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One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging: In Less Time, For Less Money!
One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging: In Less Time, For Less Money!
One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging: In Less Time, For Less Money!
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One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging: In Less Time, For Less Money!

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This book shows amateur astronomers how to use one-shot CCD cameras, and how to get the best out of equipment that exposes all three color images at once. Because this book is specifically devoted to one-shot imaging, "One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging" begins by looking at all the basics - what equipment will be needed, how color imaging is done, and most importantly, what specific steps need to be followed after the one-shot color images are taken.

What is one-shot color imaging? Typically, astronomical cooled-chip CCD cameras record only one color at a time - rather like old-fashioned black & white cameras fitted with color filters. Three images are taken in sequence - in red, blue, and green light - and these are then merged by software in a PC to form a color image. Each of the three images must be taken separately through a suitable color filter, which means that the total exposure time for every object is more than tripled. When exposure times can run into tens of minutes or even hours for each of the three colors, this can be a major drawback for the time-pressed amateur.

"One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging" describes the most cost-effective and time-efficient way for any amateur astronomer to begin to photograph the deep-sky.

Release dateApr 5, 2012
One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging: In Less Time, For Less Money!

L.A. Kennedy

L.A. Kennedy, beyond the story… L.A. Kennedy is a Canadian born writer, living in the ever-growing city of Vancouver, Canada. Here, she spends her days getting lost in the beauty of reading and writing. L.A. Kennedy mainly writes fictional books. And can be found researching myth, folklore, and everything in between, with a special interest in edge-of-your-seat paranormal romance. L.A. Kennedy can be found behind a mountain of books, on any given Sunday. L.A. Kennedy’s writing credits include two hit series that mix mystery, horror, paranormal romance, fantasy, and intrigue.

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    Book preview

    One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging - L.A. Kennedy

    L. A. KennedyPatrick Moore's Practical Astronomy SeriesOne-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging2012In Less Time, For Less Money!10.1007/978-1-4614-3247-0_1© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012

    1. Some Background

    L. A. Kennedy¹ 


    Clawson, MI, USA


    Light is made up of particles known as photons. When you look into the night sky and see the stars, or you see the light from the Sun reflecting off of the Moon or nearby planets, your eyes are actually being struck by photons. Amazingly, these photons were created by nuclear reactions inside of the Sun and other stars and have traveled across vast distances of space and time.

    What Is a CCD Camera?

    Light is made up of particles known as photons. When you look into the night sky and see the stars, or you see the light from the Sun reflecting off of the Moon or nearby planets, your eyes are actually being struck by photons. Amazingly, these photons were created by nuclear reactions inside of the Sun and other stars and have traveled across vast distances of space and time.

    Because our Sun is relatively close in astronomical terms, these photons only have to travel for about 5 min to reach you, perhaps a few minutes longer when they are reflecting off the Moon or the planets of our Solar System. In the case of the other stars, however, these particles of light have traveled millions of miles, some for thousands of years, in order to land on your retinas at that very moment. Think about what that means−most of the starlight, or photons, you see now were created long before you were born. Moving at the speed of light these photons have just now reached Earth where, by chance, after traveling all that time and distance, just happened to land directly on your eyeballs.

    When you look through the eyepiece of a telescope, particles of light are entering through the lens and are being focused through the eyepiece into your eye. With each glance, your eye is processing a steady stream of photons that are coming through the telescope. As you observe the light coming through the eyepiece, your eye is constantly absorbing new photons coming through the telescope. Since your eye is processing a new set of photons every instant, it has no way to further enhance the light coming through the eyepiece; the newest set of photons coming through the eyepiece is all that your eye and brain can use to see the image. But imagine if your eye could gather the light coming through the eyepiece over a period of time and then add it all together. This would enable you to see more clearly the normally very faint objects in the night sky. With the advent of digital imaging, this is exactly what can happen. A CCD camera allows you to gather the stream of photons over time and add them all together in order to better see brighter images of celestial objects.

    Specialized digital cameras used for astronomical imaging come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some very inexpensive models are used primarily to take images of objects in our Solar System, such as the Lunar Planetary Imager from Meade Instruments (Fig. 1.1).


