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Raven's Love: Loves In Time, #8
Raven's Love: Loves In Time, #8
Raven's Love: Loves In Time, #8
Ebook242 pages3 hours

Raven's Love: Loves In Time, #8

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Raven's Love
The sorcerer's amulet gives Evan a chance to save his father and brother from certain death, but the cost is high. Only the Raven can guide him back through the planes of time to stop the destruction of his family. To go back he will need to close his heart to the woman he will destroy, knowing she holds his heart.
Brenda comes to terms with the fact that her marriage is over, only to face another's betrayal and the reality that she and her son have traveled back in time to Scotland in the year1565.

PublisherJA Creations
Release dateNov 25, 2022
Raven's Love: Loves In Time, #8

Jewel Adams

See Reader View Jewel Adams FOLLOW THIS AUTHOR LATESTRELEASE GET IT NOW Also by Jewel Adams... Loves In Time COMPLETE INTERNAL HERITAGE Other books by Jewel Adams COMPLETE Quilted Hills COMPLETE ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jewel AdJewel Adams - Best Selling Author of Romance with a Touch of Spice! Hi, I am Jewel Adams an author of various romance genres I love to write an adventure in my story and fell in love with Time Travel Romances. I currently have ten stand alone novels in my Loves in Time series. Yes, these books can be read in any order, only two are sequels Answers In Time that follows Gamble in Time, and Nick's Redemption In Time that follows Dream Lover. Don't forget to check out my new Fantasy series Internal Heritage. The fourth book in the series just came out :) They are all very exciting reads, enjoy. I also have an Amish Romance series that includes five books, these do follow each other and all contain the same characters. My friend Bev Haynes and I write the Quilted Hill series together. My All Time Best Seller - SAVAGE DESTINY a white captive Indian story that takes place during the early western movement in America. This love story will stay in your heart forever. We can never forget DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC a sweet Romance Time Travel set in the west. This and Savage Destiny are my favorite covers of all time. My friend Bev Haynes is a true cover artist. All the covers you see are done by Bev Haynes. I just released the tenth novel in the Loves In Time-Romance Time Travel series IMPOSTOR IN TIME. Erin discovers when the nightmare becomes reality the adventure begins. Life is hardly the same where Erin finds herself, it is hard and paved with danger. Erin has to hold on to the love she discovers and face her new reality or be swallowed by the evil that stalks her. Always check back to see what I am up to :) Jewel Jewel Adams Romance with a Touch of Spice Look for new and spicy releases...ams

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    Raven's Love - Jewel Adams


    The ground hummed and the mist whispered of secret spells best left unspoken. But even under the cloak of darkness the night was alive in warning.

    More sense than sight directed Evan's cautious gaze over the mist shrouded moor. The thick blanket dulled the thundering hooves of his pursuers but could not conceal their closing presence.

    Damn thee to hell Murdock!

    Evan's iron palm closed over the hilt of the claymore, keeping it away from his thigh as his pace quickened. His leather armor moved with his powerful body. Only the heavy amulet swung free against the beat of his heart. The weight of the jewel drummed into his concentration over each footfall.

    At the rocky outcrop Evan stopped. His strong body bent forward as his large hands gripped his knees to take air into his starving lungs. He cursed the threat at his heels and his dire urgency to escape. I am running like a coward when I should stand and fight!

    The barks of a hound made his head swing about. The light from the moon seemed to shimmer over his body in a silvery outline. His hair was too wet to stir in the breeze. The clinging mass emphasized the foreboding he felt over the hounds closing in on their prey.

    The injustice set against him drew a furious growl from deep in his chest. His fist lowered to close about the grass of —his land. Curran’s land has been since written law and beyond. No man, a Murdock no less, will change the truth of it!

