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Reflections from the Silence
Reflections from the Silence
Reflections from the Silence
Ebook392 pages1 hour

Reflections from the Silence

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About this ebook

Included herein are 365 thoughts, inspirations, poems and essays. Feel free to

read them all at once, one each day or however the Spirit moves you. Perhaps

you will use them as seed thoughts in meditation, or as daily companions to

address the challenges of each new day. They are presented to be gifts to the

open hearts l

PublisherWA Publishing
Release dateNov 8, 2021
Reflections from the Silence

Robert H Wellington

Robert H Wellington is an author of 5 inspirational books. This is his first Children's book, buthe also has two books comprised of poems and inspirational essays, and two novels dealingwith nature, inspirational awakenings, and travel through Canada's beautiful lake country.All can be found at

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    Reflections from the Silence - Robert H Wellington


    The beingness of a humble, striving and loving man is the essence of a Holy One.


    By giving we receive. Through giving, eternal treasures are stored in heaven. We cannot truly give without receiving. We cannot receive without giving


    We enter through the gate by becoming the gate. We spread Love throughout the world by becoming Love.


    Search for the wisdom to be unattached and you will find yourself in the middle observing the pairs of opposites, while totally unaffected by them. You have found peace, while all around you is chaos.


    The glorious essence, which is us, need only be glimpsed for a moment and the door to eternity is revealed.


    Sense Love and sense the Soul. Know Love and reunite with the Soul.


    True sacrifice is any thought or act which puts God ahead of the lower self.


    It is important to remember that the God/Love in ourselves is the same God/Love in our neighbors and all that exists. We must first find God in ourselves, before we can truly know it in others


    A true sage makes himself a way and not an end.


    That which is hidden from mortal mind longs to be seen.


    One cannot truly root oneself in heaven, if any roots remain attached to the earth.


    Expansion of consciousness and the actualization of that expansion through right action and sacrificial loving service is the Path.


    Light in some ways is Love consciously recognized and expressed as wisdom.


    By sensing all that is around us on the physical plane, we sometimes see ourselves as separate and distinct. This is the great stumbling block. We must see ourselves and all that exists as intimately connected, a part of the unified whole.


    See yourself in the light as the light. See yourself in everything and everything in yourself. For you are one with the creator of all things. Remember.



    Leadership is the process of becoming the path for others to sense and to follow. The leader is the light which others sense and are drawn to. True leadership is service on a higher turn of the wheel.


    Leadership appeals to the followers true self like a magnet to iron. The leader leads with his/her light, but is also guided by a greater light. And so it goes, an endless chain of light, on the endless path back to the Father.


    The leader is the expression of Love. The leader is the embodiment of compassion. The leader’s senses are controlled, for he knows he is greater than the senses. He is wisdom.


    The leader uses form to serve, but knows he is not the form.


    Let Love be your guide, love-wisdom be your essence and service to the greater, your purpose.


    The leader is not necessarily motivated by results, but rather, the inner growth of those he/she leads.


    Leadership grows within the individual in direct proportion to one’s recognition of the divinity within


    The Path

    Long ago they made a choice,

    To sing His song, to follow His voice.

    Though seemingly quite all alone,

    Yet many walk the pathway home.

    They walk the path of subtle truth.

    They search for light, they long for proof.

    So many times they trip and fall.

    Though ridiculed, they still stand tall.

    They pick themselves, up off the ground,

    And thank the sky for wisdom found.

    For every misstep when corrected,

    Reveals a gem so long neglected.

    A gem which holds within its light,

    The secrets that give wings for flight.

    Their Magic resting in the deep,

    Awaiting to be raised from sleep.

    So many steps and lessons learned.

    Their chests explode with hearts that yearn,

    To guide them, to more light to share,

    A gift so fine, a prize so rare.

    They turn within and search so deep.

    The answers there, to share not keep.

    And through this sharing, more is gathered,

    The seeds soon grow, from many scattered.

    And others wake to join the quest,

    To share the truth, to wake the rest.

    No longer separate, now they’re One.

    Pure loving essence, they’ve become,

    The very answers that they seek.

    The truth of which the heavens speak.


    Silence is the natural result of sensing His song and letting it resonate through you and out into the world, healing without making a sound.