    Fig. 1.1

    The Lunar Planetary Imager (LPI) from Meade Instruments

    Most models, on the other hand, can be used to capture images not only from the Solar System but also images of astronomical objects well beyond our own galaxy. Some of the most popular and affordable CCD cameras are manufactured by Orion Telescopes and Meade Instruments (Fig. 1.2). Other manufacturers, such as the Santa Barbra Instruments Group (SBIG), produce high-end CCD cameras that can capture very detailed images of night sky objects. These types of high-end imagers have very large sensor chips in them, enabling them to take larger scale, high-resolution images. Typically, the larger the sensor inside the imager, the more the camera will cost.


    Fig. 1.2

    The Digital Sky Imager II (DSI-2) from Meade Instruments

    At the heart of a digital camera is the sensor array, a specially designed computer chip known as a CCD, or charge coupled device. This device is made up of photovoltaic sensors that are highly sensitive to light and more specifically to individual photons. Each chip is made up of hundreds or even thousands of these light sensors lined up in rows and columns. Each sensor, or electrical well, is connected or coupled to the sensor on either side of it. The CCD chip works by collecting and keeping track of the number of individual photons that land on each separate sensor. As photons strike the light sensitive sensors, a tiny electrical charge is ­created in direct proportion to the number of photons that land on each particular sensor. The more photons that strike the sensor, the bigger the charge gets. After a specified length of time, the amount of charge for each sensor is measured and downloaded as digitized data, which is then used to recreate the image on a ­computer screen (Fig. 1.3).


    Fig. 1.3

    An image of galaxy M81 showing faint spiral arms

    Imagine walking outside on an otherwise clear day only to find a menacing-looking rain cloud parked directly over your head. Besides feeling very unlucky, you also know that no one would believe this story unless they could see the cloud for themselves. You would like to take a picture of the cloud, but you don’t want to take your camera out in the rain. So instead you line up thousands of buckets side by side in a grid of rows and columns (how you happen to have thousands of buckets in the first place will remain a mystery). After the rain shower, you then count the number of raindrops that have fallen in each bucket. Using that information, you could then recreate an image of the raincloud on your computer based on how much rain fell directly down into each bucket.

    Using a grid of squares on your computer that matches the quantity and the ­location of each bucket, you could color in each square with a shade of gray that corresponds to the amount of rainfall that landed in each bucket. The more rainfall in a bucket, the darker the cloud must have been at that location and the darker gray you would color the square. With buckets that received less rain, you color the square a lighter shade of gray. You would know where the edge of the cloud was because buckets past the edge of the cloud would not have received any rain at all, and they could be colored as clear blue sky. Using this representation of lighter and darker squares you can create a pretty good image of what the rain cloud looked like and the blue sky squares on the grid would define just how big the cloud was.

    This is essentially what a CCD camera does. It counts the number of photons that land across the thousands of sensors that make up the imaging chip, just like buckets full of electrical charge. The camera then downloads this information in a digitized format to a specialized graphing program. The graphing program reproduces the information on the screen by displaying the digitized information for each sensor on a separate corresponding pixel in a different shade of gray based on how many photons were collected on that particular sensor. The sensors that received lower amounts of photons are displayed as darker pixels and the sensors that received lots of photons are displayed as brighter pixels. Sensors that received no photons are displayed as black and indicate empty sky (past the edge of the object). This display of lighter and darker pixels line up in the exact sequence of the rows and columns on your camera’s imaging chip. Using this graphical representation of how many photons fell on each of the sensors will faithfully reproduce an image of the object the telescope and CCD camera is focused on.

    The CCD, or Charge Coupled Device, gets its name by how it downloads the information into the computer. The program measures the electrical charge in the first sensor in the row and then digitizes the information and downloads to the imaging control program onto your computer. As this information is measured and downloaded, the electrical charges are erased from the first column of ­sensors and then the charge for each remaining sensor is transferred down the row to the next sensor that it is coupled with. As the process repeats itself, the new electrical charge data for the first sensor in each row is again digitized, downloaded, and erased. The electric charges from the remaining sensors then move down the line again. In a very short time, almost instantaneously, all sensor information is read out in this fashion and the sensors are erased and are ready to start counting photons for the next image.

