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No Demons But Us: Sister Seekers, #1
No Demons But Us: Sister Seekers, #1
No Demons But Us: Sister Seekers, #1
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No Demons But Us: Sister Seekers, #1

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My sister deserved her death, but I didn't kill her. The infamous Sisterhood couldn't care less when it's the perfect excuse to make their move.


My name is Sirana. I am a young Noble trapped in a most wretched spot: accused of assassinating my sister, the Matron's heir. If I take the blame, I am next on the sacrificial altar.


Dark Elves live for intrigue in our underground matriarchy. We bend the rules for the cunning and the bold. To survive, I must play the game.


Court intrigue, demonic rituals, and mind-rending trials against deadly foes surround me, pervasive webs spun by our sadistic priesthood and the Queen's brutal enforcers.


Through it all, the Red Sisters delight in watching me. I must prove myself beneath their ravenous gazes, or I will become the next meal for our dark goddess.


A.S. Etaski spins the first threads of an intense and epic tale with No Demons But Us, in which the trials of a young Davrin test her resolve to rise from the depths of fear and hatred tearing her down.


Sister Seekers is an adult epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Found family is a core theme throughout, and fans of Dungeons & Dragons will find familiar grounds. This epic is perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and magic.


The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.

PublisherA.S. Etaski
Release dateOct 27, 2022
No Demons But Us: Sister Seekers, #1

A.S. Etaski

Get the official Sister Seekers Prequel, "Sons to Keep." FREE when you join Etaski's newsletter at her website! Etaski writes adult epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Her series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves. The beginning is not for the faint of heart (the new prequel is a good entry point), and is perfect for fans who enjoy entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, and immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic. She began Sister Seekers nine years ago on Literotica, not knowing how far it would go. She is now rewriting and publishing the entire epic with the support of her long-time fans. She is also writing the next epic, The God Wars, for patrons. Her most inspiring epic stories are Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Wendy Pini's ElfQuest, Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, and J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5.

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    Book preview

    No Demons But Us - A.S. Etaski

    No Demons But Us

    Sister Seekers Book 1


    A.S. Etaski

    Corpus Nexus

    Published by Corpus Nexus Press

    ISBN: 978-1-949552-00-3

    Etaski’s Website

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    Copyright © 2018, 2023 A.S. Etaski

    Cover Design by Eris Adderly

    Book Layout by DocKangey

    This book is a work of fiction and intended for adults. Sexual activities represented in this work are between adults and are fantasies only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as the author advocating any non-consensual activity. Violence may be disturbing to some readers. Discretion is advised.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Dedicated to my husband and companion, who did not know on our wedding day he had married a writer.

    Dedicated to every fan who wanted more, and to my patrons who have directly supported this new world.

    Buckle up, it's going to be a Hell of a ride!

    Chapter 1

    I can speak.

    I trembled, hidden in a small, dark pocket of the stables, as a nameless, hard sickness broke at last and seeped out of me. I felt my throat loosen as the curse unraveled; tears leaked from my eyes. I opened my mouth with full intent to accuse her. Nausea did not rise in my stomach. No headache threatened to split my head apart.

    I could tell someone.

    Your own doing, I whispered to no one. You deserved to die.

    The body lay in the barn next to the stables, but I hadn’t lingered there after it remained unmoving long enough. I pictured it now in that awkward sprawl at the foot of the ladder, the neck in an unnatural twist. The chest would never swell with breath. I would never hear her voice next to my ear, would never feel her hot breath on my skin. I would never taste her again.

    Half my life ago, I'd been forcibly silenced. Now, I could speak of it if I wished. I could accuse her.

    But she’s dead now. The First Daughter is dead.

    Speaking wasn’t the wisest thing to do. Not yet.

    Someone would find her body soon, and I wanted to live past the next wake cycle.

    I wanted to live far beyond the next century without her if I could.


    Sirana. Where is she?

