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Dragons Chronicle
Dragons Chronicle
Dragons Chronicle
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Dragons Chronicle

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A priestess on her first job of protecting a caravan suddenly gets her fate on an unknown quest. Though their paths were headed in a different direction they found themselves fighting alongside each other in a battle to protect the city from a demon invasion, during which turns out there are higher forces at work.

A 3,000 year old threat is returning to the land of Fignis in an attempt to wreak vengeance upon man-kind. With their new partnership formed they set out to the city of Lucidium as they suspect the dark city to be the next target of the demon army. To their surprise they met a young man there whose light shone brightly even in the land of darkness. A young man who aims to be the strongest knight he could be so he could return to the girls he feels for.

Though he faces obstacles that would be hard for anyone to face, the team gives him a way to become that which he seeks to become and in the process he discovers a power beyond his wildest thoughts. All this just in time for them to confront the darkness they were hoping to avoid directly for the darkland and thus they found themselves in the mits of another battle for the survival of the city.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 4, 2019
Dragons Chronicle

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    Book preview

    Dragons Chronicle - J.D. Hertog

    Copyright © 2019 by J.D. Hertog.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2019915548

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-7960-6354-7

                    Softcover        978-1-7960-6353-0

                    eBook             978-1-7960-6352-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 11/20/2019






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13



    Long ago in a world where magic was rare yet common, the world was shared between many powers. Where humans, giants and other mythical creatures ruled the land, mermaids and their followers ruled the seas and winged creatures had the skies. However, regardless of who named themselves king, all would tremble before a dragon. Dragons stood above the rest in all elements and stood high in the world order as the only beings to which had an exception to the rule of the Gods. As powerful and as revered as they were, they were equally rare, as even in the magical world dragons kept themselves hidden from both man and God. Since they learned that anyone who stands above the power of man and God becomes hunted.

    First man learned magic as a means to enhance their way of living, but as a man named Zenebris learned that magic can be used to conquer he aimed to set man higher in the world order. Thus he used his magic to set himself first at the top of the human world. Then he hatched a plan to, and befriended Giants, Fairies and many other races in a plot to learn their weakness. Surprised they were when they learned that humans had the potential to learn all types of magic. This led to an uprising where man turned their magic from a peaceful way of living to a great weapon of war. As they conquered they grew more powerful. Man’s first target was the Giants, then the Fairies followed by the winged beast and finally the Dragons. The Great War raged on between the races and as a means to ensure their victory Zenebris took a turn for the absolute worse. In his discovery of demon magic, he attempted the unspeakable, by shifting his essence to that of a demon he turned himself into the monster he was on the inside. This caused his lieutenant and his general to turn against him as they would not follow a demon. Then together with the power of the Giants, the Fairies the Gods and the Dragons they sealed him away deep in the world of pitch black.

    Chapter 1


    A bright afternoon, while a priestess was escorting a caravan to a village the caravan stopped to rest the oxen that were pulling the carriages.

    Let’s stop here boys, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a large enough tree to hide under.

    You are right, seems like a long meadow field has its downsides to it.

    Yeah well better than that forest filled with them damn spikes and crazy bugs.

    That’s why it’s called the iron thorn forest boys, and somehow I think it would’ve been worse if we di not have our mysterious guest.

    You think we should say something to her?

    We’ll address her when the time is right.

    The men got together and pulled out their supplies as they gossiped about the mysterious person in one of their carriages. They sat down in the shade to relax and have some fun as they rest. After a while, the leader of the bunch stood up and walked to the wagon at the center of the caravan and knocked on the side.

    Caravan leader: "Good day little lady, we took a short break and we’ll continue in short while.

    Priestess: Very well, and thank you.

    It might be beneficial to you to also have a moments rest, care to join a band of old men for a drink?

    No thank you, there hasn’t been any commotion so I’ve been pretty well-rested, and I don’t drink much.

    Well even for a young lady like yourself you should step out and stretch your legs. Being closed off in the wagon for days seems a little dark, some sunlight and fresh air would be good for you.

    The old man seemed very persistent for the priestess to step out for a while. Thus she remained as the old man remained leaning against the wagon. They stayed in that deadlock of silence for a minute but it seemed like 10 for the old man.

    Ok then well—

    Very well I will, She said stepping out of the carriage.

    You know, I have been on many of these voyages, and many have been guarded, but never by a lady, certainly not one as young and pretty as you, said the caravan leader.

