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David: A Man After God’S Own Heart
David: A Man After God’S Own Heart
David: A Man After God’S Own Heart
Ebook391 pages6 hours

David: A Man After God’S Own Heart

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I asked the Lord what men/woman seek and lack in their lives today. The Lord answered and said, Their identity in Christ. I asked the Lord to show me a man and reveal the identity of such man in Christ. The Lord answered and said, I will show you the identity of a man after my own heart. What did I know about David? I knew that he was a shepherd boy who slew a giant. I mean, who would not be fascinated by a story of a boy that slays giants? As I progressed through the journey of studying the Bible about the life of David, I continuously wondered why David was called a man after Gods own heart. Why did God not refer to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Moses as men after his own heart? The story of David portrays a life of an ordinary shepherd boy that became the king of Israel. His life, however, was ridden with sin, and yet God called him a man after his own heart. It was only later that the Spirit revealed to me that it was because of Davids fierce intimate desire to have a relationship with the living God that he was characterized as a man after his own heart (Acts 13: 22).

God revealed the character of David through this story that runs parallel with the personal relationship that Jesus longs for with each one of usa relationship that cannot be tainted by our sins because of the blood of Jesus Christ. You are all called for a time like this to be a man/woman after Gods own heart just as he had ordained it so that you can have fellowship and an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. You are the only one that can find your true identity through your relationship with Christ! A shepherd boy became king! What are you waiting for? The blood of Jesus works everlasting into the past, future, and present. May the story of David inspire you to a greater understanding of the heart of God the father through his son, Jesus Christ. You have been set free! You are a man/ woman after Gods own heart because of Jesus. John 8 verse 36 states, When the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 5, 2017
David: A Man After God’S Own Heart

Gerrie Uys

I am an ordinary man that was saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. I have repented of my sinful nature and have longed for a relationship with the living God .In my walk with God the Lord has reminded me that we should not become lukewarm and leave our first love Jesus Christ. (Revelation 2 v 4) May Your name be glorified forever Jesus through every word penned in my life. I will continue to do extraordinary things through the name of Jesus to Glorify His name! Amen!

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    David - Gerrie Uys

    Chapter 1

    Saul! The word echoes from the stone coble walls.

    The prophet gapes at the grass roof of he’s dwelling, he’s eyes adjusting to the light in the early morning. The sound of the calls of the shepherd boy’s and bleating sheep drifts through the desert valley. The rain will come soon and the flocks will be driven to the higher grounds on the hills of Ramah.

    The prophet sits up on he’s bed and draws the sheep fleece around he’s shoulders. Why did Saul not obey Yahweh? The events that came to pass in the passing quarter fills the prophet mind. He seemed so perfect. A tear start to roll down the old man cheek.

    Samuel. The voice penetrates the depths of the prophet mind and body. An intense feeling of love-yet almighty holiness, eminent fear and power-fills the small room and he falls to he’s knees.

    He remembers the first time when he heard the voice of Yahweh. He was still a small boy and yet he will never grow comfortable with the power and glory of it.

    Samuel, how long still will you mourn for Saul The voice rumbles through the soul of the prophet like the distant thunder in the depths of the Jericho cliffs and yet it has the gentleness of a whispering breeze playing on the grassy lands of Bethlehem.

    You know I have rejected him as king over Israel. A strand of early morning sunlight filters through the thatch roof and Samuel covers he’s head with he’s sheep fleece. Oh Lord! I was thinking about the day in Zuph, when I met him and he’s servant. He seemed so flawless. So strong and tall! What will the people of Israel say when they hear that you have rejected their choice?

    A soft breeze blows over the prophet. Samuel, fill your horn with oil and be on your way. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of he’s sons to be king. Samuel waits quietly for the Lord to speak again although he can feel he’s heart beating much faster in he’s chest. The early morning rays of the sun illuminates the grey hair in the prophet’s beard.

