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The First Minute: How to start conversations that get results
The First Minute: How to start conversations that get results
The First Minute: How to start conversations that get results
Ebook175 pages2 hours

The First Minute: How to start conversations that get results

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Get people's attention and get to the point. Learn the simplest way to improve your business communication skills. There is no fluff and no vague advice, just practical step-by-step methods you can start using today.

This multi-award-winning book teaches specific methods for professional business conversations, ema

Release dateNov 5, 2020

Chris Fenning

Chris Fenning is a trainer, speaker, and author who makes it easier for us to communicate at work. He helps experts talk to non-experts, teams talk to executives, and much more. Chris also helps trainers improve their training with tried and tested methods to make training stick. Chris's practical methods are used in organisations like Google and NATO, and have appeared in the Harvard Business Review. His award-winning books have been translated into 15 languages. Find out how Chris can help you at

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    Book preview

    The First Minute - Chris Fenning


    This book is a step-by step guide for starting clear, concise communication in everyday work situations. This includes the conversations and emails with your teams, peers, and managers that account for over 80 percent of your communication at work.

    The techniques described in this book are based on the following core principles.

    You must prepare your audience to receive your message before you deliver it.

    People are busy, so you need to get to the point quickly.

    The most effective work conversations focus on actions and solutions, not on problems.

    There is some crossover into social communication, but the focus of this book is communication at work.


    We communicate with dozens and sometimes hundreds of people every day at work. Every conversation relates to a different task or topic, and they all have different goals and outcomes. Each time we start a conversation, we know what we are going to talk about and why it’s important. Unfortunately, the people we speak to don’t know either of these things.

    When we start communicating, our audience’s brains must work to understand the context of the words. They try to work out why we are talking to them and what they need to do with the information. If these things aren’t clear in the first few sentences, their minds create their own version of the facts. This leads to many problems, from wasted time to incorrect assumptions and high-cost mistakes.

    A study by Siemens Enterprise Communications found that a business with one hundred employees spends an average of seventeen hours a week clarifying communications.¹ That is 884 hours a year that could be spent delivering value to customers instead of repeating information to make sure it’s understood. To avoid this repetition, every conversation should start clearly and concisely. This is true whether you are communicating about printer paper or the launch of a million-dollar advertising campaign.

    Each conversation can be set up for success if the context, intent, and message are clear. Even the most complex topics can be started simply and clearly if they are summarized using the right structure. It is also possible to achieve all this in less than a minute by applying the techniques in this book.

    By focusing on the first minute, you can position every work conversation for success. Do this, and you will be recognized as a great professional communicator.

    The techniques in this book show how to give the information your audience actually needs. The first minute is not about trying to condense all the information into sixty seconds. It is about having clear intent, talking about one topic at a time, and focusing on solutions instead of dwelling on problems.

    Creating the most effective first minute of any work conversation is a two-step process.

    Step 1: Frame the conversation in fifteen seconds or less. Framing provides context, makes your intentions clear, and gives a clear headline.

    Step 2: Create a structured summary of the entire message you need to deliver. State the goal and define the problem that stands between you and achieving that goal. Then focus the conversation on the solution.

    By following these steps, you can start any work conversation feeling confident that you are communicating clearly. This is all possible in less than a minute, no matter how complex the topic.

    Throughout this book you’ll discover how to:

    Have shorter, better work conversations and meetings

    Get to the point faster without rambling or going off on tangents

    Reduce the risk of mistakes caused by people incorrectly assuming they understand your message

    Lead your audience toward the solution you need

    Apply one technique to almost every conversation with great results

    It doesn’t matter what your job title is or what level you occupy in the organization; the principles in this book will help you become a clearer, more concise, and effective communicator, and you’ll be able to do it fast.

    I am going to start by addressing the most common causes of miscommunication at work.

