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Letter to My Rich Friend
Letter to My Rich Friend
Letter to My Rich Friend
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Letter to My Rich Friend

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"A Letter to My Rich Friend" is not just a personal reflection, but also a broader commentary on the unseen dynamics that exist between friends of different economic backgrounds. This book emerged from numerous moments of reflection—those quiet times when the differences between us became starkly clear, not in an accusatory way, but in a manner that requires deeper understanding.

Through the communication between two friends in these letters, we aimed to initiate a dialogue that is often difficult to start. Friendship, when examined through the lens of privilege and disparity, reveals complexities that are not always easy to navigate. It's not that we can't love or support one another, but that sometimes, the realities we live in create unspoken barriers.

The purpose of this book is to offer a voice to those emotions that are rarely shared but often felt—resentments we don't dare admit, feelings of isolation within close bonds, and the weight of financial disparity in relationships. A friend with spiritual gifts cannot accept for his friend to go astray and lose the meaning and purpose of life, which is to serve others instead of our desire.

These letters, although deeply personal, form a novel that is written for anyone who has experienced a similar divide in their relationships. It is for the friends who feel left out, and for those who, knowingly or not, stand on the other side of privilege. I hope this book encourages honesty, fosters understanding, and ultimately strengthens the bonds we hold dear.

Release dateSep 23, 2024
Letter to My Rich Friend

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    Book preview

    Letter to My Rich Friend - Emanuel Bernardo

    Table of Contents

    Biography of Authors .................................. 3




    List of Contributors....................................8


    Chapter: 1  The Unopened Envelop.......................13

    Chapter: 2  Recollections...............................19

    Chapter: 3  The Reminder Letter.........................26

    Chapter: 4  A World Apart.............................33

    Chapter: 5  Opening Up................................41

    Chapter 6:  The Simple Pleasures.........................50

    Chapter 7:  Reflections of Wealth........................57

    Chapter 8:  Bridging the Gap............................64

    Chapter 9:  A Shared Vision............................72

    Chapter 10:  Reunited.................................80

    Chapter 11:  A New Beginning..........................88

    Chapter 12:  The Bond of Friendship......................96

    Chapter 13:  A Letter to My Rich Friend ............................................105

    Biography of Authors

    Catarina Miguel is a multifaceted leader and storyteller, renowned for her ability to inspire and shape narratives. As a prolific author and Start-Up Director in London, she has blended her entrepreneurial expertise with a passion for storytelling. Her journey has been deeply rooted in service; for over 20 years, Catarina has devoted her Sundays to teaching in the children’s ministry, guiding young minds and shaping lives. Her commitment to social responsibility extends beyond her role in education, as she actively works to provide critical social support to struggling families, ensuring that her work touches lives both inside and outside her professional endeavours.

    Emanuel Bernardo has combined his diverse passions into a dynamic and fulfilling career. Alongside his wife, Catarina, he has been involved in Pastoral Ministry, offering spiritual leadership and guidance. His academic pursuits are varied and deep, ranging from Theology and Drilling Engineering to Competitive Intelligence Analytics and Computing literature. Emanuel's intellectual curiosity has fuelled his broad knowledge base, allowing him to engage in both technical and theological conversations with insight and expertise. His work is a testament to his love for learning and his dedication to service, as he continues to influence both his community and professional fields.

    Together, Emanuel and Catarina form a powerful duo, each bringing their unique talents and passions to their writing, ministry, and social work. Their lives are defined by service, leadership, and a shared commitment to making a positive impact in their community.


    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.


    A Letter to My Rich Friend is not just a personal reflection, but a broader commentary on the unseen dynamics that exist between friends of different economic backgrounds. This book was born out of countless moments of reflection—those quiet times when the differences between us became starkly clear, not in an accusatory way, but in a manner that requires deeper understanding.

    Through the communication between two friends in these letters, we sought to open a dialogue that is often difficult to start. Friendship, when examined through the lens of privilege and disparity, reveals complexities that are not always easy to navigate. It’s not that we can't love or support one another, but that sometimes, the realities we live in create unspoken barriers. The purpose of this book is to offer a voice to those emotions that are rarely shared but often felt—resentments we don’t dare admit, feelings of isolation within close bonds, and the weight of financial disparity in relationships. A friend with spiritual gifts cannot accept for his friend to go astray and lose the meaning and purpose of life, which is to serve others instead of our desire.

    These letters, although deeply personal, form a novel that is written for anyone who has experienced a similar divide in their relationships. It is for the friends who feel left out, and for those who, knowingly or not, stand on the other side of privilege. I hope this book encourages honesty, fosters understanding, and ultimately strengthens the bonds we hold dear.

    Catarina & Bernardo


    Writing this book has been a journey of discovery, empathy, and imagination. I am deeply grateful to everyone who supported and contributed to this project, directly or indirectly.

    First and foremost, I thank God for being the source of life that never ends. To my friends and family:  Raquel, Sharon, Shalom and Israel Bernardo who have contributed and inspired this novel. I extend my appreciation to the publishers, editors, and all those involved in bringing this book to life. Your expertise and dedication have been instrumental in shaping this work into its final form.

    Lastly, to the readers who embark on this journey with me, thank you for your curiosity and openness to exploring the challenges between rich and poor friends, where both have spiritual and financial advantages to bless each other's lives. May their stories inspire empathy, understanding, and a deeper connection that can help to share the future of the communities.

    With sincere gratitude,

    Catarina & Bernardo

    List of Contributors

    Emanuel Bernardo

    Catarina Miguel

    Images generated from


    Dear reader,

    This book, A Letter to My Rich Friend, is a reflection on friendship, privilege, and the complexities that come with both. At its heart lies the letters— which are the expression of raw emotions, personal truths, and heartfelt advice. It is a conversation, two-sided yet deeply intimate, between two friends whose lives have diverged significantly, shaped by different circumstances and opportunities. It’s not just a message to two individuals, Emily and Sarah, but also a broader reflection on the dynamics of wealth, and privilege, and how they influence relationships in profound ways.

    Friendships are often celebrated for their strength in difficult times, their ability to transcend barriers and the joy they bring to our lives. However, friendships are not immune to the external realities of the world, especially when those realities involve the significant disparities that exist between people. For some, economic inequality, in particular, can strain even the closest of bonds. For those who have grown up in different socioeconomic or a spiritual wealthy reality, the divide between the haves and have-nots is more than a gap in finances; it becomes a chasm in understanding, perspective, and experience.

    Emily and Sarah represent the affluent, the privileged, those born into a world where opportunities are abundant, and the path to success seems straightforward. On the other side of this friendship is the narrator, someone who has faced life from a different angle, where struggle and scarcity have shaped their experiences. The letter is written from the narrator’s perspective, voicing not only their journey but also the spiritual emotional and psychological complexities of being friends with someone whose life has been so starkly different.

    Through these letters, the narrator opens a window into their soul, sharing stories of perseverance, faith, unspoken feelings of envy, and the sometimes-overwhelming sense of being left behind. They do not seek to blame or accuse

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