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Effective Solutions to Diversity Training
Effective Solutions to Diversity Training
Effective Solutions to Diversity Training
Ebook92 pages1 hour

Effective Solutions to Diversity Training

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About this ebook

Over forty years experience in the construction industry provided a basis for studying
diversity issues. Experience teaches that people are different. In jerrys many years of
supervising and training employees, he was confronted with every stage imaginable
pertaining to diversity issues. Whether blue collar or white, people skills remain an
important discipline. Parity is not always prudent, or achievable. However, equal
opportunity provides employees with a chance to fail or succeed in the workplace.
Jerry holds an associate degree in Computer-aided Drafting and Design from ITT
Technical Institute, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from the University
of Phoenix, and a Master of Arts in Adult Education and Training from the University
of Phoenix.
Jerry has authored this book in hopes that students benefi t from his education
and experience and provide solutions to diversity issues in the workplace. Jerry is
the owner, founder, and CEO of Effective Solutions Consultants; and provides
diversity training for people entering the workplace. Today, business is conducted
in the global market, and crosses cultural boundaries. Technological advancement
provides enhancement to present day communication concerns, and has a far
reaching effect on diversity training,
The book can portray to any one of us we have all been introduced to these situations
at some point in time; in any workplace. Its clear as night and day, Cause and
effect, it explains in depth how to manage a company and have positive effects
between a company and its employees. I would suggest that every business and its
employees should read this book, it could very save a company or help in some way
not to mention youll be glad you did! KRISTEN CARTER.
If I was starting a business and wanted information about employee rights and
relations this is the book u need. It covers everything you need to know and would be
a great refresher for people who are already in business. O.O. McCOLLUM THE THIRD.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 9, 2014
Effective Solutions to Diversity Training

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    Book preview

    Effective Solutions to Diversity Training - Jerry Hilliard

    Copyright © 2014 by Jerry Hilliard.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                        978-1-4990-1626-0

                                eBook                             978-1-4990-1625-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 05/06/2014

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    Chapter One




    Chapter one solutions:

    Chapter Two

    Assessment-Based Instruction

    How to Evaluate Performance

    Authentic Assessment

    Chapter Two Solutions:

    Chapter Three

    Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    Affirmative Action and Discrimination

    Chapter three solutions:

    Chapter Four

    Professional Behavior

    Ethics and Change

    Focus group Reflection and coaching

    Historical Analysis

    Chapter four Solutions:

    Chapter Five

    Brain Power


    How to handle stress

    Motivation and Emotion

    The Team Oriented Mentality

    Chapter five solutions:

    Chapter Six

    Human Resource Management

    Crossing cultural lines

    Self adjustment in the workplace

    Market potential


    Chapter Six Solutions:

    Chapter Seven

    Learning Experiences

    Comparison and contrast based on Reason and competition

    Enrollment Trends Analysis

    Analysis and Critique

    Chapter Seven Solutions:

    Chapter Eight


    Problems and solutions

    Chapter Eight Solutions:

    Chapter Nine

    The Value of Diversity Training

    Creativity and Self-analysis

    Chapter Nine Solutions:

    Chapter Ten

    Safety, Health and welfare Laws

    Chapter Eleven

    Mind-set of leadership





    The goal of this instruction is to help students who are about to graduate from high school, or college learn from forty years experience in the workplace. Many situations of a diverse nature await them. In today’s economy new employees may have only one chance to fail at the next level. Everything matters, some things more than others. All of the hard work, and countless hours of study has brought you to this point. CEO’s and managers look for applicants whom they think would be a good fit in their organization.

    Your resume may, or may not, get you the job of your dreams. The resume is not the only criteria of consideration. The author of this book explains that in today’s workplace people skills are at a premium. Diversity issues confront new employees with opportunities to succeed, and in this way contribute to finding solutions to difficult problems across cultural boundaries in a global market. Students benefit from learning about a multicultural society before they enter the workplace.

    A strong desire to explore the limits of workplace diversity, and deal effectively with interpersonal skills at the corporate level requires preparation. This book is the authors attempt to help prepare students with the mind-set, emotional stability, knowledge, and personal qualities that exemplify readiness to take advantage of an opportunity. Students who can hit the ground running enjoy a longer term of employment than those who try to manipulate the system to fit their own agenda. The basic framework and dynamic balance of human characteristics are already in place. Research supports the idea that diversity conscious employees have a greater chance for a successful transition into the global market.

    Effective Solutions to Diversity issues:

    Purpose: To prepare students for entry into the workplace. After studying this chapter students learn to:

    1.   adapt learning to a team-oriented mind-set by understanding and adhering to rules of engagement, or infrastructure

    2.   develop solutions to diversity issues across cultural lines,

    3.   Understand differences, and make modifications, to interpersonal relationships

    4.   Develop an attitude of inclusion.

    Chapter One


    The objective is to learn why and how Diversity training can help with normal business problems, and prepare students for life in the workplace. Diversity training is a commitment to communication concerns, cross culture competency, critical thinking, conflict management, Problem solving, and language barriers. Adaptability requires an individual effort. Employee relations and productivity help employees avoid negatives. Personal input and a positive attitude promotes team unity. Overcoming barriers to diversity issues in the workplace begins with sharpening interpersonal skills pertaining to communication strategies. Learning how to interact with others supported by best practices including personal development such as identifying differences, cultural background, genuine respect, and tolerance. These criteria provide solutions to diversity issues. Many companies are going to a bottom-up rather than top-down management approach that involves the entire company infrastructure and provides expert advice for decision-making.

    •   Company policy requires adaptability not inflexibility.

       Employees who bring a positive attitude to the table do well. Communication among team members finds expression when positive attitudes prevail.

    •   The client has the right to expect a return on his or her investment.

    •   Proficiency requires a high level of self control regarding behavior, and

    •   Employee interaction conforms to a high level of efficiency in terms of trust and respect

    •   A goal-oriented mind-set takes precedence over personal recognition.

    •   Employees have the propensity to shield themselves from adverse or negative behavior, and Interaction plays an important role in building relationships and learning how to respect team members. Decisions made

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