    Another king for Israel? Samuel thinks about the look in Saul’s eyes when he told him that the Lord rejected him as king. Saul knew that he had done wrong in the eyes of Yahweh but he stood defiantly before Samuel when he met with him. Saul will surely kill the new king. The voice of the most high gently stirs through Samuel’s heart

    Don’t be afraid. Take a heifer with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the Lord’. Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what to do. You are to anoint for me the one I indicate. Samuel waits for more words of instruction but he feels the presence of Yahweh leaving the room. He slowly rises from the floor. He’s heart felt heavy when the Lord announced that Saul will not be king any more but a stirring of joy has yet filled he’s heart again.

    Saul had sinned. The Lord had chosen yet another servant to be king over Israel. He takes the old water skin from the peg on the wall and enfolds a piece of bread in the sheep fleece. He’s mind now wanders back to the day when he’s was but a boy in the temple with Eli. Taking up the walking staff in he’s strong bony hands he determinately sets of towards Bethlehem. The Lord has spoken. A new king was to be anointed!

    Have you heard? Samuel is on he’s way to Bethlehem."

    The group of elders sitting with Ahiman gives worried nods. Maybe he is here because he found out of Kenaz conduct?

    The speaker frowns and scratches he’s long wispy beard. What if he announces another plaque from Yahweh? Ahiman waves he’s reed pipe in agitation. A trail of smoke follows he’s movements.

    Don’t talk like that Sheshai! Samuel has much bigger things to concern himself with than simple few taxes that were raised. Sheshai opens he’s mouth as to say something more but Ahiman continues:

    This must be about what happened to King Saul at Shur. Some of the elders nod their heads in agreement. I heard that he attacked the Amalekites and had a great victory over them. According to he’s scribes he gained a lot of cattle and other riches.

    Ahiman takes the reed pipe’s stem from he’s mouth and blows a billowing cloud of smoke in to the air. I also heard that he spared the leaders of the Amalekite dogs. Sheshai takes the reed pipe from Ahiman. Why would he spare their lives? Ahiman stares in the direction of the Southern gate. He had send Migal to stand watch and announce the prophets arrival.

    I heard that the prophet Samuel had gone to visit Saul soon afterwards. Ahiman scratches he’s beard. Yes there are rumours that Samuel told Saul that he was rejected as king by Yahweh.

    A shrill voice rings out in the late afternoon Master! A young boy comes running from the hill a dust cloud rising behind he’s white robes. Master, the prophet is coming! Ahiman rewards Migal eagerness with smile and quick ruffle through he’s ginger hair. The elders walks to the city gates each one standing in silence with their own thoughts as they await Samuels approach. He looks tired and irritated

    Ahiman grabs Sheshai by he’s shoulder. Will you be quite Sheshai? Not a word from you or anyone else. I will do the talking.

    With that Ahiman steps forward waving at Samuel.

    Welcome prophet of Yahweh. Do you come in peace? Samuel hears the tremble in the elder voice and replies in an emphatic tone. Yes, in peace; I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.

    Samuel stand before the elders of Bethlehem the late afternoon sun setting on the hills. Consecrate yourself and come to the sacrifice with me. Ahiman bows slightly. We have erected a tent for you near the eastern slope. We will send someone to take you there. The elder’s start of towards their houses some walking in groups and other hurriedly making their way of alone.

    Ahiman slowly exhales but the relief that he feels is replaced by curiosity. Why would Samuel come all this way just to sacrifice to the Lord? He almost jumps into the air when Samuel calls out to him.

    Ahiman; I want Jesse and he’s sons to come to the sacrifice. Please see that they join us. The curiosity is replaced with a deep frown and Ahiman nods at Samuel. He then hurries away giving instructions to some of the servants that have gathered tasking them with final preparations. Samuel takes the sheep fleece with food and drink and sits down next to the ruins of an old dried up well.

    On he’s journey he’s mind had wandered back over the years. The days when he was in the temple. How strange it all seemed for a little boy. He was brought up in the Temple of Shiloh by the priest Eli. He’s mother had prepared him for that day when he was taken to the temple.

    He’s mother Hannah had explained to him that he was a very special boy. He was a gift from Yahweh. She told him that she had made a promise to Yahweh that she will raise him according to Yahweh’s word so that he would abide to Yahweh forever.

    He’s father Elkhana sat down with him before he went up with the rest of the family for the offering and spoke very gently to him.