    Purification is the process of becoming universal. It is the journey from separation to oneness. Negativism, criticism, anger, greed, jealousy and hatred are polluting thoughts and acts. They are states of mind precipitated by the belief that we are separate from all that exists. These thoughts cannot exist within the universal mind. For if we are a part of the whole, who or what is there to hate, to feel jealous towards, or to criticize.


    The one who selflessly gives all to others, receives the bounty of the cosmos.


    To know the higher, strive to vibrate in resonance with the higher. When one is full of Love and givingness, that one soon sees with an open eye all which moves the universe.


    Life provides the gauntlet through which each must run. Through effort comes growth.


    Focused Striving

    Spiritually focused striving, slowly results in a clear and controlled mind while reflecting the growing recognition of the love within. It is a light or energy which permeates every aspect of our being, influencing our thoughts, actions and words. We, at first, see this light as an influencing aspect of our being. In time, however, it becomes ever more apparent that we are the light. We are the love, and all the other personality pretenders to our outward expression merely imperfect reflections of our true being, like distorted reflections on a stormy lake. This recognition of his or her true being continues to grow as she or he learns to recognize and embrace the vibrations of being.


    See that which you love in all that you encounter and you will soon come face to face with your true self.


    Our eyes see by the reflection of light off the form. Our heart sees by the reflection of love off the Self.


    Controlling the Senses

    The control of the senses through the mind is a practice of vigilance with respect to our desires. Controlling the senses is a process of purification, discernment, selfless service and the quieting of the mind through meditation and prayer.


    It is love which discriminates between right and wrong, and leads to the gates of God’s kingdom.


    Love is a magic state of being, limitless and without bounds. Love and expand into the infinite.


    The Light Behind the Form: A Poem

    We see the light behind the form

    When hate and separate thought subside

    Truth glowing after passing storm

    Love quieting the raging tide

    The love that is the quiet peace

    The joy that’s known in time and space

    The innocence, the trust and faith

    He shines through every child’s face

    So come dear brothers, live the truth

    And let the love shine from each heart

    So quiet, subtle, undisturbed

    For you and He will never part


    Seeing All within Oneself

    The wise man knows he’s part of all

    The very essence of the call

    With conscious knowing he observes

    With wonder at His sacred word

    We’re in the very air we breath

    We’re in the rocks and in the leaves

    And they are within us as well

    From tiny wave to largest swell

    In everything we play a part

    And all in us, from very start

    The sacred ripples from His breath

    Gives all things life, from birth to death

    Sacred music, sacred strings

    He strums creating everything

    Commanding light to fill the dark

    The stars and heavens from one spark

    With irresistible command

    As ocean waves turn rock to sand

    His infinite and perfect plan

    Created all. Created man

    Who as reflection of above

    Who’s sacred gift is perfect Love

    Vibrations which hold all in place

    Reflections of His holy face


    To The Mothers

    Sweet Mother Goddess, pure in heart

    You loved us since before the start

    You loved us as we learned to fly

    We never thought you’d say good by

    Always there to catch our fall

    To help us conquer any wall

    Until we could stand on our own

    Until the time came to leave home

    And so we journey down the road

    You showed the way. You lightened the load

    Our time together went so fast

    What was once future, now is past

    With endless love, yet heavy heart

    You watch as precious ones depart

    A part of you is always there

    There is no weight you cannot bear

    A part of you we’ll always be

    You love us now and endlessly

    Always there to help us grow

    We feel you close, but do not know

    The true depth of the love you hold

    A love that never can grow cold

    A love that nurtures, lifts and holds

    Soft and gentle, yet so bold

    You’re like a soft still lake at dawn

    Yet tempests flare when there’s a wrong

    For you are beauty, goodness, truth

    You’re the foundation, walls and roof

    Protecting and enriching all

    Supporting family, standing tall

    Until we could stand on our own

    Expressing love as we were shown

    As husbands, wives, as parents, friends

    The cycle turns, but never ends

    And all the love, our mothers shared

    We draw upon, we are prepared

    To carry the torch a few more laps

    With loving grace, until perhaps

    One day we’ll know our mother’s love

    So pure and flowing from above

    Into our

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