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Betrayal of Trust
Betrayal of Trust
Betrayal of Trust
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Betrayal of Trust

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What do you do when you’ve committed a heinous crime? You run and never look back.

At least, that’s what Uwezo Omari and his mother planned when they fled their hometown of Reno, Nevada and planted roots in the Midwest, far away from their tumultuous past. Or so they thought.

Fifteen years later, Uwezo, now known as Chef Cedrick Dalton, is a loving husband, father, and successful businessman. Still haunted by the sins from his childhood, he treads carefully by keeping a low profile. Unfortunately, having a booming restaurant in an affluent neighborhood, the anonymity that he once coveted is now a thing of the past.

With the anniversary of the worst day of his life nearing, Cedrick’s feelings of guilt and paranoia are triggered and kick into high gear. The mysterious phone calls and anonymous notes stating that someone is looking for him doesn’t help. The belief that his mind is playing tricks on him vanishes when he runs into Victoria, his childhood friend who knows his secret. Turmoil is brewing because Cedrick’s wife, Sierra, is unaware of his past and Victoria now threatens his freedom and puts the people he loves in danger.

Cedrick is left with life-altering decisions: tell Sierra and jeopardize her safety, or risk losing her because of this betrayal of trust? Or does he take his secret to the grave?

All options have dire consequences.
Release dateMar 17, 2021
Betrayal of Trust

London St. Charles

National Bestselling Author, London St. Charles, has published three works of fiction in multiple genres. She has contributed to two anthologies, Sugar and Just One Kiss with New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling authors. Her debut novel, The Husband We Share, hit the AALBC Bestsellers List within six months of release and was followed by her recent literary offerings: Sugarcoated Deception and Betrayal of Trust. She is a Licensed Daycare Provider and operates a Transportation Service on the South Side of Chicago. In addition to being an author, she is a beta reader and proud member of several writer’s groups. Visit London on the web at, Facebook: Author London St. Charles, Instagram: london_writes, and Twitter: @LSCharles2017.

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    Book preview

    Betrayal of Trust - London St. Charles


    Chapter 1

    W ho’s there? Cedrick Dalton whipped around, knocking the whiskey tumbler filled with Bourbon off the bar, along with dozens of receipt tabs.

    It’s me, babe, said his wife, Sierra, jumping backward as the shards of glass ricocheted off the dark-stained hardwood floors. I didn’t mean to startle you.

    What are you doing–––? How did you get in here? he asked, sporadically turning while scanning the empty dining area.

    Juan let me in, she said pointing over her shoulder toward the entrance of The Smokehouse restaurant that Cedrick owned. He was on his way out. What’s with the third degree? It’s not like I haven’t dropped by after hours before.

    Cedrick opened his mouth to respond just as the restaurant’s phone rang. The galloping beat of his heart lunged into his throat, making it hard for him to speak.

    What’s going on with you? she asked, stepping over the glass. I wanted to surprise you for dinner, she said lifting take-out bags from their favorite Japanese restaurant, placing them on the bar counter and claiming a seat. Are you gonna get that?

    He hadn’t planned on answering the phone. Who would be calling the restaurant after hours? All the workers were gone, and his wife was sitting in front of him, so it wasn’t her. The best way to reach any staff was on the service line, but again, it was after closing.

    Cedrick walked behind the bar, cleared his throat, then answered the phone. Smokehouse. After a brief pause, he said, Hello. Sighing and crossing his arms, he asked, Who’s there?

    A hard click, followed by a dial tone, resonated in his ear. That was the fourth phantom call this evening. Add that to the messages the hostess received earlier during the day that someone had been trying to reach him but wouldn’t leave a name or a call back number made Cedrick officially paranoid.

    After all, it was Halloween. Strange things had been known to happen on the devil’s holiday as his father referred to it, but it was hard for Cedrick to accept that reasoning alone. It was also the anniversary of a day he’d been trying to forget since the age of fourteen. Guilt and fear haunted his soul every day, but especially on October thirty-first. Is it a coincidence that the random occurrences are happening today? He thought, placing the receiver on the base.

    Sierra raised an eyebrow. Tell that chick your wife’s here and she has to wait her turn. She winked and giggled, removing the white boxes, packets of soy sauce, and chopsticks from the bag.

    She knows better, Cedrick teased with a forced smile, wishing it was that simple. He could deal with a secret admirer. At least they meant him no harm. The mystery person on the phone was a different story.

    Hand me a towel, Sierra said, sliding off the stool. You don’t want the wood to absorb any more of this liquor. It’ll ruin the finish.

    Don’t worry about that. Cedrick dismissed with the wave of a hand, glancing toward the entrance as he reached for the push broom. I’ll get it.

    Why do you keep checking the door?

    Cedrick averted his gaze and stroked his goatee. He felt Sierra’s eyes blazing through him as though she could read his mind. She’d surely leave him if she knew what he’d done. Cedrick wouldn’t be able to protect her if she did. It was a dead-end situation with no positive outcome.

    I’m ready to get out of here, that’s all. Do you mind if we eat this at home? he asked, hoping she’d say yes.

