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Autopsy: A Scarpetta Novel
Autopsy: A Scarpetta Novel
Autopsy: A Scarpetta Novel
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Autopsy: A Scarpetta Novel

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New York Times Bestseller

In this relaunch of the electrifying, landmark #1 bestselling thriller series, chief medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta hunts those responsible for two wildly divergent and chilling murders. 

Forensic pathologist Dr. Kay Scarpetta has come almost full circle, returning to Virginia, the state where she launched her storied career, as the chief medical examiner. Finding herself the new girl in town once again after being away for many years, she’s inherited both an overbearing secretary and a legacy of neglect and potential corruption.

She and her husband, Benton Wesley, now a forensic psychologist with the U.S. Secret Service, have relocated to Old Town Alexandria, where she’s headquartered five miles from the Pentagon in a post-pandemic world that’s been torn apart by civil and political unrest. After just weeks on the job, she’s called to a scene by railroad tracks—a woman’s body has been shockingly displayed, her throat cut down to the spine—and as Scarpetta begins to follow the trail, it leads unnervingly close to her own historic neighborhood.

 At the same time, a catastrophe occurs in a top secret labo­ratory in outer space, endangering at least two scientists aboard. Appointed to the highly classified Doomsday Commission that specializes in sensitive national security cases, Scarpetta is summoned to the White House and tasked with finding out exactly what happened. But even as she remotely works the first potential crime scene in space, an apparent serial killer strikes again very close to home.

This latest novel in the groundbreaking Kay Scarpetta series captivates readers with the shocking twists, high-wire tension, and forensic detail that Patricia Cornwell is famous for, proving once again why she’s the world’s #1 bestselling crime writer.


Release dateNov 30, 2021

Patricia Cornwell

Patricia Cornwell is recognized as one of the world’s top bestselling crime authors with novels translated into thirty-six languages in more than 120 countries. Her novels have won numerous prestigious awards including the Edgar, the Creasey, the Anthony, the Macavity, and the Prix du Roman d’Aventure. Beyond the Scarpetta series, Patricia has written a definitive book about Jack the Ripper, a biography, and three more fiction series among others. Cornwell, a licensed helicopter pilot and scuba diver, actively researches the forensic technologies that inform her work. She was born in Miami, grew up in Montreat, North Carolina, and now lives and works in Boston. 

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I always think I'm going to enjoy a Scarpetta novel, but I never really do. Kay Scarpetta lacks warmth. Kay has relocated to Virginia, back to her original stomping grounds to lead the ME department. She is thrust into 2 murders: one in outer space, and one very close to her home in Old Town. Her secretary, Maggie, is still loyal to her former asshole protege, Elvin Reddy. As always, Kay figures out how the crime was committed, leading to the why of it all.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Autopsy finds Dr. Kay Scarpetta as the new Chief Medical Examiner in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. She and her husband, Benton Wesley, relocated there after leaving Richmond years earlier and now live in a gated community with her niece, Lucy, sister Dorothy and Dorothy's new husband, Pete Marino. Narrating in the first person, the author leads us through several homicide investigations and an extraordinary autopsy in space while tracking a serial killer. Suspenseful and chock full of Patricia Cornwell's expert medical analysis, this psychotic thriller is impossible to put down until the last page is read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read the first several books in the Scarpetta series but abandoned them thereafter due to the pages and pages of gory descriptions Cornwell felt necessary to include. I was happy to find that this was not the case with this book. The book held my interest, however I felt that the reveal of the killer came out of left field.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Patricia Cornwell resurrects the beloved Dr. Kay Scarpetta and her familiar coterie with Autopsy, the 25th book in the series. As the new Chief Medical Examiner in Virginia, Scarpetta is tasked with cleaning up the mess created and abandoned by her predecessor. It will be an uphill climb, given the loyalty and sabotage efforts of her new staff. Luckily, she has Benton, Lucy, and Marino once again at her side. Fans of the series will be happy to revisit Scarpetta in her original stomping grounds. Upon further reading, however, anyone who recalls Cornwell’s fantastic entry into the forensic thriller genre will quickly become disillusioned. In this novel there are several separate storylines that fail to connect, some with serious implausibility. Autopsy starts out at a brisk pace, but then wanders through a dizzying array of tangents that result in a stagnation. Until the end, when the author seems to realize that things need to be tidied up and provides a rushed and unsatisfying ending. Still, even a lackluster Cornwell book ranks higher than many of her peer’s efforts. Hopefully, Dr. Scarpetta’s fanbase remains patient enough to withstand a disappointing addition.
    Thanks to the author and William Morrow for an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read Patricia Cornwell's first Kay Scarpetta novel back in 1990 and was immediately hooked on the premise, characters and plotting. Fast forward to 2021. The 25th entry in this series, Autopsy, has just released.

