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Spice up Your Soul: Beautiful Soul Beautiful Life
Spice up Your Soul: Beautiful Soul Beautiful Life
Spice up Your Soul: Beautiful Soul Beautiful Life
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Spice up Your Soul: Beautiful Soul Beautiful Life

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About this ebook

The objective of this book is to inspire and to remind us of our true nature and value as human beings. The author, Jenny Cailing Pugh had spent decades and most of her life searching, researching. introspecting and studying the essence of being human and she had come to the conclusion that the soul is the link that catapult human lives from any misery that humans experience in the material world to the Higher Self and Purpose of life. The book shows the way to create miracles in your individual life when you feel like your situations become so difficult and beyond your control. Once in a while if not often most people would find themselves entangled in life’s various problems in any areas such as financial difficulties, relationships in family and loved ones, failures in career and business and many more as you continue to journey in life. Many people just exist and drift by in life without direction because they are disconnected from the essence of their being, they forget, worse have no idea that they have a power within them that is all-knowing and that could create miracles in their lives if only they had learned to reach deep down within them, to the powerful essence of their existence.
Read my book and be blessed.
Release dateJul 31, 2019
Spice up Your Soul: Beautiful Soul Beautiful Life

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    Spice up Your Soul - Jenny Pugh

    Copyright © 2019 Jenny Pugh.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-7963-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-7964-1 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/30/2019



    1 We are All Souls

    2 The Thinking Human

    3 The All-knowing Soul Within Us

    4 The Universal Human vs. The Inequality among Humans

    5 Life-changing Processes

    6 Learning to Communicate with Your Own Soul

    7 Longings of the Soul

    8 How to Develop the Faith that Creates Miracles in Your Life

    9 How to Have Complete Control of Your Life

    10 The Vacuum or Sense of Emptiness in All Humans

    11 The Effort is from Within

    12 Affirm Your Truth Towards a Happy Life

    13 Core Beliefs

    14 Two Major Types of Core Beliefs: Destructive and Constructive.

    15 Constructive Core Beliefs and the Healing Affirmations

    16 Correlation Between Affirmation and Faith

    17 How to Activate the Power that Lies Dormant Within You

    18 Destiny

    19 How to Create Your Own Destiny

    20 Taming the Restless Soul Within You

    21 The Value of Forgiving

    22 Three Powerful Words to Ponder for a Meaningful Life

    23 Organize Your Dreams

    24 The Types of Dream and the types of Personality that can Make a Dream Come True

    25 The Philosophy Behind Perfect Timing

    26 How Long Does it take for a Dream to Come True?

    27 Suggested List of Activities to Live Life the Easier Way

    28 Re-inventing Your Self and Your Life

    29 God: Religion and Open-Mindedness-

    30 Just Feel It… Feel and Live It

    Part II

    1 Life Cycles and Patterns

    2 A Beautiful Life

    3 Come Home to Me

    4 A Poetic Narrative: Halfway to My Destiny

    5 You Are A Winner

    6 Activities Human Beings Do in a Lifetime

    7 Man’s Activities in a Lifetime 2- The Formative Stage, 2 to 6 Years Old

    8 Man’s Activities in a Lifetime 3- The Peer Group Stage 6 to12 Years Old

    9 Man’s Activity in a Lifetime 4-Puberty

    10 A Lifetime Journey

    11 Life is Movement

    12 Master of Your Own Life

    13 Maintaining Self-Value

    14 Three Reliable Inner Strengths to Summon at Life’s Lowest Times

    15 A Meditation Practice

    16 Greater Than You Can Imagine

    17 Order of Life

    18 Just a Passerby

    19 Choose to Remember

    20 My Invisible Little World

    21 I Am a Traveler

    22 Powerful Feelings

    23 My Life is Shaped by My Choices

    24 Manifestation Process: My Story

    25 A Blueprint for Your Life

    26 The Magic of Writing an Ideal Scene 02/20/17

    27 Living A Perfect Life

    28 It Only Takes A Spark: To Keep the Fire Going

    29 Living My Life

    30 Life is but a Dream: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

    31 Introspection: Self-Appreciation

    32 The Process of Socialization

    33 Just a Little Glimpse of Light

    34 The Magic of Turning Your Worries into Creativity

    35 Acknowledging the Importance of Your Values System

    36 Life is Mobility Plus Variety 03/02/17

    37 My Life’s Journey

    38 Life is a Series of Individual Choices

    39 I Am: I Think Therefore I Am

    40 Dear God: A Supplication to the Universal Force

    41 Two Inner Reflections: My Thoughts and My Prayer

    42 Purging and Clearing Techniques

    43 Smile, Laugh, and Be Lucky

    44 Episodes of Darkness

    45 How to Create a Lasting Personal Happiness


    T his is my second book of the same title Spice Up Your Soul with subtitle Beautiful Soul Beautiful Life.

