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My Diary P.S. Anna
My Diary P.S. Anna
My Diary P.S. Anna
Ebook835 pages8 hours

My Diary P.S. Anna

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About this ebook

This book is a passage of stories carried out in poetry style on the journey I’ve been through while I was growing up and all the negatives I learned to turn into something positive. Something is better than nothing, making the most of all. I’d like to share all the thoughts I had while developing as a child to an adult to help teenagers and ones in need experience hard times by expressing though out my poetic diary.
PublisherXlibris NZ
Release dateDec 15, 2016
My Diary P.S. Anna

Annan Jazz Von

I’m Annan Jazz Von, born in Auckland, New Zealand, on October 1, 1997. I’ve finished school and have written over two hundred poems. I’ve went into cyfs care since I was thirteen and moved from place to place. Because of that, I’ve learnt to turn all the negatives into something positive and it inspired me to write negatives to positives thoughout my journey in cyfs care. I’m back at home with my family now, and I’m happy to share my story of passages to others in need though my poetries hidden with all the memories I've made with all the important ones around me. Thank you.

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    My Diary P.S. Anna - Annan Jazz Von

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    We Do-Do The Nude-Nude!

    Do-Do The Nude-Nude! (Part 2)

    Some Reality Fu*K’ Up Sex Fantasy

    The Night I Meet My Knights

    Touching All Over My Body

    Making Out Love

    Anna’s Vanasy

    Get Start’ And Play




    2 Seconds

    Y’all Stop & F*Ck Off Just Shut Up!

    Screaming! Me Loving It

    The Same Roof

    Oh My-Oh Why

    Everything’s Just Great!

    My Options

    Whatever I Do


    Never Having My Eyes Leaving You

    If I Do, I Don’t Wanta, I Don’t Want Ya

    Annan Voos’ Baby Boo

    The New Boy

    Love Is Drugs

    Lust Love

    I Don’t Wanna

    Nothing Serious



    No Thanks! No Falls!

    Why Even Bothering It’s Not Important


    As-As-As As If-F-F-F!

    Letting Go Onto The Battlefields

    You’re Shopping In The Next Level

    Anna B#! B#tch!

    Wish’ For Someday

    Just Lying To Me & Say That You’re Love’ Me

    My Hero! My Angel!

    Forever Limitless Endless Memories Together

    You’re The Joys To My Life

    You Have’ To Be’ My Man Servant 24-7

    My Little Miss

    Just Leaving Me To Be

    I’ll Be Stronger Time After Time

    Roses Of Our Love

    First Positions


    Who Knows!


    Like A Rainbow

    Anything Can Happen!

    To Go-Go

    Black & White

    It’s Alright!

    Fearing Not


    When Time’s Right!

    Keep On Carry’ On

    Music’s Magic


    Don’t Think!

    What’s Perfect?



    The Go

    Loop’ The Hoop’

    To Come


    Presence Of Moments

    Hanging Loose!


    High! Low!

    Hold It!



    Wrong Longs Us Strong

    Goods & Bad

    Score Through!

    Living It!


    Losing Is Winning



    Cross’ All Outs

    Right Now!

    Set’ Moves!


    Ain’t Nothing’s Impossible



    No Trouble

    I Never Back’ Off

    No More

    The Guest!



    It’s Ok!


    Wishing Well

    Anaconda Long


    I Want’ To Be Famous!




    Story Of A Life

    This Summer


    I Can Dream!


    Just A Fantasy

    Mala (Bad)

    Just Gimme-Gimme!

    Enchanting Chances


    Doing Nothing

    Our Own Ways

    There’s No Stopping Us


    I’m Gonna Feel Life

    Liven My Life

    I’m Still Young!




    The Taste’ Of Time’

    I Know!

    If I Were A M. Guys-I’ll Be Like….

    Just A Girl

    Tear Disappears

    Planets Closets


    Getting Out Now

    Showing It Out



    The Zones

    Turning On The Lights


    Y’all Holding Nothing To Ever Be Working Me



    Forever Fires!

    Won’t Ever Be Letting Them

    Playing Outs!

    Names Starts A Fairy Tale

    Give Ways Today

    Standing By

    Zooming Off

    Your Smile’s Unbelievable


    Freaking Loving You

    You Are

    Something Bout-Ya

    Can’t Ever Be Forgetting [Something ‘Bout-Ya (Remix)]



    Coming In Closer

    Going Around In Circles


    Moving On

    Outta My Mind Ontta Be’ Mine

    Off To Island Beach Meet’ Sunsets



    Flying Pass By

    Loving Love Games


    I Don’t Ever-Ever

    Clock Ticks! Lovesick!


    Not Anymore Na!

    How Hard

    That Someone

    I’ll Be Waiting


    Down Like Snow


    Are Wee

    Annas’ AnnaVator Elevators

    Missing You

    See You!


    Falling For You

    Boy You Got Me

    All Along Love Song

    Touch My Heart

    You’re All I Ever Want

    How Do I….

    Ask Me Then

    Want You

    Just One’s Enough!

    Lovers Lavas

    Hold’ Me

    Burning Feelings


    I’ll Choose’ You

    Hop Bunny Rabbit

    Meant To Be


    Nigeria Falls



    Not Over-Ya!

    Guy Of My Dreams

    Forever & Always

    In Love Again

    Be My Babe

    Heart & Soul

    Love Him

    K.I.S.S Kiss

    I Can’t Anymore

    An Magic Wand

    Me & You

    Forever You & Me


    I’m Yours

    Sweet Ass

    Only You Only


    Don’t Blame It On Princess

    Just Another Day

    All Night Alright

    Good For You

    Perfect Freefall’

    Give’ It To Me

    I Don’t Want’ WhatAVer!

    It’s Torturing Me

    Your Smiles Make’ Me Sacrifice

    It’s Boil’!

    Alone Very Lonely!

    No Matter What They Says Whatever I Hears

    Wish’ That’s You

    My Heart’s Only Got You


    Don’t You Forget ‘Bout Me

    And It Be!

    We Will See Again

    My Number One

    Our Names

    Not Like This!

    If The Worlds Ends Now

    How Long!

    Till The End

    By Your Side

    All I Care About Is Us Two


    Want You Baby-Baby

    Just Come Into Me

    Your Sweetie

    Bless’ Us

    All Too Well

    Happily AVA After 48VA!

    I’m Want’ You-Your Darling

    Is That The Way

    Why Don’t You Ever Just Stay’ With Me!

