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The House of Bernada Alba: Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)
The House of Bernada Alba: Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)
The House of Bernada Alba: Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)
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The House of Bernada Alba: Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)

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Drama Classics series
The world's great plays at a great little price.
Each pocket-sized volume contains:
a full introduction

an author biography notes on historical and theatrical context

a plot synopsis key dates

a further reading list a glossary of unusual words and phrases (English-language texts)
Lorca's extraordinarily powerful drama, The House of Bernada Alba, is the last he wrote before his assassination, explores the darkness at the heart of repression.
When Bernarda's husband dies, she locks all the doors and windows. She tells her grown-up daughters to sew and be silent. 'There are eight years of mourning ahead of us. While it lasts not even the wind will get into this house.' But locks can't hold back the growing tide of desire.
This edition, translated and introduced by Jo Clifford, also contains a chronology and suggestions for further reading.
Release dateOct 6, 2014
The House of Bernada Alba: Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)

Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca, one of Spain’s greatest poets and dramatists, was born in a village near Granada in 1898 and was murdered in 1936, at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

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    Book preview

    The House of Bernada Alba - Federico García Lorca





    Federico García Lorca

    translated and introduced by Jo Clifford




    Title Page


    For Further Reading

    Lorca: Key Dates


    Act One

    Act Two

    Act Three

    Translator’s Note

    Copyright and Performing Rights Information


    Federico García Lorca (1898–1936)

    Federico García Lorca was born on 5 June 1898. The year was a hugely significant one in Spanish cultural and political history: it gave its name to a whole generation of writers who used the events of this year as a rallying cry in efforts to convince the Spanish people of their country’s deplorable state and the desperate need for re-evaluation and change. They were called the ‘Generation of ’98’, and they included Azorín, Baroja and Ángel Ganivet.

    The historical event that inspired this movement was the disastrous war with the United States, which led to the loss of Cuba, Spain’s last remaining colony. This apparently distant event was to have huge repercussions for Lorca. Cuba had been Spain’s principal source of sugar; Lorca’s father was to be astute enough to plant his land in Southern Spain with sugar beet, and so, with the aid of a series of successful land purchases, he was well placed to become one of the richest men in the Fuente Vaqueros district.

    A long-term consequence of this was that Lorca himself never needed to earn his own living. There’s no question this wealthy background contributed both to the large volume, and the technical and emotional daring, of his work. As it happened, Blood Wedding in particular was hugely successful; but the financial security of his position left him absolutely free to write as he wanted without regard to the demands of the commercial theatre of his day.

    However, the most immediate consequence for the young Lorca was that this meant he spent his childhood as the rich son of the wealthiest landowner of a mainly poor village.

    Perhaps the best way for us to imagine the impact of this on Lorca’s sensibility is to think of our own feelings towards the desperately poor of the developing world – or the homeless that many of us pass each day on the street. The contrast between his wealth and the poverty of so many of those around him left a deep impression on Lorca, which he was to express in later life in his autobiographical essay ‘My Village’.

    The plight of one family affected Lorca particularly deeply. One of his friends in the village was a little girl whose father was a chronically ill day-labourer and whose mother was the exhausted victim of countless pregnancies. The one day on which Federico was not allowed to visit their home was washing day: the members of this family had only one set of clothes, and they had to stay inside their house while their only clothes were being washed and dried. Lorca wrote:

    When I returned home on those occasions, I would look into the wardrobe, full of clean, fragrant clothes, and feel dreadfully anxious, with a dead weight on my heart.

    He grew up with a profound sense of indignation at the injustice of this:

    No one dares to ask for what he needs. No one dares… to demand bread. And I who say this grew up among these thwarted lives. I protest against this mistreatment of those who work the land.

    The young man who wrote this protest at the end of his adolescence maintained a profound anger right to the end of his life. In an interview he gave in 1936, the year of his death, he stated: ‘As long as there is economic injustice in the world, the world will be unable to think clearly.’

    He continued the interview with a fable to illustrate the difficulties of creating valid art in a situation of economic injustice:

    Two men are walking along a riverbank. One of them is rich, the other poor. One has a full belly and the other fouls the air with his yawns. And the rich man says: ‘What a lovely little boat out on the water! Look at that lily blooming on the bank!’ And the poor man wails: ‘I’m hungry, so hungry!’ Of course. The day when hunger is eradicated there is going to be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever seen. I’m talking like a real socialist, aren’t I?

    For Lorca, the art of creating theatre was totally bound up with the process of creating a better society:

    The idea of art for art’s sake is something that would be cruel if it weren’t, fortunately, so ridiculous. No decent person believes any longer in all that nonsense about pure art, art for art’s sake. At this dramatic moment in time, the artist should laugh and cry with his people. We must put down the bouquet of lilies and bury ourselves up to the waist in mud to help those who are looking for lilies. For myself, I have a genuine need to communicate with others. That’s why I knocked at the door of the theatre and why I now devote all my talents to it.

    This passionate anger at the injustice of human society combined with an equally passionate determination to create art that might remedy it was fuelled not simply by his childhood experiences. As an adult, he had travelled to New York, and witnessed at first hand the devastating impact of the Wall Street Crash:

    It’s the spectacle of all the world’s money in all its splendour, its mad abandon and its cruelty… This is where I have got a clear idea of what a huge mass of people fighting to make money is really like. The truth is that it’s an international war with just a thin veneer of courtesy… We ate breakfast on a thirty-second floor with the head of a bank, a charming person with a cold and feline side – quite English. People came in there after being paid. They were all counting dollars. Their hands all had the characteristic tremble that holding money gives them… Colin [an acquaintance] had five dollars in his purse and I three. Despite this he said to me: ‘We’re surrounded by millions and yet the only two decent people here are you and I.’

    And when Lorca writes so angrily of the ‘thwarted lives’ of those whose existence is dominated by money, it is clear he is thinking not simply of the plight of the

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