    My other sister blocked my way. Kaltra Thalluenduv, the Second Daughter of our House, stood with me in the hall leading from the kitchen to the space for lower guests. This wasn’t unusual; I often tested my sisters’ desires to locate me, creeping around the places we Nobles weren’t supposed to dirty ourselves. I glared up at Kaltra in silence, also nothing unusual.

    Where is Jilrina? she asked again.

    Haven’t seen her, I said, attempting to slip by her.

    My sister wasn’t quick, and I knew I could slip loose if she grabbed me. My eye level was at her shoulder, however, and she weighed more. She used her larger size to pin me against the wall in the tight hallway. The halls of our own quarters would have been too wide for her to achieve that.

    Get off me! I shouted.

    My protest was louder than it had ever been. If this surprised her, she didn’t show it. I wagered she didn’t understand the significance.

    Is she out back? Kaltra asked.

    I don’t know!

    I struck her thigh with my fist, expecting the retaliatory slap to my sensitive, pointed ear. Kaltra always hit hard, and my head thumped against the wall this time. I groaned, and I sank down to the floor as if suddenly giving up fighting. I tried crawling past her. She blocked me with her legs.

    Get up! You’re going to help me find her. It’s time for more practice.

    Fuck Braqth’s Tits I will! I snarled, and her eyes widened in horror.

    How dare you?

    Kaltra looked around us as if the Spider Queen Herself would be there, ready to judge my blasphemous mouth and doom us both to the Pit. I scoffed, straightened up, and took a step back. Subtle footfalls and shifting shadows behind us meant several servants were aware of the conflict and making certain to stay out of it. I could turn around and run toward them, but I already knew how petulant my older sister could be if a poor, fool servant wasn't fast enough to get out of my way. It had never helped me in the end.

    Speak the prayer, Sirana, Kaltra said. Show humility.

    Defiant, I pursed my lips. For courage in the face of her fury, I called back my loathing of Jilrina and the sweet memory of our eldest sister’s body in the barn, of the life-heat fading from my Dark Sight.

    My calm returned, and I reigned back on my protests and held my ground. This had never changed anything before, but now there wasn't a would-be-Priestess, sitting with legs spread, in front of whom Kaltra could force me to kneel.

    The outcome now was anybody’s guess.


    She did it! Kaltra screeched. Sirana pushed her!

    I did not push her! I barked back. I shook with rage and fear the same as she, but for different reasons. We found her like that! You could see as I did that she fell!

    Lying slit! You found her before I found you, I know it! You treacherous, traitor cu — !

    Kaltra, our Mother commanded. Hold your tongue.

    Why? the Second Daughter flung at the Matron. You know the truth, Mother. Sirana has always threatened at Jilrina’s back! She’s a proven Sister Killer! I hope the Red Sisters flay the skin from her entire body for what she’s done!


    Matron Thalluen held us both in her office. The door was locked, and a Ward set against the sound carrying into the hall, even though by now the entire plantation knew what had happened.

    I was glad that Kaltra had spoiled so much of the barn when we found Jilrina. I relished how she had landed on her knees and shook our sister’s unresponsive corpse, calling her name, before pulling the body up into a wailing embrace. It had taken the Head of the Guard and several Guardsvrin to pull Kaltra away at our Mother’s command, to keep some semblance of order until Matron Thalluen could decide what to do.

    Within a mark of the candle, Mother had sent a magic missive to the Palace.

    I hadn’t expected her to invite anyone from off the plantation for at least a cycle or two. Barely two candle marks had passed since Kaltra found Jilrina's body, and it scared me now how swift was the Sisterhood’s response. First, to hear they were coming, and then to watch them arrive from out of the darkness of the Great Cavern, their red uniforms the first thing I could make out as they approached the lights of our manor.

    Now I worried that I underestimated how much anyone besides Kaltra might care about Jilrina’s death. Even Mother had been at serious odds with her own First Daughter since my earliest memories.