    Trust’ Me!

    Be Here Bear With Me!

    Our Moonshine! (Remix-Me & You/Standing By)


    My Beloved!

    Just In Me All Night Long



    Big Brother!


    Just Emperor For Anna

    Young Loves

    About The Author

    The Us Review

    Pacific Book Review

    We Do-Do The Nude-Nude!

    Ya-You Wanna P.(Play) And P.(Put) Your P.(Penis) In The P.(Puss) Ya

    Let’s P.P.(Penis In The Puss) P.P.(Penis And Pussy) Ya

    Makes B.B.(Babies) Touch Your T.(Tes-Tes-Testis) Ya

    In The V.(Vag’) And D.(Ditch) The V.C.(V. Card) Ya

    D. (Dig) Your D.(Dick) Into The V.(Vag’) Ya

    D. (Ditch) The V.(Virgin) When You P.P. Pussy And Penis Ya

    Makes B.B. Babies P.(Penis) And P.(Pussy) Makes …(Babies) Ya

    Without Any S.P. No (Safety Protections) No C.D.(Condoms) Ya

    No S.P.(Safety Protections) Without Any C.T.T. Contraptions Using Ya

    Just Make’ Some B.B.S No C.D.(Condoms)

    No S.P. (Safety Protections) Ya

    No! Contraptions C.T.T. But C.(Cork) T.(Testis) In V.(Vagine’) Ya

    No C.T.T.(Contraptions) Just T.V. Testis In Vagi’ Ya

    Highly Risky Making Some B.B.’S No C.D.(Condoms) Ya

    No S.P.(Safety Protections) C.(Cork) D.(Dig) Into The V.(Vagi’) Ya

    You P.P. Makes B.B. With No C.D.(Condoms) Ya

    No S.P.(Safety Protections) Highly Risky Make’ Some B.B.(Babies) Ya

    C.(Cork) T.(Testis) D.(Dick) Into V.(Vag’) P.(Pussy) Ya

    Without Any C.D.(Condoms) S.P.(Safety Protections) Ya

    No C.T.T.(Contraptions) Just T.V.(Testis + Vagina) C.T. Ya

    (Cork/Testis) In V.P.(Vagine’/Puss’) Just P.P. Creates B.B. You See! Ya

    You’re Ready! You Still Wanna P.(Play) And P.(Put) Your P.(Penis) Ya

    Your Cork(C.) D.(Dig) Your D.(Dick) Into The P.(Pussy) Ya

    T.(Touch) Your T.(Testis) In The V.(Vag’) D.(Ditch) The V.C Ya

    (V. Card) When You P.P. Penis With Pussy T. & V.-T.V. Ya

    Testis Into The Vagi’ C. & V. Cork And Vagina Ya

    Ditch The V.C.-V.Card. & Without Any C.D. Ya

    No C.T.T. No Any! Just C.T.V-P. R.I.P. Rest In Peace! Ya

    No S.P! Highly Risky & Makes Some Babies Ya

    You Do Me I’ll Do You We Do-Do Do-Do You Ya

    Your Dodo & Go Nude-Nude We Do-Do-Do-Do-Do Ya

    The Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude You And Me Ya

    Me And You Us Two We Do-Weh You Do-Meh Ya

    Go Do-Do The Nude-Nude We Go Do-Do Nude-Nude Ya

    I Want You To Do-Do The Nude-Nude On Me Ya

    You Do Me And I’ll Play On You We Both Do-Do Ya

    The Nude-Nude We Get Naked We Can Make It Ya

    Through It Let’s Do It Me And You Get Naked Ya

    We F*Ck It Go For It And Create Some Sh*Ts Ya

    Get Naked S.E.X-Sex Just Do It Now Let’s Get Ya

    Right To It Hop Right On It Ride It! Rock That Body Ya

    Rock The Bed You Do-We Do-Both Nudes We Do-Do Ya

    Then You-You Move-Move Us Two Into The Nude-Nude Ya

    Move-Move Let’s Do-Do And Ooh-Ooh-Yeow Meow Ya

    Out Loud We Roll We’ll Go We’ll F*Ck That Sh*T Ya

    F. That Sh*T F*Ck It Up F*Ck Up Sex Ya

    Sex On F*Ck It Up F*Ck’ Up F*Ck Up Ya

    Let’s Do-Do The Nude-Nud We Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do Ya

    Go Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude Let’s Do-Do The Nude-Nude Ya

    Yeow Do-Do The Nude-Nude Puss Get’ Prick’ By A Penis Ya

    & Turn’ Into A Double Positive Turn’ Into A Positive Ya

    Be’ Pregnant P.P. Turn’ Into Double P When P.P. Ya

    Puss Translate’ For Penis To Transfer’ The Transmit’ Of Ya

    Transformation On Transit’ Its Bits & Beep’ Female Plus A Male Ya

    = Trouble F. B*tch + M. Dog Wolf Makes Trouble-Lots Ya

    Shoot’ In Be’ Female B*tch + Male Big Bad Wolf Dog Ya

    Female + Male=101 (1+0=1) (1 In 0 Out Another 1) Or Ya

    Overwhelmingly More 1s But Basically 1 F.+1.M=2 Ya

    With 1 Dominant One Is 1 & One Is 0 So 1 In 1(0) Ya

    Mean’ (0)1 Be’ Plus Up By Into 2 Altogether Not 1+1=2 Ya

    It’s 101 (1+0=1) Into 1 In 1(0) That’s 2 & From 1 & 1 To 1+2=3 Ya

    Or Even More Up To 10 Above Endless Ya

    No. Countless Numeric It’s Unlimited Ya Ya

    No. Of Equations Maths Of Fates All’s Calculations Ya

    Of Numbers Apply’ By Play’ 1 F. + 1 M. = 101-1+1= 2+1=3 Or 1s Ya

    1-10(1s) Even Above More 101=B. Or Bs 1s To 3 Altogether Ya

    At Least From 101 1 Plus 1 With An 0 Equals 1+1=B.O Ya

    (1 In 0 Comes 1 Or 1s) 1s Plus Into Outcome’ At Least 3 Ya

    Altogether 1-10 1s 1+1=O (B.) From 1s (1 Plus 1 With A 0=1+1=2) Ya

    That’s Form By 1s Into 3 1b. Or 1s/Bs Total 3 Or Bs With 1+(0)1=1s Ya

    Total At Least 3 Altogether 3 1b. Either (101) F. & M. 1+1=B.(O) Ya

    3 Or 1’s & Bs 1-10… Endless Unlimited Limitless Timeless Ya

    Countless Generations Patterns Traits Belong’ As 1s Make’ Up Bs Ya

    From 1 In O To At Least 3 Puss Open’ For 1 Stick Ya

    Dick Comes Not Just 2 But At Least 3 1+1 Is Not Ya

    Just 2 But 3 Or 1s B/Bs From 101 D.1+P.0 (F.&M.)=1 O B Ya

    In Total 3 Above, 1s Ya

    Do-Do The Nude-Nude!

