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Smuggler's Valor: A Sci-fi Action Adventure: Reese Daniels Smuggler series, #1
Smuggler's Valor: A Sci-fi Action Adventure: Reese Daniels Smuggler series, #1
Smuggler's Valor: A Sci-fi Action Adventure: Reese Daniels Smuggler series, #1
Ebook51 pages40 minutes

Smuggler's Valor: A Sci-fi Action Adventure: Reese Daniels Smuggler series, #1

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Smuggling precious cargo to a remote colony was supposed to be easy. I was dead wrong.


Awarded Silver Honorable Mention in the first quarter Volume 40 of L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest.


Smuggling is a dangerous business and Reese Daniels has the score of a lifetime within his grasp; however, getting shot down on one of Uranus' moons wasn't in his plan. Stranded and on the run in the middle of an alien invasion, Reese must work with a group of Marine cadets to escape a grisly fate.


The characters were well developed, the world was interesting, there was action and comedy. I really cared about the story. - Goodreads review
this action-packed story is an enjoyable read that will appeal to sci/fi fans. - Reedsy review
Before the end of the first page, Smuggler's Valor not only had me fully engaged but in the mood for Science Fiction adventure. - SF Crowsnest
Smuggler's Valor is an intense, breathless, visual masterpiece - Goodreads review
The high-stakes thrills start on page one and don't let up until the final pages of this vibrant sci-fi story. - 5-star Reader's Favorite review

In Smuggler's Valor, Wilson achieves a harmonious blend of fast-paced adventure and intricate world-building. The narrative, while concise, offers a richly textured experience, leaving readers yearning for more tales from this captivating universe. Both sci-fi fans and action-adventure readers will find this tale engrossing. With its perfect balance of tension, emotion, and exhilaration, this story stands as a testament to Wilson's storytelling genius. - Literary Titan Silver Book Award

Release dateJun 26, 2023
Smuggler's Valor: A Sci-fi Action Adventure: Reese Daniels Smuggler series, #1

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    Book preview

    Smuggler's Valor - T.D. Wilson

    Smuggler's Valor

    An Epherium Chronicles Novelette

    T.D. Wilson

    Greywalker Press, LLC

    Copyright © 2023 by Greywalker Press, LLC.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact [email protected].

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Book Cover by rebecacovers-Ira

    Edited by Randall 'Jay' Andrews

    First edition 2023


    Title Page


    Smuggler’s Valor

    Books By This Author

    About the Author


    Creating any work like this isn't an individual effort, it takes a team.  I am grateful for my alpha readers, James Burnash, Megan Church, Jeff Konicki, and the members of the Writers World FB group who read earliest drafts and critiqued me along the way. I have a host a beta readers whose names could fill a story on their own. Your willingness to read and allow me to share in your entertainment fills my heart. A tremendous amount of thanks goes to my editor and mentor, Randall Andrews.  He created the Writers World FB group after 'retiring' as an editor in Hollywood. He provides valued instruction in his Boot Camps, honest and constructive criticism where it is needed and challenges you to write and keep writing, even if you just throw it away. Lastly, to my family who despite their best efforts are forced to put up with me.  I love you.

    Smuggler’s Valor

    Ariel 6 Colony

    Monday, August 1

    Earth Year 2140

    A wise person warned me. You keep trying to catch that tiger by the tail and you’re going to get bit. I didn’t listen.

    Come on baby! I pulled on my ship’s controls, desperate to level my descent. Every alarm on my console sounded, except the one I needed. The moon’s icy blue and gray horizon filled my view port, a rocky ridge in the distance. Uncertain of my altitude, I did a quick calculation in my head, counted to three and triggered the emergency landing thrusters.

    Rapid deceleration propelled me into my harness, straps tightening in places I wish they hadn’t and drove breath from my lungs. My ship buckled with the strain, her nose drifting to port. Focusing through the discomfort, I adjusted the thruster controls.

    A decompression alarm sounded. I froze, panic gripping my heart in a vise. In the orbital firefight, I didn’t have time to secure my environment suit’s helmet. I glanced at the console. Only the cargo bay flashed red, and I choked down some relief.

    Heavy thumps rattled the bay. Pieces of secured cargo had broken free, tossed against the hull by escaping atmosphere. Each blow threatened to throw the ship further off-line. The nose returned to center as the ground met my ship’s underbelly. Crackling ice grated her hull. She rose in a deflection glide, her engines no longer providing thrust.

    My easing panic escalated to terror in a microsecond, triggering my mind with a host of hideous death images. I had no breath to scream.

    The horizon tilted and a flash of impact filled the cockpit. Arms quaking, my hands held the controls in a white knuckled grip, willing the ship not to tumble. Metal tore in the frightening skid as I prayed to whoever might

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