    She deserved to die. Don’t panic, or it will show as a confession.

    The Guardsvrin of House Thalluen had been confined to the barracks, the servants to their quarters, and our Matron was tasked to keep her two surviving Daughters secure and within her sight. Matron Thalluen herself had been commanded to give all search and study over to the Red Sisters.

    That my Matron bowed so readily, agreeing to be ignorant of anything the Sisterhood may be doing on her plantation, only reinforced my miscalculation of their power. There had always been the reputation, the gossip and stories meant to scare the young and gullible into fearing shadows. Until now, nothing had happened on this plantation to warrant their direct attention, and I had never set foot outside of our borders.

    While Kaltra yelled at me, my Mother and I waited for the Red Sisters to finish in the barn and come to us. They did after only another mark, and then Kaltra and I were separated from our Mother. Each of us was taken to our own bedroom while the Matron Thalluen remained in her office.

    I wondered whether all three of us would step out again. I wondered; if one or more of us did not, who would it be? If any female family was taken yet I survived, what would I feel then? I could not decide while I stood in familiar surroundings with a wholly unfamiliar type of female in the room with me.

    Hmph, she grunted, probably as a laugh, as she looked over my room and gestured for me to sit down.

    I obeyed, and I dared not let my thoughts stray from the Red Sister's stance, from every motion or expression she made as she casually handled my belongings. I didn't know her skills or her magic — be it mage-born or magical tools in her possession — so it was best to keep my mind on the present.

    This Red Sister was a warrior, visibly powerful in form and reflex. She wore a leather uniform, protective, flexible, quiet, and flattering her shape. Her hair was cut short enough to hide any hint of white beneath a slim, open-face helm fitted just for her. A fine quality cloak with a hood hung from her shoulders, and her boots reached just above her knees; not a buckle glinted in the light to warn others of her movement. Her gloves hid the dark skin of her hands but not the apparent strength and competence I could read in them.

    The entirety of her uniform and cloak was dyed the color of fresh blood. This color could not be used by any Noble House in the Deepearth City of Sivaraus. Only the Red Sisters of our Queen could wear it. By design and reputation, it terrified citizens at the slightest glimpse in real light yet appeared black as the rest of the shadows whenever fire or magic glow went out.

    Even our Elven ability to see in the dark, it was said, would fail to detect the elite enforcer’s outline or the heat of her body. For now, a smokeless candle burned on my dresser — the only light source in the room, also counting the time — making it impossible to ignore the red filling up space which led to the exit. I couldn’t test the rumor of lightless invisibility, but I also hoped the opportunity might pass me by.

    You don’t care what I touch, the Red Sister murmured, lifting a hairbrush from my vanity which I thought was too heavy for its ornament. Then she exchanged it for a hand mirror I barely used.

    Glancing at me, she saw me shrug. I jumped when she slammed the hand mirror against the edge of the dresser, the candle jostling and dancing, threatening to topple over and plunge the room into darkness.

    The light held, barely, and I watched as expensive glass tinkled down over the chair and onto the throw rug beneath, glittering as the candle remained upright. She turned to face me, unmoving, with the broken mirror in her firm grip.

    The Davrin Elves all possessed keen hearing. If this Red Sister couldn’t detect my heartbeat before, I was confident she did now as it throbbed in my own ears. She lifted her chin and inhaled the air; whether that was only for show or whether she really could detect a change in my scent, she at least wanted me to see her do it.

    Nervous, not angry, she noted, walking toward me. But not pissing your gown.

    Her assessment was accurate enough. I could oblige her my fast heartbeat and the grey-knuckled grip on my seat, but I had firm control of my bladder. I hoped it was enough to satisfy as she stepped up to me and leaned down to meet my eyes. Belatedly I realized she hadn’t asked me to look her in the eye.

    Fuck. Well, now you’re there, Sirana, don’t look away.

