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Winning with People Workbook
Winning with People Workbook
Winning with People Workbook
Ebook320 pages6 hours

Winning with People Workbook

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About this ebook

What does it take to win with people?

Does an individual have to be born with an outgoing personality or a great sense of intuition to succeed relationally? When it comes to people skills, are there simply the haves and the have-nots?and we just have to accept whatever abilities God has given us?

In this interactive workbook, great for individual or group study, best-selling author John C. Maxwell halps you answer these questions while leading you through the 25 People Principles, which are designed to help make you relationally successful.

Features include:

  • Questions for in-depth study and reflection
  • Insightful quotes
  • A system to help you learn and understand the 25 Key People Principles

In life, the skills you use and the people you choose will make or break you. Winning with People Workbook divided the 25 People Principles according to five critical questions we must ask ourselves if we want to win with people:

  1. Readiness: Are we prepared for relationships?
  2. Connection: Are we willing to focus on others?
  3. Trust: Can we build mutual trust?
  4. Investment: Are we willing to invest in others?
  5. Synergy: Can we create a win-win relationship?

Learn and practice the 25 People Principles and you will not only be able to answer each of these questions in a positive way, but you will become skillful relationally?able to build healthy, effective, and fulfilling relationships. And once you can do that, you will become the kind of person who makes others successful too!

Release dateSep 10, 2005
Winning with People Workbook

John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell es autor, coach y conferencista número 1 en ventas según el New York Times con más de 34 millones de libros vendidos en más de cincuenta idiomas. Ha sido calificado como el líder número 1 en negocios y el experto en liderazgo más influyente del mundo. Sus organizaciones: John Maxwell Company, John Maxwell Team, EQUIP y John Maxwell Leadership Foundation han traducido sus enseñanzas a setenta idiomas y las han utilizado para formar a millones de líderes de todos los países del mundo. El doctor Maxwell, que ha sido galardonado con el Premio Horatio Alger y el Premio Madre Teresa por la Paz Global y el Liderazgo de Luminary Leadership Network, es de gran influencia para directores ejecutivos de Fortune 500, presidentes de naciones y empresarios de todo el mundo. Para obtener más información sobre él, visite

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Buku tentang membangun hubungan dengan orang lain yang lebih terstruktur dibandingkan dengan bukunya Dale Carnegie.
    Chapter yang menarik bagi saya adalah tentnang cara seorang inferior keluar dari dunianya dan cara merawat relationship.

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Winning with People Workbook - John C. Maxwell



Discover the People Principles that Work for You Every Time



Copyright © 2004 by John C. Maxwell

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published by Nelson Impact, a Division of Thomas Nelson Inc., P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, Tennessee, 37214.

Nelson Impact books may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fundraising, or sales promotional use. For information, please email [email protected].

Published in association with Yates & Yates, LLP, Attorneys and Counselors, Orange, California.

Scripture quotations identified NKJV are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1992 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations identified MSG are taken from The Message, copyright © 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by NavPress Publishing Group. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

ISBN: 0-7852-6090-0

Printed in the United States of America

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Developing the Leader Within You

Developing the Leaders Around You

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

Your Roadmap for Success




The Readiness Question—Are We Prepared for Relationships?

The Lens Principle:

Who We Are Determines How We View Others

The Mirror Principle:

The First Person We Must Examine Is Ourselves

The Pain Principle:

Hurting People Hurt People and Are Easily Hurt By Them

The Hammer Principle:

Never Use a Hammer to Swat a Fly Off Someone’s Head

The Elevator Principle:

We Can Lift People Up or Take People Down in Our Relationships

The Connection Question—Are We Willing to Focus on Others?

The Big Picture Principle:

The Entire Population of the World—with One Minor Exception—Is Composed of Others

The Exchange Principle:

Instead of Putting Others in Their Place, We Must Put Ourselves in Their Place

The Learning Principle:

Each Person We Meet Has the Potential to Teach Us Something

The Charisma Principle:

People Are Interested in the Person Who Is Interested in Them

The Number 10 Principle:

Believing the Best in People Usually Brings the Best Out of People

The Confrontation Principle:

Caring for People Should Precede Confronting People

The Trust Question—Can We Build Mutual Trust?

