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Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology
Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology
Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology
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Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology


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Medical X-ray equipment technology has evolved exponentially in the last decades, shifting steadily from analogue to digital radiology, from single slice to multidetector-row computed tomography or from fluoroscopy to complex angiography systems. This, however, comes with associated radiation risk for patients and staff. It is therefore vital that all X-ray equipment is monitored in terms of performance to ensure accurate and safe use. Quality control (QC) represents the basic level of managing safety and quality in diagnostic radiology. This publication compiles all existing QC tests in literature for all X-ray modalities. To facilitate the use of this handbook, spreadsheets and video tutorials have been developed to help with the execution of tests.
Release dateFeb 6, 2023
Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology

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    Handbook of Basic Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology - IAEA
















    VIENNA, 2023


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    February 2023


    IAEA Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    Names: International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Title: Handbook of basic quality control tests for diagnostic radiology / International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Description: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2023. | Series: IAEA human health series, ISSN 2075–3772 ; no. 47 | Includes bibliographical references.

    Identifiers: IAEAL 22-01533 | ISBN 978–92–0–130322–6 (paperback : alk. paper) | ISBN 978–92–0–130422–3 (pdf) | ISBN 978–92–0–130522–0 (epub)

    Subjects: LCSH: Radiology. | Radiology — Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Radiology — Quality control. | Radiation dosimetry. | Diagnostic imaging.

    Classification: UDC 615.849 (035) | STI/PUB/2021


    It is unquestionable that modern medicine would not exist in its present form without X rays, which are widely used for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. In recent years, medical imaging technology has evolved exponentially, shifting steadily from analogue to digital radiology, from single slice to multidetector row computed tomography, and from fluoroscopy to complex and sophisticated angiography systems. During a diagnostic procedure, the physical properties of X rays are used to obtain a diagnosis or to guide invasive devices through the body when an interventional procedure is performed. A simple error or malfunction of an X ray system can affect the health of patients.

    This principle necessitates that X ray machines be monitored through strict quality control. Quality control tests provide ‘snapshots’ of performance that help to ensure optimal performance of X ray equipment in accordance with the clinical objective, thus providing diagnostic information of the required quality with the lowest patient exposure. These tests also assist medical institutions in the responsible management of investment in X ray equipment, as the procurement and maintenance of these systems can account for a large amount of their budget.

    In many countries, a significant number of X ray systems used in diagnostic radiology departments are not part of a regular quality assurance programme. This is mainly due to the lack of professionals trained in quality assurance, dosimetry testing and detailed assessment of the performance of X ray systems, as well as the lack of relevant guidance. To address this issue, the IAEA organized a series of technical cooperation projects aimed at building competence in establishing and strengthening quality assurance and quality control in X ray diagnostics and in applying best practices for quality and safety in diagnostic radiology. The present publication is the result of two workshops held in Vienna with the participation of experts representing European countries and representatives of professional societies such as the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics and the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists. The main objective of the workshops was to develop a handbook of harmonized quality control procedures for diagnostic radiology equipment on the basis of existing material, taking into consideration all the latest developments in the field.

    This publication has been endorsed by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics and the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists. The IAEA officers responsible for this publication were H. Delis and V. Tsapaki of the Division of Human Health.


    Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information contained in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for consequences which may arise from its use.

    This publication does not address questions of responsibility, legal or otherwise, for acts or omissions on the part of any person.

    Guidance provided here, describing good practices, represents expert opinion but does not constitute recommendations made on the basis of a consensus of Member States.

    The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.

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    The IAEA has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third party Internet web sites referred to in this book and does not guarantee that any content on such web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

    The authoritative versions of the publications are the hard copies issued and available as PDFs on create the versions for e-readers, certain changes have been made, including the movement of some figures and tables.



    1.1. Background

    1.2. Objective

    1.3. Scope

    1.4. Structure


    2.1. Quality control tests for radiographers

    2.2. Quality control tests for medical physicists


    3.1. Quality control tests for radiographers

    3.2. Quality control tests for medical physicists


    4.1. Quality control tests for radiographers

    4.2. Quality control tests for medical physicists


    5.1. Quality control tests for radiographers

    5.2. Quality control tests for medical physicists


    6.1. Quality control tests for radiographers

    6.2. Quality control tests for medical physicists

    6.3. Documentation

    6.4. Dose management software


    7.1. Quality control tests for radiographers






    1.1. Background

    Diagnostic radiology has been established for more than one century and represents one of the most powerful tools used in modern medicine, as effective treatment is closely linked to timely and accurate diagnosis. The performance of ionizing radiation emitting equipment used in medicine needs to be monitored to ensure its safe and effective use [1]. This process starts from basic quality control (QC) and extends to comprehensive quality management systems that integrate every aspect of patient care [2].