    The Red Sister smirked as she studied me. I expected her to slap or hit me; it was what Jilrina would have done to feel more powerful. This older female didn’t. Instead, another deep murmur eased its way out from her mouth.

    Blue Eyes doesn’t care about her mirror, hm?

    It had been a while since anyone had commented on that. My eye color had become ordinary on the plantation, and I didn't need a mirror to continually remind me when Jilrina had so often. I’d almost forgotten there was a whole city out there which hadn’t seen my eyes yet, and I didn’t know how many other Davrin might have been born with a similar color.

    By contrast, the Red Sister’s eyes were a natural color: a bright, coppery red, almost like magma without the glow, or maybe flakes of rust ground into powder.

    No, Red Sister, I don’t care, I said. Break any piece you want.

    She chuckled in a way that slid down my spine like a slime. Careful what you suggest, little Noble. You’re almost the right age.

    I smelled the threat then, a musk coming from her, and I swallowed. I knew she could do as she liked to entertain herself or torment me, and I couldn’t stop her. The helplessness which gripped me was familiar, but I knew I could face it.

    If this Red Sister’s tastes were like Jilrina’s, then I wouldn’t be surprised by anything she demanded. The Red Sister would leave House Thalluen at some point, unlike the First Daughter before her death. I’d either be alive when the Sister departed, or I wouldn’t be. But she would leave.

    This is a separate test from Jilrina.

    I trembled despite myself as the enforcer stared at me unblinking. After some very long moments, she straightened up and stepped away.

    We returned to waiting — that’s what we were doing, I realized — and the uniformed female looked through my room, in all corners and drawers and cubbies. I let her do it. She seemed to be gauging my every breath, but there was no possession here in which I placed value over my own self. She touched everything but me, so why should I care about anything else? These were things I used, nothing more, and they all belonged to my Mother, anyway.

    I thought I heard Kaltra cry out at one point, and I straightened up, straining my ears to hear more. After that first noise, there was nothing. Silence returned but for the shift of my body in my chair and the careful placement of red boots upon the floor and its rugs. The smokeless candle burned down another two marks, and I was getting stiff, hungry, and thirsty. I neither voiced nor motioned anything about it.

    There was a knock at the door, and I was almost relieved at the sign of change. The red warrior let her superior inside the room with us, providing a ritualized gesture of welcome and respect after the door was secured behind her. The gesture seemed genuine, as far as I could tell; habitual, but not reluctant or ironic.

    Sirana Thalluensareci, the leader said, announcing me before herself. She wasn’t looking at me yet; she adjusted her gloves as if she had recently put them on.

    Yes, Red Sister, I said obediently.

    I am an Elder, Third Daughter. You will address me as such.

    Yes, Elder Sister.

    This one wore a uniform slightly different than the warrior but, from a distance, I wouldn’t have known she was the leader. Up close, I could say it had seen less activity, was less worn in places, and something about the cut of the body harness accentuated her breasts, lifted them up instead of flattened them down, without exposing any skin.

    Up close and standing beside the warrior, I could also guess she must be a mage, notably when she lifted the thin helm from her head. I saw how much thicker her hair was, bound up off her elegant neck but kept long. I didn't doubt she could use the dagger and sword at her waist; her body looked toned and powerful inside that red uniform, but her hands somehow suggested familiarity with the grace of magic more than it did fists and hand-to-hand combat.

    A fundamental rule of the Queen’s City was that the powerful mageborns gained more status than the best of fighters, as long as they were female. I wasn’t sure what happened to those mages born male, but that wasn’t important now.

    The Elder Red Sister approached me as the warrior had, although staring down at me without leaning over. Again, I met a Red Sister’s eyes — a much darker crimson than the light copper of the warrior — and I wasn’t punished for it.


    The sorceress tilted her head this way and that as she stepped around my chair. Her eyes seemed to scan the air touching my body, my gown, and my hair rather than my physical form. After completing a circle, the Elder stood in front of me once again and reached out with her gloved hand to wrap it around my throat.