The Bedrock Principle:

Trust Is the Foundation of Any Relationship

The Situation Principle:

Never Let the Situation Mean More than the Relationship

The Bob Principle:

When Bob Has a Problem with Everyone, Bob Is Usually the Problem

The Approachability Principle:

Being at Ease with Ourselves Helps Others Be at Ease with Us

The Foxhole Principle:

When Preparing for Battle, Dig a Hole Big Enough for a Friend

The Investment Question—Are We Willing to Invest in Others?

The Gardening Principle:

All Relationships Need Cultivation

The 101 Percent Principle:

Find the 1 Percent We Agree On and Give It 100 Percent of Our Effort

The Patience Principle:

The Journey with Others Is Slower than the Journey Alone

The Celebration Principle:

The True Test of Relationships Is Not Only How Loyal

We Are When Friends Fail, but How Thrilled We Are When They Succeed

The High Road Principle:

We Go to a Higher Level When We Treat Others Better than They Treat Us

The Synergy Question—Can We Create a Win-Win Relationship?

The Boomerang Principle:

When We Help Others, We Help Ourselves

The Friendship Principle:

All Things Being Equal, People Will Work with People They Like;

All Things Not Being Equal, They Still Will

The Partnership Principle:

Working Together Increases the Odds of Winning Together

The Satisfaction Principle:

In Great Relationships, the Joy of Being Together Is Enough


About the Author


Iwant to say thank you to Kathie Wheat for her work converting Winning With People into workbook format, and for her years of exceptional work as a researcher, editor, and assistant.


What does it take to win with people? Does an individual have to be born with an outgoing personality or a great sense of intuition to succeed relationally? When it comes to people skills, are there haves and have-nots, and we just have to accept whatever abilities God has given us? Can someone who is good at building relationships become even better?

Most of us can tell instantly when we’re in the presence of a real people person. Individuals with excellent people skills connect with us easily, make us feel good about ourselves, and lift us to a higher level. Our interaction with them creates a positive experience that makes us want to spend time with them.

Some people are so skilled at working with people that they ought to be in a relationship hall of fame. People such as Dale Carnegie, John Wooden, Ronald Reagan, and Norman Vincent Peale easily come to mind. Likewise, there are people whose relational abilities could make them candidates for a relational hall of shame. Leona Helmsley, Henry Ford (Sr.), Frank Lorenzo, and Dennis Rodman have such reputations.

But you don’t have to read the paper or study history to find examples of relational extremes. You have to deal with them in your own life every day: on the street, at church, (perhaps at home), and certainly at work.


All of life’s successes come from initiating relationships with the right people and then strengthening those relationships by using good people skills. Likewise, life’s failures can usually be traced back to people. Sometimes the impact is obvious. Becoming entangled with an abusive spouse, a crooked partner, or a codependent family member is going to cause great damage. Other times the trouble is less dramatic, such as alienating a coworker that you must interact with every day, failing to build a positive relationship with an important client, or missing key opportunities to encourage an insecure child. The bottom line is this: most people can trace their successes and failures to the relationships in their lives.

When I think about my personal failures, I can trace most of them to specific individuals in my life. I once picked the wrong person for financial advice and went into an oil deal with him. It cost me $10,000, which had taken my wife, Margaret, and me a long time to save. Another time I started a business and asked a friend to take charge of it, thinking he could make it go. But my judgment was poor, and after just a couple of years, the business was more than $150,000 in the red.

I’m not playing victim and blaming my failures on others. Rather, I’m saying that my interaction with others is a huge part of the process. In a similar way, I can’t take credit for my successes. None of them was a solo endeavor. My interaction with others helped me to be successful. For every achievement, I can look back and see a relationship that made it possible. Without the help of people like Elmer Towns, Peter Wagner, and Jack Hayford, my career never would have gotten this far. Without the help of a whole slew of people at Thomas Nelson and at my company, the INJOY group, my book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership never would have been a million seller. And most of my financial blessings can be credited to the help and advice of my brother, Larry Maxwell, and my friend Tom Phillippe.

As important as relationships are professionally, they’re even more critical personally. My spiritual life can be traced back to my relationship with my father, Melvin Maxwell. The reason I feel fulfilled every day can be attributed to my relationship with my wife, Margaret; she helps me enjoy our successes. And I must give credit for life itself to my relationships with others. If I hadn’t met cardiologist John Bright Cage, I wouldn’t be writing this right now. The heart attack I suffered in December 1998 probably would have killed me.