    (Part 2)

    Ya-You Wanna P. And P. Your P. In The P. Let’s P.P.-P.P. Ya

    Makes B.B. Touch’ Your T. Into The V. And D. The V.C. Ya

    (V. Card) D. Your D. Into The V. D. The V. When You P.P. Pussy Ya

    And Penis Makes Babies P. And P. Makes B.B. Without Any S.P. Ya

    No C.D. Without Any C.T.T. No S.P. Just Make’ Some B.B.S Ya

    No C.T.T. But C.T. In V. No C.T.T. Just T.V. Testis In Vagi’ Ya

    No C.D. No S.P. But Then S.T.I. To S.T.D. Highly Risky Ya

    Making B.B.S No C.D. No S.P.C. D. Into The V. Ya

    You P.P. Makes B.B. With No C.D. No S.P. Highly Risky Ya

    Making B.B. C. T. D. In V. P. Without Any C.D. Or S.P. Just P.P. Ya

    Creates B.B! You See! You’re Ready! You Still Wanna P. And P. Ya

    Your P. C. D. Your D. Into The P. T. Your T. With The V. D. Ya

    The V.C. (V. Card) When You P.P. Penis With Pussy T. And V. Ya

    T.V. With No C.D. Highly Risky Onto Make’ Some B.S The C.V. Ya

    Now No V.C. Testis In The Vagi’ C. & V. Cork And Vagine’ Ya

    Ditch The V.C.-V. Card And Without Any C.D. No S.P. Highly Risky Ya

    Make’ Babies You Do Me I’ll Do You We Do-Do Do-Do Your Dodo Ya

    Go Nude-Nude We Do-Do-Do-Do-Do The

    Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude Ya

    Me And You Go Do-Do Nude-Nude We Do-Do Ya

    Nude & Nude! Want’ You To Do-Do The Nude-Nude Ya

    On Me And I’ll Do On You We Both Do-Do Nude-Nude Ya

    Get Naked We Can Make It! Through It Let’s Just Do It Ya

    Me And You Get Naked We F*Ck It Just Go For It Ya

    F*ck It! And Create Some Sh*Ts! Get Naked! S.E.X-Sex! Ya

    Just Do It! Now Let’s Get Right ‘To It Hop Right On It Ya

    Ride It Rock That Body Rock The Bed You Do-We Do-Both Nude Ya

    We Do-Do You-You & Me-Me We-We Boo-Boo-Th Move-Move Ya

    We Two Into The Nude-Nude Move-Move Let’s Do-Do Ya

    And Ooh-Ooh-Yeow Meow Out Loud We Roll We’ll Go Ya

    We F*Ck That Sh*T-F. That Sh*T F*Ck It Up Ya

    F*Ck It Up F*Ck’ It Up F*Ck Up Sex-Sex-Sex-Sex Ya

    Sex On Just F*Ck Up Let’s Do-Do The Nude-Nude Ya

    We Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do Ya

    Go Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude-Nude Ya

    Let’s Do-Do Do The Nude-Nude Ya

    Yeow-Do-Do The Nude-Nude Ya

    Some Reality Fu*K’

    Up Sex Fantasy

    Ya It’s Not Just Today It’s F*Cking Every Day I Feel The Same Way

    Ya Everything Out Of My Way And Everything I’m Thinking Of

    Ya Is Getting Lay Having Sex Everyday Anyway Can’t Find Anybody

    Ya My Own Rage’ Anyone At My Own Rates & It’s Making Me

    Ya F*Cking Crazy That I Can’t Find A Mate But You See

    Ya I Hate This Game It’s F*Cking Not For Me I’m Not A Bit Interest’

    Ya In Any Of They I’m Just Plan’ On Stay’ Away For My Whole Eternity

    Ya Not Ever Have’ Any Never Changing For

    Any None Were Ever My Taste’

    Ya I’ll Be Staying Away For My Own Sake

    And Never Ever Get’ Play-Lay-Play

    Ya Ever In This Lane They Are So Lame And

    This Is How I’ll Just Ever Remain

    Ya Rather Be In The Rain And Going Insane That’s How I Rather To Be

    Ya This Worlds So F*Cking Ugly And Can Never Get’ Any Lucky

    Ya But Never Were Ever Looking In Thee Not Looking For Any Creeps

    Ya Crawl’ From The Creeks Don’t F*Cking Touch’ My Cheek

    Ya You So Cheesy But Not Yet Yummy Bets Tasty Yet You’re A Big

    Ya F. Dummy For Me To Bite’ In On & Now I’m F*Cking Teary

    Ya For You Not Ever Being There For Me I’ll F*Cking Murder’ Yee

    Ya For That Indeed Wait Till You See What I’m F*Cking Mean

    Ya I’m A Big F. Meany & No One’s Ever Change’ Me

    Ya Anyway, That’s My Originality Like Me Or Dis Me I’m So Carefree

    Ya So-So Doesn’t Even Bother’ Me But You Can Lay Your F*Cking Head

    Ya On My Boobies & Your Hands Touch’ My Booty Taking Off My Panty

    Ya Touching All Over My Body I’ll Show You How Openly

    Ya Sexually I Can Be But You F*Ck’ Drop’

    Dead You’re F*Cking Dead Meat

    Ya I’ll F*Cking Shooting You In The F*Cking

    Head For Never Ever Be’ There

    Ya For Me You Mother F*Ck’ Stupid You F-Ing Big Fat Dick

    Ya You Never Gonna Touch’ Me Anywhere Near’ You’re Stupid D.

