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Receptive Sentiments: A Poetry Chapbook
Receptive Sentiments: A Poetry Chapbook
Receptive Sentiments: A Poetry Chapbook
Ebook40 pages19 minutes

Receptive Sentiments: A Poetry Chapbook

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About this ebook

A short poetry collection that incorporates an insight into the modern world while using the literary style of classics that have used creative and imposing usage of symbolism, personification, and analogies. The poems in this book explore the various aspects of human emotion, life as perceived by different points of views, and humanity itself. Along with those are arbitrary poems that hold great meaning and entire stories behind them and are somehow connected, along with hints about the author's own persona and life left to be analyzed by the readers.
Release dateMay 27, 2015
Receptive Sentiments: A Poetry Chapbook

Nadia Benjelloun

Born and raised in Tangier, Morocco, Nadia Benjelloun currently attends high school at the American School of Tangier. She loves to read and write, and wrote since she was seven years old. Nadia has had her first piece of individual piece of writing published when she was ten years old. Ever since, she was motivated to continue writing, and published several other short stories and poems and adopted poetry composition when she was fifteen. Along with her debut book, Receptive Sentiments, she has a fictional novel under progress, set to be completed in the summer of 2015.

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    Receptive Sentiments - Nadia Benjelloun

    2015 Nadia Benjelloun. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/05/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-4135-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-4136-5 (e)

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    My name-Nadia



    Darkness overcomes

    Free Verse

    What Happens To a Dream Realized?

    Baby Blue Eyes


    Coming into Existence

    Who is he?

    Heavy Lump

    The Window and The Wall

    Unspoken Words

    Subdued Soul

    Puppet Scene


    Human Condition

    Humming bird; pretty

    What is Succes?


    What Is That- Beyond Us?


    My name-Nadia

    When I think of my name, I think of soft creamy colour and dew.

    I think of pearls and white roses too.

                      Love, hope and peace signs

                      Also come to my mind,

    For my name does mean hope,

    It is true I hardly mope,

    My name is used in African, Arabic, Swahili, English and Russian speaking countries

    I like to save many things, books, jewelry, useless

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