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The Protector
The Protector
The Protector
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The Protector

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In a far-away time and place, near a far-away secluded forest stands the mystical castle of Newland. A deep dark secret floats through the air, foreboding and gloomy. There lurked in the land men that are known as the Dark Knights. Their leader, Hasatan, roams through the territory seeking whom he can destroy.

Kindhearted King Charles and Queen Cilia have a pair of mischievous fifteen-year-old twins, Michael and Meghan. The children’s disrupting antics and the secret life they are leading take the king and queen by surprise. The royal family begins to encounter dangerous situations. When the king and queen are arrested, the children take refuge in the forest where new adventures take place.

The Protector has been written with spiritual, heartfelt devotion as it depicts family, love, laughter, and friendship.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 15, 2019
The Protector

Josie A. Butler

Josie A Butler is the author of three true stories and three fantasy, sci fi, magical stories. She was born in Oglesby, Illinois and is the widow of a fireman that lost his life in the line of duty. She loves God and Jesus Christ is number one in her life. She has four children, nine grand children and two great-grandchildren. Currently trying to move forward with a screenplay she wrote titled, "Awesome Adventures of Frankie Stargazer." She is thankful to have overcome lung, lymph, bladder and colon cancer. Praise God for touching Josie with his healing power and a destiny.

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    The Protector - Josie A. Butler

    Copyright © 2019 by Josie A. Butler.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2019904225

    ISBN:              Hardcover                   978-1-7960-2698-6

                            Softcover                    978-1-7960-2697-9

                             eBook                         978-1-7960-2696-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 04/14/2019







    Chapter 1     The Island and The Castle

    Chapter 2     The Forest

    Chapter 3     Be Careful What You Speak

    Chapter 4     Tall Dark Stranger

    Chapter 5     The King and Queen are Involved

    Chapter 6     Back To The Forest

    Chapter 7     The Children’s Behavior

    Chapter 8     Truth Will Set You Free

    Chapter 9     The Dark Knights at the Palace

    Chapter 10   Arrested

    Chapter 11   In Search of the Protector

    Chapter 12   Dreams of the Protector Fill the Air

    Chapter 13   Strange Happenings

    Chapter 14   Onward Through The Forest

    Chapter 15   Upward and Beyond

    This book is dedicated to the memory of my husband and my hero Frank (Jack) Butler, a firefighter who lost his life in the line of duty. And Dedicated to my grandson Shane Butler, who lost his life in a car accident.

    Dedicated to all my children, Joe and Shelly, Greg, Angela and Richard, and Frankie.

    Dedicated to my grandchildren, Megan and Mike, Drenda, Chance, Josie, Joshua, Justin, Jonah, Jessie and to my great grandchildren, Tobey and Perry and to my niece, Jaci.


    I wish to acknowledge and give Glory, Honor, and Thanksgiving to the Awesome God Almighty, Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus gave his life for all mankind. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Praise and worship God for who he is, for his loving-kindness, forgiving mercy and for all he did, and for all he does for his children.

    God Bless my family and friends and all those who supported me in my endeavors to write stories and were part of my life. Lydia Cornell, Lonnie, Lewis and Pam Hunter, Brad and Peg. Mario Domina and his Mother, Soni, Gail, Sandra, Steve and Denise. Mike S, Doctor Jirovec.

    Thank you Daniel McQueary for the great cover art.

    Thank you to the Frankie Stargazer team, Timothy Paul Taylor, Michael Emery, Cali Rossen, Scott Butler, Sam Borowski, and Daniel McQuery.

    I wish to acknowledge my parents, Pellegrino and Mary, Angelo and brother Joseph, Anthony, Samuel, George, Michael and Frank, sister Antoinette, Mary Angelo and my sister in law, Liz.

    I wish to acknowledge my children, Joe and Shelly, Greg, Angela and Richard, and Frankie. To my grandchildren, Shane, Drenda, Chance and Josie, Megan and Mike, Joshua, Justin, Jonah, Jessie and my great grandchildren, Tobey and Perry. Thanks for the inspiration Tobey.

    I love my family. I love God and Jesus his son.


    I n a far away time and place, near a far away secluded forest stands the mystical castle of Newland.

    A dark mystery drifts over the land that has led to many people dying a bewildering death. Moreover, many people were taken to a dreaded island where there is no escape.

    My name is Raphael. I am a humble servant to the King.

    "At this point, all I can see is darkness. I believe the sun and the light are there but I can’t clearly see it. Those around me can see a light that replaces something our forefathers had. I can only read about it in books that are to old to be anything but discarded.

    "There lurks in the land of Newland, men that are known as the Dark Knights. Their leader, Hasatan, roams through the territory seeking whom he can destroy.

    "No one knew for sure what it was that sent people to their destiny. But everyone knew it had something to do with the folklore surrounding the gossip about a man they called, ‘The Protector.’

    "I don’t believe the folklore. I don’t even believe in God the way they do. I have my own ideas. I think their stories are nothing more than a fairy tale.