    My pulse beat like the wings of a panicking moth trying to escape a spider’s web; somehow, I hadn’t expected a direct touch without so much as a question asked. My throat closed as it had whenever I had wanted to speak out against Jilrina, and it hurt. I worried that the compulsion had returned, there was no stomachache or headache or bright lights before my eyes.

    Residual effects, the Elder commented. A recent dispelling. What spell, Sirana? And who lifted it?

    I quivered like a tiny burrower beneath a hunter’s paw. I’d already looked down voluntarily. This wasn’t an interrogation I might have imagined in the lengthy time I'd waited in my chair. She never asked me what I thought happened to Jilrina, where I was when she died, who was my witness, and so on. The Elder asked directly about a magical compulsion being gone; one that my own Matron hadn’t known about.

    Yet this sorceress could see its recent passing. It was a spell that gave me undeniable motive to murder a First Daughter, and the incentive to assassinate a family member.

    A Sister Killer, as Kaltra claimed.

    I didn’t kill her. I didn’t push her.

    S-Silence compulsion, I whispered. No one lifted it, Elder. The Silencer died in the barn.

    The warrior snorted softly, standing as a bodyguard to her Elder though I was no threat.

    How long since the compulsion was placed? the Elder Sister asked, her gaze too intense to meet again. She could feel my every twitch and tremor running up her arm as she held me by the throat, yet she allowed me to breathe. She wanted an answer.

    T-Thirty five turns, I murmured.

    The warrior grunted, speaking to her Elder. This cait can’t be more than, what, seventy-five?

    Seventy-nine, the sorceress answered. She was still a child when the spell was set.

    Unlike the broken mirror, the Elder Sister caring enough to know my age down to the exact turn now brought on the urge to piss. I squeezed my thighs together and stared at her red forearm, swallowing against her palm again.

    What did First Daughter Jilrina Compel to Silence? When I didn’t respond quickly, she commanded, Speak, Sirana. Now.

    I gritted my teeth; after a moment my jaw hurt. The fact that she likes the taste of a child in her bed. A child, and her younger sister.

    Even the residual pain faded now, and I felt so light-headed I almost passed out.

    I said it. Braqth tied in Her Web, I said it!

    Chapter 2

    The few times we glimpsed each other over the next half-span, Kaltra wouldn’t look me in the eyes. For a full four cycles, whenever we saw each other in the hall or were required to share a room, she looked anywhere else but at me.

    The infrequency wasn’t unusual. We had barely seen each other without Jilrina between us anyway. Not even mealtime had put us in proximity, as meals were often delivered to an office, to one’s quarters, to the garden, or wherever. The few times we had guests of some status were the only times we sat together as a Noble family in the dining hall.

    The consistency of her avoidance, however, was notable.

    And enjoyable.

    I didn’t know exactly what happened between the Second Daughter and the Red Sisters during her interrogation, but I had been released back to my Matron unmolested but for that throat-grab. This, I had no doubt, was in large part due to my own effort, cooperation, and relative honesty.

    The Elder had determined, without physical torture but with a magical will, that I was telling her the truth: I hadn't pushed Jilrina to her death. The sorceress had also pulled just enough of the lurid story of my oldest sister's designs on me to understand why I wasn't upset with the First Daughter's demise.

    The Elder had brought me out of my chair after speaking my decades-old secret and made me stand. She inspected my body with magic, lightly touching me with her gloved hands now and then. I couldn’t say what she searched for; I knew she was doing something, seeing things I couldn’t. I felt something tickle or flutter along the edges of my ears or at the back of my teeth, heard her murmur unknown words, watched her hands move with precision.

    I had started to sweat, wondering if her casting on me was permanent unto death, as the Compulsion potion had been. Instead, the Elder Red Sister had finished, studied me some while longer in silence, and then she and her warrior escorted me back to Matron Thalluen without another word of my fate.