    Now, I must admit, somewhere around the 20th book, I threw the towel on this series. The books seemed mired in extraneous detail and became repetitive. But...this blurb from the publisher had me more than a little curious....

    "In this relaunch of the electrifying, landmark #1 bestselling thriller series, chief medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta hunts those responsible for two wildly divergent and chilling murders. Forensic pathologist Kay Scarpetta has come almost full circle, returning to Virginia as the chief medical examiner, the state where she launched her storied career."

    And you know what? I really enjoyed it and am back on board with this series.

    The same cast of characters is present, Kay, her Secret Service forensic psychologist husband Benton, her niece Lucy and my personal favorite - Pete Marino. The relationship between Kay and Marino was contentious in the beginning of the series, but I'm happy with where Cornwell has taken Marino in this latest. He's a valuable resource instead of being portrayed as a thorn in her side. However there is a new thorn in the side character. Kay has inherited a secretary who is loyal to her old boss and quite resentful of Kay. Kay has the same analytical mind. Cornwell keeps the characters moving forward in real time, with the successes and sadness that living life brings.

    The 'back to basics' has Kay investigating the death of a young woman found on the railroad tracks. This crime very much reminded me of the earlier books. Political machinations and corruption abounds at a number of levels in this latest, stretching as far as outer space! Kay is called in to examine a remote site. There's yet another thread that I'll let you discover.

    I chose to listen to this latest. The reader was award winning narrator Susan Ericksen. She has read previous Scarpetta books, so the continuity is nice. Her voice is perfect for the mental image I've created for Scarpetta. Her diction is clear, easy to understand, well enunciated and pleasant. The speed of speaking was a bit slow for me, so I sped things up two notches, using the speed adjuster on my device. She provides different voices for the characters, each easily identifiable. Ericksen conveys the emotions of the characters and the action and suspense of the plot with her voice. A great performance.

    I did find the ending a bit rushed and a slightly too pat, but I quite enjoyed this 'relaunch' of this series. The door has been left open for number 26 - and I for one will be picking it up.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I haven't read a Kay Scarpetta book in many years, and the feeling I had gotten after reading the review for her last couple of books made me question reading this one. However, I'm glad I did.

    If you will notice from the Amazon recap and the publishers' website, this is a relaunch of the series. (Quoted from Amazon) "In this relaunch of the electrifying, landmark #1 bestselling thriller series, chief medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta hunts those responsible for two wildly divergent and chilling murders." And I can certainly see why they are calling this book a relaunch. The old Kay is back right along with most of her other beloved characters. It has been 5 years since her last book in this series, and this novel shows that jump quite well. We are still in the middle of the Covid pandemic; though the political parties aren't named, we see the ravages of current politics in this novel.

    There are enough twists and turns to keep any mystery lover happy, a lot of inner angsting that will make most readers unhappy (although some of the best dialogue comes about in this manner), enough red herrings to keep you on your toes and for the pièce de résistance, we even have an encounter in space that needs Kays special talents!

    My one problem, and I'm not sure if she had done this in her previous novels, is that Ms. Cornwell gives the ending short shrift. Although this could be considered a mini-cliff hanger, we shall see.

    I'm already ready for the next book and I am going to go read the entire series even if the tech in some of them is dated!

    *ARC is supplied by the publisher William Morrow, the author, and NetGalley. Many thanks.

Book preview

Autopsy - Patricia Cornwell

Chapter 1

A fiery sunset burns out along the darkening horizon in Old Town Alexandria at not quite five p.m. the Monday after Thanksgiving.

The wind is kicking up and fitful, the moon shrouded by fog rolling in from the Potomac River. Trees and shrubbery shake and thrash, dead leaves swirling and skittering over the tarmac. Ominous clouds advance like an enemy army, the flags flapping wildly in front of my Northern Virginia headquarters.

I crouch down by the fireproof file cabinet, entering the combination on the fail-safe push-button lock. Opening the bottom drawer, I lift out the thick accordion folder I’ve been hauling around for many months. I smell the musty oldness of declassified government documents going back to the late 1940s, many heavily redacted and almost illegible.

