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One Stormy Night: Her Journey, #1
One Stormy Night: Her Journey, #1
One Stormy Night: Her Journey, #1
Ebook262 pages204 hours

One Stormy Night: Her Journey, #1

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Stranded on an island with the very person she was trying to escape...


The plan was easy: quit working for her overly demanding, overly ambitious, annoyingly handsome boss and launch her own career.


Before she can tell her boss to take his job and shove it, Charlie Middleton loses her dear aunt, and inherits her treasured Scottish cottage. Devastated, Charlie jet-sets across the Atlantic to a remote island off the Scottish coast, seeking to clear her mind and fortify her resolve to take charge of her future.


Lachlan Hart, tech genius and founder of a multi-million-dollar artificial intelligence company, discovers his reliable assistant has abruptly resigned. Feeling abandoned and lost without the woman who kept his life running like a well-oiled machine, he chases after her to bring her back.


When he arrives in the island village, Charlie is outraged at the invasion of her privacy and disgusted by his lack of boundaries. But amid a heated argument, they miss the last ferry off the island, stranding them in the storm of the century. Seeking shelter in the crumbling cottage, Charlie and Lachlan fight for survival, while wrestling a surge of newfound attraction.


Battling an onslaught of wind, rain, and rising storm surge, Charlie and Lachlan find the piece of themselves they'd lost—in each other. 


If you like Robyn Carr, Kendra Elliot, and Barbara O'Neal, you'll love this story of one woman's journey to find herself... and love.


"A raging storm sparks an unexpected romance." – Publisher's Weekly

Release dateMar 16, 2021
One Stormy Night: Her Journey, #1

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    Book preview

    One Stormy Night - Sofia Sawyer


    "He’s so hot."

    The things I’d do to him.

    Hiding in the far corner of the break room, Charlie Middleton hunched over her snack as the two women from marketing shared their explicit fantasies shamelessly without a care in the world as to who overheard. Charlie cringed as their high-pitched giggles reverberated against the walls of the near-empty room.

    Jada bit her bottom lip as she stared at the TV mounted on the wall. "He’s starred in at least a dozen of my dreams. Wet ones."

    Charlie tried to take a bite of her coveted yogurt, which had lost its allure thanks to the X-rated conversation a few tables over. After hearing bits and pieces of those wet dreams, Charlie stared at thick white goop on her spoon, unable to stomach it.

    He was Lachlan Hart, their CEO, the founder of MindThrive AI—an extremely successful artificial intelligence and machine learning tech company.

    Charlie sighed and frowned, accidently catching the eye of one of the women. Ducking her head, she sank farther in her seat until she was nearly half under the table. Finding a brief break in her insane schedule was a luxury she rarely got, so she hoped the fleeting eye-lock didn’t cause the women to include her in their chatter. All she wanted was ten measly minutes to herself without anyone needing something from her. Just ten blissful moments of silence.

    No such luck.

    Oh, Charlie! Noelle called out.

    Charlie reluctantly sat up and gave a tight smile, now wishing she had stayed at her desk like usual. Why she thought a field trip to the community break room would be a good idea was beyond her.

    It will be healthy to get away from your desk, she had argued with herself. A change of scenery is just what you need.

    She snorted at the thought. Yeah, right.

    As much as she loved the airy, sleek spaces of the office’s industrial-modern open floor plan, it was impossible to take an uninterrupted breather. Maybe Noelle would make it quick, and she could go back to her snack in peace.

    Her stomach turned. Maybe not.

    What’s it like to work for Lachlan? Noelle pressed without waiting for Charlie to acknowledge her.

    Noelle twirled a section of silky blond hair around her finger, the look on her face one of wistful lust. It was a look Charlie had become accustomed to seeing whenever her boss was brought up in conversation.

    Or was in a woman’s presence.

    Or some men’s, for that matter.

    Lachlan Hart was a man of many people’s dreams. If only they knew him like she did. They’d steer clear.

    Jada chimed in. What Noelle means is how do you not give in to the urge to rip his clothes off? Raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, she added, Or have you already?

    Both women leaned forward expectantly, waiting for the juicy gossip.