    He remembered he’s father big hands on he’s shoulders. He told him that Yahweh will establish He’s word in Samuels’s life and that Yahweh will lead him and protect him. He’s father had squeezed he’s shoulder and left for the sacrifice. When they arrived at the temple he’s mother brought him before the priest Eli.

    Samuel could not remember too much about Eli on that first day accept that he seemed like a serious and strict man.

    When Hannah brought him before Eli they went to pray and worshiped before Yahweh and Samuel sat wide eyed staring at all the big rooms in the temple with all the strange new ornaments. He’s mother had held him tight and cried a little before she left and Eli had taken him to he’s room when she had gone.

    There were many times when he was corrected by Eli for the adventurous exploits. The tomfooleries of a young boy sometimes did not carry the approval of the older man.

    Thinking about those days brought some memories back to Samuel that made him smile. He’s mother and father came and visited the temple often. When she came she brought scented oil and brushed through he’s thick hair. Every year she would make a new robe for him to wear.

    He’s father and mother continued their visit every year when they came to the yearly sacrifice. Samuel had often missed he’s mother. She had told him that she promised Yahweh that a razor would never touch he head and Samuel took pride in specifically looking after he’s hair.

    He always wore a linen Ephod that he got from he’s parents. He did not realize it at the time but he was already ministering the words of Yahweh to the other people in the temple which he had heard from Eli.

    Eli taught him wonderful things about Yahweh and told him amazing stories which sparked a burning desire to know more. Stories about a man called Noah that build a mighty boat and took a pair of animals of every kind on to he’s boat because Yahweh instructed him so. Samuel use to wonder how Noah managed to get the animals on board especially creatures like lions and bears.

    He asked Eli many questions and sometimes it seemed like Eli would grow tired of all the questions but he would always answer. Samuel loved the story of Abraham that had to offer Isaac. He felt that he’s mother had also offered him to come to the temple and stay with Eli. He learned to fear Yahweh with a love and reference that can only be explained as awe for the living Creator. He came to know many people that came to the temple and ministered the words that Eli taught him of Yahweh to them.

    A man had visited Eli once and Samuel had heard him talking about Eli’s two sons Hophni and Phinehas. When the man had left Eli had looked very distraught. Soon after the man had visited Eli; Samuel had he’s first true encounter with the Yahweh of Israel.

    One night while Samuel was sleeping he heard a voice calling out to him. He sat up groggily in he’s bed and then he ran to Eli’s bedchamber thinking that it was the old man calling to him. Eli eye sight had become very dim and he frowned at Samuel trying to make out he’s form and told him to go back to bed and that he must have dreamed.

    He was lying in he’s bed wondering if he had imagined it when a second time he heard a voice calling him and again he went to Eli. He was sure it had to be the priest for there was no one else in the temple close to their chambers. Eli mumbled that he was hearing things and he went back to bed again. After the third time this happened though and he came into the priest room, Eli had sat up in he’s bed and lit a candle.

    He scratched he’s beard and after a while he told Samuel to answer when the voice called again because it was the voice of Yahweh calling him. He lit a lamp and waited quietly as Eli had told him. The voice called out to him again.

    Samuel He had answered as Eli had instructed him saying Speak Lord for I am your servant.

    A presence had filled he’s small room that he would never forget and still overwhelms him to this day when the true Yahweh of Israel calls on him. It was a night where Yahweh had brought him a message and one which Samuel had sat listening to fearing the words that was spoken.

    The Lord had told him that Eli and he’s sons would be punished for Eli’s sons had committed terrible sins against the Lord and Eli did nothing to stop it. Their punishment would be death. The voice of Yahweh had spoken to him about Israel and then the presence of Lord had departed from he’s room.

    The next morning he tried to avoid Eli for he was afraid to tell him what he had heard. Eli had called him and told him to tell him what the Lord had said. The revelation of the words of Yahweh was not wide spread in those days.

    The priest had become very white in he’s face when he had heard the words spoken but had said nothing accept that Yahweh would do what He seemed was good. The boy did not understand the words of the priest but the word had spread very quickly that the Lord had spoken to Samuel and more people came to the temple to hear the words ministered by Samuel.

