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Pro Tools For Breakfast: Get Started Guide For The Most Used Software In Recording Studios: Stefano Tumiati, #2
Pro Tools For Breakfast: Get Started Guide For The Most Used Software In Recording Studios: Stefano Tumiati, #2
Pro Tools For Breakfast: Get Started Guide For The Most Used Software In Recording Studios: Stefano Tumiati, #2
Ebook236 pages2 hours

Pro Tools For Breakfast: Get Started Guide For The Most Used Software In Recording Studios: Stefano Tumiati, #2

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About this ebook

Pro Tools For Breakfast: learn to use the software that has become a standard in recording studios!

The preface is written by Matteo Cantaluppi, musical producer for Francesco Gabbani, Thegiornalisti, Le Vibrazioni, Dente, Dimartino, Fast Animals and Slow Kids, Ex Otago, Arisa, Bugo, Canova


This is intended to be an introductory guide to the software Pro Tools, used in recording studios for recording, editing, mixing and mastering. Each function is explained step by step in order to guide you in the Pro Tools studio. In this way you will be able to recording and produce music in a professional recording studio or in your home studio.


Breakfast is the first meal of the day, the most important one. This guide intends to be only the first step towards the full knowledge of Pro Tools, the most used software in recording studios. Everything is explained and organized according to the teaching experience of Stefano Tumiati, Pro Tools teacher at the schoolNAM, in Milan since 2016 and AVID certified user of Pro Tools.


This book it's full of Tip & Tricks, useful on how to move quickly in Pro Tools and fully exploit its potential. You will see what are the most used and useful settings for correct use both in production and mixing.


Today the audio production it's onlydigital, it's useful to know a sequencer (a software for digital audio) like Pro Tools for produce your demo, podcast, base, audiobook, songs, ... In the audio production process there are many things to do: pre-production, the recording process, editing, mixing, mastering, ... To be autonomous, therefore, you need to know the work flow of your sequencer well and how best to manage it.


The main topics you will find in Pro Tools For Breakfast are:

  • Introduction to Pro Tools
  • Create a session
  • Recording
  • Editing
  • Session management
  • MIDI
  • Mixing


Release dateFeb 19, 2021
Pro Tools For Breakfast: Get Started Guide For The Most Used Software In Recording Studios: Stefano Tumiati, #2

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    Book preview

    Pro Tools For Breakfast - Stefano Tumiati

    Pro Tools For Breakfast

    Get Started Guide for the most used software

    in recording studios

    Stefano Tumiati


    Please note, that the copy of the book you purchased is strictly personal and that Stefano Tumiati is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property of the educational material made available in this book.

    Names and trademarks mentioned in the text are generally deposited or registered in the respective manufacturers and are referred exclusively for educational purposes.

    This book does not intend in no way to replace official manuals but rather to express the various concepts through one's own educational experience.

    The total or partial reproduction, even if in the form of reworking of parts of the elements making up this text, as protected by law, is prohibited.

    It is forbidden to use the texts for the academic courses without prior notice via e-mail to [email protected] and subsequent approval.

    Any violation will be punished according to copyright law

    Breakfast is the first meal of the day,         the most important one.

    This guide intends to be only the first step towards the full knowledge of Pro Tools, the most used software in recording studios.

    Table of Contents

    Preface by Matteo Cantaluppi

    Book Presentation

    1 – Software Introduction

    Digital Audio Fundamentals

    Pro Tools: what is it and what is it used for

    Available Versions

    2 – First Steps

    Creating a session

    The Session Folders

    Setting Buffer Size and Playback Engine

    The Main Windows: Edit and Mix

    Track Sections

    Track types

    3 – Recording and Importing

    Recording a musical instrument


    Importing audio

    Setting the Click

    The 4 recording methods

    4 - Editing

    The Edit Tools

    Editing and Loop commands

    The 4 Edit window working methods

    Setting the grid

    Fade and Crossfade

    Undo and Redo

    Tab to Transients

    The Nudge

    Setting a track in a grid with click

    Clip groups

    Lock Clip

    Strip Silence

    Drums Manual Editing

    Drum editing with the Beat Detective

    Elastic Audio

    5 – Session Management

    Rename, organise e colour tracks

    Setting the main scale

    The Rulers

    Display settings and Zoom


    Hide/Show and Make Inactive/Active

    Scrolling Options

    Pre and Post Roll

    The Markers

    Saving Parameters

    Backup Sessions

    I/O Setup

    Export and Import  I/O Settings

    6 – The MIDI

    What is MIDI?

    Hardware interface

    Recording MIDI

    MIDI Controls

    Editing MIDI

    Event Operations

    The Virtual Instruments of Pro Tools

    7 – Learning to Mix

    The Inserts




    The Bus


    Managing an effect with a Bus

    Tracks Group

    Use of groups and VCA tracks

    The Automations

    Reading the meters

    Export parameters

    Freeze, Commit and Bounce Track

    8 – Some Useful Rules

    9 – Useful Resources

    Preface by Matteo Cantaluppi

    DURING THE YEAR 2000, when I was just a little more than twenty years old guy coming from the province, I set foot in one of the most important recording studios in Milan. I found myself facing one of the most significant transition periods in the history of recorded music.  The transition was from linear and destructive recording on tape, analogueical or digital, to random access acquisition on magnetic media.  I had just finished my studies as a sound technician, and many teachers spoke to us about recording on hard disk via computer as something still unreliable for making high-level productions.  Besides, the hours of theoretical and practical lessons about these systems were few, very few.

