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Mr. Moore's Menagerie
Mr. Moore's Menagerie
Mr. Moore's Menagerie
Ebook54 pages46 minutes

Mr. Moore's Menagerie

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About this ebook

Almost every day Bobby, Sonny, and Max observe their new neighbor, Mr. Moore carrying mysterious packages up to his apartment. Why was there a sound coming from inside one of the boxes? Also, What was that smell? When curiosity overwhelms them, they decide to find out what's going on. This sounds like a case for the Bradhurst Gumshoes as they set out to solve the mystery of Mr. Moore's Menagerie. A brand new Bobby and Sonny mystery featuring their newest member, Maxine.

Release dateMar 7, 2021
Mr. Moore's Menagerie

Anna Christian

I am the author of four books, Daniel's Wife, adult contemporary fiction, 2010; The Big Table, an illustrated children's book, 2008; Mrs. Griffin is Missing and Other Stories, a preteen mystery novel, 2005; and Meet it, Greet it, and Defeat it! The Biography of Frances E. Williams, Actress/Activist, 1999. I also write two blogs "Celebrating Life" on and a readers' blog on The Newcomer is my latest book in the Bobby and Sonny Mystery series for preteens. I teach a Creative Writing/Life Story class at the Moreno Valley Senior Center.

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    Book preview

    Mr. Moore's Menagerie - Anna Christian


    A Bobby and Sonny Mystery

    Anna Christian

    Published by DADIELTE PRODUCTION at Smashwords

    Copyright (c) 2019

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For my family

    Starla Rain, Maya, Hailey, Joseph Adedej and Gabriel

    And to Emily for sharing her story about bald python.

    Chapter One

    It's been a little over a year since Grandma came to live with us. This is a longest we've stayed in one place since Mama died. I'm feeling fine, like I finally belong somewhere. Not like before when we moved practically every month from place to place, not just in Harlem, but in the Bronx and Brooklyn, one ratty apartment after another. I know it was all my fault. Mama's dying through me for a loop. And I know I did a lot of bad things. She'd been sick a long time and when she died, it was left to me to raise my younger brothers Kevin and Kyle because Daddy worked nights.

    I failed most of my classes in school, didn't stay in one place for long and couldn't make no friends that is until we moved here at 21 Bradhurst. Bobby and Sonny live in the building next door. Their families, Bobby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, and Sonny's mother, Mrs. Henderson welcomed me and my family even though I'd caused them a lot of problems.

    Bobby, Sonny and me formed this club we call the Bradhurst Gumshoes like the Hardy Boys only we solve small problems around the neighborhood, like when somebody stole Bobby's bike and when somebody poured grease on the neighbors' clothes.

    I like living here especially having Grandma with us. I don't have to look after my brothers as much. Daddy brought her up from Virginia where she was living with my Aunt Josephine and her family. Grandma said the house was crowded with all Josephine's kids underfoot and everybody treating her like she was helpless, making a fuss over her all the time whenever she tried to help out. She is a little hard of hearing but otherwise she seems fine. She said she was glad to come live with us.

    Maxine, what you all want for dinner? I'm about to make a pot of spaghetti and chopped meat, Grandma hollered from the kitchen.

    As soon as I finish my homework, I'll come in and help, I said.

    Tell Kevin to come here. I need to send him to the store to get some onions. Tell him to take Kyle with him.

    Dragging them from Superman, their favorite TV show, was like making them take a bath. They grumbled, Why can't you go?

    Cause I've got to finish my homework.

    They must have run all the way to Sullivan's Market because they came rushing back.

    Sis, we got a new neighbor, said Kyle, all out of breath.

    I looked up from the book I had to finish before class tomorrow. So, what's so special about that? And besides he's not new. For your information he's been here at least two weeks.

    I remembered when he moved in. It was the day Daddy said I could stay home from school because I was coming down with the flu. I was watching out the window when I saw this truck drive up and two men

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