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The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14
The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14
The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14
Ebook62 pages16 minutes

The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14

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Gremuel accompanied her for a while from afar as she walked among the ruins. He wanted to see her and taste her victim. Gremuel wanted to study her every movement, every step, every movement of her lips, every whisper and even every breath.
He spent some time monitoring her as she looked for wild strawberries in the ruins, but after a while he decided to act. Gremuel ran towards her and when she saw the Scorpion tried to run away, he started to run. She wore a long black and white dress and had long, silky hair. She was not beautiful, but her face was picturesque and her steps showed that she was tough in endurance.
Gremuel passed her and swept her to the ground. The girl crashed between the stones, injuring herself and becoming unresponsive. The fall was terrible, as the scorpion's attack was supernatural, very powerful and intense. She felt that some bones in her body had been broken by the blow and the fall and she began to moan. This increased Scorpio's thirst for blood, he wanted to drink every drop of her blood and every drop of her soul plasm.

Release dateMar 15, 2023
The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs: Aliens and parallel worlds, #14

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    Book preview

    The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs - Eliel Roshveder

    Table of Contents

    The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs (Aliens and parallel worlds, #14)


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    Also By Eliel Roshveder

    The Vampire of Chaos and the Catacombs

    Eliel Roshveder


    Watts: 47984867563

    Email: [email protected]

    Send me your abduction and spiritual combat report, because I will help you in prayer, meditation and explain what is happening to you according to the report.

    I promise secrecy.


    Dimensional portal

    Reminder from me:

    Gremuel barred by Uriel

    Blood in Istanbul

    Dimensional portal

    The entrance was through a mausoleum in a cemetery in Istanbul, Turkey, the blue mausoleum.

    Gremuel entered this mausoleum and there he began to speak magic words of invocation to ask for passage to the dimensional world where the scorpions maintained their base.

    After a few minutes of talking, a portal opened inside the tomb and he emerged into a parallel world. It wasn't actually a parallel planet like the seven planets that exist next to the physical earth in vortices of different energy; it was an induced portal, a world created

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