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Another World
Another World
Another World
Ebook72 pages52 minutes

Another World

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There is much more to life than what we see. The physical reality is only a temporary part of life. There is another dimension: the spiritual. It is permanent.

PublisherMorne Campher
Release dateAug 20, 2023
Another World

Morne Campher

Morne Campher was a missionary for seven years. He has a passion for the lost and a desire to see every believer walk in a closer and more intimate relationship with God.

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    Another World - Morne Campher


    I have to thank my heavenly Father. He gave me the idea for this devotional, He gave me the ability to write and He sent people with various skills and the know-how my way. He opened the doors for me. He made a way where there seemed to be no way.

    I also want to thank my pastor, Wimpie Helmand. Whenever I had any theological questions, he was ready to answer them. He went through this book to make sure it is theologically accurate. Wimpie also contributed financially to the recordings of these devotionals. Furthermore, he also encouraged me to have this book published. Karen Loots organised for these devotionals to be broadcast on community radio stations and she also planned for these devotionals to be recorded.

    God Created Everything

    For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.

    Colossians 1: 16 (NKJV)

    Everything was created by God, both the seen and unseen.

    When Paul wrote this verse, there were false teachers seeping into the church. They subverted the truth of Jesus as God and worshipped angels. These unseen spiritual beings are being referred to as "thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, rulers and authorities.

    The pagan world of the ancient Greeks as well as the pagan world of modern-day New Agers have always believed in angels and spiritual beings. Understanding that these beings wield great power and influence in both the seen and unseen worlds are of vital importance to every believer. However, they are still just created beings.

    The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were involved in creation. Creation included the earth, the stars, all the animals and plants we can see and feel as well as the angelic beings and spiritual powers.

    Absolutely everything was created by Jesus as well as through Him and for Him. Because Jesus is God, creation – both the visible and invisible aspects of it (angels, thrones, dominions, rulers and authorities) – exists for His glory.

    Knowing who Jesus is and maintaining that foundation is the key for our defence against false teachers.

    Each second, 8 million blood cells die in the human body. That death cannot be heard. It happens even if we don’t feel it. The spiritual world is very real, even if we don’t see it.

    Oh God, You have created everything. Everything exists for Your glory Lord Jesus. One day every knee – both human and spiritual beings – will bow before You and confess that You are Lord. In Your Name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.

    A Very Real World

    and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him.

    Matthew 17: 2-3 (NKJV)

    The bible teaches us about the unseen spiritual realm.

    It is a realm that consists of both good and evil. God and His angels are on the side of good while the devil and his demons are on the side of evil.

    In Western culture, the most commonly form of accepted fact is based on scientific method, observation and experimentation. The Bible is the authoritative Word of God. Observation of events in the Bible is evidence of the existence of the spiritual realm.

    Peter, James and John saw Moses and Elijah appearing before them. Both Moses and Elijah have been dead for quite some time. They talked with Jesus. Jesus frequently cast out demons, healed the sick and performed many miracles. These are all indicators that the spiritual realm is very real.

    A study done in the U.S.A. found that 37% of Americans used cash for transactions, 31% used debit cards, 16% used credit cards, 15% used checks and 1% used other means. The combination of non-cash methods far outstrips the cash method. Even though no physical money is being exchanged during these non-cash methods, the transaction still takes place. The cash cannot be seen, but it is still there.

    Lord Jesus, You are the Name far above all other names. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me in truth. Thank you for opening my eyes to the very real realm of the spiritual world. Thank you for

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