    The priestess smiles: This is actually my first time.

    If you don’t mind me asking, what is your destination?

    The end destination of this voyage is the city of Alfum, there’s a merchant there, and he’s the one who requested this caravan to be guarded by a priestess.

    Well I can understand people love their meat but I’ve had carriages with things far more valuable than meat, which didn’t have any protection, but then, as long as we get paid.

    Actually it’s quite common for carriages heading southeast from FarCry village

    Is that so?

    The road through Iron Thorn Forest can be hazardous for someone without light attribute magic.

    How so? asked the old man curious.

    The forest is an ideal place for creatures to hide, some tell stories of these creatures being nourished by dark energy who become vicious monsters.

    You don’t say.

    As she told him tales about creatures living in the forest, they walked over to the men sitting under the tree catching as much rest as they can before they restart their journey.

    I’m so happy you’re not some awkward, lord of the seven praising witch.

    This is Elrich Vorts, former soldier of the Saolma town.

    Hey, said Elrich.

    This is Thelius fourth son of the house of Tull.

    I have no legitimate claim to the house name or fortune, yet I had all the same gruesome training, he said irritated.

    This young one—he said jokingly—Is Maddon Rook, best spearman of Essaegi village.

    After introducing everyone else Thelius jumped in: Don’t build us up and act all modest now.

    Here here! Yes introduce yourself Sir Aucust Praezi, said Elrich."

    Well, I’m not a Sir. You make me sound like a royal.

    As if anyone will mistake you for a Royal, said Maddon and the men all laughed.

    A knight then? asked Saccera.

    Not quite, said Aucust.

    Former Junior knight of Essaegi, said Maddon.

    Essaegi? I didn’t know Essaegi appointed knights, said Sacerra.

    They don’t, but young man Aucust wasn’t any ordinary soldier, he was the best in the village, so much so that the capital of Alfum requested he take the Knight’s test.

    So then, why only junior knight? asked Sacerra.

    The crew became silent and looked directly at Aucust.

    The world will never know, said Aucust seemingly agitated.

    They started telling stories to change the subject while Sacerra stayed curious about Aucust’s past. The aura changed from tense to joyful as the men started telling their own stories. Some involving women some involving the adventures they went on before they became a team, laughing and calming their spirits before getting back to work.

    After a while oxen suddenly became restless. The men heard but didn’t give it much thought. The priestess however suddenly jumped up and screamed.

    Everyone on the carriages we must move out!

    The men in shock looked at her more stunned by her beauty than what she actually said. Then her aura shifted and the air around her became heavy as it started swirling. The pretty little priestess became a dominant force of fear as she shouted the men into action by screaming: NOW!

    The men jumped up and called the ox as if they were calling men’s best friend. The caravan leader lets out a hard whistle and the ox came running and within seconds they were ready. Before they took off the priestess made an incantation.

    Force of nature purity of soul, force of nature light and quick, light and wind, Shift and Swift.

    The ox all changed into horses, strong and beautiful.

    WOW! said the men at the same time.

    As they gazed on the change of the oxen.

    Enchantment magic, whispered Aucust.

    Without wasting another second and as quick as the wind they took off leaving dust behind.

    Let’s GO! he shouted.

    And with that, they took off at high velocity. As they traveled, they looked behind and saw the trees rustling, birds flying off and dust rising.

    Aucust: What is that?

    Maddon: I don’t know but it’s getting closer.

    Elrich: It’s hunting us, what do we do? It’s catching up.

    Aucust: No choice.

    The old man pulls out a sword from his wooden cane and as he does the priestess slammed the door out and climbed above the carriage.

    Sacerra: Aucust, please continue and focus on the road, I’ll take care of this.

    Aucust: Do you have a plan young lady?

    Sacerra: Please, continue forward!

    Alright, men hard forward—he said then looked to the priestess and whispered—I hope you got this.

    As they rode hard forward suddenly she hears the trees crack and from the forest came a lizard twice the size of a horse, rushing forward catching up quickly to the caravan.

    What the hell is that?

    A creature of darkness, probably followed us from the forest, said Sacerra.

    The lizard draws near and the men grow frightened and just as the lizard opens his mouth the priestess quickly threw a marble in the lizard’s mouth

    light burst!

    Immediately the whole lizard started glowing and then suddenly exploded.



    Good job, whispered Aucust.

    They all immediately started shouting and celebrating. As they draw distance from the smoke, Maddon pulled up next to the carriage of the priestess.