    A war had broken out and Israel battled against the Philistines and it was that terrible day when a messenger had ran into the temple and told Eli that the ark of Yahweh was captured by the Philistines and that he’s sons was killed in the battled.

    Eli fell back from the chair on which he was sitting in shock when he heard the news. He fell at and awkward angle and broke he’s neck.

    Samuel had tried to help the priest but he was too heavy to move and so Eli had died just as the word of Yahweh had predicted.

    In those years that followed the Lord had spoken to him often. The people from Israel and as far as Dan to Beer - Sheba came to know Samuel as Yahweh’s prophet.

    He had come to know the Lord and yet it felt like he still knew nothing. Samuel thoughts are interrupted by the Sheppard boy that he saw running towards the elders as he approached Bethlehem.

    The boy casts he’s eyes down and Samuel can see that he is nervous. Sir I have been sent to accompany you to the tent my master has erected for you to stay in. Samuel can’t help but to smile at the boy.

    What is your name young man? The boy swallows and returns the smile widely almost finding it hard to believe that the prophet of Yahweh wanted to know he’s name.

    My name is Migal sir Samuel ruffles the boy’s hair and picks up the sheep fleece and he’s staff. Let us then waste no more time sitting here. Let’s go to my tent. Samuel thinks about the task the Lord has set before him.

    What will the new king be like? The face of Saul comes to Samuels mind once more and he wonders if the new man would be anything like him.

    They arrive at a fine white linen tent and Samuel can see that they had prepared the best for him. In a distance not far from the tent Samuel sees two men labouring to erect an altar for the sacrifice.

    Migal takes him to the back of the tent where a basin of scented water has been prepared and fresh robes have been laid out. Samuel takes a rock from he’s pocket and hands it to the lingering youth. It has the shape of an eagle in flight and he had spotted it on he’s journey to Bethlehem.

    In he’s travels in the years that had past it had become a habit for the prophet to study peculiar looking rocks. The youth can almost not believe he’s eyes and Samuel wonders if he’s smile could go any wider.

    Thank your Sir! Samuel laughs and the sound fills the tent. That will be all for now young Migal. You can go now.

    The boy leaves the tent still ogling the rock. Samuel start to wash the dust from he’s leather sandals and he’s feet in the scented basin.

    After he had refreshed himself he changes into the fresh robe that they had laid out for him and then he kneels seeking the Lord.

    Lord please guide me and give me clear understanding for this anointing. I know that you have plans for Israel and I praise your name Yahweh of Abraham and Isaac.

    He hears the voices of approaching men and takes a deep breath before stepping out of the tent. The elders approach him and a group of young men together with a few new faces stand before the tent. It must be Jesse with he’s sons. Ahiham introduces Jesse before Samuel pointing to a man standing close to him."

    As you have instructed Samuel I have gathered Jesse and he’s sons." Samuel looks into the face of Jesse. Although Jesse hair is streaked with grey he’s appearance is strong and when Samuel makes eye contact the returning stare is that of a humble countenance. The prophet walks over to him and lifts he’s hands and places it on Jesses head.

    Jesse; May the blessing of the Lord our Yahweh rest upon you and your family. A bleating sheep breaks the short silence that had fallen upon the crowd.

    Migal and an older youth is carrying a young lamb between them. The lamb feet are tied with leather straps and the youths pass by taking the struggling lamb to the men building the altar.

    Samuel turns back to the group of men before him.

    Please come for we shall sacrifice to the Lord Jesse nods at he’s sons and they follow the prophet to the altar. He was taken by surprise when Ahiman arrived at he’s dwelling asking him and he’s sons to come to the outskirts of the city to meet the prophet Samuel to sacrifice to the Lord.

    He’s sons had all started to talk at once when Ahiman had left and Jesse had raised he’s hands to quite them all. It was Eliab he’s oldest son that got to speak first.

    Father why do you think the prophet wants us to sacrifice to Yahweh? This was serious and Jesse had looked at he’s oldest son Eliab. He had so many good qualities but he knew that Eliab had an arrogance about him because of these qualities.

    All the other young men tried to voice their opinions again and for a second time Jesse raised he’s hands. The group of young men grew quit looking at their father. Patience for we shall know shortly what the Lord has planned on this day my sons. Now go and clean yourselves.