I’ve got much to review before the next meeting of the National Emergency Contingency Coalition, better known as the Doomsday Commission, this time at the Pentagon. My White House–appointed responsibilities aren’t for the faint of heart. But they’re not nearly as pressing as what’s right in front of me, and I can’t stop thinking about the murdered woman downstairs in my cooler.

I envision the slashes to her neck, the bloody stumps left when her hands were severed, and I don’t know who she is. I know virtually nothing about her beyond what her dead body has to say, dumped like trash by railroad tracks on Daingerfield Island, several miles north of here. After spending the entire weekend on her, I’m no further along.

Not even a month on the job, and it’s been one ugly conundrum after another, accompanied by plenty of obstructions and hostility. It’s an understatement that my presence isn’t appreciated and I’ve been handed quite the mess. Taking off my lab coat, draping it over my office chair, I cover my microscope for the night as distant thunder cracks and reverberates, lightning shimmering.

From my second-story corner suite, I have quite the ringside seat for weather-related drama. The parking lot we share with the forensic labs has emptied quickly, streetlights blinking on blearily. Dozens of scientists, doctors and other staff hurry to their cars as rain spatters my windows.

I don’t know most people yet, and just as many don’t remember me from what seems another life ago. Millennials in particular weren’t around when I was the first woman chief medical examiner of Virginia. I ran the statewide system more than a decade before moving on. I assumed I’d left for good, never imagining I’d be back, and I hope I haven’t made the biggest mistake of my life.

On wall-mounted flat screens I can monitor live images of my building inside and out, and the night-shift security guard is walking through the cavernous vehicle bay this moment. I feel like a ghost or a spy as he yawns and scratches, unmindful of the closed-circuit TV cameras overhead. In his sixties, his first name is Wyatt but I don’t know his last.

He looks like a sheriff in his khaki uniform with brown pocket flaps, walking up the concrete ramp leading inside the morgue, pressing a button on the cinder block wall. The massive door begins rolling down in the swirling exhaust of the hearse driving out, probably the suicide from Fairfax County, based on bodies scheduled for release.

Dr. Scarpetta? My officious British secretary interrupts my ruminations, opening the door between her office and mine. So sorry to disturb you. She’s not sorry in the least, rarely bothering to knock.

I’m about to head out, and you should do the same. I move window to window, closing the blinds.

I just spoke to August Ryan, she announces. He wanted you to know that a situation has come up requiring your assistance.

Is this about the woman downstairs? I presume, and the U.S. Park Police investigator and I haven’t talked since Friday night.

I’m hoping he finally has new information. The case is getting traction in the media, and rumors and theories are on the Internet. It’s almost impossible to solve a violent crime when you don’t know the victim’s identity.

He needs you to meet him somewhere. My secretary acts as if I answer to her instead of the other way around.

Dressed in her typical couture of a tweedy skirt suit and loafers, her steely gray hair styled like the 1950s, Maggie Cutbush eyes me disapprovingly over the wire-rim glasses perched on the tip of her sharp nose.

He needs to meet me for what reason— I start to say.

He’ll explain, she interrupts.

Why didn’t you just put him on the phone with me? He could have called directly for that matter. I gave him my cell number at the scene Friday night.

August and I have worked together for years. He was polite enough to check with me first, and will call you when he’s in his car, she says in her lovely London accent, having zero respect for a woman in charge.

Certainly not a second-generation Italian who grew up poor in Miami. I collect my coat from the coatrack. I’m eager to get out of here, and not because of present company and the weather. Today is my niece’s birthday, a difficult one with all that’s gone on, and I’ve planned a quiet celebration at home, just family.

One of Doctor Reddy’s strengths is he knows how to delegate. Maggie hasn’t finished lecturing. He didn’t hand out his personal contact information like Halloween candy, as if I do. He made it clear he wasn’t at the beck and call of the police. It’s a lesson you’d be well served to learn.

At every opportunity, she can’t resist mentioning her former boss, the chief I replaced under somewhat false pretenses as it turns out. Or bait and switch might better summarize what happened once I’d moved here from Massachusetts. Everything changed in the blink of an eye.

It was too late by the time I discovered that Elvin Reddy wasn’t leaving state government for the private sector as I was promised by him and others high up the chain. Instead, he was appointed the new health commissioner of Virginia, overseeing all departments responsible for the well-being and safety of the public.

