Passion of Dance: Comprehensive Views of the Past, Guidance with the Present and Insight for the Future of Dance
About this ebook
Limited dance instruction is offered in detail for those who are anxious to learn or brush up on previous dance abilities.
Your author expresses personal dance experiences, views on the dance industry, what it has been doing and insight for its future; all presented in realistic and cordial depth.
Also, your author/dance teacher has had over forty years of various dance experience which qualifies in writing on the subject.
Lloyd E. McIlveen
Your author, Lloyd E. McIlveen, unveils a chronological list of many and various book subjects presenting controversial, educational, uplifting, futuristic, self helping, philosophical, psychological, entertaining and other stimulating concepts of which are and will be displayed with brief descriptions of each book followed by more issues in line as they become published to the public. The list is growing and will continue to grow.
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Passion of Dance - Lloyd E. McIlveen
© Copyright 2014 Lloyd E. McIlveen.
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ISBN: 978-1-4907-3831-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4907-3830-7 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014910015
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Chapter 1: Dance revolutionization
Chapter 2: The origin of dance
Chapter 3: Purposes of dance
Chapter 4: Dance as a celebration
Chapter 5: The chronological evolution of dance
Chapter 6: The nationalization of dance
Chapter 7: The commercialization of dance
Chapter 8: The industrialization of dance
Chapter 9: Rebellion connected with dance expression
Chapter 10: The internationalizing of dance
Chapter 11: The craze and addiction of dance
Chapter 12: The composure of dance
Chapter 13: The social value of dance
Chapter 14: How the inevitability of dance unfolds
Chapter 15: The additions and changes of dance
A list of your author’s books
are attached in the back of this book
for your inspection.
The world of dance is an exhilarating way of life that constantly presents new opportunities for enjoying and truly living
this life of ours. The dance world in this book describes career dancing, social dancing, therapeutical dancing, dancing for the prevention of boredom, art form dancing, dancing for exercise and dancing just for the love and craving of it.
Viewing purposes, mannerisms, why, when, where and how the dance world began and progressed through the passage of time is the journey we embark on in the following chapters.
The dance artists already have a good view of the internal workings of dance and the social dancers in ballrooms and nightclubs have been exposed to a fine manner of social exchanging in conventional dancing. Unfortunately, so much of the world’s population knows very little about dance let alone the perspective views of the whole dance industry and have less appreciation for it.
Hopefully, the following chapters will shed a little, if not more, light on the subject of dance and its perspective for everyone’s life where there is an interest in dance and fun.
The chapters involve dance history, advantages of dance, dance progress, dance experiences, how dance wove its way into society and also briefs about dance styling and expression.
Basic dance steps are described for novice people who have an interest and desire to begin dancing which may initially seem
difficult, but if one is persistent, will begin to adapt to a fascinating new way of being creative and blending in with a rewarding way of life.
The chapters describe how one can gain more perspective and appreciation of dance activity through this comprehensive issue of dance history to updated dance progress by your long time dance experienced author.
If you have ever wondered what the positives and negatives of dancing experience would amount to, these chapters will view you in. They do express more of the positives of dance life, but they also describe the realities of dance life where everyone won’t necessarily experience the high life and glory of it all.
The contents of these scripts are applicable and designed for people who have a hidden desire of becoming a dancer, but are held back because of a fear of bungling up dance steps. They need a little insight for reducing that fear by knowing how many have overcome that fear through more knowledge of the dancing ways, its life and its people.
Studios teach how to dance and maybe how to socialize and party to some degree, but rarely does one find a method to reduce an anxiety that prevents one from really enjoying this dance type of life.
This is a book of which can stimulate that longing dream to be a part of this world of dance and/or stir more of an enthusiasm to promote one you have already started.
Give it a whirl and you may be whirling around with something you wish you would have done sooner.
Chapter 1
Dance revolutionization
Why do we have to understand dance? Dance has and probably always will be seen differently in the eyes of so many different cultures, ages and ranks of position in this life, so why don’t we peer into broadening our inherently acquired habits of repetition by viewing someone elses actions of their
It is true, some nations and cultures haven’t had much reason or desire to expand their expressions of dance while others have had more social or spiritual incentive to express their feelings through their type of dance movements. Every time a new movement is added in dance, an inspiration spreads throughout to others who tend to add more to it. This progress of adding dance movements from one group to another has provided mutual and more incentive to work and play together through a methodical medium of personal attraction. That’s almost the same as gaining the compassion of wanting to know more concerning joining one another through learning more about one another.
Understanding follows education. Efforts extended to educate and broaden dance concepts also entices others to expand in this general field of entertainment and social recreation.
Once one understands dance isn’t really much different than walking, bending, turning around and especially relaxing, the learned movements for fun, expression, exercise and even a career becomes easier to understand, be creative and appreciate for continuing all through life.
Dance may seem awkward and difficult to some more than others but remember, we all had to learn how to walk along with various other basic necessities to live a life. Dancing can also be viewed as accomplishable in a similar manner as it is to be determined in acquiring skills and abilities to