    Hey nice job there, he said smiling

    Sacerra, however, didn’t even crack a smile. She took a knee made a sign with her hand and started to focus.

    It’s not over yet, she said focusing.

    Maddon looks behind to the smoke and at the same time Aucust glared back also. With sudden and incredible speed the lizard dashed from the smoke, now running on 2 legs with its mouth wide open and its color changed from brown to brownish red. Even its eyes that were unfocused became focused and lusting like a hungry lion.

    Now that’s frightening, said Aucust to himself.

    What the hell is that!!? shouted Elrich.

    The men now more frightened than ever were brought back to courage by the caravan leader who shouted hard: Look forward men!!—he continued as they all turned and looked at him—Look, the priestess has something up her sleeve so have faith and ride hard, FORWARD!!"

    They focused and ride like the wind, however the lizard is still closing the distance quickly. The lizard suddenly changed its front legs into sharp claws like that of a dinosaur. It is now ready to pounce, and it leaped into the sky baring its fangs and claws down on the caravan.

    The priestess stood up and chanted. Force of nature strong like iron, Force of nature purity of soul, light and earth magic—She sticks her staff through the roof of the wagon and pointed it to the lizard and shouted—Sunflower BEAM!!!

    Then the crescent moon holding a blue crystal in the middle changed shape to a flower which bloomed the crystal, and out of the middle, a huge beam of light shot upwards and blasted the lizard. The pierced corps of the lizard flew away due to the blast, not to be seen again.

    Got you, Sacerra said smiling.

    YEEESS!!! shouted Elrich

    Well well, said Thelius

    Impressive! Well done, said Maddon.

    While Aucust smiled and the men celebrated cheering and shouting as they continued.

    Later they got to a village where they made their stop. It was a small village surrounded by a wall of tree barks and around the village center, the villagers lit a big bonfire. They sat and one of the men told stories of their previous encounter. As some of the men were surrounded by women telling interesting stories, the caravan leader went and sat next to the priestess.

    That is some fine monster-slaying you did back there young lady. I’ve seen many knights and warriors fight off monster but not many like that.

    The priestess smiled.

    I was trained as a priestess to protect people from monsters or dark beasts as we call them.

    Dark beasts? asked Aucust confused.

    That’s right. These monsters are actually just animals that have been saturated with dark energy, which is something that’s not uncommon in Iron Thorne Forest.

    I’ve heard tails of the forest formerly being a garden of a witch, and one day the witch performed a spell and the garden grew uncontrollably engulfing the surrounding area.

    Yes, and now the forest is enchanted and gives off dark energy. So the creatures that feed off of it eventually consumes large amounts and sometimes, therefore, become these dark beasts.

    Sounds ominous.

    It is slightly, creatures that normally are harmless get transformed into these things through no fault of their own, and some much like that lizard get hurt for behaving in a manner that he usually wouldn’t have on his own, she said as she lowered her head.

    No need to feel bad, there are just somethings in life that unavoidable. These things you find a way to live with and overcome. Think of it like this, if you didn’t stop that beast then the whole caravan would’ve been destroyed and who knows how we would’ve fared against him. So feel good about yourself for you might have just saved the lives of four humble couriers, Aucust said with a smile on his face.

    The words of the old man and the smile on his face cheered her up enough that she no longer felt bad

    Aucust: Also, you’ve been trained well.

    Not well enough sadly. I used one of my better spells because I didn’t want to see any blood, so I tried to eradicate him painlessly but failed.

    Well I thought you did a marvelous job, we all got here safely, didn’t we? And you even went through the trouble toward the village for further protection.

    It’s just a precaution. My teacher always said creatures of the forest usually travel in pairs, so I thought it odd that the lizard was alone.


    In fact, it’s quite possible that there was a second creature but I haven’t sensed it, because to be quite honest I don’t believe that lizard had been killed. Which also begs the question, why it hasn’t followed us?

    Why would you think that? asked Aucust.

    We aren’t at their mercy because they are just small creatures however lizards are quite tenacious, they stalk their prey for long distances and strike viciously, one can only imagen what one of that size would do.

    Well maybe he’s different since creatures of darkness aren’t the most predictable of sorts—

    Neither are they the most docile—said Sacerralooking at Aucust—I’ve never seen a creature infected by dark energy be gentle and calm.

    Who knows, there is a first time for everything after all, said Aucust.

    It’s a fool’s hope to expect they being the first.

