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Owl, lantern, madness
Owl, lantern, madness
Owl, lantern, madness
Ebook68 pages46 minutes

Owl, lantern, madness

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This book is one of the most enriching books I have read in my long  life, it is an encyclopedia of aesthetic and philosophical knowledge  that undoubtedly situates it in a prominent place among the epistles  books. The letters are the fruit of an exceptional friendship between  four friends. 

The poet, Yenisley Brito León, writes from present time to two  friends from the past, among them Lynn, the beloved muse, who  becomes a light, and a redeemer of longings. In these letters there is  a poetic and reflective language where the human soul, exposed in  the most beautiful way imagined, transcends boundaries, and where  pain ceases to be pain to become unconditional love, thus showing  the beauty and wisdom that is achieved in that act.

This is how the author expresses it in several passages, This test has united us to be walking sticks for one another, a refuge in  storms; and it will continue to be so up to the end of all of us and  of our time on earth. As long as one of us breathes, he will be in  his position protecting and supporting the other. Even in the  distance we will never be alone. If not in body, we will be in soul.  It is my truth, although it may seem unusual. 

For the composition of her book, Yenisley Brito León has chosen  a special form of writing, the epistle. This is a type of written  communication, basically between two persons, which can revolve  around a particular reason or deal with various issues that concern  both the sender and the addressee. In general, since both, one and  the other, are people who share an approximate degree of  confidence and education, everyday language is used without  further stylistic elaboration. Logically, this depends on the  education of the people and also on the greater or lesser  seriousness of the subject being addressed. A letter that seeks to  establish a certain business deal would not be the same as another  where aspects of people's common life are updated, or another in  which somebody tries to establish a loving bond with someone  else. Of course, there are epistles that an individual writes for a group of people, that is, a writing that an intellectual, leader or  religious figure makes to communicate a matter of interest to a  community. In each case it will be the receiver, in the first place,  and the subject what mark the way in which the epistle is to be  written.

The fact of choosing this literary form is a challenge in itself, if  one takes into account the number of epistles already published by  famous authors, from Saint Paul, Petrarch or Montesquieu, to  Benito Pérez Galdós or Franz Kafka. This leaves little edge for the  author to be creative. Nevertheless, by dint of being sincere and  undertaking her task with a high poetic tension, the author  achieves a book not only beautifully written, but also one that  encourages personal reflection due to the topics it touches on and  its peculiar approach to them.

Release dateApr 10, 2023
Owl, lantern, madness

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    Book preview

    Owl, lantern, madness - Yenisley Brito León

    La Orilla Oscura Publishing House

    Owl, Lantern, Madness

    An Intimate Epistolary

    ©Yenisley Brito León: About the texts

    ©Abiney Barrios Reyes: About the front page image ©Felicia Hernández Lorenzo: Translation

    © La Orilla Oscura Publishing House: About this edition

    Edition, paste-up and cover design: Beatriz Torrente Garcés

    Ediciones La Orilla Oscura, Querétaro, México, 2023.

    La Orilla Oscura is an independent and alternative group which is interested in promoting Cuban literature in a  willing way and with no retribution or financing on the  part of any institution, political party or individual.

    Email: [email protected]

    All forms of reproduction, distribution or transformation of  this work are forbidden by the law, unless such actions are  authorized by its owners and patentees.




    To Urso, my bear brother who left before his due  life time; to Lynn, the Muse loved by both of us; to  Princess Ligia and the ghosts of the past, because  without the past there is no present.

    Although they are no longer there or they are  different, good deeds should not be forgotten,  because life is the sum of every event that shaped  us the way we are. Every letter was a story, it is  time to conjecture how such letters were linked  each other, and the persons were linked one  another, one with the others, and others with one.  I will not explain that; it can be expressed only by  loving a lot. Only by being very cruel will there be  censorship.

    And it is, at last, what has been lived to live. Y.B.L.


    Foreword by Manuel García Verdecia, / 9

    A Note from the Author, / 15

    Editor’s Note, / 16

    Bear brother, / 17

    Sister of my soul, / 19

    Light of the soul, / 20

    Sister, / 22

    Sister, / 25

    Dear sister, / 26

    Alma, / 29

    My annoying brother, / 30

    My Alma, / 34

    Bear brother, / 35

    Alma and muse, / 36

    Muse of mine, /37

    Urso of hers, of the princess and mine, / 39

    Muse, / 42

    Crisis day, / 43

    Girlfriend of mine and of my loneliness, / 46

    Muse and love of mine, / 50

    Amore mío, / 51

    Sweetheart of mine, / 52

    Owl, Lantern, Madness, / 54

    Sweetheart of mine, / 56

    My beloved love, / 58

    OLM, / 59

    Ligia, princess girl who is leaving, / 61

    My Alma, / 63

    From the land of the long shadows, / 65

    Dear girl who fears the space where I’m missing, / 68

    Friends, / 72

    About the Author, / 76


    For the composition of her book, Yenisley Brito León has chosen  a special form of writing, the epistle. This is a type of written  communication, basically between two persons, which can revolve  around a particular reason or deal with various issues that concern  both the sender and the addressee. In general, since both, one and  the other, are people who share an approximate degree of  confidence and education, everyday language is used without  further stylistic elaboration. Logically, this depends on the  education of the people and also on the greater or lesser  seriousness of the subject being addressed. A letter that seeks to  establish a certain business deal would not be the same as another  where aspects of people's common life are updated, or another in  which somebody tries to establish a loving bond with someone  else. Of course, there are epistles that an individual writes for a group of people, that is, a writing that an intellectual, leader or  religious figure makes to communicate a matter of interest to a  community. In each case it will be the receiver, in the first place,  and the subject what mark the way in which the epistle is to be  written.

    The fact of choosing this literary form is a challenge in itself, if 

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