    Ya I Don’t Ever F*Cking Want’ Any What A Nightmare That Can Be

    Ya If Anyone Ever Try’ To Do Me If I Ever Losing My Virginity

    Ya To A F*Cking Cocky You Mother F*Ck’

    Freak’ But If Ya-A F*Ck’ Hottie

    Ya We’ll Get Suckies Play’ Dirty & I’ll Think’

    You’re Mother F*Cking Funny

    Ya But I’ll Get’ F*Cking Crazy Moody Swingy & Twerking Thee Witchy

    Ya Twitchy Switching Junkies Till You’re Please We Can Play Sexy

    Ya & Make’ Some Babies B.Baby B.B. Baby But I’ll Leave You Homey

    Ya And Never Ever Be Your Sweet Honey You Can Just Forget ‘Bout Me

    Ya We’re Like Never Ever Even Meet Anyone

    Can Be My Soul Partner Ok

    Ya We’re Mates To Be & For A Fact That You Can’t Ever Be That Body

    Ya C’mon Wake Up Already There’s Never Even Us Never We

    Ya Given Up Long Before That Ever Even Start’ That’s Like Never Ever

    Ya Even Began And Not Plan’ Of Change’ But Just Keep’ Remaining

    Ya F*Cking Single For My Own Meanings Not That I’m Have’ Any

    Ya Care’ To Spree For Free No Sanity For Anybody For F*Ck’ Leaving

    Ya Not Just A Penny But Just F*Ck’ Leave’ Me Don’t Want’ You

    Ya Touching Me Don’t F*Ck’ Touch Me Unless I’m Your F*Ck’ Bunny

    Ya I’ll Act’ Like A F*Cking Kitty Let’s Get Dirty We Can Play Messy

    Ya Just Come & Get Me C’mon Baby Come And F*Ck’ Me

    Ya No Need’ To Hold’ Back Any Go On Full Force Literally

    Ya In It Mentally And Physically Just So Actively

    Ya Else If I Don’t Get’ What I’m Desire’ To Get’

    Ya In That Entirely You Be Deadly Zom-Xom

    Ya Zombie That Wishes Never Ever Even

    Ya Touching My Pussy Keep’ Your Hands Off Me

    Ya You F*Cking Freaks Before I’ll Make’ You Break’

    Ya Or Either Way You’ll Never Be My Babe

    Ya There’s Never You And Me There’s No We We’ll Never Be

    Ya You’re Worse Than Lies That’s Never Even Exist’ In My Any

    Ya Fat A*s Pieces In My Any Places Not Any Of Mine

    Ya You’re Not My Anything Not Even A Fantasy Nor Reality

    Ya Life’s F*Cking Lies That’s Making Up Of Reality

    Ya But Lies Or No Lies You’re Never Ever Were Ever Even Mine

    Ya To Feel No Appeal’ Just Strip’ It Off For Real Never At Any

    Ya Places To Be Never Seen & Now Are Not Even Near

    Ya Nowhere F*ck’ Near Anywhere My Any Pieces

    Ya That’s Bring’ In Just Twilight Bling’ At Midnight Snack’

    Ya Give’ Me That A Man For Me Annan Mam-Man-Man-Méin

    The Night I Meet My Knights

    Ya It Was The Night I Finally Meets My Knights Ya

    In The Most Unbelievable Ways That I’d Never Imagine Ya’

    That’s How It Plays But It Didn’t Happen’ By Mistakes Ya

    Even It’s Not Quite The Same Being In Reality Ya

    It’s Not The Real Thing It’s Not What It Seems Ya

    On How It Can Be Happened But Though I Really Ya

    Wouldn’t Mind If It Did Plays Out Like That Way Ya

    Some Nights With Either One Of Them My Knights Ya

    One Of The Men Or Even Both At Once The Night Ya

    I Meet My Knights Both At Once It Was The Night Ya

    When I Never Thought It Can Get Any More Excite’ Ya

    Then This Then Here It’s Lead’ To This Bright Ya

    After A Long Day Of Cockiness Corks From This Early Day Ya

    Begin’ So It Brought All These Fishes That’s Been Caught Ya

    But Later On, That Day Into The Night & Here It Comes Ya

    That’s What’s Been Done Never Imagine’ That Moment Ya

    Would Come & That’s How It All Happen’ The Wildest Dream Ya

    Of My Life Begins To Untwine In But It’s Not All What It Seems Ya

    But Now Hear Me Out This Is The Story My Saddles Sway’ Ya

    Moving In Motions When Wobbling It Wobbles With His Head Ya

    In The Cover With His Fingers Pointing Straight At Anna Ya

    Then Mouth Opening Wide With An O His Eyes So Wide Ya

    With Surprises Staring In’ Mine So Bright With Lights Ya

    Then Slides To The Sides There I Face’ This Other Guy Ya

    His Body Figures Shading Over Anna Sensing His Presence Ya

    Under The Cover Seducing Me With His Positive Eyesight’ Ya

    Trying To Hypnotise’ Me Into Thinking Believing In Each Ya

    Of Their Charming Sides Both Of Their Eyes Lying Out Contact’ Ya

    With Communications To Interact’ Send’ Out A Messaging Ya

    Having Me Believing In Them This Is What I’ve Been Ya

    Always Hoping Longing Dream’ Want’ It To Happen’ Ya

    For The Upcoming Futures Occasions Somewhere In The Life Ya

    Events Having These Kinds Of Functions Infusions Ya

    With Either One Or Both Of The Men’s At Once Ya

    There’s Something In Each Of Them Ya

    That They Are & Can Bring’ But It’s Truly Magnificent Ya

    For What They Have To Offering’ Everything’s Ya

    Not Truly What You’ve Believing To Think’ It Should Have Been Ya

    Happening Or Happened It’s Not What You Are Expecting Ya

    It Was The Wildest Dream Of A Reverse Harem Ya

    This Unbelievable Night Of The Wildest Dream Ya

    Happening That I Wouldn’t Have Thought To Ever Be Alive To Ya

    Presenting & Sensing Something Quite Like That Can Ever Happen’ Ya

    But It’s Absolutely Not How You’ll Imagined It’ll Occurrence Ya

    I’m Sure Yeah Wouldn’t Mind If That’s The

    Case How We Actually Play’ Ya

    I’ll Lie & Die Happily With Either One Of

    The Men But I Truly Believe’ Ya

    In One Who’ll Set’ Me Free To Bring’ Lead’