    This second volume will include specific techniques for specific situations that are universal for human beings.

    Life is a series of situations leading to success or failures depending on how we handle a situation in any given time and space and on how we define success in a personal level.

    In every heart and soul of every human being is a vacuum or a sense of emptiness that needs to be filled in order to live a meaningful hence a happy life.

    Money can be a measure of success if your dreams gear toward it. Harmonious marriage relationship is another attractive goal that one may think that it fills the emptiness of your soul. Beauty, health, popularity, meaningful job or career are among life’s dreams or achievements that either inspire or pester the soul as the case may be. Yet the feeling of emptiness still persists in one way or another, either most often or in once in a while, in the duration of our lifetime existence regardless of whether we had achieved a goal or we experienced a bitter failure or loss.

    The question then is, is there such a thing that completely fill this vacuum in the soul?

    To answer this question is the objective of this second book where I include specific activities for specific situations that we come across as we journey on in life.

    When I was a student in college where I majored in Economics, the first definition that I encountered goes this way The theories, principles, and models that deal with how the market process works. It attempts to explain how wealth is created and distributed in communities, how people allocate resources that are scarce and have many alternative uses, and other such matters that arise in dealing with human wants and their satisfaction.

    In short it said that Economics is a social science that deals with the study on how scarce resources are produced, distributed and allocated to satisfy the insatiable human wants and needs.

    Human wants are insatiable, there is no contentment even when they already have achieved a certain goal. Hence as humans we have to deal with our souls, it’s the soul that is the true essence of being human and it knows what it wants and needs, it keeps moving up to the next higher levels once a need is fulfilled. It is the soul that connects to the realms of the spirit. The spiritual realm is the director of our destiny. If the spirit is on high level then our lives will enjoy the ride, we will be in the peak of life’s achievements in conjunction to our dreams and goals. Even the bible says don’t grieve the spirit because once grief dwells in your spiritual aspect of existence then everything and in every turn of your life will be miserable. Disease, famine, poverty and the rest of bad lucks happen to you.

    As we journey on in life, we encounter so many situations, some are joyful and worth celebrating while others are painful and life changing to the worse. Little do most people know that consciously or subconsciously their souls are the ones inviting all the situations that they happen to be in any given time.

    We invite all situations into our lives whether they be problems or joyous happenings. Therefore, it is important that we should feed and nourish our souls with delicious and nutritious food for the soul. And what are those delicious and nutritious foods for the soul?

    This book will suggest answers for such a question. Once the soul is healthy then our life’s journey will be worth-living in the here and now.

    Assertiveness and self-awareness are the basic tools in all the techniques used for the purpose of answering the questions presented here.

    If you have read the first volume of this book, you will see some of those situations that I encountered in life and how I deliberately came out from them. In this volume I will discuss certain situations that many if not most people encounter in a lifetime and how to deal with them using the principle of assertiveness and self-awareness.

    The Book Spice Up Your Soul

    The objective of this book is to inspire and to remind us of our true nature and value as human beings. The author, Jenny Cailing Pugh had spent decades and most of her life searching, researching. introspecting and studying the essence of being human and she had come to the conclusion that the soul is the link that catapult human lives from any misery that humans experience in the material world to the Higher Self and Purpose of life. The book shows the way to create miracles in your individual life when you feel like your situations become so difficult and beyond your control. Once in a while if not often most people would find themselves entangled in life’s various problems in any areas such as financial difficulties, relationships in family and loved ones, failures in career and business and many more as you continue to journey in life. Many people just exist and drift by in life without direction because they are disconnected from the essence of their being, they forget, worse have no idea that they have a power within them that is all-knowing and that could create miracles in their lives if only they had learned to reach deep down within them, to the powerful essence of their existence.

    Read my book and be blessed.


    We are All Souls

    T he soul is the essence of being human. The soul is that part of being human that is precious in the heart of God. This is what Jesus died for.