    As the furious vow passed his tightened lips, Evan felt defeat's hand closing in on him. The battle remained fresh in his thoughts, remembering how it wore on, vicious and bloody. He'd lost many a good man and more friends than he dare dwell upon. Murdock's ambush proved lethal and served its purpose to prevent Evan from seeking council with Laird McGowan. Murdock couldn't chance Evan speaking out against his evil design and attacks on Curran's holdings. With Evan's father and brother, along with three quarters of their army, away in defense of the Laird's southern border, Evan's own stand against Murdock's forces lacked any real power. The last raid on the outlying farms took too many lives. Evan's patrols were stretched too thin and their numbers too sparse to fend off Murdock's escalating assaults. Seeking Laird McGowan's help, by allowing his father and Cuddy to return to Curran Castle, was all that would save their home from falling into Murdock's hands.

    Evan cursed his own failure in not suspecting Murdock's knowledge of his leave this night. The ambush and pursuit to end his life proved there to be a spy in their midst. After his guards fell in the battle his only hope of saving his family meant running for his life.

    Old Fennan's amulet and the sorcerer's warning burned as hot as his hate against his chest. Pulling the rawhide strip out from his shirt, Evan freed the ornate piece. Blood-red, the large single ruby crystal appeared to pulse with its forbidden life force.

    'Tis a curse ye put on me Fennan. The old seer's words came back to mock Evan's superstitious soul.

    `When the dogs are at yee heels, ye will seek the only way out of death's hold. Beware Evan Curran, for yee’s saving path may well be thee internal damnation.'

    Evan felt a shiver pass over his sweat laden flesh. Dare he say the words that promised to save him from doom? His gaze went out across the land as doubts hammered at his good sense. The words rush out into the mist. Magic as black as the night is what I hold.

    He always scoffed at Fennan's claim as master of the dark arts. By believing in him now would Evan be turning away from God.

    The baying of the hounds drew closer, with them came his sworn enemy—and death. Evan's body shook under the dreaded truth of what would come. The rage filled his heart, with a fury over losing his heritage, his home. The failure to his father and brother Cuddy tore an anguished cry from his lips.

    The old seer came to his chambers this last night before his departure to Laird McGowan. Evan nearly tossed the old blow-hard off the turret for being so rudely awakened, but something about the dire look in the man's eyes stayed Evan's ire. He'd spoken of seeing death, Evan's death, and that of his father and brother on their return to the castle. The devastation didn't stop there, the old man went on to tell of the cruelty and hardships against his people —all under Murdock's merciless rule.

    Evan wanted to dismiss Fennan's ravings as those of a daft old man. It wasn't the first time Fennan predicted doom and more to come forth. But Kirk Murdock's threat tasted different than blight or sickness. The man was obsessed with destroying all that is Curran. The feud between their houses was all but forgotten and as old as Curran's claim to the lands. Evan's own father and mother, Anne Clousser, how Evan missed her, her death resurrected Murdock's wrath. Lady Anne shunned Murdock to take Vern Curran as her betrothed. Since her death two years ago, Murdock started to become brazen in his skirmishes and attacks against Curran holdings. It wasn't until his father left to defend the border did Murdock begin open siege against the castle.

    Murdock saw Evan as an easy victory. The shame of the youngest son's failure lay heavily on Evan's shoulders. At twenty-eight Evan was hardly a boy. He stood taller than Cuddy at six two and the strength of two men in his arms. But Murdock's siege came well planned, attacking the defenseless and weakened outlying areas that forced Evan to deplete the castle forces. All the while Murdock's main force practically camped in the keep, snubbing their noses at the meager castle army.

    His anger felt wasted now. Without Evan's presence the castle would fall before the next sun set. His father and brother would return, unaware of the danger waiting to slay them.

    Somehow I must warn them.

    But to do so Evan must remain alive. His fist closed over the circle of glittering stone. Fennan said the amulet could whisk him, body, and soul, from death's grip. Against his better judgment Evan began to speak the words Fennan made him memorize. At the same time Fennan's departing warning rang loud above the chant. 'Believe, for the amulet will insure thee lives, Curran, but ye can not control the force that takes thee away.'

    'Can I come back old man?' Evan hadn't breathed waiting for his answer.

    'Aye lad, return ye will do, but only the raven can guide thee back to where ye want to be.'

    He'd wanted to shake the old man to explain and tell him more. But Fennan left him then and Evan lived this last day praying he'd not be faced with the decision now before him. The curse burned in his hand. Unwanted Evan's gaze was drawn to the ruby that pulsed as if it breathed man's own air. Thee hounds are at my heels, old man...

