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Took: A Ghost Story
Took: A Ghost Story
Took: A Ghost Story
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Took: A Ghost Story

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Daniel doesn’t believe the woods behind his new home are haunted by an evil witch and her terrifying beast. But then his little sister disappears . . . and it’s up to him to find her. Mary Downing Hahn’s popular page-turner will thrill readers who love spooky stories.

They say that a ghost witch lives in the woods, up on the hill. They say her companion has a pig skull for a face and stands taller than a man, his skeleton gleaming in the moonlight. They say that the witch takes young girls, and no one ever sees them again.

Daniel doesn’t believe the stories. He figures the kids on the bus are just trying to scare him since he’s new. Still, he wishes his family had never moved here—their house is a wreck, Mom and Dad keep fighting, and his little sister, Erica, spends most of her time talking to her creepy doll.

But when Erica disappears into the woods one day, Daniel knows something is terribly wrong. Has she been “took”?

Mary Downing Hahn is one of the most popular middle grade authors in the world, winner of numerous state awards as well as the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction (for Stepping on the Cracks) and the Mystery Writers of America Edgar Award (for Closed for the Season).

Release dateSep 15, 2015

Mary Downing Hahn

Mary Downing Hahn’s many acclaimed novels include such beloved ghost stories as Wait Till Helen Comes, Deep and Dark and Dangerous, and Took. A former librarian, she has received more than fifty child-voted state awards for her work. She lives in Columbia, Maryland, with a cat named Nixi.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not really a ghost story. I did enjoy it quite a bit.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a graphic novel version of a popular Children’s horror story. I wish I would have liked it more. The original novel was spooky and full of suspense, but the graphic novel just did not give the same vibes. It felt more drawn out and like the story was never going to end. The story is a family moves to a new house in the woods. The family starts to change, being moody, grouchy, and dirtier. Then the little sister goes missing. The son is sure the witch of the woods has stolen her. A new little girl shows up who was “took” years ago, but is destined to live a very short life. The story is still a great story, and I think it would make an excellent movie/show, but it may have been the illustrations or the way the story was broken up, but I was just not impressed with this story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Took: A Ghost Story... well, really a witch story. I'm an old man who loves books written for teens and preteens. When I was a boy, we told "ghost stories" at night, sitting with our friends on the curb of our suburban street. Took feels very much like one of those stories. It's the same kind of scary/creepy. A witch in the woods kidnaps a little girl to serve as her slave for 50 years, during which time the girl does not age, and then after the 50 years is up, expels the previous girl and kidnaps a new one. Daniel, his parents and his sister move from urban Connecticut to rural West Virginia. When his sister is the witch's next victim, he is determined to get her back, even though his parents will not accept what all the locals in the town know... the witch is real.The book has two weaknesses. One, it is nothing at all more than a spooky tale. None of the characters are thoroughly developed. The parents are just cardboard cut-outs. The townspeople are all exactly the same, a uniform lot of superstitious rednecks. Two, it's too long. At 260 pages, the story stretches about 160 pages more than necessary for such a lean plot. For a late elementary or early middle school reader who likes a spooky story, yes, this is better than a "Goosebumps" book, but it is not a great book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A great book for kids and adult who enjoy ghost stories. A creepy and spooky tale, like those told around campfires. Nothing gruesome!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I read this book because my 9 yo is participating in Battle of the Books at school and this is one of the books. She doesn't like suspenseful books and is easily scared. I'm not a fan of scary books either. It was definitely too creepy for me and my kid. For kids who like scary stories, it is well written. I'll include a list for parents deciding if this is appropriate for their child:
    * evil possessed doll
    * gruesome man-eating hog
    * Undying witch who kidnaps children and erases their memories
    * Some bullying at school
    * Parents start drinking and fighting when child disappears, neglect other child
