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My Side of the Story
My Side of the Story
My Side of the Story
Ebook119 pages57 minutes

My Side of the Story

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About this ebook

In 2002, seven-year-old Jessica Stafford was a typical second-gradera girl with long, beautiful, brown hair, big, blue eyes, and lots of friends. She was just finishing the school year and was looking forward to a fun-filled summer. But for a few weeks, she had been experiencing severe headaches, and doctors discovered a tumor the size of a walnut at the base of her skull. She was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a rare, malignant tumor that occurs in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls coordination, memory, and equilibrium. Thus began Jessicas journey through a cancer diagnosis.

In My Side of the Story, Jessica shares the narrative of how she and her family endured the battle with cancer, from the diagnosis to dangerous surgery to radiation and chemotherapy treatments. With diary entries included, Jessica reveals what it was like to be a young cancer victim. She also tells how she was the recipient of a wish from the national Make-A-Wish organization to Disney and how she was able to meet George Jones, her favorite country singer.

Now twenty years old, Jessica describes her hard-fought battle with cancer. She is evidence that miracles do happen, that God does exist, and he does answer prayers.

Release dateMar 6, 2015
My Side of the Story

Jessica D. Stafford

Jessica Stafford is a student at a local community college where she is earning a degree in history. She is twenty years old and lives in Spring Hill, Tennessee, with her family. She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her dog Harley.

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    My Side of the Story - Jessica D. Stafford

    Copyright © 2015 Jessica D. Stafford.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-1542-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-1541-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-1543-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015902891

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 03/04/15


    Chapter 1 My Story

    Chapter 2 The Call

    Chapter 3 Life Before

    Chapter 4 A Year of Misfortune

    Chapter 5 Why Am I Having Headaches?

    Chapter 6 Meeting the Neurosurgeon

    Chapter 7 Treatments

    Chapter 8 Growth Hormones

    Chapter 9 Make a Wish

    Chapter 10 You Gotta Eat!

    Chapter 11 No More Chemo

    Chapter 12 More Cancer in the Family

    Chapter 13 Back to School

    Chapter 14 The Move

    Chapter 15 Please God, Not Again

    Chapter 16 Going Home

    Chapter 17 The Biopsy

    Chapter 18 What Do We Do Now?

    Chapter 19 Face the Facts

    Chapter 20 Graduation

    Chapter 21 Starting College

    Chapter 22 A Summer to Remember

    Chapter 23 A Happy Ending


    Before I had it, I never knew.

    I can’t get that, can this be true?

    You have cancer, that’s what they said.

    Without surgery soon, you could be dead.

    They removed the tumor from my brainstem,

    Just as you would a leaf from a limb.

    All sorts of treatments that made me sick.

    I didn’t choose this; I didn’t pick.

    It’s like the flu, two years straight through.

    The side effects were more than a few.

    I lost every hair upon my head.

    They all just lay there on my bed.

    Struggling through, I saw the light.

    You better bet, I fought my fight.

    It’s over now; I’m as good as new.

    As for the world, I have a different view.

    Cancer took two years of my life

    And caused me lots of trouble and strife.

    Life goes by, in the blink of an eye.

    Just be happy, no time to cry.

    You’d never think your life could go

    Just as quickly as the winter’s snow.

    And now with each breath I take,

    A difference in the world I’ll make.

    So like a bluebird flying high,

    I’ll spread my wings and off I’ll fly,

    Forevermore into the sky.

    —Jessica Stafford


    I WOULD LIKE TO dedicate this book in loving memory to all those who have lost their battles to cancer. This includes my grandfather who passed away on December 4 th 2014 after battling multiple myeloma; he never got the opportunity to read my book.

    I would like to give a special thanks to Leonard Wolfenbarger and all those in LWC for proofreading, and giving helpful advice along the way.

    Thanks Mom and Dad for having faith in me and encouraging me to finish what I started.

    All poems not identified are written by Jessica Stafford.


    My Story

    E VERYONE HAS A STORY to tell. Every story has different sides, depending on for whom it is being told. Stories get told from one person to the next, and many times the stories’ details change along the way. Many people have heard the story I’m about to tell. It’s been told by people I’ve never met, but it’s never been told by me. As you read, keep in mind that although I am telling the narrative of my life, I’m telling this story for God because I want to share with the world what he has done for me, and maybe somewhere along the way, a lost soul might find its way home.

    Cancer is a horrible, heinous disease. Throughout my life I have not only watched many friends and loved ones suffer through the harsh battle of cancer, but I have also battled it myself. I consider myself lucky—or maybe that’s not the right word to use. You see, it’s not by luck that my life was spared, but by the will of God. My name is Jessica Stafford, and my battle isn’t over yet.

    According to the American Cancer Society, in 2014 in the United States, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the United States, accounting for nearly one of every four deaths. Sometimes we don’t realize how fortunate we are until the things we cherish most are taken away from us. In the blink of an eye, your life could be changed forever. Mine was.


    Jessica age 1 year Happy and healthy riding a tricycle

    September 1995

    No matter if you are young or old,

    Always be sure that your story is told.

    No one can tell your story but you.

    It wouldn’t be from your point of view.


    The Call

    T HE CALL CAME AT eight o’clock on a Monday morning in May of 2002—the call from Dr. B that Mom had been waiting for. She probably expected to hear that my headaches were caused by sinus problems. She had hoped that her worries would finally cease, and she could go on in her life as a mother, finding a more worthy cause to be troubled about. No matter how hard she had prayed and no matter how much she had hoped, nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to hear.

    I can imagine this is what she must’ve heard: Mrs. Stafford, I am calling with the results of the CT scan Jessica did. I am so sorry to tell you this, but it appears your daughter has a mass the size of a walnut at the base of her skull. I am truly sorry.

    Just like that, the phone was placed back on the receiver. Her eyes filled with tears, and she thought to herself, I’ve always heard about things like this, but I never in a million years could have imagined that it would happen to one of my children.

    Following that morning, I spent many days in doctors’ offices and hospitals, receiving chemo and radiation. Added to that are all the surgeries I’ve had. Believe

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