    Charlie tried not to roll her eyes while she straightened and raised her chin higher. Placing her yogurt on the table, she cleared her throat in preparation to give her practiced speech, one she perfected throughout the last three years she’d worked for Lachlan. She sucked in a deep breath, ready to rattle it off as quickly as she could.

    He’s a generous man, she started in a poised, professional voice.

    When he wasn’t working so relentlessly and took a second to see what was around him.

    So ambitious. Clearly dedicated to his work. I’ve learned a lot from him.

    Whether I wanted to learn or not. Through the long hours, constant demands, and high expectations, she had to step it up. For many, working for tech genius Lachlan Hart was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For her, it was soul-sucking, exhausting work that left her with no energy to focus on her own life.

    "And although I have to agree he is very easy on the eyes—the comment made the women giggle again—he’s been nothing but a professional. A wonderful boss."

    Well, the good-looking and ambitious parts were true. Everything else was a bit of a stretch. Lachlan had worked her hard over the years, and although it was tough, it at least opened doors for her.

    Doors she intended on taking.

    It was time she got her life back. After years of catering to Lachlan, putting him before herself, she was taking a stand.

    Noelle looked like she had sucked on a lemon, and Jada was scrolling on her phone, no longer listening. The women were clearly disappointed by her prudish response. Bored with her, they went back to their own discussion, ignoring Charlie again.

    She breathed out a sigh of relief, glad she’d shut that down so quickly. It might have been a record. But before she had a chance to pick up her unappetizing lunch again, her phone dinged with a text.

    Lachlan Hart: Reschedule our noon meeting. Have driver take me to the new address. Check email.

    Charlie snapped her head toward the flat-screen TV. Lachlan was in deep discussion with a CNN interviewer, explaining how MindThrive’s artificial intelligence worked.

    This is live, isn’t it? she asked.

    Yup. But I’m recording it at home. You know, just in case I need some inspiration on those lonely nights. Noelle winked unabashedly.

    Charlie’s eyebrows furrowed. She turned back to the screen, finding Lachlan’s piercing cerulean eyes staring at her with the same intensity that always made her feel like she didn’t measure up. She tried not to squirm under their scrutiny and failed.

    How does he do that? And didn’t they tell him to never look directly at the camera?

    She made a call to his driver and texted him a confirmation.

    Lachlan Hart: Thank you.

    She looked to the TV again where he was giving a demo of their new product features coming out next month. No phone in sight.

    Seriously, how does he do that?

    Hey, girl. Devonny Mercado, Charlie’s friend from college, current roommate, and MindThrive’s human resources manager, strolled into the break room.

    Noelle and Jada’s chatter stopped abruptly as they eyed Devonny. Without hesitation, they stood and scurried out of the room, their designer heels clicking on the polished concrete floor.

    Devonny made a face, tossed her thick black hair over her shoulder, and took a seat at the table. Let me guess. They were objectifying our fearless leader again. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes with the kind of attitude only she could pull off.

    Charlie smiled at her friend’s ability to cut through the bullshit. It was one of the reasons Charlie was so drawn to her during their first year at NYU. Devonny was her own woman: intelligent, independent, inspiring, and fierce. She was a strong woman in Charlie’s corner, which proved helpful when she moved to New York for college after growing up in quaint Savannah, Georgia.

    Culture shock was an understatement, but Devonny always had her back.

    Would you expect anything else?

    It’s insane how women fall at his feet. Devonny shook her head, her thick waves bouncing with the movement. "If more women took time to focus on themselves and their careers rather than daydream about someone so unattainable, maybe the world would be a better place."

    Devonny was a feminist, dreaming of a world run by powerful women. Of course, that dream deflated whenever she witnessed things like that.

    You mean Mr. Personality? What’s not to like? Charlie deadpanned, causing them both to laugh, knowing full well the ins and outs of working closely with Lachlan.

    Charlie often wondered if being a bit eccentric was a requirement for becoming a rich tech genius. Lachlan was definitely particular. There’d been many times when she was tempted to muss his perfect dark hair—always pushed back and parted on the side in that stylish way featured in men’s upscale fashion magazines—loosen up his tie, and tell him to get over himself.