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another great book from Mary Downing Hahn. The story moves at a fast past and left my students in suspense when I had to stop for lunch. The antagonist is truly creepy and her deeds very scary. The element of her sidekick was in my students' opinion the best part, and they even made a game out of it. The doll was always creepy. Erica was the typically annoying sister, but her brother was brave enough to believe in impossible things and do face his fears when he goes after her.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story! i would label it more of a suspenseful piece over a horror story. Although, the Auntie is certainly a terrifying character. What set this book apart from other suspense and hour stories were the characters. Daniel reminded me of typically boy who does not want to hang out with his baby sister, Erica. He can be mean at times, but he really does love his sister. When Erica is missing, he feels guilty for reacting to her like a typical brother would. Daniel and Erica's parents were very human in the story. Often parents can be flat characters, but their portrayal really makes the books honest. I would recommend this for middle school students; it may be a little too scary for younger grades.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After reading this- I do believe in spooks! I do believe in spooks! I do!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I discovered at Thanksgiving that my granddaughter Haylee and I share a love of books written by Mary Downing Hahn. She expressed a desire to read Took. She said she’d been trying to get a copy from her school library, but it was always checked out. I made sure she got one for Christmas. She and her brother Jacob spent the Wednesday through Friday with us. We took them to the library yesterday. While she sat and read books to her brother, I borrowed her book and read it. Mary Downing Hahn’s books have that special creep factor that make all of her books good. You have a family moving into an old and creepy house. The children don’t like it. The kids at school don’t like them, and the parents are beginning to fight more and more. The author sets you up for a great scare. As you read and see how brave Daniel is, you are thinking to yourself, ‘I wouldn’t be brave enough to do that’. One thing that makes this book so good is it has an urban legend. Every area has their own urban legends. This legend is based on an actual disappearance that had happened fifty years before. Now it is happening again. Is their truly a witch in the woods? I will definitely need to get another copy for my classroom shelves.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    There is nothing like a good ghost story to keep a person up at night. Whether it is the creepy tales told on Halloween nights in the U.S.A. or the Yamishiba ghost stories of Japan that are told in the summer time to keep people cool. A good ghost story can make a night of stormy weather seem magical. This book is written about a local legend that tells a story of an old hag who steals little girls every fifty years. With every disappearance there is a mysterious reappearance of an unknown child that slowly withers and dies within a month. No one knows who this ghostly woman is that haunts the forests of West Virginia and no one wants to find out. It is not until Daniel and his sister Erica move into a rundown old farm, near the edges of the woods, that a whispering of “old auntie” reemerges. Town folks begin to squabble about the olden days and children taunt both Daniel and Erica until the unthinkable happens. For Daniel soon learns that there is a ghost in West Virginia and it is a deadly ghost woman that wants something that he holds dear. I really enjoyed reading this book. I found it to be well written and to be rather unique. I have read a ton of ghost stories and I have to say that the author put a lot of thought into this story. I honestly believe that any age can enjoy this book. It was a very fast moving story and the characters were well thought of. I plan on giving this book to my daughter and I am positive she will enjoy it as much as I did. I don’t count it as a traditional ghost story. It is a little different than that, but that is really nice. It seems like the typical ghost story is just a rehash of what is already out there, so I really enjoyed this one. I want to say thank you to the author and Goodreads for sending me this book in a giveaway. It was very much appreciated and I had a great time! Thanks a bunch.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At first Daniel dismisses the tales of the witch and her man-eating razorback hog, Bloody Bones, as superstitious nonsense, but gradually he is forced to believe that Erica is in real danger. When Erica vanishes, he knows she's been "took," and he must summon all his courage to confront Old Auntie and take his sister back.
    -- from the book jacket

    This book gave me the shivers. Take kids that hear and see things that the adults don't notice or don't believe. Add a local legend that we, as readers, know is true, but adults, of course don't believe. Multiply by a doll that only talks to the young girl, a witch that preys on young girls every 50 years... Don't forget the freaky man-eating razorback hog, and the result is a perfectly creepy story that does not disappoint.

    I think kids being kidnapped by witches is an especially scary plot line. Being in the dark woods all alone helps, of course. I loved every minute of reading this book and plan on finding more to read by this author. I found it in our elementary school library, but I think it is important to make sure the individual student can handle the scariness of this story.