    I do, Sierra replied with a sassiness in her tone. I was trying to do something spontaneous. I could’ve ordered take-out, left you a plate in the microwave, and been sleep when you finally made your way home, as usual. But I asked my mom to watch the girls, and I took the time to get cute, which you didn’t even compliment me on, she chided crossing her legs at the ankles and doing a slow pirouette, showcasing the knee-high leather boots and a red-fitted sweater dress. So yeah, I mind.

    Okay, sweetheart. Just give me a minute, he begged while cleaning the mess he made. Once Cedrick was done, he eased next to Sierra and stood directly in front of her. Caressing her rosy cheek and then lifting her chin, Cedrick didn’t speak until she returned eye contact. I appreciate you going out of your way to create a special evening for us, pretty lady. Thank you.

    He walked behind the bar and grabbed two glasses from the overhead wineglass rack and a bottle of Red Moscato. The fruity aromas of wild cherry and peaches danced in the air as he filled their glasses half-way.

    Solace crept into his aura while in Sierra’s presence which temporarily took his mind off of his troubles and he was thankful. His beautiful wife was just what he needed.

    These noodles are extra tasty, Sierra said, grabbing them with her chopsticks and cupping her hand underneath, holding it to Cedrick’s mouth.

    Mmmm, he moaned licking his lips. I’d have to agree.

    Twenty minutes into dinner and over three-fourths of the wine consumed, Cedrick asked, What do you think about relocating?

    To where?

    Sunny Orlando.

    Why do you want to move to Florida? Sierra asked, frowning. Too many gators lurking on the lawn. Too many hurricanes and it’s humid all the time. My natural hair would always stay poofy.

    Cedrick let out a hearty laugh, even though he was dead serious. The more distance he put between his hometown of Reno, Nevada and his family, the better. Chicago had been a great city of refuge, but a change would be great.

    Orlando is pretty safe from hurricanes, he replied. Besides, the girls would love living that close to Disney World."

    And what about your restaurant? You’re one of the hottest chefs on the Mag Mile, she countered. You’d have to start over, and I know you don’t want to do that. You can’t be the head chef here and in Florida.

    My Sous Chef is more than capable of running the kitchen here, Cedrick countered, sipping the last of his drink.

    I’m sure Juan could handle it if he had to, Sierra remarked, gazing at Cedrick. It sounds like you’ve given this some thought, and here I am thinking this was a hypothetical question.

    It was.

    Sierra peered at him while biting into a sushi roll. Maybe we could consider something like that when Carrington goes off to college, she said, holding her hand in front of her mouth as she munched on the rice, raw fish, and vegetables.

    That’s eight years from now. Cedrick thought, doing the math. He prayed his luck lasted that long for his family’s sake.

    Cedrick topped off Sierra’s drink, then walked behind the bar to get a new bottle of wine. He wondered what she would think of him if she knew his truth. Would she understand that a moments decision changed the trajectory of his life? He’d give anything to not live in constant fear; to know that his family was protected.

    Did you hear that? Cedrick asked Sierra, turning toward the swinging door that led to the kitchen. He felt the rapid pounding of his heart in his ears.

    I didn’t hear anything, she responded, leaning forward.

    Someone’s in there, he whispered, snatching a baseball bat from underneath the bar. Stay put, he ordered, dashing to the side of the door, then peeked through the small window before slowly pushing it open.

    I’m surprised you’re still here, a deep voice with an accent said from behind Sierra.

    She shrieked, sending a chill down Cedrick’s spine as he hopped the bar in one swoop with the bat clutched as if he were about to hit a home run.

    Whoa, boss. It’s me. Juan jumped back.

    You scared the hell out of me, Sierra shouted, clenching her chest and sliding off the stool.

    What are you doing here? Cedrick asked, inhaling a deep breath through his nostrils and exhaling through his mouth.

    I left my phone in my locker, Juan replied. "I called from my girlfriend’s phone, but for some reason, I could hear you, but you couldn’t hear me.

    Cedrick’s grip on the base of the bat eased a little. That explained the last call, but what about the others?

    Juan left immediately after retrieving his phone. This time, Cedrick went to the door and locked it himself. He wanted to salvage what remained of the evening with his wife; unfortunately, his state of mind was right back where it was when Sierra arrived.

    Let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough of this place for one evening, Cedrick said. I’m off tomorrow morn–––

    Really? You haven’t taken a Sunday off in ages.

    I’m only going in for the dinner rush, so I’m all yours until three. He winked, then tilted his head to the side. How would you like to have brunch at Chef Brasseur’s French Cuisine?

    You know I love that place. I haven’t been there since the remodel, Sierra beamed, and her smile warmed his conflicted interior.

    I have a meeting with Chef Brasseur, but once that’s done, we can have a romantic brunch and spend the day together.

    I’d like that very much.

    Sierra tossed the leftover food and wiped down the counter while Cedrick did a walk-thru in the kitchen. Juan may not have entered that way, but Cedrick still believed he heard movement in there. He needed to see for himself that everything was the way he left it, and of most importance, that the kitchen exit

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