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Chara Dasha System
Chara Dasha System
Chara Dasha System
Ebook253 pages2 hours

Chara Dasha System

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Generally there is no dasha or bhukti which is exclusively auspicious or exclusively inauspicious. Almost always there are some favourable and some unfavourable clues. | have heard some astrologers say that the contradictory signals cancel out each other.

Most respectfully, I beg to differ.

My submission is that all the signals whether good or bad, do produce their results as and when there is either a positive or a negative opportunity in the transiting planetary configurations during the tenure of the dasha or the bhukti.

Release dateMar 31, 2024
Chara Dasha System

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Nov 25, 2024

    A beginner of Astrology, I find this book for overall overview.

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Chara Dasha System - Shakti Mohan Singh



This book is not intented for the beginners (although nothing can stop the beginners from getting benefitted from this book) and therefore the readers are likely to look askance at the title of this part. However, since the subject of Chara Dasha is likely to be comparatively new to many readers, some of the definitions and / or procedures are likely to require clarification; and hence this part. Moreover, how I have understood certain terms and / or procedures in natal astrology and how I am using them may be different from the current practices.

So, I think that I need to explain certain terms and procedures to my readers.

Chapter I

The Basic Working Materials

1.The Foundation Chart

A foundation chart (sometimes just ‘the chart’ ), or the horoscope or the Lagna Kundali, Janmaakshar or just the Lagna , is a graphic representation of the zodiacal belt-on a two dimensional surface-showing its geocentric longitude rising on the eastern horizon along with the geocentric longitudes of the planets (which include the Sun, the Moon, the 5 planets–i.e. पंचतारा-and the nodes) with reference to

•a particular location on the earth at

•a particular point in time.

In other words the horoscope cast for an event like the birth of an individual is a graphical record of the unique geocentric position of the fixed stars and the planets for the specific location in space and the specific point in time for that event on a two dimetional surface.

A skilled astrologer can interpret the effect of the energy field created by the celestial bodies as existing at that particular place and particular time on the nascent physique and the psyche of the newborn from this chart.

2.The 16 Divisional Charts

We use several divisional (16 according to VPHS) plus some subsideiary charts. In this book we are going to use some of these 16 sub-divisions (shown in bold type in the list below). The use of such sub-divisions is also explained here briefly:

i)Griha or the Rashi or the D-1, which is not a subdivision of a sign but is a subdivision of the whole zodiac, generally speaking refers to the foundation chart or the horoscope.

VPHS Ch. 7 verse 1 says Lagne dehasya vigyaanam (लग्ने देहस्य विज्ञानं) meaning that this sub division reveals information about the person-i.e. the physical self. Alternatively, we can say that the D-1 should be investigated for the entire general information about the person himself. It is a comprehensive chart and gives insight specifically into the native’s physical self (its growth, development and general health) and generally all areas in his / her life while other sub-divisions are exclusive to some specific area of the life only. On a 20 point scale, Maharshi Parashar has allotted 3.5 points to it i.e. to say, its weightage is 17.50 %.

However, in this book the term ‘D-1’ will be used with a slightly different purpose also. Readers to please note that while analyzing the individual dasha / bhukti signs, the Foundation Chart will be rotated so as to bring the dasha / bhukti sign in the place of the ascendant (only in charts drawn in the North Indian style–no need to rotate the South Indian style Charts). There, it will be called the D-1 and not the Foundation Chart or the Horoscope.

ii)Hora or the D-2 : not using in this book.

iii)Dreshkaan or the D-3: VPHS Ch. 7 verse 2 says dreshkane bhratrjam saukhyam (द्रेष्काणे भातृजम्​ सौख्यं) meaning that the happiness from the sibling/s is to be seen from dreshkaan. On a 20 point scale, Maharshi Parashar allotted 1.0 point or 5.0 % weightage to it.

iv)Chathurthaamsha or the D-4: not using in this book.

v)Saptamaamsha or the D-7: VPHS Ch. 7 verse 2 says Putra-pautraadikaanam vai chintanam saptamaamshake (पुत्रपौत्रदिकानां वै चिन्तनं सप्तमान्शके) meaning that the information about the children and the grand children etc. should be assessed from the D-7. On a 20 point scale, Maharshi Parashar allotted 0.5 points or 2.5 % weightage to it.

vi)Navamaamsha or the D-9: VPHS Ch. 7 verse 3 says navamamshe kalatraanam (नवमांशे कलत्राणाम्​)–i.e. the navamamsha is about the kalatras.