    Recommended to:
    Students in grades 5-8 who aren't scared of creepy witches, man-eating razorback hogs, and dark forests.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    More creepy than scary. More like a fairy-tale inspired fantasy than a ghost story, though. There was even mention of Hansel and Gretel, so I'm thinking the author must have been at least inspired by fairy tales when she wrote Took. Surprisingly, the doll wasn't the creepiest element; the woods were.3 stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Took is an excellent young person's spooky story. The tale revolves around young Daniel and his family. Due to lost jobs and money troubles Daniel and his family leave their affluent lifestyle in Connecticut and move to an old, run-down farmhouse in the woods of North Virginia. Daniel and his sister Erica have a hard time fitting in at their new school and the local children tease and torment them with scary stories about old Auntie and her side-kick Bloody Bones, and how she takes a child every 50 years. Even though they try to discount the stories as old, silly superstitions, both Daniel and Erica are a little spooked living so far away from city lights and friendly people. Their parents are feeling the strain too and the whole family seems to be changing into an unhappy bunch. But then disaster strikes and Daniel must summon up all his courage and love to help his family out of a terrible situation.Mary Downing Hahn has written some wonderful ghost stories for young people over the years, and here's another to add to the list. Well written, compelling, sufficiently creepy enough to keep you turning the pages for more, but make sure you keep the lights on.

Book preview

Took - Mary Downing Hahn


It was a long drive from Fairfield, Connecticut, to Woodville, West Virginia—two days, with an overnight stay in Maryland. My sister, Erica, and I were sick of the back seat, sick of each other, and mad at our parents for making us leave our home, our school, and our friends.

Had they asked us how we felt about moving? Of course not. They’ve never been the kind of parents who ask if you want to drink your milk from the red glass or the blue glass. They just hand you a glass, and that’s that. Milk tastes the same whether the glass is blue or red or purple.

Going to West Virginia was a big thing, something we should have had a say in, but no. They left us with a neighbor, drove down there, found a house they liked, and bought it. Just like that.

They were the grownups, the adults, the parents. They were in charge. They made the decisions.

In all fairness, they had a reason for what they did. Dad worked for a big corporation. He earned a big salary. We had a big house, two big cars, and all sorts of other big stuff—expensive stuff. Erica and I went to private school. Mom didn’t work. She was what’s called a soccer mom, driving me and Erica and our friends to games and clubs and the country club pool. She and Dad played golf. They were planning to buy a sailboat.

But then the recession came along, and the big corporation started laying people off. Dad was one of them. He thought he’d find another job fast, but he didn’t. A year went by. One of our big cars was repossessed. Erica and I went to public school. We gave up the country club. There was no more talk about sailboats.

The bank started sending letters. Credit card companies called. Dad and Mom were maxed out financially. The mortgage company threatened foreclosure.

So we had to sell the house. I can understand that. But why did we have to move to West Virginia? It was cheaper to live there, Dad said. Erica and I would love it. So much space—woods and fields and mountains. He took to singing Country Roads, an old John Denver song about West Virginia, putting lots of emphasis on Almost heaven, West Virginia. He also informed us that the license plates said Wild, Wonderful.

So here we were, on an interstate highway, with nothing to see but mountains and woods, wild but not wonderful, in my opinion. It was like being in a foreign country. How would I ever get used to all the nature surrounding us?

Beside me, Erica was talking to the doll Mom had given her—not because it was her birthday or anything, but because she was so unhappy about leaving Fairfield.

That’s rewarding bad behavior, if you ask me. I was just as unhappy as my sister, but since I didn’t cry myself to sleep and mope in my room and refuse to eat, all I got was a pair of binoculars and Peterson’s Field Guide to Birds of North America. Dad thought I might like to identify the birds we were sure to see when we went hiking. Well, maybe I would, but still, that doll was ten times more expensive than my binoculars. It came with a little trunk full of clothes. There were even outfits in my sister’s size so she and the doll could dress alike. It had its own bed, too. And its hair was red just like Erica’s and cut the same way.

All the time we were in the van, Erica talked to the doll. She tried all its clothes on and told the doll how pretty it was. She hugged it and kissed it. She even named it Little Erica.

It was making me sick. But every time I complained, Erica got mad and we started quarreling and Mom turned around and blamed it all on me. Leave your sister alone, Daniel, she’d say. She’s perfectly happy playing with Little Erica. Read a book or something.