    So, when I had my first interview to become a study assistant, I was not very familiar with these systems.  I knew better the 24-track analogueue tape recorders on 2-inch tape.  I was frightened by my lack of preparation, and I was aware of the transition, so I didn't have much of choice: I had to get at it, alone and study Pro Tools in full depth, at the time of Digidesign.  I found myself in this great direction, with a 56-channel bank, an analogueue tape recorder synchronized with an 8-track digital (always on tape) and a shy, expensive, Pro Tools Mix Plus system with an 888 and an 882 interface.  The software was at version 5. In parallel, the world of home recording was moving from the classic MIDI systems with Adat recorders to the Digidesign Mbox and Digi 001 cards, starting a vital path which is still growing.

    I accepted the challenge, and forcefully entered the world of Digidesign, which later became Avid.  It was like having a colossal sampler with infinite possibilities. 20 years have passed, I still use Pro Tools almost daily, which in the meantime has evolved, improved MIDI implementations, increased the number of audio tracks, has been enhanced regarding native systems, and updated the user interface.  I think it's still the most reliable, stable and intuitive software in existence.  Every professional recording studio I have been to has Pro Tools as its core system.

    In the meantime, the whole world of production was moving to this platform, marking a point of no return.  Today it would seem impossible to record a modern album entirely on a tape recorder.  As has often happened in history, the music itself has changed thanks to technology, becoming part of the creative process.

    Thanks to this text, fully in English, you will be granted access to a world made of copy, paste, move and rebuild, and you will be followed step by step.  You will understand how to set the performance of a drummer in time, or how to change the key of a choir.  Small tricks will be revealed to you to speed up your work, and you will learn the keyboard shortcuts.  If you want to become a master of audio, read this manual!

    Matteo Cantaluppi

    Musical producer

    Francesco Gabbani, Thegiornalisti, Le Vibrazioni,

    Dente, Dimartino, Fast Animals and Slow Kids,

    Ex Otago, Arisa, Bugo, Canova.

    Book Presentation

    PRO TOOLS IS A SOFTWARE with a lot of potential and features.  For passion and for work, I wanted to deepen my knowledge about this sequencer by obtaining the official certifications Avid 101 and 110. During my teaching career at the NAM in Milan, in sound engineering and sound designing courses, I found the lack of a manual in Italian,  updated to the latest version and easy to understand about Pro Tools.  I decided to write this book, believing I could help aspiring sound engineers. Still, also fans, to get closer to this incredible software that has become the standard for recording studios all over the world.  Basic knowledge of topics related to the audio field such as analogueue-digital conversion, sound card, sections of a mixer and recording is necessary to understand all the explained topics properly.  This guide does not in any way replace the sacred Avid official manual but rather provides a series of essential topics on the use of the software, accompanied by examples, tips and exercises explained in a clear, quick and straightforward learning way.  For those wishing to deepen their knowledge on Pro Tools further, I refer directly to the official Avid manuals and courses.

    Good Production!

    Stefano Tumiati

    1 – Software Introduction

    Digital Audio Fundamentals

    The technology behind audio recordings has changed a lot since being recorded on magnetic tape up to this day.  The biggest revolution came with Digital Audio ; and with it the ability to capture guitar notes, voices or drums on software, and thus on a computer!

    The machines used for analogue tape recording were expensive and only real recording studios could afford such equipment.  Analogue recorders from 2, 4, 8, 16 were produced up to 24 tracks.  With the development of technology, it was necessary to translate the analogue audio signal, a variation of electrical voltage, into a language understandable for the computer: the binary code.  The translation process is called analogue/digital (A/D) conversion.


    Pros: sound recorded with maximum fidelity

    Cons: quite expensive recorders, cumbersome physical engraving support, little editing possibilities (physical cutting of the tape), duplication of the recording not identical.

    Digital recording

    Pros: low costs, practical engraving support (hard disk), a lot of editing possibilities, identical copies

    Cons: digital sound will never be identical to the analogically recorded one.

    Let's see why digital sound will never be like the analogue one.  Let's start with the definition.

    Sound is a mechanical disturbance, produced by a source, which propagates in a medium and creates an auditory sensation.

    It's a continuous compression and decompression of air, the medium, which propagates through three-dimensionally in space.  If we take, for example, the graphic representation of a pure sound, which contains a single frequency, we would have a sinusoid:

    THIS GRAPH SHOWS POSITIVE sections, above the horizontal axis, and negative sections, below the horizontal axis, which indicates the passage of time.  The vertical axis indicates the sound pressure value, generally measured in Pascal.  The visible result represents the effective compression and decompression of the medium in which the sound propagates.  The continuous trend means that the two events are repeated cyclically until the exhaustion of the sound intensity. As long as we remain in the analogue field, we can affirm that this sinusoid is described by infinite points that

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