Have you ever found yourself dealing with someone difficult and thought, She’s talented, but she sure is hard to work with, or He’s brilliant, but he doesn’t seem to get along with anybody? Such people never reach their full potential because they are able to accomplish only a fraction of what they could if they knew how to win with people. They don’t understand that good relationships are more than just the icing on the cake in life. They are the cake—the very substance we need to live a successful and fulfilling life.

So what are people to do if they don’t possess great relational skills? I must admit relationship building comes naturally to me. I was born a people person. But I’ve also worked hard to improve my skills. I’ve learned a lot of things about others and myself in half a century. And I’ve translated those ideas into twenty-five People Principles that anyone can learn. The most introverted individual can learn them and become more of a people person. And someone with a knack for people can become a master relationship builder.

I say that because these People Principles work every time. They apply whether you are young or old, sanguine or melancholic, male or female, employed or retired. I’ve practiced them for decades, and I’ve seen them work as I’ve traveled to dozens of countries on six continents. By following these principles, I’ve optimized my chance for success with others, and I’ve built positive, healthy relationships that have brought me professional success and personal satisfaction.

As you read and learn these People Principles, you will see that some of them are common sense. Others may surprise you. Perhaps you may question a few as a bit too optimistic. But I can tell you from experience, they really do work. One People Principle does not a relationship guru make. But practicing all of these principles will improve your life. (And you can be sure that you will never be nominated for the Relational Hall of Shame!)

That doesn’t mean you will have a successful relationship with every person you meet. You can’t control another person’s response to you. All you can do is make yourself the kind of person others want to know and with whom they can build a relationship.

In life, the skills you use and the people you choose will make or break you. I’ve divided the People Principles in this workbook according to five critical questions we must ask ourselves if we want to win with people.

1. Readiness: Are we prepared for relationships?

2. Connection: Are we willing to focus on others?

3. Trust: Can we build mutual trust?

4. Investment: Are we willing to invest in others?

5. Synergy: Can we create a win-win relationship?

Learn and practice the People Principles, and you will be able to answer each of these questions in a positive way. That will make you relationally successful. You will be able to build healthy, effective, and fulfilling relationships. And you have a chance to become the kind of person who makes others successful, too. What could be better than that?




The most useful person in the world today is the

man or woman who knows how to get along with other people.

Human relations is the most important science in living.


Ispent the first twenty-six years of my career as a pastor. I know of no other profession as demanding or intense when it comes to working with people. Individuals in ministry are called upon to lead, teach, coach, counsel, and comfort people at every age and stage of life, from the cradle to the grave. We’re with them during many of the most joyful moments of their lives, such as the day they marry. And we’re called upon during their darkest hours, such as when they try to save a marriage from a painful divorce, experience a child’s tragic death, or look for answers as they face their own imminent death.

Over the years, I learned quickly to recognize people who were struggling relationally. They came in all ages, shapes, and sizes. Sometimes when I was counseling an unmarried person who just couldn’t seem to get a relationship to work, he would lament about being alone and how much he wanted to get married. The sad thing was that instead of focusing on getting married, some people should be working on their emotional readiness— the basic ability to build a healthy relationship.

Let’s face it. Not everyone has the skills to initiate, build, and sustain good, healthy relationships. Many people grow up in dysfunctional households and never have positive relationships modeled for them. Some people are so focused on themselves and their needs that others might as well not even exist. Still others have been hurt so badly in the past that they see the whole world through the filter of their pain. And because of huge relational blind spots, they don’t know themselves or how to relate to people in a healthy way.

It takes relationally healthy people to build great relationships. It all starts there. I believe there are fundamental building blocks that make people ready for relationships. They answer the readiness question. The essential components are contained in the following five People Principles:

The Lens Principle: Who we are determines how we view others.

The Mirror Principle: The first person I must examine is myself.

The Pain Principle: Hurting people hurt people and are easily hurt by them.

The Hammer Principle: Never use a hammer to swat a fly off someone’s head.

The Elevator Principle: We can lift people up or take people down in our relationships.