    Time for indecision deserted him. Stand and fight Murdock and his army to his death. Or use the amulet's saving power and possibly be damned for cheating the fates.

    The stilted words started to come as if directed by a force beyond him.

    Life of my blood flows into stone.

    I am but a man that stands alone.

    Forcing times plains into crystal ice.

    I give the stone my very life.

    Take me away from death's hold!

    Take me to where life is my own!

    The ground began to vibrate beneath his feet as he finished the chant. On their own Evan's eyes closed over the destruction he believed he just called down upon himself. But the power started to surround him forcing them open, he watched as the force moved with a swiftness that stole his breath. Everything began to move in a circle, and yet he stood still, and silent as death. His senses suffered the assault of unearthly scenes flashing past him. Nothing looked familiar or real.

    Evan heard Murdock's rage above the din filling his mind. From somewhere his own voice answered the man's furious threat over being denied his life's blood.

    I will be back to stop thee, Murdock!

    G et him! Kirk dug his heels into the protesting mount in order to reach his enemy. But Evan Curran's body faded from before his eyes as the horse ran through the swirling mist where once stood a man.

    Damn thee Curran for cheating me of your death!


    H urry up Jimmy, we'll be late. Brenda reached the door and snatched up the rolling soccer ball as it raced past her. Come on...

    Gawd, she was never on time. Who would be with a six-year-old that wants to do everything and nothing. Grabbing the rest of her son's gear she deposited it into the gym bag. I'll be late picking up daddy.

    Oh mom, he's never ready on time.

    You should talk. She gave the boy a smile and buckled his seat belt. One quick glance told her everything was there, and she pulled the van door shut.

    Can we stop for a hamburger?

    Maybe, after the game. Brenda pushed the gym bag over the seat to the back as she searched for her keys. When she found them, she felt like cheering, Ready?

    You forgot your seatbelt mom.

    Accepting the reminder, she managed to get it snapped before Jimmy broke out in a smug laugh. At least the rush traffic thinned out as she eased the car out onto the boulevard. She decided that making every red light was in keeping with her usual finesse.

    She took a deep breath to hold her emotions in check. The call from the bank this morning remained fresh in her mind. Second Mortgage, the words kept ringing inside her. She didn’t know if it was the existence of it or the fact that Derrick took it out without her knowledge that upset her so much. Her insistence it couldn’t be was met with the fact that her husband didn’t need her involvement as the deed was in either of their names or being the big word of the day. She wouldn’t even have known about it if the first payment wasn’t late. Brenda had no idea where the money was as it wasn’t in their joint account, nor did she know why Derrick would need the money. So much...

    The corporate parking lot looked nearly deserted when she drove through the gate. Do you see him, Jimmy?

    Yeah, over there by the fountain. He looks mad.

    Brenda tried to get a glimpse of Derrick's face as she maneuvered between the rows. The scowl on his face made her wish she'd never arrived. Under her breath she said, You blew it again, Brenda.

    To keep peace in front of Jimmy she plastered a smile on her face. Hi honey.

    You're late!

    The comeback, 'No shit!' formed but remained silent due to Jimmy's avid attention on them. It's soccer night.

    This wasn’t time to ask what he was up to. No, she’d lose it for sure if she brought it up.

    That's great.

    His knuckles turned white under his grip on the door. Brenda shot him a warning glance taking Jimmy in with her meaning. Thankfully, Derrick eased back. Jimmy already saw far too many arguments between them of late.

    Look Brenda, I'm flying out to Houston tonight.

    You didn't tell me.

    It just came up. I'll have Mike drive me to the airport.

    But your clothes?

    We'll go by the house. I need you to take these papers over to Mr. Wilkes. They are important. He'll be flying out tomorrow.

    Without waiting for her answer, he passed her the large brown envelope.

    When will you be back?

    A week, Friday or Saturday, maybe longer. I'll call and let you know.

    What could she say? Have a safe trip? No, she'd said it too many times these last few months. The silence hung between them. Brenda kept her gaze staring out the windshield knowing he'd see her questions and mounting anger if she didn't.