    Without another word Jesse had entered he’s house. A quite murmur had followed from the group of men and Jesse thoughts went back to the last time he saw Samuel. He had travelled in the caravan with the elders to Ramah to trade some camels. He had known that the elders were about to speak to Samuel about the decision that was reached in the council.

    The people of Israel wanted a king. Someone that could lead them into battle and guide them in council was their reasons. Most off all; they wanted a king like the other nations because all the other nations had a king. He was one of the few that did not agree with the desires if Israel to anoint their own king.

    They went to Samuel council chambers in Ramah. Samuel had been judging over Israel for as long as Jesse could remember and was a man that feared Yahweh and was fair and just. Jesse had heard complaints from Beersheba where Samuel sons was appointed as judges.

    He heard that they were not just and took bribes and perverted justice. This was part of the council’s motivation to talk to Samuel about a king. He had conducted he’s business in Ramah and had waited outside the council chambers. After a while the elders came out with Samuel. Samuel had stood before them he’s long hair billowing in the wind. He had looked sorrowful at the group of elders.

    Remember what I have told you about this king. These are the words of the Lord. You shall cry out in the day because of the king which you have appointed and the Lord will not hear you. The group of elders had shook their heads and Samuel had told them that he would anoint a king. Soon after that day Saul was appointed as king. The group of men arrive at the altar and Jesse cannot help but to notice Samuel staring at he’s sons. Samuel turn towards the group of men studying each son curiously.

    We have come to sacrifice before the Lord. He’s eyes rest on Eliab. A tall strong good looking man. This man has the look of a mountain lion. What is your name?

    Eliab brief hesitation is rather one of astonishment because the prophet addressed him directly but he quickly recovers and answers with a strong proud voice.

    I am Eliab my lord oldest son of my father Jesse. He’s voice sound strong and confident. Samuel can hardly contain he’s thoughts. He softly prays.

    Surely the Lords anointed stands here before us Lord? The voice of Yahweh speaks into he’s heart.

    Don’t look on he’s face, or on the height of he’s stature, because I have rejected him; for I don’t see as man sees. For man looks at the outward appearance, but Yahweh looks at the heart.(1 Samuel 16 v 7)

    Samuel turns from Eliab and addresses rest of Jesse sons. One by one they come before Samuel: Abinadab, Shimma, Nathanael, Raddai and Ozem.

    Every time Samuel addressed one of Jesse sons he quietly asks the Lord if it is the man he had selected, but the Lord rejects every one of them. When the six sons had passed before Samuel he looks up at Jesse with a slight frown.

    Are these all the sons you have Jesse?

    Jesse had been watching the proceeding with care. He did not understand the interest that Samuel had in sons.

    No, there is still the youngest but he is tending to the sheep up in the mountains Samuel frowns deeply and the puzzled look in he’s eyes does not escape Jesse’s attention.

    I want you to send for him for we shall not start the sacrifice until he arrives. Ahiman turns towards Migal. Run quickly and fetch David and do not waste time boy!

    Chapter 2

    A cloud of grey feathers bursts in the blue cloudless sky as the rock strikes the bird on the chest. The young boy puts another rock in he’s sling and runs down the mountain towards the spot where he saw the Guinea – fowl fall down.

    He lets out a hoot of laughter as he runs and the grazing sheep scatters in all directions as he cuts a path through them.

    That is not fair David! A dark haired boy races from the opposite slope swinging he’s arms at the running boy. The boy’s reach the bottom of the slope almost at the same time and David grins at the slender youth.

    Not fair Elika? That was more than fair! You took two shots at it and if you waited any longer it might have died of old age!

    Both boy’s hurry along the pathway eager to get to the fallen bird. There it is! The red helmet head of the Guinea - fowl can be seen sticking out of a thorny thicket at an awkward angle.

    She is not as big as the bird you took down last week David prods Elika knowing that he’s remark will make he’s friend feel better about missing the fowl.

    You are right, but she definitely has a bigger wattle than the one I shot. Their excitement is short lived by a shrill voice calling out to them.

