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1 Thessalonians: 30 Day Devotional
1 Thessalonians: 30 Day Devotional
1 Thessalonians: 30 Day Devotional
Ebook80 pages59 minutes

1 Thessalonians: 30 Day Devotional

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About this ebook

A 30-day devotional based on 1 Thessalonians by Alec Motyer and from Keswick Ministries.

'Keep on keeping on' is surely a message that's as relevant today as when it was first written. Paul visited Thessalonica on his second mission trip, along with companions Silas and Timothy. Unfortunately, his time was cut short after only four or five weeks. He was hounded out of the city. But amazingly, even by this time a fledgling church had formed!

Paul writes to the new believers in order to fill in details and explain misunderstandings about the second coming. He urges them to live well in community and gives further instructions about godly living.

He's encouraging them to press on in holiness in spite of opposition: 'Keep on keeping on.'

Release dateJul 21, 2016
1 Thessalonians: 30 Day Devotional

Alec Motyer

Alec Motyer (1924–2016) served as principal of Trinity Theological College in the United Kingdom, as well as pastor of several churches in England.

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    Book preview

    1 Thessalonians - Alec Motyer


    Can you guess how many sermons have been preached from the Keswick platform? Almost 6,500!

    For over 140 years, the Keswick Convention in the English Lake District has welcomed gifted expositors from all over the world. The convention’s archive is a treasure trove of sermons preached on every book of the Bible.

    This series is an invitation to mine that treasure. It takes talks from the Bible Reading series given by well-loved Keswick speakers, past and present, and reformats them into daily devotionals. Where necessary, the language has been updated but, on the whole, it is the message you would have heard had you been listening in the tent on Skiddaw Street. Each day of the devotional ends with a newly written section designed to help you apply God’s Word to your own life and situation.

    Whether you are a convention regular or have never been to Keswick, this Food for the Journey series provides a unique opportunity to study the Scriptures with a Bible teacher by your side. Each book is designed to fit in your jacket pocket or handbag so you can read it anywhere – over the breakfast table, on the commute into work or college, while you are waiting in your car, during your lunch break or in bed at night. Wherever life’s journey takes you, time in God’s Word is vital nourishment for your spiritual journey.

    Our prayer is that these devotionals become your daily feast, a precious opportunity to meet with God through his Word. Read, meditate, apply and pray through the Scriptures given for each day, and allow God’s truths to take root and transform your life.

    If these devotionals whet your appetite for more, there is a ‘For further study’ section at the end of each book. You can also visit our website at to find the full range of books, study guides, CDs, DVDs and mp3s available. Why not order an audio recording of the Bible Reading series to accompany your daily devotional?

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

    (Colossians 3:16,




    1 Thessalonians

    ‘Keep on pressing on’.

    Do you need to hear these words today?

    ‘Keep on pressing on’ was the theme of the first letter Paul ever wrote. It was a message that the Thessalonians, and every believer since, has needed to hear.

    Paul visited Thessalonica, a bustling commercial seaport, on his second mission trip, along with his companions Silas and Timothy. As was his custom, Paul preached in the synagogue and a number of Jews, as well as many Gentiles and some prominent women, accepted the gospel. Unfortunately, the visit was cut short after only four or five weeks when Paul was hounded out of the city by Jewish opposition (Acts 17:1–9).

    But, amazingly, by the time he left, there was a fledgling church.

    Paul wrote to these new believers to fill in details and explain misunderstandings about the second coming, to urge them to live well in Christian community and to give further instructions about godly living, all the while encouraging them to press on in holiness regardless of outside opposition. His prayer for them was that they would become all that they ought to be in character and conduct.

    Whatever age or stage of the Christian life you are, whatever circumstances you are facing, Paul’s message to ‘Keep on pressing on’ is for you. Let the encouragements, challenges and truths from 1 Thessalonians spur you on in your spiritual journey, so that, like these New Testament believers, we would become all that we ought to be in character and conduct.

    Day 1

    Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10

    Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:1

    ¹Paul, Silas and Timothy,

    To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

    Grace and peace to you.

    Complete the phrase, ‘I’m in . . .’ What is the first word that comes into your mind? Perhaps your answer was: ‘I’m in work’, ‘I’m in hospital’, ‘I’m in university’, ‘I’m in pain’ or simply ‘I’m in a rush’!

    Although each of us faces different scenarios, there is a banner that can be put over the life of every Christian: we are ‘in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ’.

    When we become Christians, God, like a careful gardener, gently takes us out of the habitat in which we were living, and he transplants us into himself. Our union with him means that we are planted into a system perfectly suited to the new nature we have been given, specially designed to cultivate our growth, development and fruitfulness.

    Remember the image of the vine and the branches Jesus used in John 15? The branches are in a system perfectly designed to maintain their health, growth and fruitfulness. We are also in a system perfectly designed for our holiness, development and usefulness. We have been planted into God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

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