That includes the statewide Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). Meaning I answer to him when push comes to shove, a slick political trick if ever I heard one.

As you’re seeing, it doesn’t take long for people to get entitled, Maggie says ironically. I’d suggest you take an investigator with you. Fabian’s on call tonight. He was at his desk when I walked past a few minutes ago.

It depends on what we’re dealing with, I reply. It probably won’t be necessary. I believe I can manage.

Looking around for the spray bottle of filtered water, I spot it on a shelf near the conference table.

It’s unwise for the chief to show up at all, much less alone, and it’s not a good precedent for you to start, Maggie says as if I just fell off the turnip truck.

Look, I’m sure you have my best interests in mind. I’m not rude about it, not even snide.

I believe that goes without saying. She dominates our shared doorway as I step around boxes of books and other personal belongings I’ve yet to unpack.

I realize my style isn’t your cup of tea, Maggie. I begin spritzing my fiddle-leaf fig tree and potted orchids. But I’m not the sort to stand on ceremony. If I can’t be bothered then why should anyone else?

It’s all I can do not to admit the major reason I was asked to become chief again. The number of cases that have been neglected and mishandled for years is stunning. Especially here in Northern Virginia, which has its own special problems because of our location.

My office is but five miles from the Pentagon, and I stipulated that if I took this job, I had to work out of the headquarters here in Alexandria. Considering the various national obligations my husband and I have, it’s important we’re in close proximity to Washington, D.C.

If the police want my help, that’s why I’m here. I tell Maggie what I have before. They don’t need to go through you.

I suppose we should postpone Lucy’s birthday gathering. She curtly changes the subject. Benton, Pete Marino, your sister, anybody else? I’ll let them know.

Nobody else, and I agree that’s probably wise. I’ll never stop feeling awful about disappointing everyone on a regular basis.

But violence and senseless tragedy don’t care who you are or the occasion, and someone has to respond. Returning to my desk, I vow to make it up to Lucy, as I’ve vowed so many times before.

I can’t imagine how difficult it must be. Maggie grimly shakes her head with phony sympathy. Losing her partner and adopted son, she says, and I don’t intend to discuss my niece and why she’s living at home. Not that I really understand that lifestyle. But this time of year, everything’s harder for people who are unhappy.

No reason to wait. I tell her it’s fine to leave, and to drive carefully in the wind and rain, as I ignore how offensive she can be. I’ll see what’s going on with August Ryan.

Hopefully, he has something helpful about the murdered woman in my cooler. One doesn’t need to be a forensic pathologist to determine that she died of exsanguination after her carotid arteries were transected by a sharp blade. I don’t know how old she is, possibly in her late twenties or early thirties when someone fractured her skull from behind, cutting her throat down to the spine.

Last Friday night was stormy as I worked the scene in a remote wooded area of Daingerfield Island. I can almost smell the creosote-treated wood, raindrops smacking on railroad ties as I went over every inch of the body with a hand magnifier. The beams of tactical flashlights slashed through the blackness like a laser show as cops searched the area.

Nothing turned up except a flattened penny, possibly run over by the seven p.m. commuter train as the engineer spotted what he thought was a naked mannequin sprawled by the rails.

I hate to screw up your evening, August Ryan drawls right off when I answer my phone. Because I’m pretty sure I’m about to, and I can tell you already that it’s not pleasant driving out here. But as I explained to Maggie a little while ago, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

What can I do for you? I write down the time and date in a pocket-size Moleskine notebook.

We’ve got a missing person, and it’s not looking good. The park police investigator wastes no time getting to the point.

I’m sorry, is this about Friday night’s case? I puzzle. Are you thinking this missing person might be the murdered woman in my cooler?

It’s sounding like it could be. Alexandria P.D. called me after one of their officers did a wellness check on someone who’s vanished. I’m on my way to your neck of the woods, Colonial Landing on the waterfront, he startles me by adding.

I know the new residential development all too well. Pete Marino and my sister Dorothy have a place there, the luxury townhomes an easy walk from the historic district where Benton and I bought an old estate that needs some fixing up. Lucy lives with us in the guesthouse, everybody safely close by for once. Or so I thought, not that any location is immune from violence.

But it’s rare in Old Town. Homicide is an anomaly, on average one a year, typically a robbery, a domestic fight that takes a fatal turn, based on the statistics I’ve studied. Rapes and assaults are uncommon, and mostly what the locals worry about is burglary and car break-ins.