Anyone missing any of these essential components will not be prepared for relationships. And as a result, he will have recurring problems working with others.

If you or someone you know just can’t seem to build the kind of positive relationships that all human beings desire, then the reason may be a readiness issue. By learning these five People Principles, you will prepare yourself for the creation of positive, healthy relationships.





I wouldn’t want to belong to any club

that would accept me as a member.




Have you ever started in a new job and had someone with experience in the organization tell you to watch out for this person or steer clear of that person? That’s happened to me a number of times. When I took my first professional leadership position, my predecessor told me to watch out for two people: Audrey and Claude. They’ll cause you a lot of problems, I was told. So I went into my job expecting trouble from them.

First, I watched Audrey. She was a strong woman—and she had a strong personality. (It takes one to know one!) To my surprise, working with her ended up being a wonderful experience. She was confident and competent, and she got things done. We had a good working relationship, and she became a family friend. And Claude turned out to be an old farmer who loved the church. True, he was the greatest influencer in the organization. (More than thirty-five years later he still is.) But that didn’t hurt my feelings. Why should I have expected a man twice my age who had been in that church all his life to follow me just because I had a leadership position and title? I made it my goal to work with Claude, and he and I got along well.

When I accepted a position at my second church, once again my predecessor warned me: Watch out for Jim. He’ll battle you on everything. So the first week I was there, I met with Jim. We had a difficult conversation, but Jim let me know that he loved God, loved the church, and was with me. He ended up being my number one guy during the years I was there. He went to battle all right—as my strongest supporter. I couldn’t have asked for a better team member.

After I had accepted the position at my third church, the leader who preceded me offered to sit down with me and give me a heads-up on those who might cause me problems. As had been the case with the predecessors in the previous two positions, his heart was to help me. But I respectfully declined his offer. By then I’d been in leadership long enough to realize that his problem people wouldn’t be mine—and vice versa. I would have no connection with some people he relied on, and others who left him cold would probably become key players for me. Why? Because who we are determines how we view others.

How do you generally perceive the people around you? What has shaped your perception?


You cannot separate your identity from your perspective. All that you are and every experience you’ve had color how you see things. It is your lens. Here’s what I mean:

Who You Are Determines What You See

A Coloradan moved to Texas and built a house with a large picture window from which he could view hundreds of miles of rangeland. When asked how he enjoyed the view, he responded, The only problem is that there’s nothing to see. About the same time, a Texan moved to Colorado and built a house with a large picture window overlooking the Rockies. When asked how he liked it, he said, The only problem with this place is that you can’t see anything because all those mountains are in the way.

The story may be a little exaggerated, but it points out a truth just the same. What people see is influenced by who they are. People in the same room will look at the same things and see everything totally differently. That’s always true with my wife, Margaret, and me. We’ll be at a party chatting with people, and she’ll come up and ask, What was the guy in the blue sweater talking to you about? I won’t have a clue who she means. Margaret has great style and fashion sense. I don’t. When I look at people, I don’t see what they’re wearing. It’s all just clothes to me.

Each of us has his or her own bent, and that colors our view of everything. What is around us doesn’t determine what we see. What is within us does.

What do you first focus on when introduced to someone new? What kind of details do you notice about a person’s appearance or manner?


Who You Are Determines How You View Others

A traveler nearing a great city asked an old man seated by the road, What are the people like in this city?

What were they like where you came from? the man asked.

Horrible, the traveler reported. Mean, untrustworthy, detestable in all respects.

Ah, said the old man, you will find them the same in the city ahead.

Scarcely had the first traveler gone on his way when another stopped to inquire about the people in the city before him. Again the old man asked about the people in the place the traveler has just left.

They were fine people: honest, industrious, and generous to a fault, declared the second traveler. I was sorry to leave.

The old man responded, That’s exactly how you’ll find the people here.

The way people view others is a reflection of themselves.

If I am a trusting person, I will view others as trustworthy.

If I am a critical person, I will view others as critical.

If I am a caring person, I will view others as compassionate.

Your personality comes through when you talk about others and interact with them. Someone who doesn’t know you would be able to tell a lot about who you are based on simple observation.

How would you describe the people you work with or see regularly?


Examine your statement. What did you focus on (strengths, weaknesses, skills, personality, etc.)? What

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