
Eternal Shadow: The Urban Fae Series
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Eternal Shadow: The Urban Fae Series

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In the shadows of New Orleans there are no good guys

I never imagined my search for momma would reveal such dangerous secrets.

Setting out with a voo-doo priest and my bestie I hunt for the devil. But my mission is derailed when I stumble upon a house of missing shadows.

I'm sure the devil stole them. Possession of Shadows taken from others will give him more power. Making him nearly impossible to kill,

Things get more complicated as more missing Shadows go on the rise. Not only do I have to find momma I have to find her shadow too.

Failure to find momma could mean death to her and infinite power to the devil.

Because, while this town is riddled with secrets, momma might have the biggest secret of them all.

Can I find the missing shadows and use them to set momma free?

Release dateDec 20, 2020
Eternal Shadow: The Urban Fae Series

R.L. Wilson

From early life R.L. started writing short stories. Raised on Star Trek, E. T. and Ghost Busters, she found herself infatuated with imagination. Her writing is influenced by many, with J. K. Rowling being the most influential. When she is not writing or plotting her next book, she spends time with her husband, three children and two cats.

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    Book preview

    Eternal Shadow - R.L. Wilson


    Normally, I’m not afraid of the dark. But in the South the night skies become pitch black. The street lights are few and far between. Just like the houses.

    Not that I can’t defend myself—I can. However, I’m walking alone down a dirt road in an unfamiliar territory. I don’t look dangerous; I’m a small-framed girl. Wearing comfortable flip-flops and stretchy shorts. No visible weapons. No obvious aura of magic. You wouldn’t know I’m supernatural.

    The clack of my steps hit the pavement as I trot down the street. Night has fallen upon me as I make my way to Momma’s from the gas station. I had the sudden craving for ice cream, but they didn’t have butter pecan. Mainly, I need to clear my head. A short walk always does me good.

    My arms and legs ache, covered with scratches and small bruises. It won’t stop me from searching for Momma.

    The stuffiness never stops here. It’s humid still, but not unbearable. The brush of the grass and sting of mosquitos licking at my shins make me hurry. The scent of the summer’s fresh-cut grass and blooming flowers reminds me of Southern living. We never get the aroma of flowers in Night Heights.

    I picture Momma’s face, remembering her smile. She must be terrified. I will bring her home.

    The sound of footsteps behind me puts me on alert. I’m too nervous to turn around and look. Is it an animal, or two people? I pick up the pace, staring straight ahead. I’m ready to whip out my magic.

    Kato told me I needed to be careful. He’d be pissed if he knew I was out by myself.

    Harsh whispers drift through the air. It’s not an animal behind me. The tenor voices of men are a dagger to my soul, making my mouth go dry as I try to stay calm. If it’s two men, I can take them if they’re not supernatural.

    My breathing increases, then I see a flash of bright lights up ahead. It’s a car barreling down the road. Should I flag them down?

    The car gets closer and I view a man with electric blue hair. His face is pasty and he glares at me. I inch closer to the car. He continues going, after showing his fangs. Another blood-sucking vampire.

    I’ve got to get home. Only two blocks to go. I don’t have time for this shit. I’ve got bigger things on my mind. If they’re trying to sneak up on me, they’re doing a terrible job. One of them must be heavier; his breathing is loud and rough.

    Morgan must be worried, but I’ll be home in a minute. Once I get these wannabe stalkers off my ass.

    I take a swift right at the corner to make sure they are indeed following me. For a few seconds, there are no footsteps. I wipe the sweat from my brow. They’re gone. I thought they were trouble.

    As soon as my heart rate decreases, the footsteps sound again. It’s best to get prepared. These fuckers want a problem. I’ll be just the one to give it to them. As long as my magic works.

    They have a slight advantage over me. Not just because they are men. They know the city better than I do; I can’t make any more turns or else I’ll be lost and unable to get back to Momma’s house.

    I move from a street with an occasional streetlight to one with a flickering dim light several hundred feet ahead. I blink and keep moving. I need to reach the light. Then, I will turn around and unleash my magic. Right now the night consumes most of my vision. No point in fighting the darkness.

    It’s clear to me they are not professionals. If Prentiss had sent them to hunt me, I wouldn’t hear them coming. This is the perfect time to attack: while I’m visually impaired by the night.

    The suspense is killing me. I spin around and they have the same faces. Twins, I suppose; their hair is the same electric blue as the guy who passed me in the car. Their faces match too.

    Get her.

    I spring into a run without a destination. I’m lost, but I can’t stop now. My feet are heavy, and the footsteps get closer. I run faster, darting my gaze from left to right. I notice a dark alley up ahead.

    I duck off into the alley. The darkness will protect me. They won’t be able to see me. Once they get here searching for me, I’ll unleash a bolt of hot magic.

    Hiding behind a garbage can with sweat racing down my face, my heart beats like a drum. This town has too many clones. They tiptoe past the garbage can and I hold my breath, not wanting to make a peep.

    One is fading. His body is a shell of the other twin. The other one is more substantial. He’s the leader as the spirit twin follows.

    I inch back toward the wall as a rattle sounds out. I cover my mouth and glance over at the garbage can. I knocked the top off.

    The footsteps come my way. I ignore my fears and dip into my magic. The garbage can scrapes against the gravel. As soon as they expose my body, I unleash magic balls one after another. The solid one goes flying across the alley.

    I pause, preparing to release more fire at the other. My hands tremble. If he comes any closer, he’s toast. He darts his gaze from me to his twin and then runs off.

    I exhale. Shit, they nearly got me.

    Chapter One

    Iknew the day I met him he’d be trouble. A hothead is what Andrea calls him. He is one tough-ass trainer, for sure. He’s supposed to be teaching me how to use my magic. Not that I don’t know how. I’m just rusty at the skills I have used. Some of my magic I have yet to tap into, but I’m a quick learner. Still, this is not going as planned.

    This gym is scorching hot, like a sauna. My body glistens with sweat dripping to the floor. My sunburned skin is chapped and peeling. I have been training for two hours. I can’t take much more. He’s like a drill sergeant. He needs to ease up a little.

    Concentrate! Chris yells as he throws another fire ball toward my head.

    My heart rate increases as I duck and roll across the mat and then onto the wooden floor. Balls of magic slam against the brick wall. My bones ache with agony. I lie there for a second, knowing I have to find some energy. Get up and fight, I keep telling myself.

    Next time, can you give me a heads-up? I growl.

    The enemy won’t when he’s unleashing his wrath on you. Be prepared; now concentrate.

    He’s taking too much pride in this job. I have to go against Prentiss, to get my Momma back. It’s dangerous, but this training will kill me before the war.


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