    Is it not the fate of fools to become great men, said Aucust.

    Either that or be solidify as fools.

    Aucust laughed at the priestess witt

    Very true young lady, very true indeed. Well I bet if anyone of us can be great is you, said Aucust.

    That’s a lot of faith in someone you only just met," she said.

    Well I happen to be a rather good judge of character, and I think soon you might be happy to be wrong, said the old man with a smile on his face.

    Maybe—she said smiling—But until then I will prepare for 2 monsters.

    Do you actually believe that that’s necessary? asked Aucust.

    Before she could answer the men walked back.

    What are you two talking about all cozy over here, said Elrich.

    Not much the priestess was just about to tell me why she laid defenses up around the village, said Aucust.

    Just a precaution I hope, said Thelius.

    Obviously not, a precaution wouldn’t take hours to set up. A precaution would be a couple of minutes worth of work, not hours, said Maddon.

    Why don’t we let her explain? said Aucust.

    As I told Aucust, this creature is tenacious and usually these dark beast travel in groups of two sometimes 3, so I set up some defense for the village since they don’t seem all that prepared for the attack of a dark creature.

    Meaning we can rest easy then, said Elrich.

    You can never be to easy with dark creatures, like I said they can be 2 even 3 sometimes, replied Sacerra.

    well, there’s not much to worry about. A lizard that gigantic will be seen from far away, said Maddon.

    Not necessarily, some monsters can shapeshift like demons and can assume human form and you would never know you’re among monsters. Your only hope is their shift tell, said Sacerra.

    Shift tell?

    "Yes, even when they take human form they will always keep a physical part of their original form. They can’t remove it all, so it is possible to identify them like that if you know what you’re looking for.

    Well in whatever the case that will be tomorrow’s problem. Today, we relax and have some fun. A girl as pretty as you should relax and enjoy her youth, leave the worrying to the old men like me, said Aucust.

    Very well, we’ll worry about it in the morning.

    Though the men treated her to a drink she didn’t drink all that much. She kept mostly to herself watching the village enjoy in dancing and singing, only joining at times when the men would ask her to dance. After a while, she called it a night and went to bed.

    The next morning as the men woke up and were preparing to leave the village to continue their road to Alfum. The caravan leader noticed that the priestess wasn’t in her wagon. So he went looking for her in her room, however she wasn’t there either. He went downstairs and asked the innkeeper if he had seen her. He replied that she left asking where she could find beads or marbles and he pointed him to where he suggested her. On his way there he saw the tip of her staff pointing from the top of a building so he went there and he found her sitting down meditating.

    It’s a nice view and the wind is pleasant but it is time we be on our way young lady, he said.

    Your right, I was just trying to sense whether there are any threats in the area, she said opening her eyes.

    Well, is there?


    Her unresponsiveness made him think a little.

    You’re still worried about whether or not there are more dark creatures following us, aren’t you?

    She remained quiet and nodded.

    Well, no need to worry about it now since we’ll be on the move shortly.

    She kept looking to the west from which they came and looking concerned but not saying anything.

    Let’s go, said Aucust.

    For the next few days, they traveled towards the city of Alfum. All the while the priestess still thinking about the lizard. For some reason she just couldn’t let it be and it kept gnawing at the back of her head.

    It took them about a week to get to the next village traveling east.

    We’ll make a stop in a couple of hours. There should be a village just up ahead, said Aucust.

    Elrich and Thelius pulled up to the carriage where the priestess reside.

    Hey priestess, said Elrich.

    You’ve been awfully quiet these past few days, something the matter? asked Thelius.

    Maddon and Aucust immediately their attention were drawn to their conversation.

    It’s nothing, nothing I want to burden you guys with, she responded.

    It’s alright, we are a team now, so your troubles are our troubles, said Elrich.

    And your concerns are our concerns now. Besides maybe is something we can help with, said Thelius.

    "Leave her be men, if she doesn’t want to talk about it.

    They arrived at a small town slightly larger than the previous village. This one actually had walls made of stone.

    What now? asked Elrich.

    We made enough money from our services given at BonWood village, so we could stay at a nice inn, said Thelius.

    Don’t forget we still need to make a return trip home, said Aucust.

    Fine, then let’s stay at a common inn, said Elrich reluctant.

    On their way looking for an inn Sacerra looked back. Elrich and Thelius noticed her and in turn Aucust noticed them. Just a look at Maddon and it seemed like they had a whole conversation.