    David! The boy’s turn towards the call on the slope. David shields he’s eyes with he’s hands from the setting afternoon sun. It’s Migal, I bet you he wants to join us when we take the herd grazing in the southern pastors.

    David gives Elika a mischievous grin. Well maybe we must let him accompany us; we may actually go home with more Guinea – fowl than today.

    Before Elika can riposte David takes off towards Migal the Guinea – fowl’s head bobbing under he’s arm. Hallo there Migal!

    The youth looks at David with hero worship in he’s eyes. During the winter David had come to Migal’s rescue when a brown bear had attacked he’s herd. David had killed the bear with he’s sling but what impressed Migal the most was that David had shown no fear when the bear attacked. He had told Migal afterwards that a strange sensation had come over him and that he could not remember everything up until the point where the brute had taken a last shuddering breath.

    Migal notices the blue wattle sticking out under David’s arm Wow, she is a beauty! Can I hold her for a while? David hands the bird to Migal "Sure; we will be taking the herd to the Southern slopes in two weeks-time, you should accompany us. We can hunt together.

    The youths eyes lights up and he jumps up and down. Can I really? David smiles. Sure. Remember to talk to your father about the grazing." Suddenly as if embarrassed he hands the bird back to David.

    Your father and the elders have requested you to go to him immediately. The smile slips from David’s face and a deep worried frown settles on he’s forehead. He must have found out about the sheep dung in Eliab’s shoe. It was only a little joke. Eliab’s face went from a shocking white to a beet purple as he discovered the object of discomfort.

    Migal’s voice brings David back to reality. You should go to the west side of the city where they have erected the guest tent; they are waiting for you.

    Elika had quietly joined them and now lets out a small whistle. Was the tent not erected for the prophet Samuel? The elders have been talking about he’s visit. Migal pushes out he’s chest and with some importance he tells the story of the prophet arrival to the two gawking youths. He arrived this afternoon. He does not seem like someone that can harm you. I waited for him on the hill. Your father, brothers and the elders are all waiting in the tent with the prophet.

    David gives the fowl to Elika and starts of towards the city. Come by our home tonight before you go to bed, I want to know everything! David shows no indication that he had heard Elika as he continues towards the city.

    It was only a little sheep dung, that’s all it was.

    Samuel prays silently to Yahweh. The words of the Lord was clear in he’s heart. The new king of Israel was to be anointed. The men in the tent had fallen silent. Voices of boy’s drift towards the men and a young boy burst into the tent he’s voice flushed the sweat drops shinning on he’s brow.

    The first thing that Samuel notices when David enters the tent is he’s ruddy youthful complexion. David looks nervously at he’s father.

    I am sorry father; if I had known that I had to attend… Jesse raise he’s hand and David looks from he’s father to the prophet. While Samuel studies the young man he silently prays.

    Is he the one Lord? Samuel continues to study the youth waiting on the Lord. He surely has handsome features. A tanned sanguine skin and clear alert eyes. David heart is beating wildly. Samuel is looking at him very intently without saying a word. He had never seen the prophet but everyone knows that Samuel was Yahweh anointed prophet.

    Why was he staring at him like that? Eliab clears he’s throat and David had almost not noticed he’s brothers. The prophet lips move silently and still he stares at him. The voice of the Lord speaks into Samuels’s heart.

    Samuel; rise and anoint him; he is the one David watches as the prophet takes a horn from a sheep fleece and stares wide eyed as Samuel approaches him.

    David, son of Jesse. He dares not move as the prophet approaches him but feels like the earth is moving under he’s feet. Blessed is the name of the Lord our Yahweh."

    Samuel takes the heifer with oil and pours it over David’s head. With this oil I bless you in the name of Yahweh Almighty. The Lord has chosen you to be the new king over Israel.

    There is loud gasps and noises uttered of shock from David’s brothers and the elders in the tent. Samuel holds up he’s hands and the commotion immediately quite down and the prophet of Yahweh continues without any further hesitation.

    The Lord will be with you always. He will guide you and strengthen you in the years to come. Do not let your young heart be troubled for the Lord has a perfect plan for you. Amen

    There is now a stunned silence and although the oil burns David’s eyes he had not moved or said anything. The silence is broken by Jesse. Blessed is the name of the Lord Yahweh Almighty! May he’s will be done!" He’s father hands grasp he’s shoulders and he’s face is smothered in Jesse’s tunic by he’s embrace.