Kalatra is a Samskrita word literally meaning the hips and it must, therefore, be clearly understood that the D-9 specifically reveals information about the pleasures related to the zone of the body having the hips, that is, the gratification of the sexual urge–at the concrete as well the abstract level, for both, the males and the females. Since it is presumed that such gratification, not only in all civilized communities, but in the so called ab-originals also, at the physical level follows a formal / socially acceptable ritual of marriage and forms an important part of such married life, the term ‘Kalatra ’ is also used to mean the spouse. But in astrology it is not necessarily limited to a formal marriage or a legal spouse because the meaning of the term marriage today is not the same, which it was in the ancient times when the classical Astrology books were compiled by the rishis and the aacharyaas.

According to the Manusmriti there are eight types of vivaaha including even abduction and the rape. All indications based on the D-9 chart showing the possibility of such events in any dashas before the formal marriage, therefore, may show either love affairs (at the abstract level) or licentious / illegal / forced activities (at the concrete level) depending on the nature, strength and the degree of dignity (or indignity) of the participating determinants and the kind of relationships between them. On a 20 point scale, Maharshi Parashar allotted 3.0 points or 15.00 % weightage to it.

However, the D-9 is not exclusive to gender based matters only. It often gives clues in other sectors of the life also.

vii)Dashamaamsha or the D-10: VPHS Ch. 7 verse 3 further says dashamaamshe mahatphalam (दशामांशे महत्फलम्​)–i.e. the dashamaamsha is about the major achievements. So, whenever looking for only the success in any area of life, such as the education, the career, the competitive examination, some enterprize, election etc., the D-10 must be examined. On a 20 point scale, Maharshi Parashar allotted 0.5 points or 2.5% weightage to it

viii)Dwadashamsha or the D-12: not using in this book.

ix)Shodashaansha or the D-16: not using in this book.

x)Vimshaamsha or the D-20: Verse 4 of chapter 7 of VPHS, Varga Vivekaadhyaaya (वर्ग विवेकाध्याय) reads as: उपासनाया विज्ञानं साध्यं विंशति भागके meaning that the D-20 is about the upaasana.

Generally, the word upaasana is used in the context of worship or the spiritual pursuits but my experience is that it has other applications also.The word upaasana (उपासना) can be broken up into upa + aasana meaning staying or being near or close (close to what?–naturally ones aims / objects in life). However, this needs some explaining.

According to the Sanskrita Dictionary the literal meaning of the word upaasana is:

•the practice of archery

•being in attendance to, or caring for, some one

•serving or looking after some one

•appeasement of some or the other deity (or authority)

In my opinion the native’s dedication for and of course its success in his / her mission or any task he / she undertakes should be read from the D-20.

So, the idea that it is about the spiritual pursuits only, is incorrect. In my experience the D-20 covers the native’s ability to plan out a strategy for achieving his target/s and also the efforts and success in executing it; and that is why, its evaluation is useful in matters related to such careers / tasks where the success depends on the dedication of the native. On a 20 point scale, Maharshi Parashar allotted 0.5 points or 2.5 % weightage to it. It may also reveal the selection, joining or success of the native in some specific (dedicated) professional training course.

In the 17th chapter (EXCITATION) of my book on Kaala Chakra Dasha System I have discussed this divisional chart with examples at pages 445 and 451.

xi)Chaturvimshaamsha or the D-24: not using in this book.

xii)Saptavimshaamsha or the D-27: VPHS Ch. 7 verse 5 says भान्शे चैव बलाबलम्​. meaning that the D-27 should be consulted for the strength or the weakness. Like the D-20 this is another one of the sub-divisions which are rarely used by the astrologers. The reason is obvious–we do not understand what the term ‘bala’ actually means here. The term ‘bala’ is generally interpreted to mean physical ‘strength’, i.e. muscle power of the native’s body; but according to the Sanskrita dictionary it also means the Army–the forces–the backing, the following or the support. The verse 56 of the chapter 3 sahamaadhyaaya of the Tajik Neel Kanthi also says बलं सैन्यम्, i.e. bala is the Army–the forces. Drawing an analogy from this I have successfully used the D-27 to evaluate the status of support or popularity amongst the voters of leaders, fans of the actors or other performers, disciples of the preceptors and students of the teachers etc.. Maharshi Parashar allotted 0.5 points or 2.5 % weightage to it.

In the 17th chapter (Excitation) of my book on Kaala Chakra Dasha System I have discussed this topic with example at pages 447.

xiii)Trimshaamsha or the D-30: VPHS Ch. 7 verse 5 says त्रिंशांशकेरिष्ट फलम्​ meaning that the D-30 should be consulted for the evil / undesirable manifestations. Like several other divisional charts, it is also one of those which are rarely used by the rank and file of the

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