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COUP: How America was Stolen in 2020
COUP: How America was Stolen in 2020
COUP: How America was Stolen in 2020
Ebook248 pages7 hours

COUP: How America was Stolen in 2020

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About this ebook

Too often, the conspiracy is reality. This is one of those moments.  

The 2020 election was stolen.  

COUP provides a state by state accounting of the fraud, illegality, and irregularity, of the 2020 United States Presidential election. From Georgia to Pennsylvania, from Arizona t

Release dateJul 7, 2022
COUP: How America was Stolen in 2020

Drake Alexander

Drake Alexander is a corporate lawyer from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He holds a dual JD/MBA in corporate and transactional law, as well as strategy and information systems management. He studied political science at Emory University in Atlanta. Since a child, Drake has been fascinated by our place in the universe and what the Visitor Phenomena means contextually for the human condition. He is the founderof the SuspectSky YouTube channel which presents primary evidence involving conspiracy, occulted history, and the existence of a cover world around us.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    ?????? They can't stand it that they lost, so they're willing to throw away any dignity they had to lie for the worst president in modern history! All of the whining and crying they're doing just proves that they're sore losers! ???

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COUP - Drake Alexander

Coup: How America was Stolen in 2020

Copyright © 2022 by Drake Alexander

Published in the United States of America

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

The opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of ReadersMagnet, LLC.

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Cover design by Kent Gabutin

Interior design by Dorothy Lee

"It’s not who votes that counts.

It’s who counts the votes."

Joseph V. Stalin

"The struggle’s no longer just who gets to vote.

It’s about who gets to count the vote."

Joseph R. Biden

Dedicated to those in American gulags.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8 Part I

Chapter 8 Part II

Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Part I

Chapter 10 Part II

Chapter 11

Chapter 12 Part I

Chapter 12 Part II

Chapter 12 Part III

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Coup Sources


This book has been written over the years from mid-2020 to early-2022. Most likely, new evidence related to the illegality, fraud, and irregularity of the U.S. presidential election of 2020 will surface during and after the time of this publication. Updated editions will be provided as new evidence surfaces over the years to come. But, in the meantime, is it not our duty and obligation to completely discover the mechanics of and work to correct this existential crisis? This outrage against our traditional way of life? This CRIME? In the words of Chris Hedges, a former correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor , National Public Radio, and the New York Times : Either you taste, feel, and smell the intoxication of freedom and revolt or sink into the miasma of despair and apathy. Either you are a rebel or a slave.

"To be declared innocent in a country where the rule of law means nothing; where we have undergone a corporate coup; where the poor and working men and women are reduced to joblessness and hunger; where war, financial speculation and internal surveillance are the only real business of the state; where even habeas corpus no longer exists; where you, as a citizen, are nothing more than a commodity to corporate systems of power, one to be used and discarded, is to be complicit in this radical evil. To stand on the sidelines and say ‘I am innocent’ is to bear the mark of Cain; it is to do nothing to reach out and help the weak, the oppressed, and the suffering, to save the planet. To be innocent in times like these is to be a criminal."

Chapter 1

The 2016 presidential term of Donald J. Trump began with one of the biggest government fallacies since Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction after special counsel Robert Mueller and his crack team of patriots, along with America’s top intelligence agencies, demonstrated one clear fact: the Russian government meddled in the 2016 presidential election . This was the first glimpse the public got of the Russian interference hoax.

In the summer of 2016, the stolen emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee were publicly released - some via the website WikiLeaks. Cyber security experts quickly suggested Russians were behind the hack; however, no evidence was provided to support the claim. Donald Trump routinely downplayed suggestions that Russia interfered during and after his campaign. As the run-up to election night continued in the fall of 2016, American intelligence officials briefed members of Congress that the Russian government was looking to interfere in the election. In September, at the G20 meeting in China, President Obama reportedly warned Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop his nation’s interference in Western democracy.

Two months later, Donald Trump won the presidency, but before his inauguration, the Obama administration publicly pointed the finger at Russia for the Clinton email hack and, in retaliation, levied sanctions on Russia and expelled 35 Russian nationals from the U.S. The following month, a declassified intelligence report written with input from the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA stated that Vladimir Putin personally ordered a cyber and social media campaign to disrupt the 2016 U.S. presidential election - stating that Putin had a clear preference for Donald Trump. According to the report, Putin aspired to help president-elect Trump’s election chances, when possible, by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. In February of 2018, Robert Mueller’s first indictment against the Russians dropped.

