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The Sign of Jonah: Bible Studies, #19
The Sign of Jonah: Bible Studies, #19
The Sign of Jonah: Bible Studies, #19
Ebook26 pages16 minutes

The Sign of Jonah: Bible Studies, #19

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The vast majority of Christians will disagree with my thoughts on this topic. But I am convinced that if they do a proper search for the truth in the bible, then they must come to the same conclusion as I have.
God has directed us in the book of Isaiah to seek the truth from his words in the bible. What does he say in Isaiah 28:9-10.
Isa 28:9  Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 
Isa 28:10  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:. 
Verse 9 tells us it is those who are weaned from milk. In other words, those who are prepared to seek knowledge as a mature person who will find it. Those who do not seek the truth this way are like babies who need to learn the fundamentals of God and will not be able to gain the knowledge they need unless they diligently seek the truth.
Verse 10 clearly advises us to search the scriptures for the truth.
As with any part of God's holy bible, if we are honestly seeking the truth on any matter, we must study the bible and find the answers. 
When we follow the activities of the women from the time of Christ's burial until his resurrection, we can clearly see the order of things and calculate the days and the time of the days that Jesus was both crucified and resurrected.
 I hope you will gain this precious knowledge as you read this booklet.

Release dateDec 15, 2023
The Sign of Jonah: Bible Studies, #19

Leslie Rendell

Leslie Rendell has been studying the bible for most of his life. When he is researching a topic, the most important reference book is always the bible. There is no other authority for matters of what God expects from those He has created in His own image. If there is a conflict between the bible and man’s thoughts, the bible will win every time. Although he has had no formal bible education, he believes the average bible reader can understand the bible. Otherwise, how could they ever know what God’s will is for their lives? He is retired and now lives in the South West of Western Australia. Apart from his love of the Bible and his family, his other hobby is photography, where he loves to photograph God’s creation.

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    The Sign of Jonah - Leslie Rendell

    The Sign of Jonah

    Bible Studies, Volume 19

    Leslie Rendell

    Published by Leslie Rendell, 2023.



    Copyright ©  2023 by Leslie Rendell

    All rights reserved.

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    Book Cover by Leslie Rendell

    Published by Leslie Rendell at Draught2Digital

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Chapter 2 - Introduction

    Chapter 3 - The Sign of Jonah

    Chapter 4 - The Third Day

    Chapter 5 - The Women

    Chapter 6 - Conclusion

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    Also By Leslie Rendell

    Chapter 2 - Introduction

    Thank you for listening to this audio book that was recorded to answer the question about the length of time Jesus was in the tomb. Modern day churches have a different

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