    Mother had been standing in her office, as poised and quiet as when I’d been taken away, bowing gracefully to the Elder. She watched me sit on a chair with her usual impassive expression and those familiar, scarlet eyes which always cloaked her real thoughts. My Mother waited and said nothing.

    Consider yourselves under House arrest until we finish our investigation, the Elder had told the Matron. I see no reason to take any of the Noble family away, but leave the grounds before I return, and that one will be hunted and taken, unlikely returned. No matter who it is.

    My Mother nodded, kept her chin high. What of our business with others, Elder Sister? My liaisons and Guardsvrin must leave House Thalluen to complete our trades.

    They are to remain here for three cycles, under the same consequence if they leave. After that time, they may conduct regular business on your behalf, no one else’s. The Noble family will remain here until I return, however long that may be. I trust you can work with this, Matron?

    Yes, Elder.

    As if she has a choice, I thought.

    This also wasn’t much of a restriction. I had never left the grounds around House Thalluen; Mother, Jilrina, and Kaltra had on occasion gone to the city or another plantation for political purposes, but I could count those times on one hand in my short life.

    As a middle-status House, we were withdrawn from most of society, spending our cycles, our spans, and our quad-spans here doing the same thing through the turns to produce the various mushrooms, fiberstalk, and animals which helped feed all Sivaraus. We worked seeming to hope we’d avoid being noticed by stronger, more militant Houses who might want to claim what we have by force.

    We stayed here, taunting and trapping and feeding on each other like too many spiders sharing a single web.

    At least there was one less female spider in the web now.

    The Elder Red Sister had left with all but one of her Sisters, taking Jilrina’s body plus whatever else of ours they wanted to claim.

    One Red Sister remained behind to enforce the edict. She wore the same uniform, cloak, and helm, but it wasn’t the same warrior who had handled every item in my room. We didn’t know this Red Sister’s name, either, but she had asked — insisted — to dine with us in our great hall while she was here. Of course, we obliged her.

    Over the first span of the Sister’s residence, I watched her leering at Kaltra across the table and recognized her flustered response, the familiar shame. That was when I thought I might enjoy having a Red Sister as a guest for a while. Anyone would have told me I was insane for thinking that, but at least this even had put a prideful Second Daughter in her place.

    Don't you look at me like you won anything yet, little slit, Kaltra muttered to me after one such dinner when we both left in the direction of our quarters. They'll come back and condemn you for what you've done, and with your disrespectful mouth, I have no doubt they must have punished you as well while they held you in your room so long.

    As well? I repeated slyly, narrowing my eyes in triumph. Mm, no, I don’t think they did. What did the one dining with us do to you? Make you breathe through your mouth with your face in her cleft?

    My bigger bully of a sister shoved me against the wall hard enough that it hurt my shoulder. She said nothing else and stomped off. I sneered at her back.

    You deserve that Red Sister’s attention, you dullard, whatever she’s doing to entertain herself. I’m just glad it’s not me for once.

    The Elder Sorceress took her time returning to House Thalluen. She finally did nearly eight spans later, and I wagered it had been a long sixty-four cycles for my dullard sister to become familiar with entertaining another superior besides Jilrina. I stayed out of their way and worked the plantation more than I ever had before.

    Now back in my Matron’s office, we listened intently as the Elder deemed the First Daughter’s death officially an accident. Our Matron accepted the ruling with grace and requested no further resources; she seemed satisfied that no one else would be taken from her House. Yet even as Kaltra was now the Heir, this covetous status seemed to pass right by her as her first response was denial.

    No! Kaltra pointed at me, trembling. Please, Elder, you must know! Sirana did it!

    Shut that hole before I fill it again, sweetmeat, growled the Red Sister who had been with us this entire time.

    That was the end of that argument, at least until the Red Sisters left our lands. I wished my Mother could shut Kaltra up that readily, but I would hear growling accusation over and over again for nearly five turns until I was eighty-four. Be it alone, in front of servants, in front of Mother, Kaltra just would not let it go.