    I better get going—have a good game squirt. Reaching in past her Derrick ruffled Jimmy's hair before leaving. She didn't even receive a peck on the cheek.

    Brenda sat there trying to get a hold over her flaring emotions as he walked away from them. She felt betrayed and devastated by his actions.

    Why Derrick? Why are you killing what we had together?

    T hat's it Jimmy—run ! Brenda watched her son race down the field, trying her best not to let her attention falter. Yes! Jumping up, arms raised, she held to Jimmy's victory over making the goal.

    Jimmy is in good form tonight. Where's Derrick?

    Oh, hello Marjory. Brenda pulled her gaze away from the woman's knowing smile and pretended to find interest in the game. Marjory was like a vulture, smelling blood a mile away. Brenda refused to give her the slightest indication she was right on target. Derrick is away on business.

    Been gone a lot lately, isn't he?

    If it really concerns you so much Marjory, why don't you talk to your own husband about it?

    Mike? Why lord no, he's too honor bound, company loyalty and all that....

    The woman was unbelievable! Brenda guessed that last remark implied she wasn't loyal to her own husband. Deliberately refusing to answer, Brenda let her breath out when the woman finally moved away. I’m surprised she isn't on the plane with him.

    An internal groan swept through her. The problems between Derrick and herself couldn't be answered that easily. Brenda almost made herself believe she could deal with another woman in his life, at least it would explain his behavior the last six months. No, it wasn't that simple. She'd searched her soul for the answers, some fault in herself or their lives that she could correct. But Derrick's problems went beyond her reach. He wasn't happy—with her?

    Sighing heavily, Brenda knew Derrick wanted out of their marriage. He was miserable and now so was she, even Jimmy suffered. Admitting their marriage turned into a failure proved to be the hardest prospect Brenda faced. His latest act in taking out the second mortgage hurt her more than anything he’d done these last months. At this point even if he came up with an explanation, she didn’t think she could forgive him.

    Hey mom, did you see me?

    Bending down she hugged her son. You were great Jimmy.

    Jimmy went on telling her all the maneuvers he employed to keep control of the ball as they gathered up the gear. Brenda smiled and replied at the right times, but her thoughts were heavy and filled with the man she was losing from her life.

    Damn you, Derrick. Brenda swallowed her groan.

    Mom, I'm starving.

    It's only a little ways further Jimmy.

    The drive to Edward Wilkes took a good half an hour out of town. Why did the rich always seem to build their grand houses away from everyone else? Brenda had enough on her mind without worrying over driving on this desolate stretch of road.

    It sure is dark out here.

    That's because there are no streetlights honey. Don't worry.

    I'm not.

    The censor in her son's voice made her smile. Of course, you aren't.

    Brenda's shoulders and neck ached by the time they turned up the long private drive and pulled up before the huge house. To think one older couple needed all this space for themselves.

    Brushing the unkind thoughts away, she lived with enough problems without adding to them.

    Jimmy bounded out of the car and up the steps before she could stop him. With envelope in hand, she pushed herself out of the van to join her son and stop him from leaning on the doorbell.

    Jimmy, stop it. Brenda managed to disengage her son's finger from the button just as the door swung open.

    Mr. Wilkes leveled an impatient stare at her and her hand that still rested over the doorbell. As quickly as she dropped her hand didn't help clear her of the deed. Mr. Wilkes, I'm Brenda Carlin, Derrick's wife.

    Yes, oh yes of course, come in Mrs. Carlin.

    She hesitated a second, feeling out of place in her sneakers and jeans, but quickly brushed it off telling herself she was the one doing the favor. I really can't stay, I only came to bring you this. Derrick needed to catch a plane and asked me to deliver it.

    Jimmy's hand slid into hers drawing her attention down to him. Instead of finding Jimmy's attention on Mr. Wilkes she found Jimmy looking in another direction of the foyer.

    Eyes the color of rusty fall leaves stared back and captured her own when she followed Jimmy's gaze. In one sweeping instant she took in every bold line of the stranger’s impressive frame. The summer curls swirled in abandon about the formidable features of the man's bronze profile. A golden idol couldn't have been

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