    The soul is the seat of all emotions and it is that part of us that navigate us in life’s journey. Whatever and wherever we are in the present are the destination so far that our soul has brought us. The soul knows where we had been, where we are at present and where we are leading. When our soul’s task is done in this life it will go back to the Creator, it never dies, our body dies but the soul lives on.

    The soul does wonder in our lives if we acknowledge its role. It creates miracles and causes the impossible to happen for our own good. It is the soul that connects us to God or the Spiritual realm of the universe. When things go wrong in life and we feel like there is nothing more we can think or do to change it then that is the time that the soul takes charge and do the supplications in our behalf to the Highest Power that makes everything in this universe possible.

    You cannot measure what the soul can do in your life for your own good. It solves your personal problems in all areas, it gives you ideas to change your situation for the better, it guides you and shows you the way for a better if not the best life that you can have, and if you still cannot see the way the soul opens the way for you and leads you on. You cannot underestimate what your soul can do for you, and your soul is you, you are powerful if only you have close connection and relationship with your own soul.

    This is the main reason why I have conceptualized and had written the book Spice Up Your Soul. I see the importance of connecting our material life to the inner power within each individual, I had experienced it and I love to share it with people especially to those who have come to me for valuable advice because they had messed their lives deliberately or otherwise.

    To spice up your soul means that you acknowledge its power and beauty and to have a harmonious relationship with it in every step of your existence. Be the beautiful soul that you are meant to be as you journey on in life.


    The Thinking Human

    T he Searching Man

    This verse is quoted from the Bible. What is man that Thou art mindful of him? And the Son of Man that Thou visit’s him? For Thou hast made him a little lower than angels; And hast crowned him with glory and honor.

    Man is a complex crown of creation; Within him are billions of mysteries he himself cannot understand; Even those who spent a lifetime searching for answers can only start with questions and end up full of riddles.

    To begin searching the truth from within one’s self is tedious enough; How much difficult it would be to search and conclude another human of complexity; It’s just enough that a person should watch his own unfolding; To his personal development and natural capacity.

    I had tried time and again to search for my own truth consistently; Following my thought processes and flows and formulating my logic and philosophy;

    Observing my feelings and emotions in any given situations; Whether I am alone or I am in the midst of a crowd; Whether I am busy or idle. I meditate on my achievements or failures; And searched on my sins of omissions; Compare all these to my present preoccupation; And forecast the future for definite outcome;

    Puzzles and questions such as; Who I am; What I am; Where I am; What am I doing in life and in this world as a whole; And why I am doing what I am doing and vice versa;

    Bringing out conflicting answers which lead to more questions; The mood and the feelings in any given time; Doing all these lead to more confusion; The more I think, the greater also is the confusion.

    Sometimes I want to think that perhaps I will know my own truth by relaxing and doing nothing; Observing Mother Nature’s other creations and getting awed at its wonders; Or watching man-made creation and technology as they prosper every day; Surmising what mankind had done and are yet to do; This way I may be able to figure out my role to contribute to the world my own personal value.

    I realized that searching for the truth culminates from within; What is below so is above is an invaluable fact; To search for an answer is the answer itself; For humans are made to search and search, and crave for the rest of his life on earth; There is no satisfaction for a craving soul;

    Even God is craving for love and loyalty; Aren’t we human the same? To stop searching for love, beauty, abundance and fulfillment; Is giving up life and returning his breath to the Giver; Craving, desiring, and searching are what humans are meant to be.

    Even great thinkers such as Plato, Socrates, Ptolemy, and Pythagoras; And wise men who studied the movements of the sun, the moon, the heavenly bodies and the whole of the universe; Great inventors like Edison, Newton, and Einstein; Richest men like Henry Ford and Bill Gates; Cannot claim that they know everything there is to know in this vast universe; They lived spending all their lives to discover and achieve; Yet they rest in peace feeling that they are not done yet; And were still in the process of searching for what else can they learn and discover in this wondrous universe. Great men who are still alive continue in their search for what else is better than they had already achieved.

    The question I must ask myself specifically is; What am I exactly searching for? I must be searching in the spirit of joyous exultation; With passion and expectation for the answers I am unfolding; Withe the realization that I can only focus my search for what my heart truly desires; I cannot be searching for everything in this world; For it would only be in vain; I am not made to contain the huge universe inside my limited brain; For this whole universe can only fit in the Mind of the Greatest Intelligence; The Mind that hangs the planets and the solar system and everything that there is; The One who created Mother Nature by just His words.

    I can only passionately and continuously search for something

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