    In Provide’ Me The Happiness Ya

    Of Freedom’ To A New Opportunity Opening

    Up Even It’s Just A Moment Ya

    Of Fun Enjoyments They’ll Be Bringing Me

    Into The Fun Of Excitements Ya

    Of A Lifetime Feeling & Hoping To Be In That

    I Wouldn’t Mind On Doing Ya

    With One Of Them But Really The 1 One Night

    I Meet My Knight Or Knights Ya

    All At Once Wouldn’t Mind In Lines How It’ll All Happens Ya

    Touching All Over My Body

    Ya I’m Want’ You To Touch’ All Over Me Touch’ Every Single Inches Ya

    Of My Entire Body I’m Want’ Your Hands Even If It’s Roughs Ya

    Just Touching All Over Me Body Start’ From The Bottom Ya

    Work’ Your Way Up Touching Every Single Inches Of Me Entirely Ya

    Hold’ Me Hug’ Me Compress’ It Thrust’ It Into Me Ya

    Touch’ & Feel’ Sensing The Snuggling Smuggling Sucking Me Ya

    The Kissing Touching Feeling All Over Me Touching All Of Me Ya

    Touching Me-Me Body My-My-My Body-Body I’m Dreaming You Ya

    You’re Next To Me Touching Me Rubbing It Against My Body Ya

    All Over Me Compress’ It Onto Me With Your Hands Ya

    & Your Body Against Holding Hugging Snuggling Smooching Ya

    Kiss’ Suck’ Feel’ All Over Me All Over My Body Holding Me Ya

    Wrapping It Around Me With Your Arms Around Me Ya

    Starting From The Bottom Working Your Ways Up Ya

    & Giving Me Your Touch’ I’m Long’ For Your F*ck’ Ya

    I Don’t Mind It Even’s Rough Just Giving Me The Touch Ya

    I’ve Been Longing Dying For Your F*Cking Love’ Me Ya

    Laying Your Hands All Over Me My Body & Squeeze’ Ya

    Every Bits Of Me Don’t Need’ Any Hold’ Back Ya

    You Can Even Give’ Me Ya

    The Smack On My Ass I Swear I Won’t Fire’ Back A Wrack Ya

    You’re Free To Do’ That Don’t Hold’ Back Any Hold’ Anything Back Ya

    Don’t Need’ To Hold’ Back Anything-Anything Back Just Breaking Me Ya

    If You, Pleasing & I’m Are Dying For Your Company Just Come & Ya

    Touching All Over Me Mé Body Touch’ On My Body Feel’ Every Ya

    Single Inches Of Me Making Me Your Baby I’m Wanting Ya

    To Be’ Your Baby I’m Wanting Someone Who’s A Cutie Ya

    To Come’ Touching Me All Over Me Body All Over Me Ya

    & It’s Cuties Only And Not Some Uglies That Somebody Can Be Ya

    You Touching Me Come To Me My Baby Come & Feel’ All Over Me Ya

    Body My Body Your & My Sexiest Are Desperately Waiting Ya

    To Get’ Some Suck’ Play’ In With Real Dirt’ Taste’ Getting Me In-Ya

    Real Messy Being Real Naughty Let’s Get F*Ck’ Evens Openly Ya

    I’m Waiting For-Ya Wait’ For-Ya To Touching All Over Me Ya

    Stop Waste’ Any More Of The Precious Time’ Come Here Ya

    & Be’ My Baby Come Here You & In Me Touching Feeling Ya

    Hugging Snuggling The & Compress’ In The Against Me Ya

    Thrust’ Out The Smooching Ya Smoochy-Smoochy Out The Sucking Ya

    Suckies & Kissing All Over Me Touch’ All Over My Body Ya

    Want’ You To Touch’ Me And Nobody That’s Not A Cutie Ya

    But You Only Feel’ All Over Me Give’ The Love’ We’re Deserve’ Ya

    To Get’ Please That’s You Only That’s Only You Who Can Be Ya

    Give’ Me That To Me In Reverse’ Giving Orgasm’ So, Magnetizing Ya

    Coulda Go Exploding Up The Whole Entire Universe In One Blow’ Ya

    F*Cking Hell Of A Blows In The Verses I’m Only Want’ Someone Ya

    Who’s A Cutie To Go & Do’ That On Me Come & Touch’ Me Ya

    Come & Touching All Over Me And No Other Bodies And You Can Be Ya

    That Somebody To Honour’ My Body All Over Ya

    Me Touch’ All Over My Body Ya

    So, Whatcha Gonna Do Still Doing Whatcha Waiting For Baby Ya

    Get Over Here & Fu*ck Me Baby Come & Touching Me Ya

    Touching All Over Me Touch’ All Over My Body Ya

    Leaning Holding Rubbing Your Dick Poking Up My Puss Ya

    Rubbing It In Rubbing All Over Our Things All Over The Body Ya

    Rubbing That Rubbing The Things Our Thing F*ck’ It Ya

    Into The F-Ing Body Babe Ya-Ya-Ya-Ya-Ya

    Making Out Love

    Ya Times Ageing People’s Growing Worlds Moving Ya Everything’s

    Changing & We Just Can’t Helping But Stopping And Thinking Ya

    That The Needing Of Desiring To Be Wanting On Dreaming Ya

    Of Receiving The Wanting To Conceiving When The Worlds Keep On Ya

    Building Out The Times Keep On Going Then Leading Our Minds To Ya

    Be Building Up Ageing To Us Into Thinking & Craving Out The Needs Ya

    To Moving On Up The Moving It Off Than Out Onto Its Finding Ya

    To Needing Someone To Carrying On Out

    & Going I Can’t Be Keeping Ya

    On Waiting For You But I’m Needing Someone To Too I’m Carving Ya

    For You To Building In Some Sums Of We Two To Bringing Ya

    On Out The Suns Creating Out Some Sums In Desire’ Ya

    Someone Bring’ Us Ones The Someone The Ones That One Plus One Ya

    It’s Two Or Double That Into Numerous Moves Ya

    From Us Two To I’m Wanting Needing You I’m Wanting Need’ You Ya

    To Kiss’ My Ass! Kiss My Kisses Rub My Back Lick My Rack Ya