    "King Charles and Queen Cilia are kindhearted leaders that rule over the Kingdom of Newland. They have a pair of mischievous, fifteen year-old twins, Michael and Meghan.

    "The children’s disrupting antics and the secret life they were leading took the King and Queen by surprise.

    "Hasatan and the Dark Knights created the rules that govern the land. They had more power than the King and Queen did.

    However, when it is all said and done, I could be wrong. Maybe it’s not as completely hopeless as I think it is. I heard about a light at the end of the tunnel, but I continue to have my doubts.

    And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21, 23


    The Island and The Castle

    I n a far away time and place, near a far away secluded forest stands the Mystical Castle of Newland.

    A darkness hovers over the land as a deep dark secret floats through the air, foreboding and gloomy.

    Each day is like yesterday and all yesterdays will be like tomorrow. They will soar into oblivion.

    Years of trying to find out what the dark mystery is that drifts over the land have led to numerous people dying a bewildering death. And many were taken to an isolated island where there is no escape.

    My name is Raphael.

    "My mother thought if she named me after a famous painter that I would be famed too. Nonetheless, I am just a humble servant to the royal family. I am both meek and honored at the same time to be the king’s personal attendant. Having no family of my own, I think of them as my fantasy kin.

    "I don’t believe the folklore concerning the legend of a God and a light. I don’t believe in God the way they do. I have my own ideas. I think the elder’s stories are fairytales.

    "I see nothing but darkness. The sun and the light are there but I can’t clearly see it. Those around me can see a light that replaces something our forefathers had.

    I can only read about it in books that are to old to be anything but discarded.

    No one really knows for sure what it was that sent people to their destiny. But everyone knew it had something to do with the fables surrounding the gossip about someone that was called ‘The Protector.’

    Just the mention of the word ‘Protector’ sent the authorities and the town’s people into frenzy.

    There lurked in the land men whom were known as Hasatan and the ‘Dark Knights.’ They were always ready and willing to take innocent people to the isolated island.

    The dreaded island is surrounded with shark-infested waters.

    The guard’s encircled around the entire Island ready to stop anyone who tries to escape.

    Their homes were built in the same circle surrounding the island. Taking turns they stand on duty twenty-four hours a day.

    Their appearance is disturbing to look upon, as they stand tall and pompous on their watch.

    It is uncanny that the guard’s men were in reality in the same boat as the prisoners. There were no exceptions; the guards had to live the same life style as the prisoners on the island.

    No matter what, an island is an island; you can only do so much and go so far.

    As a matter of fact, the sentry didn’t relish having to harm the inhabitants. Nevertheless, if anyone got out of line they wouldn’t hesitate to discipline anyone that broke the rules.

    They had bizarre weapons that made the victim completely disappear within seconds and there would be no trace of them ever again.

    Strange looking beasts stood duty with the sentry, alerting them if someone is trespassing close by.

    They called them attack Pigs even though the only thing that looked like a pig’s image is the face of the creatures.

    Otherwise they did not look like a pig. They stood five feet tall with enormous ears and horns and paws with huge claws. They were hideous and scary looking.

    No one or nothing escapes their notice; nothing gets past them. As hideous as they looked they tried to get along best they could. They had to follow Hasatan’s orders.

    There were people who tried to escape but no one has ever left the island and lived to tell about it. If the sentry didn’t apprehend you, the shark-infested waters would swallow you up.

    Luckily the island had plant and animal life to sustain the people’s needs.

    The inhabitants that were chastised to live on the isle come from many walks of life.

    They were able to maintain themselves with the bounty on the island and their God given traits they used to survive when they lived in Newland.

    As long as they don’t break the rules and try to escape from the island they are relatively free to live as if they are on a tropical paradise instead of the heavily guarded captive Island.

    The guard’s boundaries were familiar to the prisoners so they made a point of staying out of their territory.

    For the most part the prisoners try to get along with the sentry surrounding the isle. Missing their families and Newland they continue to hold on to hope that somehow, some day, some way, a miracle will occur and they will be able to go back to their homes.

    On a brighter note, life goes on for those living in the territory of the country, Newland.

    It is an attractive, beautiful place where every kind of flower, trees and foliage adorns the picturesque countryside.

    The grass is a vivid emerald green waving over the hilly landscape. The sky blanketed overhead with different shades of blue. The sunset and sunrise set a fiery background as it peeked into the day and passed into the night.

    The castle is built high on a hill near the foot of the forest. It looms tall, majestic and elegant.

    On the days the rain clouds showered down wet dew over the land, a double rainbow would appear above the spiral top of the castle giving it the appearance of a fiery glow around the entire structure.

    So many different scenes surround the elegant Palace. To the world below it is hard to certain that the castle is a bluish gray with silver and gold flecks in the blocks of stone that give the façade that the radiance of the colors are dancing in the sunlight.

    King Charles,

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