    QC represents the most basic level of managing quality and includes the set of operations employed to maintain or improve quality [3]. It is considered to provide a snapshot of the performance characteristics of a product or service. QC could be used to verify that the product or the service complies with requirements.

    To ensure best practice, more organized efforts are required in the modern era of diagnostic radiology. QC is just one element of a comprehensive quality assurance (QA) programme, which aims to ensure that the quality requirements for a product or service will consistently be fulfilled in every aspect. Operating a comprehensive QA system starts even before the procurement of any equipment, as the assessment of needs and the development of specifications precede purchase. These components require evaluation of how they would fit into the QA framework.

    Further expanding on this QA framework, a comprehensive quality management system can provide additional benefits to a diagnostic radiology service. Harmonized policies, procedures and elements such as mission statements and properly prepared job descriptions can provide clarity and consistency in the services provided, enhancing the outcome and providing a solid platform for quality improvement.

    The IAEA promotes this comprehensive approach to quality in diagnostic imaging and supports the development of appropriate staff guidance and training in maintaining quality standards. The IAEA technical cooperation projects RER/6/032 (Strengthening Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Diagnostic X rays) and RER/6/028 (Establishing Quality Assurance/Quality Control in X Ray Diagnostics) were aimed at building competence and establishing quality assurance and quality control procedures in X ray diagnostics using best practices for quality and safety in diagnostic radiology. This handbook is based on the work of these technical cooperation projects.

    1.2. Objective

    The aim of this handbook is to provide guidance towards achieving the best possible practices by summarizing detailed information on QC tests found in other publications. This handbook is a compilation of tests that help to reveal key issues in the X ray units used in a diagnostic radiology department and provides a summary of the minimum recommended scope of these tests using a resource stratified approach. For a more elaborate QA programme, it is recommended that other QC procedures — such as more sophisticated QC tests, image reject analysis and artefact identification in patient images — be implemented as well.

    Guidance provided here, describing good practices, represents expert opinion but does not constitute recommendations made on the basis of a consensus of Member States.

    1.3. Scope

    This handbook focuses on acceptance tests and routine performance tests, such as status tests and constancy tests. Routine performance tests for radiography, fluoroscopy, angiography, mammography and computed tomography (CT) are described. The tests require only the use of instruments, reproducible and known objects (phantoms) and test objects, which do not cost much. The handbook provides a quick reference guide on how to perform each test and raises attention to common issues and mistakes that could undermine the results or the evaluation of a given test. Readers are encouraged to revise the QC procedures listed and introduce more extensive tests in their own department or to adjust the frequency of the tests according to previous experience and the stability of a given X ray unit.

    1.4. Structure

    This handbook is divided into sections, each dealing with a given imaging modality. Section 1 is an introduction to the subject. Section 2 outlines QC tests on radiography, Section 3 on fluoroscopy and angiography, Section 4 on mammography and Section 5 on CT. Section 6 describes tests that are common for all modalities, and Section 7 presents tests that are specific to film–screen systems. Finally, the Appendix provides summary tables of the tests.

    The tests are categorized according to the qualified personnel that is responsible to perform them — either qualified medical radiation technologists (radiographers) or medical physicists. Since QA is a team effort, it is strongly recommended that a team of experienced staff including a radiologist, a radiographer and a medical physicist introduce and implement the QA programme in their own department.


    This section describes the requirements for routine QC tests for computed radiography and digital radiography X ray systems. The latter is also referred to as digital radiography or direct digital radiography. The main objective of these tests is to verify the operational stability of the equipment. It is assumed that acceptance testing and commissioning tests are performed and baseline values are established. The procedures described for the following tests are indicative and serve as guidelines to the qualified personnel performing them. Several of the following tests can also be performed on fluoroscopy equipment.

    2.1. Quality control tests for radiographers

    2.1.1. X ray–light beam alignment and centring Description and objective

    Improper beam alignment and centring will impact the radiographic image. The set light field needs to align well with the X ray beam area in order to limit the radiation field to the necessary size and to not miss any parts because of possible misalignments. Therefore, the objective of this test is to ensure the coincidence and alignment of the collimated light field with the X ray field. Another aspect is the coincidence of the crosshairs of the collimated light beam with the centre of the X ray beam, which is the origin point of the image [4, 5]. Equipment

    The following equipment is used for the tests:

    (a) An appropriate test object for the alignment of the X ray beam and the light field. Coins or other metal objects may also be used for the alignment test.

    (b) A cylinder with an attenuator at its centre, or another test object that can be used to assess the perpendicular incidence of the beam on the image receptor. Procedure

    The following procedures are used to perform the X ray–light field alignment and centring tests using a commercial test object or coins:

    (a) Using a commercial test object:

    (i) Place the image receptor on a flat surface and set the X ray tube’s axis

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