    Although it is possible to use a regular digital camera or even a standard film camera, astronomical imaging using a telescope is typically accomplished with a CCD camera. These specialized cameras are much more sensitive to light than regular digital cameras. This sensitivity allows CCD cameras to take much better images of faint night-sky objects. Standard film cameras can be very sensitive to light, and the amount of time that the shutter is open can be varied, which helps them take better images of the night sky than a regular digital camera. The problem with film, however, is that you don’t know how your shot came out until you get your film developed. If your picture is out of focus, the subject isn’t framed properly, or the picture is saturated from light pollution, you won’t know it until it’s too late. At this point you have no choice but to start over taking all new photographs. Of course the new set of photos will be subject to the risk of having all of the same issues as the first ones. After taking another set of pictures, if there are problems when you get your new film developed, you will unfortunately have to start all over yet again.

    CCD cameras, on the other hand, are usually hooked up to a computer, typically a portable laptop, where the image you take is displayed almost immediately on the computer screen. As you can imagine, this instantaneous view offers an enormous advantage over film cameras. The image focus can be checked immediately, as well as the framing, background saturation, and other aspects of the image. Rather than taking shot after shot, night after night, trying to get everything right, you simply make sure everything looks good before you start taking your pictures. This approach offers you a way to ensure you are going to capture great images in less time and with less money!

    Soon, you may even be able to use a tablet computer to do your imaging−which would be the ultimate in convenience. Some tablet computers already come with a standard USB port (needed to connect your CCD camera to a computer). Of course as technology advances, CCD cameras will be manufactured using wireless technology, thereby eliminating the need to use any cables (or USB ports) at all. Some telescopes are already being manufactured with wireless control capability, and CCD cameras won’t be far behind. As wireless technology is integrated into the imaging equipment, the use of tablet computers to control the whole imaging process will be an easy choice.

    At this point, however, there aren’t any apps written for imaging control programs, so tablet computers aren’t quite ready for use with CCD cameras. Eventually CCD manufacturers, or some enterprising software developers, will begin writing apps for CCD imaging. The speed of wireless technology also needs to increase in order to handle the large amounts of data in a timely manner, but these speeds are already increasing by leaps and bounds every year, so it won’t be long before all of this technology is ready to be applied to astro-imaging. Of course you can still ­download and display your images on a tablet computer, just like you can with any other digital device. Always be on the lookout for ways to make your imaging sessions easier, whether it’s using smaller, lighter equipment or eliminating as many cables as possible using wireless technology. The less time you spend setting up your equipment, the more time you will have for imaging on those clear nights (Fig. 1.4).


    Fig. 1.4

    The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)

    Another new trend in digital imaging that is worth noting is the use of digital video recorders to take shots of objects within our Solar System. These digital video recorders use a type of CCD chip to record images, so using these video recorders for astronomical imaging makes perfect sense. Because these video recorders take multiple images per second, many images can be taken in a short amount of time. As will be covered in a later chapter, these multiple images can be added together to come up with a higher-resolution image.

    The downside of this approach is that the video frames are images captured in a mere fraction of a second. This does not allow the video recorder to capture the light from fainter objects over time, letting the photons build up before locking in the image. CCD cameras, on the other hand, can take much longer pictures, up to several hours per image, if you have the right equipment and it is set up properly. Not only can CCD cameras take longer images, but like video recorders, they can also take many images that can be added together. By taking longer multiple images and then stacking them together electronically, you can further enhance and refine your images to reveal an awesome amount of detail. As we’ll see in later chapters this process can also reduce flaws, or noise, in your images.

    One-Shot Color Versus Multiple Color Filter Exposures

    Multiple Filter Exposures

    So, if a CCD camera counts photons and displays the buckets in the corresponding rows and columns of pixels on the computer screen only as lighter and darker shades of gray, how do you end up with color images?

    There are two ways in which to take color images with a CCD imager. The most common way is to take separate images through colored filters. The other way to get color images is through a specially designed CCD camera that gathers data on all three colors at the same time−the one-shot color imager.

    In the first method, a black-and-white (or monochrome) imager is used. Separate images are taken of each targeted object using a series of special colored filters that are placed in the light path before it enters the CCD camera. Although there are many different combinations of colored filters that are used when imaging with this method, the most commonly used are red, blue, and green. After taking separate images through each filter, along with a fourth set of images taken without a filter, these images are combined together in order to form a complete color image.

