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Worthy Of Praise
Worthy Of Praise
Worthy Of Praise
Ebook73 pages52 minutes

Worthy Of Praise

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There are numerous reasons to praise God. But what does it look like to really worship God?

PublisherMorne Campher
Release dateJun 25, 2023
Worthy Of Praise

Morne Campher

Morne Campher was a missionary for seven years. He has a passion for the lost and a desire to see every believer walk in a closer and more intimate relationship with God.

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    Worthy Of Praise - Morne Campher


    I have to thank my heavenly Father. He gave me the idea for this devotional, He gave me the ability to write and He sent people with various skills and the know-how my way. He opened the doors for me. He made a way where there seemed to be no way.

    I also want to thank my pastor, Wimpie Helmand. Whenever I had any theological questions, he was ready to answer them. He went through this book to make sure it is theologically accurate. Wimpie also contributed financially to the recordings of these devotionals. Furthermore, he also encouraged me to have this book published. Karen Loots organised for these devotionals to be broadcast on community radio stations and she also planned for these devotionals to be recorded. Philip Smith gave me materials to write one of these devotionals.

    A Grateful Heart

    Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His Name.

    Psalm 100: 4 (NKJV)

    Giving thanks and praise is part of worshipping God.

    At the time when David lived (which is when this psalm was written), the Israelites would pass through the gates of Jerusalem on the way to the temple. As they passed through those gates, they would sing songs of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord. Jesus came and as a result, the veil of the Temple has been torn, all the way from the top to the bottom. We are now free to worship our God and Saviour and sit at His feet.

    Gratitude will quite naturally lead to praise. A grateful attitude does not allow complaining to set in, nor does it leave any room to indulge in self-pity.

    To be thankful is a heart attitude. There may be times that we feel naturally thankful. However, there are times that we need to make a conscious decision to be thankful. As Christians, our gratitude should not depend on temporary circumstances. We should adopt an attitude of ever-present worship.

    The reasons to be grateful are numerous: He has given us eternal life, He has given us salvation and He has given us hope for the future. God created us and He shepherds us. Our response to Him should be one of gratitude. He is always loving, kind, patient, merciful and benevolent. He never changes. He pours out His blessings on us every day. He works things out for our benefit.

    Our gratitude is not only expressed in song and prayer, but it is also a lifestyle. Through our gratitude we can serve others and encourage them. Our gratitude also shows appreciation for the good that others do.

    Without a doubt, God is good. His mercy endures forever, through all the ages of history.

    An old fable tells the tale of a man who found the barn where Satan kept his seeds. One of those seeds were the seeds of discouragement. Those could be sown almost anywhere and would grow almost everywhere. The man asked Satan where those seeds could not grow. At first, Satan did not want to answer, but after a great deal of nagging, he eventually did, reluctantly so. The place where those seeds did not grow: a grateful attitude and heart.

    Lord, You have given me so much. I am alive because of You Lord Jesus. I have everything I need to live. You have given me an abundance of life. You work everything out for my benefit. You are the reason I get up in the morning. You are the reason I can face tomorrow. In Your Name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.

    Thankful In Everything

    in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

    1 Thessalonians 5: 18 (NKJV)

    Giving thanks to the Father is God’s will.

    His grace and goodness are all we need. We are the children of God. As we grow and become more mature in our faith, we reflect more and more on the crucifixion and realise more and more what an enormous sacrifice our Lord Jesus Christ made.

    Spiritual maturity is reflected in a heart of thanksgiving and praise. Paul, in this verse, encourages us to always have an attitude of gratefulness, knowing that God is always in control.

    Gratefulness and praise do not go hand-hand with unforgiveness and fear. Neither does joy keep company with discouragement and murmuring. Even in difficult circumstances,

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