The indictment charged 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies for committing federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the U.S. political system. Mueller’s team laid out a sweeping case directly accusing Russian citizens and companies of a massive coordinated disinformation campaign to sabotage the election. The defendants allegedly conducted what they called information warfare against the United States, with the stated goal of spreading distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general. The indictment accused the Russians who worked out of this building in Moscow of stealing American identities, setting up fake accounts on Facebook and other social media sites, and spreading false and inflammatory information. According to the indictment, their work isn’t limited to the internet. Russians allegedly traveled across the U.S., hid their identities, and staged political rallies.

The Russians also had a favored candidate: By early to mid-2016, defendants’ operations included supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump, and disparaging Hillary Clinton. Five months later, 12 more Russians were indicted by Mueller’s team, including members of the GRU, a unit of Russian military intelligence.

They were accused of hacking and stealing the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign emails (it is important to remember that the Clinton emails showed Bernie Sanders being squashed by the DNC – Democrats cared less that they were caught, but more about who had revealed their bad behavior and who it benefited). After almost 4 years of this incessant investigation, none of the Mueller indictments indicated that any members of the Trump campaign were involved or aware of this meddling. If you recall back to the summer of 2020, I’m sure you’ll remember a significant report talking about Russia, China, and Iran, all interfering in the 2020 presidential election.

In 2020, not surprisingly, the mainstream media claimed that Russia was the one assisting Trump, but the most novel addition was that outlets were then alleging that China and Iran were also intervening - but this time, to aid Joe Biden’s efforts. The report came from the U.S. intelligence community, which was somewhat of a surprise given how the American intelligence agencies treated President Trump in 2016. There were countless anomalies surrounding the 2020 election between Joe Biden’s senile rants, incoherent speeches, and the mail-in systems, which were universally problematic because of corrupt ballot counting conventions.

If you’re an average American, you don’t typically hear people talking about election meddling anymore. The 2016 fiasco went on for so long - I remember conversations regarding election meddling for the better part of two years, whether that be on the news, during interviews, or just discourse in the street - from when the investigations into Trump first began, shortly before the election happened, until the summer of 2019, during the Mueller testimony right after the counsel concluded and impeachment was declared. Once the Mueller report was publicized, the foreign interference topic quickly became tedious because it was so bogus and forced.

But just one year later, the details of the 2020 election woke the giant from his slumber, and now election interference has become one of the primary arguments for the Republican party. Back in mid-2020, the media commenced discussions regarding Kremlin-linked operatives attempting to boost President Donald Trump’s candidacy, while claiming China wanted to see him defeated, according to the top U.S. counterintelligence officials. The report also read, On Friday in a strikingly detailed update on American intelligence assessments about foreign preferences in the upcoming presidential election, Bill Evanina, a former FBI agent who was leading election security efforts at the office of the director of national intelligence, provided new information about what U.S. intelligence analysts have determined regarding the election interference goals of China, Russia, and Iran.

Evanina said the Russians, in a replay of the 2016 presidential election, were once again trying to help Trump by sabotaging his opponents. This individual said, We assess that Russia is using a range of measures to primarily denigrate former Vice President Biden and what it sees as an anti-Russia establishment, that a pro-Russia Ukrainian parliamentarian is spreading claims about corruption, including publicizing leaked phone calls to undermine former Vice President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party. China, which intelligence officials say does not interfere as actively or as purposely as Russia, prefers President Trump, whom Beijing sees as unpredictable and unlikely to win re-election. Evanina said, China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020. He said they (China) seek to undermine U.S. democratic institutions and divide the country in advance of the 2020 election.

When I initially saw this report, I knew instantly that it was just more of the same old political marketing we’d seen for the past 4 years. I remember distinctly reading a very similar report during the democratic primaries: essentially a two-man sprint to the finish, between Biden and Bernie Sanders.

Conveniently, significant press coverage was released detailing a Russian conspiracy to help Bernie Sanders – coincidently right as Bernie was gaining momentum in the polls and directly after winning the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire. As soon as Joe Biden won South Carolina, the flood gates opened, accusing Bernie Sanders of winning because of collusions with Russian hackers and Russian interference bolstering his numbers - not because Sanders was promoting a populist message that appealed to young people and radicals. Of course not. No, it was due to Russian bureaucrats contracting hackers to one-up the establishment. Establishment losses are never a reflection of public opinion. That would be an absurd view. No, it was because Russia was simply cheating the democratic system, always conducting cyber-attacks and hacking state voting systems.