    The major downside of this method is the time involved in taking all of the separate images. The longer an object is exposed for, the more detailed the final image will come out. Many times images are taken for very lengthy periods of time, perhaps an hour or more per image. By using this method of color imaging, each object must be targeted for this length exposure at least four times. In addition, multiple images are usually taken and then stacked or added together, in order to increase the amount of detail in your images. If you plan to capture five full-color shots to stack together, you will have to take 20 separate images, five images for each of three colors and five images without a colored filter in the imaging train. At an hour or more per image, you can see how this time really adds up.

    Not only does this method require lots of time spent imaging, each image has to be taken accurately so that it can line up with the others when combined to form the whole image. Many times this requires images to be taken on consecutive evenings since the target you are imaging moves across the night sky. Images taken at the zenith will be slightly different, usually more clear and vivid, than images taken closer to the horizon. When trying to image targets that stay close to the horizon, there is usually a limited window of opportunity in which to take the images before they disappear from view.

    Taking images on consecutive evenings can also present real problems, depending on how cooperative the weather is in the location where you do your imaging. Out in the desert, where you get great imaging and a clear sky night after night, this is not a big problem, but if you live where the weather is not so accommodating, getting these images on consecutive nights can be a real challenge. There are also other issues associated with the process of taking multiple images through colored filters in order to produce color images. Besides the time it takes to gather four sets of image data, there is also the time it takes to process four different images and then assemble them into one final color image.

    Besides taking more time, using this color-imaging method can also be more expensive. The colored filters are specially calibrated pieces of equipment that allow the correct wavelength of light to pass through the appropriately colored filter. The red filter allows wavelengths of light associated in the red spectrum of color to pass through. The blue filter does the same for wavelengths of light associated with the blue color spectrum, as does the green for green wavelengths of light. Like every other piece of equipment used for astronomy, these colored filters are not inexpensive. Additionally, these filters need to be housed in another special piece of equipment called a filter wheel, which can spin around, allowing you to change the filter for each shot without having to remove the entire imaging train in order to change colored filters. Unfortunately, due to the differing wavelengths of light that each filter allows to pass through, the telescope typically needs to be re-focused for each different colored filter in order to achieve optimal clarity in each set of images. Keep in mind one blurry image in any of the four different image components can lead to a less than desirable result in the final color image after all four sets of images have been combined.

    This process is not only the one most widely used by amateur astronomers, it is also the one used by professional astronomers due to its more exacting attainment of data. Of course professional astronomers also have the benefit of having the right imaging location, one that is conducive to multiple exposures in a single night or on consecutive nights. For the amateur astronomer this method is much more difficult and takes a lot more time and effort. Fortunately, there is an easier way to go about capturing color images.

    One-Shot Color Exposures

    With the advent of one-shot color cameras, a new and easier way to take color images has emerged. As the name implies, all of the colors needed for a full-color image (red, blue, and green) are taken in one shot, as opposed to taking multiple images through different colored filters. This is accomplished through the use of a Bayer array, a specialized set of sensors built into the one-shot color camera’s imaging chip. In a Bayer array, the sensors, or pixels, on the imaging chip each have their own colored filter. These colored filters are laid out side by side in an alternating pattern along the rows and columns of pixels so that each pixel captures data in one of the corresponding colors (Fig. 1.5).


    Fig. 1.5

    A Bayer array of color filtered pixels in an alternating pattern (Courtesy Colin M. L. Burnett)

    As you can see below, the Bayer array contains many more green filtered pixels than it does red or blue. The array was specifically designed this way in order to mimic your vision. The human eye contains specialized light-sensitive cells known as rods and cones. The rod cells are much more sensitive to light in the green spectrum, and your eyes contain many more rod cells than cone cells. Therefore, the Bayer array was designed with more green filtered pixels in the array in order to better reproduce images that you might see if you could view the subject with the naked eye.

    In order to create the final colored image, a full image component in each color−red, blue, and green−is required. So how do you get a full color image when all you have are these bits and pieces of various colored pixels? Specialized software that comes with the CCD camera mathematically calculates the image data for each color from the various colored pixels into separate color component images for each color. Although the math used in this process can get rather complicated, the basic idea is to take the averages of the data in adjacent pixels and use it to estimate, or interpolate, the data into each pixel of a different color. This process creates a full image in each of the separate colors which is then used to create the final color

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