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Reimagine Tech-Inclusive Education: Evidence, Practices, and Road Map
Reimagine Tech-Inclusive Education: Evidence, Practices, and Road Map
Reimagine Tech-Inclusive Education: Evidence, Practices, and Road Map
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Reimagine Tech-Inclusive Education: Evidence, Practices, and Road Map

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As fast-evolving education technology (EdTech) revolutionizes learning, this report examines the evidence for effective digital learning, the key interventions and innovations in education technology, and how best to implement effective digital transformation initiatives in the education sector. The study provides some key ADB frameworks to guide through the digital transformation process including the “Quality, Effectiveness, Scalability, and Affordability" tool kit for identifying and selecting EdTech interventions, the Digital Education Readiness Framework to holistically assess a country’s digital education readiness situation, and ways to improve digital capacity in ADB developing member countries through a systemic, staged, and sustainable planning and implementation road map process.
Release dateJun 1, 2023
Reimagine Tech-Inclusive Education: Evidence, Practices, and Road Map

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    Reimagine Tech-Inclusive Education - Asian Development Bank



    JUNE 2023

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2023 Asian Development Bank

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    Some rights reserved. Published in 2023.

    ISBN 978-92-9270-185-7 (print); 978-92-9270-186-4 (electronic); 978-92-9270-187-1 (ebook)

    Publication Stock No. TCS230233


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    Cover design by Jan Carlo dela Cruz. On the cover: Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and immersive learning are changing the future of education, accelerated transformation will happen through systemic adoption. (All photos are from ADB unless otherwise stated.)


    Tables and Figures


    As we tread into the era where digital learning is no longer a choice but a necessity, it becomes increasingly vital to reflect upon the trajectory of technology’s role in education, or EdTech, its potential for future progress, and the strategic way we ought to integrate it into various stages of development in our global educational systems.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst, necessitating an expedited evolution in the adoption of digital learning methods. These exceptional circumstances brought about by the pandemic have highlighted the disparities in access, quality, and integration of EdTech across education systems, necessitating an urgent and careful reevaluation of our approach.

    The first realization we must acknowledge is the diverse landscape of educational systems worldwide—with each system at different stages of development. It is essential to design interventions that cater to each country’s unique requirements and challenges. The approach towards developing a technology-inclusive education system should be both systematic and staged, focusing on a holistic EdTech strategy to create an environment conducive for its effective adoption and usage.

    For initial and emerging stages, interventions must focus on creating robust foundational structures, from developing adequate infrastructure to establishing the legal and policy frameworks that guide EdTech implementation. At the same time, efforts must be dedicated to build teacher competencies and community support structures. In contrast, for developed and mature stages, the interventions can be more nuanced, focusing on integrating cutting-edge tools and personalized, adaptive learning methods to facilitate a learner-centered education system.

    Looking back, interventions in the education sector, particularly in developing countries, have often suffered from a lack of context and alignment with system needs. It is time to rectify this.

    To effectively implement this vision, we must stress two fundamental principles: staged and systematic development and sustainable scaling. Staged development urges caution against a hasty adoption of advanced tools; it promotes a gradual, step-by-step adoption and improvement of digital solutions. It is essential that our approach in developing technology-inclusive education systems is underpinned by strategic decision-making, strong leadership, and comprehensive preparation at all levels.

    We need to ensure that interventions are not overly focused on one aspect, such as devices and connectivity, while neglecting others. Systematic development emphasizes a holistic approach, addressing all factors influencing EdTech use concurrently, thereby ensuring cohesive progress and development. The Digital Education Readiness Framework by ADB is recommended as a guiding tool for assessing a country’s systematic readiness for digital education and can guide the formulation and implementation of strategies in a well-rounded manner.

    Sustainable scaling requires careful selection of EdTech solutions that are affordable, compatible, and aligned with the resource and funding capabilities of the education systems. The Quality, Effectiveness, Scalability, Affordability (QESA) EdTech Evaluation Framework is designed to achieve a methodical, fair, and transparent evaluation and selection process for EdTech solutions that can be scaled nationally.

    As we face the challenges and seize the opportunities of this digital era, let this be our guiding philosophy: to reimagine, to evolve, and to excel.

    Sungsup Ra

    Chief Sector Officer, Sector Advisory Service Cluster

    Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department

    Asian Development Bank


    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) study Reimagine Tech Inclusive Education: Evidence, Practices, and Road Map addresses a crucial topic of great relevance to digital education. At the heart of this study is the quest to better understand what the evidence for effective digital learning is, what are the key interventions and innovations with

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