You know I can’t read in the car. Do you want me to barf all over that stupid doll?

At last we turned off the interstate. The roads narrowed and ran up and down hills, crossed fields, passed farms, and tunneled through woods. We glimpsed mountains and swift rivers. The towns were farther apart and smaller, some no more than a strip of houses and shops along the road.

By the time Dad finally pulled off an unpaved road and headed down a narrow driveway, the woods around us were dark. In the van’s headlights the trees looked like a stage set lit by spotlights.

The van bounced over ruts and bumps, tossing Erica and me toward and away from each other. Stay on your side, Daniel, Erica said, and stop banging into me and Little Erica. We don’t like it.

That doll doesn’t care—she’s not real.

She is so!

Be quiet, Daniel, Mom said.

It’s not my fault, I said. Instead of blaming me, tell Dad to slow down.

Just then we came out of the woods, and I got my first view of the house. It stood in the middle of a field of tall grass—weeds, actually. Even in the dark I could see that the place was a wreck. The porch sagged under the weight of vines growing up the walls and across the roof. Tall, shaggy bushes blocked most of the windows on the first floor. Shutters hung crooked. Some were missing altogether. I was sure it hadn’t been painted for a long time.

Erica was the first to speak. It’s scary.

What’s scary about it? Dad asked.

It’s dark. She hugged her doll tightly. The woods are scary, too. And there aren’t any other houses.

Wait until morning, Erica, Mom said. It’s lovely in the daylight. You’ll see.

And we have a few neighbors down the road, Dad added.

How far down the road? I wondered. And what were they like?

Dad and Mom got out of the van and headed toward the house. Erica ran to catch up and slipped her hand into Mom’s. I followed them, breathing in the unfamiliar smell of the woods and listening to night sounds. Wind rattled branches and hissed through the weeds in the field. A shutter banged against the side of the house. An owl called from the woods.

At the same moment, something made the hair on my neck rise. Sure that someone was watching us, I turned around and stared down the dark driveway. I saw no one, but I shivered—and not because I was cold.


The old woman stands on the hilltop, at the edge of the woods, well hidden from the farmhouse below, just as she did before, but now it’s a dark, cold night, lit by the moon. All around her, bushes and branches rattle in a wind that carries autumn’s breath. But she isn’t cold. She leans on her staff and peers toward the road.

They’re coming, she calls to her companion. He snorts and continues snuffling about in the dead leaves for good things to eat.

Headlights bounce down the driveway. A big car stops by the house. Even in the dark a person can see that it’s a ramshackle wreck of a place, ready to topple with the first strong wind that comes its way.

The car doors open and the interior lights come on. She sees the girl, just the one she needs. The child gets out, clutching a dolly. The old woman sniffs fear. The girl is scared of the dark and the old house. She doesn’t want to live here. Well, she won’t live here long, will she?

The girl’s name is blown by the wind across the dark field and laid at the old woman’s feet. Erica. Air-ric-cah. She likes to draw the name out, especially the last syllable.

Air-ric-cah, Air-ric-cah, the old woman whispers. The name glides lightly through the air, a rustle of black silk thread, and winds itself into the girl’s ear.

She sees the girl tense and look around, move closer to her mother.

Yes, the old woman hisses. You’ll do. Air-ric-cah, Air-ric-cah.

She does one of her little jigs and calls to her companion. Time to go, dear boy. We’ll see her soon, don’t you worry. She’s the one, she’s ours.

As the family enters their new home, the old woman and her companion wrap themselves in darkness and make their way home.


While we waited on the porch, Dad fished a big old-fashioned key out of his pocket. With a lot of effort he finally got it to turn in the lock. Moonlight followed us inside and cast our shadows across the dusty floor. In front of us, stairs led to the second story.

Mom flicked a switch, and the shadows fled. To the right was the living room, or maybe the parlor, empty now except for a fireplace. Three tall windows with old-fashioned wavy glass reflected us standing in the hall, slightly distorted, like people in a fun house.

Where’s our furniture? Erica asked.

It’s coming tomorrow, Mom told her.

But where are we sleeping? she asked, sounding a bit tearful.