    Hug My Heads Suck My Hands Making Out Love’ My Handsome Ya

    Finding Gorgeous Craving Tracing Out Cute Being Hotties Looking Ya

    Beautiful Build’ Up For The Built For Some F*Cking Ya

    We’re Built To F*Ck’ My Creatures Create’ Natures Hunt’ Down Ya

    The Periods Aligning Our Penis & Pussy Call’ The Penis Calling Ya

    My Pussy Call’ Desiring Our Times Come’ Time To Get Kicking Ya

    Times Ticking Time For Us To Get Dipping Into Playing Ya

    & Time For Our Things To Get’ Its Swimming Thing’s Heating Up Ya

    To Boiling Driving Us Into Steaming Onto Taking Off All Our Brief’ Ya

    & Diving In Onto The Open’ Then Move’ Into Believe’ Ya

    In Us Our Things Into Wishes Striving Onto Achieving Ya

    Completing Into Finishing The Becoming Of Streaming Out Alive Ya

    In The Arriving On Making Of The Seedings Infusing Ya

    Racing In On Striking Out For A Life Bloom’ Infants Ya

    & If You’re In We Can Be Both Get’ Fusion In With Getting Me Ya

    & You Happening Wrack The Ass Smack The Back Kiss The Dick Ya

    Suck The Breast Making Out Making Love We Can Poker-Poker Ya

    Poke Up Dick Dicks Digging In Me You Get’ Me Annan Pregnant Ya

    Rub The Ass Kiss The Back Lick The Chest Make Some Love’ Ya

    We’re Making Loves Make’ Out Love’ Make’ Me Get Anna Pregnant Ya

    Making Our Loves Making Loving Heating Up Step On It Ya

    Loving Making Love’ Make’ Loving Make’ Love Making Love Ya

    Make’ Out Make’ Out Make’ Out Love Make’ Our Love Ya

    Make’ Out Love Make’ Love Make’ Out Love’ Make’ Our Loves Ya

    I’ll Be Your Dish’ In Bed You’ll Be My Testis To Snack You Be My… Ya

    I’ll Be Your… We’ll Be Ours…Desserts In Bed Dish’ Of Snacks Ya

    To Sex! Play’ Heads Or Tails We Gonna Experiment It All Ya

    Smoking On You Sipping On Juice Licking Your Lips Suck’ Your Dick Ya

    Move’ It Into Me You Rub’ It In On Me Just Jet & Bite’ The Ears Ya

    Feel’ Your Touch’ Smell’ Your Cologne Onto Breath’ It In On Mé Ya

    Your Airs I Give You Your…You Give’ Your…We Give’ It Our Ya

    All I Give’ You-You Give’ Me We Give’ We Making Love’ Ya

    Under These Sheets I’ll Make’ You Your First Kids Under These Sheets Ya

    Making Loves Make’ Our First Child I’m Want’ Your Sons Ya

    Just Some We Make’ Some Love’ I’m Just Want’ Us Two Making Love’ Ya

    Just Some Sons You & I Just Some Sons Make’ My Dreams Ya

    Come’ True Make’ My Wish Come’ Real I’m Want’ You Just Some Ya

    Sons With You Us Two Making Love’ I’m Want’ To Be Make’ Love’ Ya

    With You Bring’ You & I The First Child Build’ Up More Love’ Ya

    The Master Pieces Of Ours I’m Want’ To Make’ A Whole Ya

    Herds Of Packs With You We Just Sons You

    & I Make’ Love’ Our Child’ Ya

    Of Us Two You & I Build’ A Happy Family Together Ya

    You & I Have’ A Family Together We Make’ Love’ With Each Other Ya

    We Make’ Love Together Bring’ Our Children Together We Creating A Ya

    Jazzy Family Of Our Children Together We Raising It Big Together Ya

    You & I I’m Just Want’ To Be Make’ Love’ With You Ya

    I’m Want To Make’ Our First Kids With You Together Ya

    I’m Want’ To Make’ Our Master Pieces Together Ya

    Just With You & I We Both Just Want’ To Make’ It Out Ya

    Making Our First Child Our Very Own Loves Together Ya

    With You I’m Want’ To Make’ Our Making Out Loves Together Ya

    With You I’m Want’ To Make’ Our Kids With You Together Ya

    I’m Want’ To Make’ Our Lives Together With You Ya

    I’m Want’ To Make’ Out Love’ Together With You Ya

    I’m Want’ To Make’ Our Sons Together With You & I Ya

    Just Some Sons You & I Us Two Making Love’ I’m Wanna Ya

    To Make’ You Your First Child Just Some Sons You & I Then Ya

    We Build’ On More & More Child Of Just

    Sons Of You & I Bring’ Home Ya

    The News Ooh Mama Mia Whoo! Ann’s Pregnant! With Your 1st Child Ya

    & We Making More & More Repeating That

    The News Of Just Sons Of You Ya

    & I A Whole Loads Whole Batch’ Whole Pack’

    Whole Herd’ Of Ours Sons Ya

    Just Our Sons Just Some’s You & I Making Love’ Ya

    Anna’s Vanasy

    Ya You Wanna To I Wanna Do You Wanna Do I Wanna To

    Ya I Wanna To I Wanna Do I Wanna Do I Wanna To You Wanna To

    Ya You Wanna Do You Wanna Do You Wanna To You Wanna To

    Ya I Wanna To-You Wanna Do I Wanna Do I Wanna To You Wanna To

    Ya I Wanna Do You Wanna Do We Wanna

    To We Wanna Do-We Wanna Do

    Ya We Wanna To You Wanna Do I Wanna You-You Wanna To

    Ya I Wanna You-I Wanna You-You Wanna

    To I Wanna You-You Wanna Do

    Ya Suck My Neck Give It A Hick’ Smack

    & Wrack My Ass Give’ It A Rub’

    Ya Hubby I’ll Give’ My Bunny Tails A Wiggles

    While You Pat’ Me On The Heads

    Ya We Mingles With My Bunny Ears

    Twitch’ Up Flap’ It’s Popping Ears

    Ya Move’ Up’ Touch’ The Tongues Lick’

    The Tongues Strongest Muscles

    Ya Of The One’s Then Bringing On Love’

    French Kissing Making Love’

    Ya Bring’ On Out The Funs Glide’

