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"The Hapi Book": High Achiever Piano Instructor
"The Hapi Book": High Achiever Piano Instructor
"The Hapi Book": High Achiever Piano Instructor
Ebook155 pages26 minutes

"The Hapi Book": High Achiever Piano Instructor

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High Achiever Piano Instructor: The HAPI Book
Pianist, composer, and educator Roger Hayden has regularly brought beginning piano players to rapid happy musicianship with methods from his lesson book, the High Achiever Piano Instructor.

Called The HAPI Book, the entertaining, multi disciplined approach energetically develops keyboard skills with minimum effort and far less time. Dexterity, rhythm, harmony and literacy grow quickly. Many players skillfully perform intermediate level piano music in one or two years.

Sight reading, playing by ear, and knowing the keys, the fingers dance, the ears are happy and the heart is excited!

You play to learn.

The HAPI Book anticipates intelligence, avoids dull repetition, and achieves cheerful speedy growth. Players often show four and five year abilities within one or two years.

Roger Hayden, a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Pennsylvania State House and Senate, is a pianist, vocalist, composer, arranger, and compulsive teacher. He lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with his wife, Jane. A successful entrepreneur, and an Emeritus Registered Piano Technician, Mr. Hayden is a former public and currently private music teacher, very active in church and community.

Visit www for proofs and demonstrations .
and forHAPI Book helps.

Take home a copy of The HAPI Book and come, PLAY TO LEARN!
Release dateApr 2, 2015
"The Hapi Book": High Achiever Piano Instructor

Roger C. Hayden

People everywhere tell me, “I always wanted to learn how to play the piano!” Well, be happy! With thirty minutes a day, in a couple weeks, your fingers will be moving smart and fast, and you will be reading music. The HAPI Book has been doing it since 2011 and, literally, around the world! Piano teachers ask, “How do you get kids to play like that?” The High Achiever Piano Instructor or “The HAPI Book” avoids the doldrums and anticipates intelligence. Family and friends will be amazed at your playing in just a few weeks. Roger Hayden is a former public school music teacher and conductor, currently private piano teacher, gifted pianist, vocalist, composer, arranger, entrepreneur, and registered piano technician. He has consistently brought new students to rapid joyful accomplishment at the piano, with many winning competitions, local, state (Pennsylvania), and national levels. Compiling new and old European methods and many interesting original pieces into “The HAPI Book” (High Achiever Piano Instructor), our quick learners have been amazing the public for over a decade. Energetic and entertaining, The HAPI Book’s multidiscipline methods bring new pianists of all kinds to joyful keyboard proficiencies, including reading piano music, fine dexterity, harmony, transposing, and improvisation. The website, has demonstrations, helps and incentives to make your own piano pilgrimage possible. Visit the Hayden Studio Students page to see what some kids have accomplished in less than two years. Mr. Hayden and his wife, Jane, live in Northeast Pennsylvania, and together operate the Hayden Piano Service and Studio. They have four children, ten grandchildren, two Yamaha Grand pianos, a harpsichord, clavichord, reed organ, keyboards, violins, guitar, recorders, etc. Mr. Hayden also sings with the Arcadia Chorale, the premier chamber choir in northeast Pennsylvania.

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    "The Hapi Book" - Roger C. Hayden



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    © 2015 Roger C. Hayden. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/05/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7429-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7430-3 (e)

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    Two Finger Black Key Song

    Wag the Thumb

    Rhythm Note Names

    Little Bitty Mouse

    The Juggler

    Find All the A B C’s

    The Tortoise and the Hare

    Interval Song

    Amazing Grace

    Merrily We Roll Along

    Numbering Lines and Spaces

    Note Dance

    The Fox and the Crow

    Fox Illustration for Coloring

    Susanna Up and Down the Steps

    The Wind and the Sun

    Grand Staff Lines and Spaces

    This Old Man & Twinkle, Twinkle

    From Sea to Shining C

    Limping Spider

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf

    Ode to Joy

    Echo Valley

    Note Naming and Key Finding

    Barn Dance

    Rhythm Reading Page 2

    London Bridge, Hole in the Bottom of the Sea

    Piano Key Note Finder

    Treble Clef Lines

    Bass Clef Space Song

    Fairmount Park

    Stepping Skipping Tripping Flipping

    The FACE Song

    Car Crash Space Notes

    Tag, You’re It!

    Gone Sailing

    The Camel’s Hump

    Camel’s Hump

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