Gwen Hainey. August tells me the name of the missing woman. A thirty-three-year-old biomedical engineer at Thor Laboratories. About twenty miles from you in Vienna, one of those big tech companies off I-95.

I’m familiar with Thor, at least by reputation. What exactly does she do there? I’m writing down the details.

The person I talked to is the lab director, and he wouldn’t say. Only that she’s a scientist working on special projects, and as you may or may not know, a lot of what goes on is classified stuff for the government.

Among other things they’re pioneers in 3-D printing human skin, organs, blood vessels, and other body parts including ears. I give him the upshot.

For real?

As science fiction as it might sound, it’s already happening.

Just one more thing to make life more confusing and our jobs harder is what he has to say about it, and I don’t know him well.

Friday night was the only time I’ve been around him so far, and he’s what I’d call a cool customer, a smooth operator. Understated. Hard to read. Recently divorced, he has no kids, and I get the impression he’s too busy for much of a social life.

How do you get a DNA profile from artificial skin? What about fingerprints? August’s voice over speakerphone.

We’ll worry about that another day, I reply. When’s the last time anybody at Thor had contact with Gwen?

Apparently, not since Thanksgiving. She wasn’t at work today, wasn’t answering her phone, which hasn’t turned up so far.

He goes on to explain that her lab director was concerned enough to call 911. The uniformed officer making the wellness check found Gwen’s front door locked, no sign of anyone.

Officer Fruge. August wonders if I might know her.

Fruge as in frugal, and I have a feeling the unusual name is one from my past. I wonder out loud if the officer he’s talking about is related to the controversial toxicologist I once worked with in Richmond.

Yep, that’s the one, he says. Blaise Fruge is her daughter, and she was at the scene briefly Friday night, was the first responder.

He says that the Alexandria police officer was on routine patrol when the body was discovered. She heard the radio call, and likely was gone by the time I showed up. But I wouldn’t have a clue who was there, the park crawling with police while I dealt with the body.

A wannabe plus full of herself, and they’re the worst kind, August adds as my fitness tracker bracelet vibrates, messages and e-mails landing. You’ve got to watch her, and she thinks she’s the next Sherlock, but trust me, she’s not.

Let me make sure I understand, I reply. Officer Fruge responded to the body found on Daingerfield Island. And now she’s responded to a missing person report that may be connected. It would seem she gets around.

I don’t think she’s got a life, you want my opinion.

What happened when she arrived at Colonial Landing?

She had to get the manager to let her into Gwen Hainey’s townhome, and it’s clear that something violent went on. August’s voice sounds over speakerphone as I glance at the text Benton just sent.

He’s heard from Maggie, and is on his way home, running late, and that’s strange. I didn’t know he was going anywhere today, thought he was working remotely. Texting him a quick reply, I ask if everything’s okay, while August continues to explain what Officer Fruge discovered inside the townhome.

Chapter 2

Her backpack is on the kitchen table, wallet and keys inside, doesn’t seem to be anything rifled through. But like I mentioned, no sign of her phone, August says as I get up from my desk. We’ll request records from the carrier to see when she last made or answered any calls, and with whom.

What about her car? I walk into my office bathroom where I keep changes of clothing.

From what I understand, she worked from home several days a week. His voice follows me as I move around. The rest of the time she catches rides with colleagues or takes lift services. There’s no vehicle registered to her.

That seems a bit unusual, I reply as Benton texts me: Driving back from an unexpected meeting.

What else do we know about Gwen? I’m taking off my shoes and pants.

That’s another thing that’s unusual, August says. If you Google her, there’s nothing. It’s like she doesn’t exist.

Including on social media? I hang up my suit.

Nope. Not even Twitter. No news stories, either. Nothing.

What about photographs inside her condo, maybe framed ones placed about? A scrapbook? Any pictures that might be her? Sitting down on the toilet lid, I pull on a pair of warm socks. Do we know what Gwen looks like?

I envision the murder victim’s face, her long brown hair and athletic build, and I suspect she was attractive. But it’s hard to tell.

I asked Fruge the same thing, and no pictures so far. Her lab director describes her as around five-foot-five, August says as I work my legs into a pair of black cargo pants. Maybe a hundred-and-twenty-five pounds, brown eyes and shoulder-length brown hair.

Sounds about right but that could be a lot of people, I reply, caught in my usual predicament.