    It wasn’t that Lachlan was self-absorbed or cruel, per se, but he did everything with precision. His communication style, both in-person and digitally, was short and concise. And although he often rubbed elbows with people in the tech community, he kept a cool distance, never giving away too much of himself. Somehow, he’d managed to stay out of the spotlight unless it specifically dealt with the company he built with his partner, Matteo Maggio. He rarely got personal. Matteo truly was the only one who knew him.

    To everyone else, he remained a mystery. Even the women who occasionally escorted him to events were kept at arm’s length. His aloofness—and to be honest, his bank account—made him a sought-after bachelor. They wanted to be the special one who was brought into the fold. Yet he stayed unattached. A lone wolf.

    Charlie had worked for him for three long years, filled with early mornings, late nights, and plenty of weekends. She’d assumed spending that much time with someone would allow her to learn something about that person.

    Not when it came to Lachlan Hart.

    If she could describe him best, he was a robot. A beautiful, brilliant robot. Expressionless and efficient.

    In fact, Charlie wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him smile. Sure, he’d share a polite grin here or there. But a full-blown, reach-his-eyes smile was not something that fit in Lachlan’s world. He was a serious man, hyperfocused on his work, and he had the success to show for it.

    I bet you’re excited to give your official resignation. Devonny’s Cheshire cat grin reminded Charlie of the big step she was about to take.

    She crinkled her nose. He canceled on me. Asked me to push our meeting.

    What? Oh no, girl. You better get back on that schedule pronto. You know how he is.

    You’re right. And as ruler of his calendar… Charlie pulled up his schedule on her phone and scrolled through. I’ll make a few adjustments to his afternoon. He can’t avoid this conversation no matter how hard he tries. She made a couple of clicks and confirmed it.

    Good. The more time he has to sit with this, the better. I’ve spent the past two weeks scouting potential replacements, although you know no one will come close to you. She winked.

    Charlie blushed. I’m not that great.

    Are you kidding? You’re the first assistant who’s lasted this long. He’s either scared them off or asked them to be removed because they practically sexually assaulted him. She gave a dry laugh. I think the record before you was nearly a year. Lachlan is as precise as he is demanding. You cracked his code somehow—pun not intended—and found a way to give him what he needs, all without losing your damn mind in the process.

    Charlie pointed to her head. Do you see these grays? That’s from him.

    Devonny chuckled and stood to leave. Even if you did have grays, it’s not going to show up in that gorgeous red hair of yours. Anyway, keep me posted.

    Charlie’s phone buzzed again, alerting her that the CNN interview was over and Lachlan was now on his crazy spree of requests. She scrolled through several messages and sighed. What he needed from her would lead well into the night.

    Guess I have to cancel the first date I’ve had in a while. She sank in her chair and frowned.

    Devonny squeezed her shoulder. In a month, when you’re kicking ass at the UX bootcamp, things will be different. You’ll have your life back and all the time in the world to go on dates. Or do anything, for that matter.

    I hope you’re right. Because quitting Lachlan Hart may be my hardest challenge yet.

    Charlie took a cleansing breath as Lachlan stepped out of the sleek black town car onto the bustling sidewalk in SoHo. People parted like the Red Sea as he walked purposefully to the front doors of a beautiful sixteen-story structure from the 1920s that still possessed the charm from that time but was now home to MindThrive’s high-tech renovations of the future.

    She had heard him once tell an investor how he liked the symbolism of the building: pushing forward while still remembering where you came from. Melding old with new. Lachlan rarely revealed much about himself as he had in that brief conversation. It had almost made him seem a little more normal. Relatable. Accessible. She had held on to that memory during their more trying times.

    People were quick to step aside and let him by, allowing him to push through the revolving door. He was a force of nature. Yet no matter how smart he was, he was oblivious to the orbit around him.

    Lachlan’s footsteps echoed off the lobby’s polished floors, and he brushed by Charlie—waiting for him as always—at the elevator bank. Charlie hadn’t expected a warm greeting. If Lachlan was one thing, it was focused, sometimes to the point where he could completely shut out the world around him. She learned not to take offense when he barely acknowledged her.

    Kind of.