    You are such an idiot. Focused on the wrong source of power, tripping over our dead sister's corpse when you are supposed to take her place. You can't represent us. You aren't worthy to be Thalluendara.

    My instincts told me I had only to wait. I had waited for thirty-five turns for Jilrina to die, to be free of her. I could wait a little longer for the unbalanced Second to make a similar mistake, then I could prove myself. Mother may have ignored me, ignored what was happening between her Daughters right beneath her nose for decades, but she wouldn’t be able to continue ignoring me when I was the only Daughter left to inherit our House.

    I would prove myself better and smarter than all the females with whom I was forced to live. I would make something of myself beyond the slutty sacrifice Jilrina had always told me I was.

    I’ll prove it.


    What?! I cried, trembling with rage as I heard my Matron’s decision. You jest! Kaltra tried to kill me! She was so sloppy anyone can see it!

    Tried and failed, Third Daughter, my Mother said, staring at me alone in her office.

    You agree, yet you won’t call the Red Sisters? They won’t need nearly the two quad-spans they took last time! It’ll be done in a cycle!

    My Mother shook her head. It is not required to involve the Red Sisters if the assassination fails. It falls to the Matron of the House to manage her own living offspring.

    She’ll try again! I barked. You know she will! And if she does, I’ll defend myself again no matter what the outcome!

    The Matron nodded in agreement. I believe you. That is why I am sending you to the Palace Court, Sirana. You will be my representative there while I train Kaltra to focus on our holdings. It will be better without you here to distract her.

    I felt something like a fist slam me in the gut. I stared in disbelief. You're … sending me away? And keeping her? I couldn’t stop shaking. As if I am sabotaging her lessons?

    You are, she said plainly. You provoke her with intent. You wanted her to attempt murder.

    If you see it that way, then you know I'm smarter! I shouted. I've learned twice as much as her about managing the plantation since Jilrina died, and I'm half her age! Dare try to tell me I'm not the better choice for Heir if you must send one of us away!

    My Matron’s icy, formal mask remained in place as she lightly touched the tips of her fingers to her desk, which she kept between us. I’d never forgotten the next words she spoke.

    Kaltra is still fertile, my Mother said. She can bear children. Elder D’Shea told me, five turns ago, that you cannot. You are scarred on the inside. I cannot name a barren Daughter as my Heir, Sirana. I regret it, but it is the way it is. You will go to Court, and you need not be near Kaltra ever again if you do not wish it.


    The coach which hauled me off the plantation of my birth was damaged on the inside by the time it stopped in front of the tallest structure I had known could exist in the Great Cavern. The driver had been ignoring the noise, and she would guide the less-than-perfect property back to return to my Mother.

    Damaged inside, like me. She can deal with the coach the same way she dealt with me, I don’t give Braqth two fucks!

    I dared not show how angry I remained as I met the liaison who would take me where I was supposed to be tucked away out of my Matron's sight and forgotten. At least if I needed to cover up fury and resentment, the two were too loud for me to worry about covering up fear, also. That would work in my favor.

    Thalluensareci, was my first and only greeting from the older male.

    I nodded confirmation, stared directly at him as he kept his eyes down from mine; he seemed aware of my foul mood all the same. He was my height but easily a century or two older; typical for the smaller Davrin males. His uncovered, white hair was cut straight across at jaw length; his skin was dark and clean, and he wore some powder that kept it dry and smelling sweet. I couldn't tell the exact shade of his eyes in the streetlights but saw a red that was common enough. He seemed competent and respectful for a Doorsvrin.

    For appearances, I was surrounded by several trunks set to be carried away by Palace servants. They were all locked by a magical inset that required a specific word to release — a reasonable deterrent for non-mages — but I bore in mind not to take their security for granted. Something unpleasant might jump out at me during the very first cycle or span I was here. Nothing in them was important to me, though I was told I would need the variety of clothes.