    Lack of context

    Unclear purpose

    Not getting to the point

    Mixing up multiple topics in the same conversation

    Lengthy, unclear summaries

    You’ll learn how to avoid these pitfalls and how to summarize your entire message in less than a minute. The result will be a summary that makes it clear what you are trying to achieve and what you would like your audience to do. You’ll see how this technique works in different situations, industries, and job types.

    You will also learn about the three components of framing—context, intent, and key message—and how these provide the foundation for a successful conversation.

    Finally, you’ll discover the three components required of a structured summary: 1) the goal you are trying to achieve, 2) the problem stopping you from reaching that goal, and 3) the solution to the problem. These three things will enable you to summarize any topic, no matter how complex.

    The last section of this book shows how to apply these techniques in a wide variety of situations.

    Along the way you’ll meet managers, software developers, secretaries, and executives; witness the frustrations of missing out on dessert; ride the conversation rollercoaster; learn a valuable lesson in communication from a car mechanic; and even learn why it costs so much to put people into space.

    This book is a result of more than 20,000 conversations in both business and technical jobs. I’ve trained individuals and teams around the world in these techniques. I’ve worked with organizations from start-ups to Fortune 50 and FTSE 100 companies. These methods work for them all.

    Apply these techniques, and you will have shorter, clearer conversations that get results. It is easier than you might expect, and it all starts with the first minute.


    The first minute starts when you start talking about the work topic.

    In the context of this book, the first minute is not always the start of the interaction with your audience. It does not include the greeting or the time spent on personal engagement. Throughout this book, the first minute refers to the start of the work conversation. The clock starts when you shift from personal to professional topics.

    Many books describe how to start conversations that establish and build relationships. Others show you how to make a great first impression in an interview or on a date. Still more show you how to start challenging conversations the right way. What none of those books teach is how to start conversations about normal, everyday work topics.

    It is possible to make a great first impression with a colleague, only to ruin that impression when the conversation shifts to work. It doesn’t matter how much people like you; if you cannot deliver information in an organized way, you will have a hard time being respected professionally.


    The way we communicate at work influences how people think about us. It can impact the opportunities we get or don’t get, and the consequences can be significant. Poor communication skills are one of the top reasons why people don’t get promoted.² This is especially true for people applying for leadership positions.

    We spend over eight hours at work every weekday. Over 50 percent of that time is spent communicating either verbally or through writing.³ That is a lot of time. All those interactions leave either a good or a bad impression about our ability to communicate. 

    How would you rate your communication skills? Do you leave a good impression, or is there room for improvement?

     If you are reading this and thinking it’s too late for you—you’ve already made a bad first impression, and there’s no point trying to fix it—don’t despair! You may have had some less than ideal conversations at work, but you can turn it around and become a role model for clear communication.

    Research shows that poor first impressions can be reversed by a consistent strong performance. It takes eight good impressions to overturn a bad one.⁴ That may sound like a lot, but we have so many interactions at work that it doesn’t take long to have eight conversations with someone. For example, if you have one conversation every day with a colleague, you can go from being regarded as a poor communicator to being seen as a great one in less than two weeks. When you factor in emails and meetings, the number of times you communicate with someone each day goes up, and the turnaround time is even shorter.

    What would you give to go from being seen as a poor or average communicator to being seen as a great communicator in just eight conversations?

    Plus, while you may have some work to do to change the impressions of the people you work with, there are many more chances to give first impressions when you meet and work with new people in other teams and in new companies as your career progresses.

    In the coming chapters, you’ll learn how to create a great first minute no matter what you want to talk about at work. When you apply this to all your work conversations, it will become a natural part of how you convey information, make requests, and engage in all other types of daily work communication.


    Framing happens in the first

    fifteen seconds of a conversation.

    Framing helps individuals interpret data. – Erving Goffman

    The problem with starting conversations about work topics is that we are never taught how to do it. Most professionals have fourteen to eighteen years of schooling and yet don’t get a single lesson on how to start conversations about

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