    Young lady, did you ever get those marbles you were looking for?

    Sacerra was shaken from her far focus—Uhm, no I didn’t.

    Well this is a bigger town maybe they have some here, said Aucust.


    —good, I’ll join you in your search. Without giving her much of a chance he took her on his ox and went on their way.

    We’ll find you lot later, said Aucust.

    After a couple of minutes riding around.

    Aucust I—

    —You know, I understand that it takes some longer to open up than others, and I don’t think pressure will shorten that period. On the other hand, you are part of this band now, even if it’s for but a short while. The men already feel you to be one of us, so anything that bothers you, they as experienced warriors can sense it. I don’t believe in forcing you to talk however if you would share what’s on your mind it would put you at ease and my men can be focused on other things.

    I’m sorry, it’s just—

    You don’t have to be, I’m not lecturing you, I’d just prefer if you trust us more and would rather have my men more focused.

    Well it’s not something I can easily put in words.

    Oh? Does it have anything to do with the lizard?

    She kept looking off into the distance. Yes and no would be the best way I could describe it.

    Aucust remained silent listening.

    Have you ever have a feeling that us so clear, but you can’t quite make out what it’s trying to say?

    Yes, it’s called intuition, said Aucust.

    Well for me is somewhat more definitive.

    How so?

    Well I have a feeling for when something might happen, but then there’s a feeling for when something will happen.

    Aucust looked at her from his side as he steered the ox they were on.

    But you don’t know what is to come? asked Aucust.

    No, but I do get an ominous feeling, she said still looking worried.

    Has this happen before?

    Well not really, or at least not outside the temple.

    The temple?

    Yes, when the former Head Priestess fell ill, I had this feeling for about a week. Other than that it’s just minor things like being on the verge of failing a test or sometimes I get this feeling when the test to come is difficult.

    Ah, maybe you’re just anxious about your quest. Feel like you might fail in some way or form? he asked.

    No I don’t, not really. I know you guys are a set of strong knights but there’s still that feeling.

    So it has nothing to do with the dark creature we faced?

    Can I be completely honest with you? she asked leading.

    He nodded and listened closely.

    I haven’t felt at ease ever since we left BonWood village, it might be that creature it actually might, but I couldn’t be. Right?

    I doubt it my self, that’s some very good monster-slaying you did back there.

    Thank you, but still.

    Well, ain’t no use hindering your mind with what is to come especially if you can’t whats about it anyway.

    Hmm maybe your right, said Sacerra.

    However, she couldn’t put a smile on her face because her mind was still burdened.

    After a couple of minutes on the ox, they came to a halt.

    It’s so quiet all of a sudden, said Sacerra.

    Yes, this is supposed to be the market place but everyone’s gone.

    Where is everyone?

    Aucust looked around closely.

    This place was abandoned in a hurry, said Aucust.

    What do you mean? she asked.

    Look— he looking around—The stands are still open.

    Those over there are broken, noted Sacerra.

    Upon closer inspection, Aucus pulled out his sword and looked around.

    Speaking of dark creatures, of all the places, he said.

    What is it? she asked.

    Be on your guard! said Aucust.

    She wrapped the beads she had around her arm and grabbed her staff ready for whatever.

    What are we looking for Aucust?

    This place wasn’t just rushed out off, this place was attacked.

    Attacked? How?

    Look there’s blood here, and those stands are burned, probably poison.

    Poison of what?

    Strong enough to kill wood? Dark beasts.

    They stood strong like a standoff but just lacking an enemy."

    Then suddenly they saw a shadow move into an alley.


    Aucust swung his blade and from the tip shot an arrowhead.

    Light dart!

    The arrowhead chased the shadow into the valley and made a small explosion.

    Wow, fast. Said Sacerra.

    Don’t lose focus, said Aucust still in stance—That wasn’t enough to kill it, just maybe hurt it.

    What is it? asked Sacerra.

    Unresponsive to her question Aucust kept looking around. Suddenly he noticed a figure in a brownish-red cloak. It seemed human but nothing about it was visible, not face hands or anything, all was covered in a cloak.

    Who are you? asked Aucust.

    There was no response from the mysterious figure so they didn’t really move. The figure slowly walked back to the edge of the building and jumped into the alley.

    What is he doing? asked Sacerra.

    A distraction.

    Immediately he appeared on top of another building.

    He’s there now, said Sacerra.

    As he said that the figure jumped out of sight again.


    The figure kept jumping and vanishing and reappearing to a different building.