I want the victim identified. But I wouldn’t wish what happened to her on Gwen Hainey or anyone.

I’ve got an electronic copy of her driver’s license, August says. It’s an old picture, her hair really short and blond. D.O.B. is June fifth, nineteen eighty-eight. She’s five-foot-four, which is almost right. But thirty pounds heavier, and I can’t swear it’s the same person. Apparently, the town house she’s in is a short-term rental, and there are very few personal belongings.

Does she have a tattoo? I’m putting on my boots.

Her lab director wasn’t aware of any visible ones, and I didn’t volunteer what we know about the tattoo the murdered woman has.

And do we know why Gwen temporarily relocated to Old Town? I’m tying my laces in double bows.

From what I’ve been told, she was starting her new job at Thor. She didn’t want to make any long-term commitments until she was sure it would work out. It would seem it was urgent for her to get into the townhome right away.

Relocated from where? I put on a long-sleeved black tactical shirt with the OCME crest on it, a caduceus and the scales of justice embroidered in blue, gold and red.

Boston, August says as I walk out of the bathroom, buttoning up. I texted you a picture, what Fruge sent me. A ten-pound kettlebell weight that’s in the townhome’s entryway. A weird place for it unless it was being used as a doorstop, right?

I’m opening the photo now, I tell him as I do it.

The kettlebell is round, flat-bottomed, bright blue with a shiny stainless-steel looped handle. It’s lying on its side to the left of the front door on the hardwood floor, and August wonders if an attacker might have used it to hit Gwen in the back of the head.

Assuming she and the murdered woman from Friday night are one and the same, he adds.

Are we sure Officer Fruge didn’t move anything? I enlarge the photo on my phone.

She says she didn’t except for looking inside the knapsack. When she did her walk-through, she had on a mask and gloves, was being careful. That’s what she says.

And then what?

And then she waited until the crime scene unit got there. They’ve done their overall, taken video and photos. But they won’t come in and process anything until you and I take a look.

Except we don’t know if it’s really a crime scene, do we? I ask the most glaring question.

I imagine the missing biomedical engineer returning home and finding cops inside her place, turning it upside down. Even worse if the medical examiner is there, and I don’t need that my first month on the job. I have enough trouble.

Do you feel you have probable cause for a search warrant? I ask August.

We’ll have the warrant within the hour.

What makes you think something violent happened? Opening a cabinet, I pull out the big black Pelican case I take to scenes. What signs of a struggle are we talking about?

Apparently there’s blood inside the garage, and the furniture is disarranged in the living room. I think you’d better come, he says, and we end the call.

Putting on my coat, I lock up for the night, following the windowless corridor of shut office doors, the walls and floor pale gray, the lighting low. Wyatt the security guard is walking off the elevator, headed toward me, carrying what I suspect is his bagged supper.

Have a good night, I say to him. Hopefully, a quiet one.

It’s always quiet around here, ma’am. Too quiet. He hangs a left into the breakroom where the on-call forensic investigator is making a pot of French press coffee.

Fabian is dressed in the same uniform of tactical field clothes that I have on, and my preference would have been not to run into him right now. It’s obvious that I’m headed to a scene, my big Pelican case in hand, and I don’t want him riding shotgun or even thinking about it.

You shouldn’t show up by yourself, he says, and obviously my secretary got to him. I saw Maggie when she was leaving a few minutes ago, and she felt it was better if I went with you to the townhome. I’m ready and waiting, and the coffees can be to-go. Would you like one?

No, thank you.

Clearly August shared the details with her, and he shouldn’t have. I imagine Maggie then passing them along to Fabian, giving directives as if she runs the place, and that shouldn’t have happened, either.

You sure you don’t want me to drive? He flashes a smile, and he can turn up the charm when he wants, I’ll give him that.

A physician’s assistant in Louisiana before working here, he’s in his late twenties and could pass for a goth model with his silver jewelry, tattoos, fine features and Cher-like long black hair. By far he’s the best investigator of the three I’ve got, one of them about to retire, the other nothing to brag about.

I’ll let you know if I need you, I tell Fabian. But I don’t think so.

I haven’t heard about any deliveries, Wyatt is quick to pipe up over the noise of the microwave oven, looking at me suspiciously. There’s nothing expected, isn’t that right?

Not so far, and we’ll hope it stays that way, I reply.

It sounds like where you’re headed might be related to the murdered lady from the railroad tracks. Fabian pours a cup of his strong coffee, a smoky chicory blend that his mother ships to him from Baton Rouge.