Don’t you remember? Dad asked. We brought our camping stuff—sleeping bags, foam mats, pillows, blankets.

Can I sleep with Mommy?

Of course you can. Mom put her arm around Erica and hugged her.

I was getting pretty tired of Erica’s clinging behavior. What’s wrong with you? I whispered. You never used to act like this.

I never had to live in the woods before. She turned to Mom. Are we going to eat wild berries?

Of course not, sweetie, Dad said. Whatever gave you that idea?

That’s what happens sometimes in stories.

Well, this isn’t a story, Erica, Mom said.

Dad got an ancient gas stove going, and Mom heated a pot of water. When it boiled, she dumped in noodles and heated a jar of marinara sauce.

We ate our first meal in the house picnic style in front of the fire. Erica snuggled beside Mom and shared her food with Little Erica. The food stuck to the doll’s face, and Erica tenderly wiped her clean with a napkin.

Later, we all crawled into our sleeping bags and watched what was left of the fire fall into ash. The lights were out, and the moon shone in through the tall windows. I heard Erica whispering to the doll.

Sometime during the night I woke up. I’d drunk too much soda at dinner, and now I needed the bathroom. I eased out of my sleeping bag and got to my feet. Dad snored, Mom slept like a dead woman, and Erica murmured as if she were dreaming.

I tiptoed across the floor and eased the front door open. It was easier to pee outside than find my way upstairs to the bathroom.

The moonlight was brilliant and the stars were clustered thickly over my head, more than I’d ever seen in Fairfield. After I finished what I came out to do, I stood on the porch and gazed at the dark mass of woods bordering the fields. The night was cold, but as I turned to go inside, I was stopped by a sound in the darkness—a howl, which might have been the wind in the trees but was scarier. Much scarier. I shivered and edged toward the door, but before I stepped inside, I looked back. Something moved at the edge of the woods. Its head gleamed in the moonlight, as white as bone. I heard the howl again, louder this time, and stumbled backward, slamming and bolting the door.

Daniel, Mom called sleepily, what are you doing up in the middle of the night?

I went outside to pee. Something in the woods howled. I slid into my sleeping bag, shivering with cold and fear.

Shh, she whispered. You’ll wake up Dad and Erica.

Didn’t you hear it?

She shook her head. It was probably an owl or a fox.

No. I saw it, I told her. It was as tall as a man, and its head shone in the moonlight.

Mom smoothed my hair. Go back to sleep, Daniel. There’s nothing out there. It’s dark, you’re in a strange place, and your eyes were playing tricks on you.

I moved a little closer to her. Maybe she was right. She must be right. Monsters didn’t roam the woods anywhere but in fairy tales. I closed my eyes and practiced breathing slowly and deeply, but it was almost daylight by the time I fell asleep.

When I woke up, sunlight filled the living room. Just as Mom had said, whatever I’d heard and seen in the dark had a natural explanation—night noises most likely, animals going about their nocturnal business, embellished with my imagination. Moonlight and shadows play tricks on you.

The moving truck arrived before we’d finished breakfast, and Mom put us all to work. We picked our bedrooms first. Mine overlooked the woods, which were not quite as close to the house as I’d thought the night before, but close enough for me to see a deer pause at the edge of the trees and then vanish into the shadows. The lawns in Connecticut were overrun with deer, but this was a wild deer and therefore more noble than the ones who ate our shrubbery and our flowers and the vegetables Mom tried to grow.

Erica’s room was across the hall from mine, at the front of the house. Mom and Dad were next to her. The bedroom beside mine was reserved for Dad—his office, he called it. At the end of the hall was a small room, probably a sewing room, Mom said, or a nursery. She claimed it for her weaving. The loom will fit just right under the windows, she said.

The moving men spent most of the day tramping around the house, upstairs and down, putting furniture where Mom told them to. When they finally drove away, Mom gave us our next tasks. Unpack our clothes and belongings and put them away.

I finished first and stopped in Erica’s room to see how she was doing. Her clothes lay in a heap on her unmade bed. Her boxes of toys and books sat in the middle of the floor, where the moving men had left them, still taped shut. Erica sat on a window seat, her back to me. She held Little Erica.

We don’t like it here, Erica whispered to the doll.

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