    Your Hands Through My Thighs

    Ya Sliding Your Body Next To Mine

    Side By Sides We’re Closing In Tights

    Ya Spread’ Your Fingers Into The Open’ Mouths I Wanna Wanna

    Ya You Gonna Gonna You Wanna Wanna I’m Gonna Gonna

    Ya I’m Gonna Gonna You Wanna Wanna You Gonna Gonna

    Ya I Wanna Wanna We Gonna Gonna We Wanna Wanna

    Ya We Wanna Wanna We Gonna Gonna Enters The World Into

    Ya Vanasy Of Anna Let Go Of The Reality & Off Goes Everything

    Ya Nothing Else Enter’ Through The Gates But Just Into The Vantasy

    Ya Worlds Opening To Believe’ Dream’ Dream’ In Onto Vanasy Of Anna

    Ya Enter’ The World Of Vanasy Sexuality Of Anna Open’ Up

    Ya The Dream World Of Vanasy Of Annas’ Dream Vanasy

    Ya Take’ Charge’ Of On All Your Own Things Where You Let’ Go

    Ya Of All Reality & Just Dreams Into My Worlds Of Vanasy

    Ya You’ll Let’ Go Of Everything When Leaving

    Everything Bothering Behinds

    Ya & Dreams Open’ To Just Dreams Open’ Onto Dream’ Now

    Ya Believing In Dreaming Into The World World Of The Vanasy

    Ya World Of Anna Where Reality Is Not A Bother’ Anymore

    Ya Not In The Vanasy World Of Anna Von Where Dream’ ‘Bout Happily

    Ya Ever After Happens It Can Be Possible To Be Promoting

    Ya To Starting In Anna’s World Of Dream’ Fancy Fantasy To Believing

    Ya In Annas’ Dream Vanasy Release’ Into

    Dreaming Into The Imaginary World

    Ya Of Vanasy Yourselves The God You Can Be & Do Anything You Want

    Ya Nothing’ Wrong You Can Choose’ To Leave’ Out Anything Behinds

    Ya Vanasy Is The World Of Anna’s Fantasy Of Visuality At Vanasizing

    Ya Anything & Everything Being Creative Visualising For Real

    Ya Where Imagination’s Set’ Free To Fly In The Minds

    Ya To Capturing The Most Essential Feeling’s Desires

    Ya To Opening In Believe’ On Dreaming For It To Start’

    Ya Onto A Happily Ever After Happening Taking Parts Just Believer

    Ya I’m A Believe-One Believe In Love BelieVon

    Ya Opening Our Minds To Vanasy Worlds Of Anna Von

    Ya Just Start’ It Beginning Out The Sparks Of Ours

    Ya Out Dreaming On Setting Free Our Minds

    Ya & Bring’ On The Imagination’ Into Believe’ In Love’ On

    Ya Love’ Romance Everything Lies Is All Lies So Why Even Bother

    Ya To Try & Why Then Why Would You’ll Go’ On Choose’ To Take’ On

    Ya The Lies You Don’t Like’ Why Would You’ll Go Chooses To Keep’

    Ya The Things You Don’t Like’ In Minds

    When It’s Give’ You A Hard Time

    Ya Bring’ In The Vibes Of Bad Vibes No Lights No Rights

    Ya No Lives Just Cries It’s Just Not Right It Is Unnecessarily To

    Ya Don’t Be Disguise’ Everything Is Lies Why Even Tries

    Ya On Cover’ Up The Shy To Take’ On Something You Don’t Like’

    Ya To Keep’ It In Minds When It’s Bad Vibes Setting Yourselves Free

    Ya Of Its Spree Out Your Love Lies Set Free

    Yourselves On Your Own Love

    Ya Romance Of Urges To Desire’ Up Within Vanasy World

    Ya The Romance Of Love Summon The Loves Up To Arises

    Ya Be Wakening By The Lies Coming Alive In Anna’s Vanasy Of Loves

    Ya You Wanna I Wanna-I Wanna You Wanna You Wanna I Wanna

    Ya I Wanna You Wanna We Wanna-We Wanna-Wanna

    Ya We Wanna Wanna You Wanna You Wanna Wanna

    Ya You Wanna Wanna I Wanna Wanna You Wanna Wanna

    Ya We Wanna Wanna We Gonna Gonna We Gonna Gonna

    Ya We Wanna Wanna We Wanna Gonna We Gonna Wanna

    Ya In Reality I Really Didn’t Want’ You I Don’t Want’ To

    Ya But In Vanasy I Really Do I’m Want’ To Want’ You

    Ya In The Vanasy I’ve Given Into You Into The Vanasy I’ve Open’ Up

    Ya To Admitting I’m Want’ You Deep Down Inside My Heart

    Ya I Really Do But In Reality We Can’t All Do All That

    Ya What We Wanna To In Vanasy I’m Keep’ It Open To You

    Ya We Two To Do What We Wanna To Want’ To Do

    Ya We Do’ The Truths I’m Admit’ That I’m Like’ To Do’ You

    Ya & Do’ The One Two & We Move-Move Three Two-One Two

    Ya I Really Want You I’m Opening Up To You The Truths

    Ya I’m Really Love’ To Get’ It On With You Wanna To Be Watch’ Our

    Ya Worlds Collide’ Into As One We Both Two Connecting Up

    Ya As We Joining In Up To Be Together As One

    Ya As We Moving In Contact’ On We’re Touching In

    Ya With Collision’ Of Interactions Of Both Of Our Worlds

    Ya Moving In As We Join’ Up We’re As One

    Get Start’ And Play

    Ya I Can’t Resist You So Delicious Got To Have You

    Ya You’re Just So Cute Like Oh My God Gosh! So Oh My

    Ya My Hot Can’t Hold It In Any More Longer Than Gone

    Ya Even Know’ You’re No Good But Just Bad You’re So Bad

    Ya Very Bad-Bad-Bad You’re Need’ Some S&M Punishments

    Ya Of Annas’ S-S-S-S Ann-Ann-Ann-Anns’ M-M Big-Big-Big Bad

    Ya Big Bad Treatments Of You’r No Good Bad News But Still

    Ya I’m Still So Stupid Into You You’re Just So Delicious

    Ya I Can’t Resist-Ya You’re Just So Cute God Full Of Juices

    Ya I Gotta Be Meet’ You You’re Like Oh My Gosh! So D*Mn Hot

    Ya Would You Touch’ Me On The Spot’ Wouldn’t Mind

    Ya A-A-Ea-Egg-Ae If It’s By You Even If You’re Bad News

    Ya No Doubt In Your Touch’ Would Be Good Can’t Holding It In

    Ya Gotta Be Giving In Even Means Falling In Deep’ In Without Even

    Ya A Jerk To Ever Saving Me I’m Sure I’ll Still Die Happily

    Ya Your Love’s A Dream Fantasy Don’t Mind Staying In Fell In Deeply

    Ya But Really Just Seriously Would You Please-Please Me Make’ The

    Ya That To My Reality Please’ Me Release’ Me The Release’ Of Me

    Ya Just Release Me Free Me Please Just Please You Don’t Ever Go

    Ya & Disappoint’ Me You Know I Just Can’t Resist’ I Can’t Resist-Ya

    You’re So Hot Like Oh My Gosh! Just So D*Mn Mean Hot Delicious

    Ya Just Gotta Be Keep’ You You’re So Cute Mean Hot Just

    Ya Full On Of All The Good-Good Good-Good Juices-Juice

    Ya Even You’re No Good And Faking Poops But Really Loves

    Ya For Us Two To Making And Breaking Break’ And Making

    Ya Hence Recapping & Onto Retaking Another Day Another Place

    Ya But Would That Person Ever Be You With Me Can You Make’ That

    Ya Into Our Reality You’ll Be The Main End Game’ For Me

    Ya Baby Annie But Now-Now Just Ditch-Ditch Out All The Bull Sh*T’