    There were sources of light which illuminated the dressed pathways and streets around me, even if the lanterns didn't reach very far up the curvaceous, looming architectures of the Palace and the Sanctuary constructed right next to it. What struck me more than any sight, however, were the smells.

    The scents were dense and foreign to me. I quickly caught strong fragrances clinging to gowns and robes as any Palace resident walked by. There was a hint of a water-and-web garden somewhere nearby, and for me to smell it from here, I knew it must be much larger than the one we had at home. Clusters of nervous bodies and animals living too close together, and a whiff of the garbage in the city streets, which were only a brief jog on the other side of the Palace Wall.

    All this scent and visual movement around me, and I realized I was unsettled. This space didn't seem as loud as it should be. I heard the low drone of murmurs and the shuffling and clacking of work beasts being moved and work being done, but there was no shouting, no raised voices. They were all hushed, stepping light and often silent. Given how much yelling had been going on at my House lately, with far fewer females, this seemed unnatural.

    Allow me to guide you to the quarters set for your House, Thalluensareci, the liaison said when I just stood there watching as the coach pulled away.

    Go ahead, I said with impatience. I had my own bag of things I didn’t want servants touching over my shoulder; I jerked away in warning when the Doorsvrin silently offered to take it, and his hand dropped again to his side.

    A lot of eyes watched me as I entered, most of them common-blood servants but a few slaves of the short races: a well-groomed ketro-slave holding a bucket for some reason and several low pytes polishing the floor clean of dusty footprints. I kept my chin up and never looked down — one of the few bits of advice I let my Matron know I had heard her — and walked deeper into the Palace of the Valsharess.

    I was led through wide, opulent hallways made of dark grey stone shaped by magic, yet it was hardly as dark and drab as it looked from the outside. Carved into the stone walls were symbols of spiders, webs, and Abyssal eyes in many places. At least some of them were functional, I wagered.

    Those walls not etched with decorative inlays of gold, silver, or another shiny metal were covered with some of the most detailed and finely crafted tapestries I could have imagined, suggesting events and places I had heard about from my tutors. The floor was polished in such a way as to allow candlelight to reflect, seeming to double the number of torches down any hallway I passed.

    The Doorsvrin guided me up both straight and curving stairways fixed with plush, woven carpet which absorbed all sound. I paid attention so as perhaps to be able to find my way back to the front door, if need be, although I was starting to get confused already which direction that was. The servants who had taken my trunks weren't coming to my quarters through the same route I walked. I'd have heard them ahead of me, or at least seen more than the few little sniffs I got from the other Nobles whose conversation I disturbed by walking by.

    Most female Noble Davrin glanced at me then ignored my passing, and if the males watched me any longer than a glance, they were subtle about it. I clenched my jaw and kept it level with the floor, still angry and hiding it.

    These are the same quarters your Matron used when she was last here, Third Daughter, my guide volunteered as he demonstrated how to disengage the Ward without breaking it.

    Oh, are they? I said, uncaring.

    They are sometimes let out to other Houses as we cannot afford to have space unused for half-centuries and more, but we are usually able to accommodate the established Houses in intimate spaces for each Worship Ball at least. These should already be clean and ready for you.

    The Doorsvrin then turned the handle to open the door, entering first and gesturing for me to wait in the frame while he performed a brief sweep to make sure the place was empty. It took him some time — I counted twelve doors being opened and left open.

    When he returned, he smiled in satisfaction and bowed his head to me, indicating without speaking further that my trunks were already here. He was preparing to leave.

    What do I do now? I wanted to ask but bit the inside of my cheek rather than show a servant such drifting uncertainty.

    Very well, I said coldly. You are dismissed.

    He left me, and I stood alone staring at my trunks in a hollow, quiet, series of rooms intended to contain a visiting Matron and all her children, sisters and brothers together. There would be a lot more noise in any of these suites

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