Suddenly, the media magically produced all of this meticulous information on Russian hacking campaigns when there was never any tangible evidence, but the theories put forth by these experts and the counterintelligence intel community officials were enough to convince the average listener that something was afoot.

The pattern became easily noticeable after 2016, which is why every time the odds were against the Dems, they conjured another falsehood. Those of us that looked for ourselves are yet to see a single Republican individual linked to the Russian government. The alleged election hacking was another white-lie written up in a staffroom of c-grade ABC writers, to further degrade President Trump and American democracy; the closest Russia came to interference were the several charges against 6 Russian corporations and 13 individuals.

The companies and individuals were unrelated to the Russian government. They ran pro-Trump Facebook ads in the Midwest, which constituted a very low-level campaign finance violation (non-citizens of the United States aren’t permitted to buy political advertisements).

That was officially the closest American investigators ever came to any kind of concrete tangible evidence to 2016 Russian election interference. They amped up all of the foreign interference in the election from Moscow and the Kremlin rhetoric for years on end, and the best they could render from the entire years-long investigation were the 13 individuals who had nothing to do with the Russian government, individuals who set up a trivial social media ad campaign totaling somewhere in the five-figure range which, in the grand scheme of U.S. election campaigns, is minuscule. A serious campaign effort, taking Hillary Clinton by contrast, spent nearly a billion dollars in the 2016 election. Mueller got a handful of foreign nationals spending 5-figure sums on social media ads in the State of Michigan, and the media dubbed it collusion. Now, once again, in 2020, they were talking about Russia, but they were also talking about China and Iran.

What exactly were China and Iran doing, you ask? We’re still not sure. This ceaseless plea to swallow their words opened my eyes to a vital revelation that many Americans should hear before they assume that elections have always been representative and unbiased. Our elections are influenced and interfered with every day by foreign regimes and civilians alike. It’s no secret that the Democrats adamantly oppose Vladimir Putin’s interference in the election, calling it a grave sin and a stain on the American people.

But even if that were happening, which it’s not, it would be hypocritical to denounce foreign interference in one situation, but simultaneously openly welcome illegal immigrants to vote. When Russian nationals purchase Facebook advertisements, that’s a crime, and if Trump did that, he’d be impeached without hesitation. If Trump colluded with any foreign nation, that would warrant impeachable actions. But then at the same time, we also saw sitting congressmen vouching for illegals at the border and aiding their efforts to unlawfully cross into California and Texas. Millions of Mexican nationals that walked across the southern border went on to vote in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Many of the 23 million illegal immigrants take advantage of the lack of election security and mail-in ballots.

Even if they’re not, how many are participating in political rallies and protests? We know that many of them protest time and time again to defund ICE in the streets of the capital, in California (we saw them in 2016), and many other instances. So, God forbid the Russian government to interfere, but Mexico sends tens of millions of people, literally almost 1/10 of the U.S. population, migrating from Central America and Mexico into the United States.

But by the Democrat’s standards, that’s not considered interference. Then, of course, the elephant(s) in the room are all the countries that are permitted to interfere by law. Of course, it doesn’t just stop and start at the immigrants that are interfering and that it is permissible, but it’s also foreign governments. The average voter might say, That’s not the same, that’s immigrants. Completely different.

Well, what about Israel and Saudi Arabia, or what about Qatar? What about the number of countries that regularly interfere throughout the year? This isn’t a secret. It’s all public knowledge, yet it was simply glossed over during the Trump presidency. Last year, the Senate unanimously passed another foreign aid bill, greenlighting $3.3 billion annually for Israel, and at the same time, you’ve got an establishment PAC, where 2/3 of all U.S. congressman attend every single year, as well as sitting presidents and vice presidents, from both parties, all in attendance to listen to what the Arab donors and the Jewish donors have to say. The foreign aid money often reciprocates in the form of campaign and PAC donations. It is a tax-payer funded money laundering scheme to interfere with U.S. elections.

The listeners sit in on presentations from firms, all of which are only intended to buy voting power. But that kind of election interference is acceptable. Vladimir Putin, we simply cannot have that. Sheldon Adelson; however, that’s totally fine. This brand of election meddling has been happening for centuries, since before Israel or the modern Arab gulf states even existed. Go back to Louis Brandeis

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