    Ya Cr*P’ In That Just Stop Be’ A Wasting & No-No No-No

    Ya Logical Explanations On Holes & Poles But Just Don’t

    Ya Want’ To Let Go Don’t Want’ The Aim’ Of Any Disappointments

    Ya Just Making Me Yours For Keeping Even No One Can Really Own’

    Ya Me But I’ll Be Yours To Scoring & Own’

    Win’ Me To Keep’ I’ll Be Yours

    Ya With No Measures To Be Done No Measuring Just Making

    Ya That Happening Right This Second In The Open’ Be’ Capture’ In

    Ya The Memorizing Momentanes Of Us Two

    Spending Sin’ Even Won’t Make’

    Ya It Onto Lasting It’s Still Ok! In At Least We’re Build’ History A Blast’

    Ya So, Would You Take’ Me In And Turn’ It In Into Our Reality

    Ya Together We Can Be Bees Sucking All Over Our Honey Every Day

    Ya Everyday Let’s Get’ Start’ & Play We’ll Playing The Play’ Our

    Ya Just Playing That Have’ That Play’ Out The Love Game’

    Ya Play’ & Have’ Love Game’ Begin’ Have’ Our Story Building

    Ya Brightening See’ It Happening Let’s Get Opening You’re Just So Cute

    Ya Gotta Have’ You Full On With Juice’ Now Let’s Get Start’ & Play

    Ya What Do You Say Ay-Ay-Ea-Ae Eh-Eh-Ae Ya


    Ya Anyone’s Treat’ Me Better Than You Ever Do Even Random Strangers

    Ya Treat’ Me Better Than You And You’re Not Even Close’ To Being

    Ya A Just A Stranger There’s Absolutely Nothing Going On Between Us

    Ya I Hate You So Much What You Bring’ To Me Is All Tragic

    Ya Tragedy Of Torture’ Painfulness Misery Only So Why Even Bother’

    Ya ‘Bout You It Was Suppose’ To Be’ Our Special Numbers But Now

    Ya You Just Went And Give’ That Away To Some Others So Now

    Ya When I See Somebody That’s A Cutie I’ll Go Say Hey-Yo

    Ya Hey Sexy You Wanna F*Ck & Get Naughty You’re Deliciously

    Ya Juicy It’s Hard To Resist Yeh-Yeh-Ya You Know It’s Sexy

    Ya We Should F*Ck And Be Naughty Just So Deliciously Dreamy

    Ya Can’t Resist Your Creamy Milky Eggy Is Tasty We Should Really Be

    Ya Doing It Let’s Getting Dip’ Right Into It Dip In It Dip Right In It

    Ya Can’t Resist You-You’re Lucky Dip My-My I Can’t Resist

    Ya Letting Me Have’ It As In It Is Oh Gosh! Just So Gorgeous

    Ya You’ve Caught My Mind & No Stop Waste’ Time

    Ya Not Anymore Time Can’t Get’ You Out Now-Huh

    Ya Now It’s Time Just Let’s F*Ck’ As Hot As Hell-Yeah

    Ya I’ll Be Waiting I’m Waiting For You To Calling Don’t Be Long

    Ya Darling Let’s Get Swinging You Free To Touching Me

    Ya You Can Keep On Touching Me For Eternity Infinity But First

    Ya You Got To Be Mine-Yeah Is That Fine-Huh Let’s Hang Out

    Ya And Go F*Ck’ Right Now & Go Out Making Out Do’ It Right

    Ya There And Right Now We’ll F*Ck’ Like Mother F*Ck’ Hell

    Ya We Can Have Fun Till We Die Life Is All A Game’

    Ya Full Of Lives Never Dies Let’s Get In And Playing

    Ya We Can F*Cking All We Liking S.E.X Let’s F*Ck

    Ya S.E.X-Sex-Sex-Sex! S.E.X Sex

    Special Exquisite X-Rated S.E.X-Sex

    Ya S.E.X. Special Sexual Explore’ Examination X-Ray’ Reveal’ Sex

    Ya Sex-Sex-Sex S.E.X. Sexual Explore’ X-Ray’ Explode’ Naked Body

    Ya You’re Ready For It Let’s Do It Then Let’s Just Sex-Sex-Sex Sexiest On

    Ya Get’ Your Sex On S.E.X-Sex-Sex-Sex S.E.X-

    Sex! So, Whatchu-Whatcha-Watcha

    Ya Whatcha-What You What Do You Say-Huh You’re In-É-É-É-É-Aye


    I’m Annan Jazz Von & I’ll Do Whatever I Want Whenever I Want Ya

    Cause I’m Anna Von No One And Nothing Can Ever Ya

    Stopping Me No Matter What No One And Nothing Can Ya

    Ever Changing Me I Can’t Be Beat No One And Nothing Can Ever Ya

    Touching Me I’ll Never Be Changed I Won’t Be Tamed Ya

    I’ll Never Change I’ll Never Learn I’ll Never Stop Ya

    I’ll Never Give Up I’m Tough I’ll Never Have Enough And So What Ya

    I’m Remarkable I’m Weather Changeable I’m Unbeatable Ya

    I’m Untameable I’m Unbreakable I’m Untouchable Ya

    I’m Uncontainable I’m Unreliable I’m Unpredictable Ya

    I’m A Mental Psycho! I’m So Crazily Insane! & That’s My Ya

    Thug Thuging-Gang Thing So, What I’m Uncontrollable Ya

    Me Beautiful & For Y’all Ugliness Only Grows All The Tortures

    Of Misery Lessons Of A Life

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