Possibly, I reply, wondering why everybody thinks it’s okay to crash my boundaries and interrogate me.

I mean, if it’s important enough to ask you to look? He stirs in his preferred sweetener of agave nectar. You sure you don’t want some help? It’s not like I’m unfamiliar with the case.

He worked with me at last Friday night’s scene, but that doesn’t mean I need his assistance now. It’s but another example of what happens when the person in charge is shuttered away, not paying attention. Elvin Reddy has managed to foster a pervasive spirit of entitlement.

Telling Fabian and Wyatt good night, I walk off. I’m avoiding elevators whenever possible since the coronavirus. My boots echo dully inside the concrete stairwell, and on the lower level I open the windowless fire-escape door. I step into another corridor, this one hospital-white with bright lights, and there’s no sign of anyone. No one alive that is.

The CT scanning room is locked up, the light green outside the door, the technician gone for the day. The autopsy suite is empty, its stainless-steel tables, carts and countertops shiny-clean, awaiting new cases. There always will be more. The next accident or homicide. Another person ends it all or drops dead unexpectedly, those left behind irreparably altered.

As I near the anthropology lab, I hear the quiet clatter of bones defleshing in bleach-infused water that will simmer for days. Through observation windows lining both sides of the corridor, I can see the five-gallon stockpot steaming on the portable cooktop, the decomposing skeletal remains discovered last week by a hunter.

Through another window I see his rotting boots, clothing, a pack of Marlboros, a pint of Fireball whisky, a wallet and its contents spread out on a paper-covered table inside the evidence room. The cause and manner of death are still undetermined. I suspect he died a year ago based on what the police discovered when going through the retired mechanic’s house near Fort Belvoir.

Inside the intake area, the cloying odor of industrial deodorizer is strong as I set my scene case, my briefcase down on top of a cart in front of the walk-in cooler and freezer. Their digital displays show the temperatures and other information that I can monitor on an app. Everything’s in the green, and I put on exam gloves and a surgical mask.

Finding a six-inch plastic ruler, I tuck my phone inside an antimicrobial protective sleeve so I can take additional photographs if needed. Opening the cooler’s stainless-steel door, I walk inside, the loud blowing air frigid and foul. Her black pouch is on a gurney in a back corner, and there’s nothing on the toe tag except the date 11/30 and a location of Daingerfield Island RR tracks scrawled in smeared ink.

I partially unzip the heavy vinyl, and the murdered woman’s face looks worse than when I autopsied her a few days ago. Abrasions and contusions are an angrier red in contrast to her pale, bloodless body. The vital tissue response to her injuries indicates she survived long enough for her killer to finish what he’d started.

There’s no obvious indication of sexual assault, but that doesn’t necessarily mean very much. No question this is a sexually motivated homicide, all about overpowering, and I suspect she didn’t know her assailant but may have trusted him at first. Otherwise, I don’t understand how he gained access to her home or wherever it was that he confronted her.

After she was dead, he lewdly displayed her nude body along railroad tracks to shock those aboard the next train going by. That’s if you ask my forensic psychologist husband with his internal database of nightmares, and he’s probably right. Benton usually is. There’s no question that her body was deliberately displayed, and I take a picture of her face.

The pupils of her cloudy eyes are fixed and dilated, her lips a purplish-blue and crusty. The gaping wound to her neck is dark red and dry, and I smell the stale stench of refrigerated decomposition as I manipulate her head, turning it to one side. She hadn’t been dead very long when I examined her at the scene, her extremities beginning to stiffen.

Since then, rigor mortis has come and gone, her muscles unclenching as if unable to resist the inevitable any longer. The shaved back of her head is cold and boggy through my nitrile gloves as I palpate the depressed skull fracture, feeling the edges of bone punched in by a single crushing blow. Possibly by the kettlebell in question, and I’ll know better when I can take a closer look at the scene.

The contused and lacerated area of her scalp is approximately four inches in diameter, the round shape of it consistent with the possible weapon. Whatever was used, the blow to her head would have been immediately incapacitating.

She wasn’t walking around or talking afterward. It’s not the cause of death although it might have been eventually. Surviving long enough for swelling and internal bleeding, she died after her throat was sliced ear to ear with some type of nonserrated cutting instrument.

After death, her hands were cut off, and that means no fingerprints. Maybe that was the reason. But there

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