    Samuel turns towards David’s silent stricken brothers. I need to speak to your father and the rest of the elders. Help prepare the lamb. We shall give the sacrifice to the Lord after. The sons of Jesse move towards the tethered lamb and David starts to move in a dream like state following he’s brothers.

    Wait David. I want you to stay and listen. Samuel takes he’s seat on silk pillows that has been brought by some of the town women facing David, Jesse and the elders. All the rumours that you have heard is true. Saul was rejected by the Lord as king. Ahiman and Sheshai give a quick glance at one another.

    Jesse; the Lord has chosen David to be the new king of Israel. David stares intently at he’s father seeking reassurance and guidance. The full weight of the prophet words had slowly started to sink in and he had never been so scared in he’s entire life.

    Jesse speaks he’s mind with concern noticeable in he’s voice. What about King Saul? If all the rumours are true he will surely kill us all if he should know that David was anointed as king. Every time someone used the word king David heart leaps into he’s throat. Samuel lays he’s hand on David shoulder but directs he’s answer to Jesse.

    Do not be troubled Jesse. Yahweh has rejected Saul as king and is establishing a new king! The journey will surely not be easy. Saul’s heart has hardened against the words of the Lord but the Lord will guide your son in the years to come. David has nothing to fear for the Spirit of the Lord has come upon him. Speak to your sons and say none of this to anyone for the Lord shall reveal he’s plan in He’s own time. Jesse looks into the eyes of the prophet and sees the strength of the Lord.

    Come now let us offer sacrifice to the Lord and do not forget that the Yahweh of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has chosen a new king today. The time will come when David shall reign as king over Israel.

    The song carries through the green pastures. The gentle notes a marching elude to an army of ants scurrying around an anthill. The grazing sheep seems to be hypnotized by the shadows of the wispy clouds drifting by ever so slowly. The last notes of the song die away in the still breeze. David stretches himself out on he’s back. The last few weeks had been very exciting and very confusing for the youngster.

    Since Samuels anointing everything had changed. He’s brothers were the worst and mocked him when they saw him. Just the other night when he had entered the sleeping quarters which he shares with Raddai and Ozem, he saw he’s older brothers speaking softly to each other staring in he’s direction and sniggering about something.

    It was only later when he lay under he’s sheep fleece that he had found out why the older brothers acted so apprehensive. He felt small feet scampering over he’s back and jumped up in horror. He’s two brothers smiled at him and Raddai winked at Ozem

    Is everything all right King David? Anything we can do for you? They broke out into uncontrolled laughter when David saw the source of he’s discomfort he quickly grabbed the sand lizard by its neck and threw it out of the room.

    Although he’s brothers acted normal around their father, David felt alone and uncertain. He looked forward to the late evenings when he returned from the grazing fields to spend time with he’s father. Every night since the anointing they sat together by the by the fire under the desert sky.

    He’s father recited the teachings about Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Josef. He taught David about the commandments and the stubbornness of he’s forefathers in the desert after Yahweh had freed them from Egypt. David had heard these stories a thousand times and more but he sat under the starry desert skies and drank in every word that Jesse spoke. The fire and shadows played tricks on he’s eyes and made he’s father beard look like a great ball of fire which gave more emphasis on every word that Jesse spoke and everyone listened quietly.

    He sat wide eyed as Jesse once again told him about Samson strength and he’s final moments when he had crushed the pillars in the temple when he was blind and Yahweh had returned he’s power once more. Jesse would always remind them that Yahweh has a perfect plan for he’s people. David had found comfort when he heard the story of Moses again. How the Lord had interposed for the pharaohs daughter take care of him for a time. The Lord had watched over Moses to lead he’s people out of Egypt’s slavery.

    The fire cast shadows over Jesse face as he spoke. Moses was eighty years old when Yahweh appeared to him in a flame of fire in a bush in the wilderness of Mount Sinai. Jesse had paused and looked at he’s audience with he’s hands raised high above he’s head to illustrate the burning bush. "Only after Yahweh

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