    She had worked hard over the years to be efficient, meeting his high expectations in a way he’d found invaluable. Or so he’d told her once in passing. Out of all the assistants he’d had, Charlie had found a way to blend into his life seamlessly, anticipating his needs before he had to ask, which was probably how she had survived in the role for as long as she had.


    Perfectly reliable. Always there.

    He punched the button to the sixteenth floor and then jammed the close button. Charlie hopped in just before the doors could smush her in the process. She straightened her pencil skirt, trying not to show her annoyance, and used the short ride to get him up to speed on what he missed while he was out.

    A knot formed in her stomach as she thought about her resignation. Only a few more minutes—when they were in the privacy of his office—and she’d finally tell him she was moving on. How he’d react was anyone’s guess, if he reacted at all.

    She swallowed a lump in her throat and pushed back a strand of her hair that had fallen loose from her usual tight bun. The VC firm’s legal department sent over paper work for review.

    Have Sue from legal look it over. He stared straight ahead at the closed doors.

    Already sent to her. She checked something off one of her many to-do lists she lived and died by. "The New York Times reached out about doing a spotlight piece on you."

    He cringed.

    I asked them to send the questions over. I’ll have PR respond and send headshot options, she said without missing a beat.

    Good, he said, his voice a steady monotone.

    Someone from Monmouth Beach Elementary School called to see if you’d come in and speak to the students about careers in STEM. She looked up with furrowed eyebrows. Monmouth Beach sounds familiar. Isn’t that your hometown?

    He paused and shot a quick glance at her. It is.

    Charlie shook her head and looked at her to-do list again. I told the woman your schedule won’t allow it. And it won’t. I updated your calendar this afternoon and blocked off time to prep for the US Air Force deal in a couple weeks. You also have a meeting with the heads of R&D tomorrow morning. They’re concerned about the timing for the new feature rollout.

    The elevator dinged and opened to the top floor. They stepped off and took a shortcut through the winding pathways between desks, conference rooms, and collaboration spaces. Some people ducked their heads as they saw them coming, pretending to be model employees. A few women poked their heads out of their cubicles and sneaked a glance as Lachlan walked by. He ignored them and headed straight to his office.

    Charlie followed, trying to keep up with his long strides. She’d been busy today, and although it was nearly five, there still was a ton to do.

    Thanks to him.

    But none of that would matter if she could just tell him she was done.

    Finished. Over. Gone.

    They reached her desk that sat outside his office, a large space with walls made entirely of glass. She picked up a cup of black coffee and handed it to him. A year ago, she’d mastered timing it so it was hot without being scalding. He’d never said he appreciated it, but the faint smile on his lips as he took that first sip told her he did.


    He murmured a thanks and entered his office. She slipped the resignation letter off her desk as she followed, letting him settle in before she bombarded him with the news. Taking a seat, Lachlan scanned the color-coded paper work laid out on his desk. It was Charlie’s system, organized in the order of importance.

    I finished most of the things you needed to be done from me today. I still have a couple hours left. Anything you want me to prioritize over another?

    He took a sip of his coffee and pinched the bridge of his nose, his tell when he had a tension headache coming on, which didn’t bode well for her. She sucked in a breath, the paper shaking slightly in her hands.

    Doesn’t matter. Just get it all done today.

    Charlie pressed her lips together, and her cheeks flushed. Mr. Hart. Her voice shook. She cleared her throat, trying to gather the confidence she needed to face him. There’s something I want to discuss with you.

    He exhaled and rubbed his forehead, not bothering to meet her eyes. Can it wait, Charlie?

    Actually, it can’t— she responded, now distracted by her ringing desk phone. Hold on a sec. She made it to her desk in two strides and snatched up the phone. Mr. Hart’s office.

    Charlie. Her mother’s voice was filled with heartbreak, making the hair on Charlie’s neck stand up.

    She peered over her shoulder to see if Lachlan was listening. Is everything okay? What’s going on? she asked in a frantic whisper.

    It’s Aunt Violet. She’s…she passed away this morning.

    The resignation letter slipped from Charlie’s fingers. She shook her head, tears filling her eyes. What? The question came out as a harsh croak. How?

    "A blood clot. We never saw it coming. Vi said she felt under the weather last night. I offered to take her to the doctor after work today if she still felt

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