    He’s setting up an attack watch out! said Aucust.

    One of the jumping figures spat out a green sludge that barely missed Sacerra. The wooden stand that stood there started melting away just like the ones they saw before.

    That is the poison that burned the wood, don’t let it touch you.

    Suddenly the figure started shooting out more poison and Aucust and Sacerra started jumping to avoid like frogs playing dodge ball. Suddenly the figure, from the face of the cloak spat out a large amount of poison as if he was trying to cover the whole market place in a cover of poison. A giant ball of poison was floating above the market.

    Oh no! said Sacerra looking up at this giant ball of poison.

    Aucust quickly jumped on Sacerra covering her, bringing with him the cover from one of the broken stands to hide under.

    What are you doing? she asked.

    At least one of us has to survive this and best it be you, he said.

    No Aucust DON’T! she shouted.

    But it was too late he already covered her.

    NO Aucust, NO!

    She heard a big explosion and metal clinging outside.

    What the hell is going on? AUCUST!

    For what seemed like an eternity until her covered was pierced and ripped off.


    Are you alright? he asked.

    Yes, but what’s going on? she asked confused.

    We saw the big explosion and came running, found Aucust in the middle of a fight with whoever that is, said Elrich.

    Explosion? she asked.

    Here! shouted Elrich.

    Sacerra caught her staff which was thrown to her.

    I still don’t know what happened, she said.

    Me neither, but we’ll worry about that later, said Maddon.

    He took off to help Aucust taking the place of Thelius who was already helping.

    Break! he shouted as he jabbed his spear right over Thelius’s shoulder and next to his ear. Thelius fell out of formation and in an effortless team work he took his place in the fight.

    Sacerra grabbed her staff and was getting ready to join in but before she could move Elrich shoved his sword in front of her.

    Hold yourself right there, don’t get involved in this one.

    What? We need to help them out! said Sacerra.

    No, no we don’t, just sit back and enjoy the show, said Thelius.

    What are you talking about? asked Sacerra.

    Well, look.

    She looked at Aucust and Maddon and for the moment she started paying attention she noticed that the two are in perfect sync. They followed and complimented each other’s movements, covering each other’s opening and delivering attacks one after the other as if they were doing a recital dance. The cloaked man didn’t even have time for a counter-attack.

    Elrich and Thelius kept watch and Sacerra was amazed at how well they are handling the man. Suddenly and finally Maddon’s spear tip started glowing and so did Aucust’s sword.

    Let’s finish this, said Aucust.

    And the two suddenly back a nitch faster. Maddon thrusted forward finally landing a blow that in the chest of the cloak, and Aucust came from the side and chopped down so fast his sword cut into the ground and got stuck. Sadly however the cloaked man moved back fast enough that the chop only cut off the tip of its cloak. He kept back pacing and then jumped into the alley and vanished.

    What in the hell was that?! Asked Maddon.

    I don’t know, but he sure was strong, knight level fighter for sure, said Aucust.

    Either that or you’re just getting old.

    I’m but 3 years older than you, you old fart.

    hahahaha good to see you yet in good spirits, said Elrich.

    Yeah 2 old men fighting about whose older, the world is right again, said Thelius.

    The men laughed.

    Are you guys serious? How are you so laid back your fight just literally ended less than a minute ago, said Sacerra.

    Well no need to carry on the aggression after the fight, said Elrich.

    That’s true, said Thelius.

    Every moment spent not living and smiling is a waste. So we tend to let it all be where it should be, said Aucust.

    Sacerra looked put back by the group—You guys are an awkward bunch, she said laughing.

    That we are, said Maddon.

    It didn’t take much time after their battle for a group of people armed with what seems like anything they could find laying around to arrive.

    Who goes there? a man asked.

    It’s ok, we mean no harm—said Aucust as they watched the people come out—We came here as a caravan seeking refuge before we continue to the city of Alfum.

    The people seemingly untrusting didn’t lay down their arms.

    How can we be sure? asked another man suspiciously.

    Put them away men, the fight is over anyways.

    On Aucust’s orders, they all sheeted and put away their weapons.

    Better? asked Aucust.

    Their gesture didn’t seem to have had much of an effect in convincing the townspeople.

    I’m sorry sir, but may we ask what happened here? asked Sacerra.

    What’s it to you? asked one of the men suspicious.

    "Please, we only want to help. We see that there was blood splatter and we were just attacked by someone. We just

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