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Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Discover Gastric Band Hypnosis For Extreme Weight Loss. Overcome Binge Eating & Stop Overeating With Meditation, Visualization and Positive Affirmations!: Hypnosis for Weight Loss, #5
Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Discover Gastric Band Hypnosis For Extreme Weight Loss. Overcome Binge Eating & Stop Overeating With Meditation, Visualization and Positive Affirmations!: Hypnosis for Weight Loss, #5
Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Discover Gastric Band Hypnosis For Extreme Weight Loss. Overcome Binge Eating & Stop Overeating With Meditation, Visualization and Positive Affirmations!: Hypnosis for Weight Loss, #5
Ebook67 pages43 minutes

Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Discover Gastric Band Hypnosis For Extreme Weight Loss. Overcome Binge Eating & Stop Overeating With Meditation, Visualization and Positive Affirmations!: Hypnosis for Weight Loss, #5

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

How to Lose Weight Fast, Without Undergoing Expensive Procedures and Diets


Are you overwhelmed by constant dieting that doesn't give you obvious results?

Do you have the psychological and emotional issues that lead you to overeat?


"Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss" is a book that will change your mindset about losing weight and overcoming bad habits that lead to being overweight.


Gastric band hypnosis is used to mislead a person into thinking they underwent gastric band surgery.

Your unconscious mind is being convinced that you had a gastric band has been fitted.

The person who went through gastric band hypnosis will feel less hungry, like someone who had their band fitted.

Gastric band hypnosis will help you lose weight naturally and shrink your stomach without scarring from surgery or having forbidden foods.


Here's what you can get with "Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss":

  • Introduction to gastric hypnosis: Learn what is gastric band hypnosis and how to implement it in your life.
  • How to visualize your weight loss: Start visualizing your end results, and boost your motivation and confidence.
  • Reasons for emotional eating: You'll get a step-by-step guide on the difference between physical and emotional hunger.
  • Why dieting didn't work for you: Learn why diets don't work and estimate if you are using food as a reward or punishment.
  • Virtual gastric band procedure: How to prepare for the virtual procedure, discover new you and realize your dream.

Regardless of who you are and what your weight is, with the help of "Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss" you can improve your health by losing weight in the long term, with reduced chances of you returning to old habits.


Are you ready to transform your daily habits and your life?


Scroll up, click "Buy Now," and grab a copy today!

Release dateOct 16, 2022
Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Discover Gastric Band Hypnosis For Extreme Weight Loss. Overcome Binge Eating & Stop Overeating With Meditation, Visualization and Positive Affirmations!: Hypnosis for Weight Loss, #5

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    Book preview

    Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss - Hypnotherapy Academy


    Do you feel tangled in the cycle of dieting - hunger - anguish - weakness, dieting - extreme food cravings - no concentration - unhappiness, with very little weight loss along the way.

    Are you tired of suffering through your weight loss restrictions, breaking free from them to feel good emotionally, and then experiencing that rapid regain of every pound you lost?

    Losing weight doesn’t have to be about hunger and a miserable life. You don’t have to sacrifice your smile and cheer to achieve the shape of your dreams. It is possible to lose weight, and it is very much possible to do it without experiencing emotional discomfort.

    The gastric band procedure is a surgical weight loss technique where a band is inserted inside your stomach to make it smaller in size. This means that you will feel full faster, eat less, and eventually lose weight as a result. The gastric band is a simple procedure and many people around the world use it, but it is a real surgery that must be performed in the operating room of a hospital.

    What if you could experience all the benefits of the surgery without actually going under the knife? Yes, it is possible, and this book can help you with this experience.

    What we are about to embark on in a few moments from now is the hypnotic gastric band procedure. Together we will reprogram your subconscious and trick it into thinking that you have fitted a gastric band without actually having it. Your mind is so powerful that it can cause your body to react like there is truly a band inside you just with the help of a mere belief about its existence. This belief will translate into your thoughts and your actions leading to a natural reduction in body weight.

    Hypnotherapy can make you feel what you have never felt in your life, it has the ability to make you understand what you were never able to do before and this book can give you the perfect solution to your weight problem that you have always been seeking.You will still have complete control all the time and cannot be forced to do anything against your will. You are free to stop or pause every session whenever you like.

    The effectiveness of the virtual gastric band procedure has been proven by several research studies and success stories of people who have had their body and life transformed as a result of this technique.

    Are you ready to feel the magical change?

    Let me briefly take you through this procedure and what it entails. You have to lie down with your eyes closed and listen to my voice. As you immerse yourself in the words I say, believe with all your heart that this procedure will work for you. You will be able to shed those extra kilos without suffering from hunger or compromising the quality of your life. Expand your lips as wide as you can and smile. Just one repetition of this miracle gesture can set so many things right. Recent studies claim that you are the direct product of what you think, so let's dive into that part of your brain where your thoughts lie and reset them to change your life for the better..


    This book is divided into two parts. The first part will provide you with a better understanding on the application of gastric band hypnosis for weight loss. In the second part, much more practical, you will find a set of hypnosis to lose weight created

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