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WOKE SUICIDE and the RATIONAL AWAKENING: A Father's Guide to the Collapse of a Nation
WOKE SUICIDE and the RATIONAL AWAKENING: A Father's Guide to the Collapse of a Nation
WOKE SUICIDE and the RATIONAL AWAKENING: A Father's Guide to the Collapse of a Nation
Ebook370 pages3 hours

WOKE SUICIDE and the RATIONAL AWAKENING: A Father's Guide to the Collapse of a Nation

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You are as you think. There are two ways to think about the issues that confront America today. One is through the material worldview. One is through the rational worldview. 

America was founded in 1776 on high principles, but more importantly, it had a population and government that subordi

Release dateApr 24, 2024
WOKE SUICIDE and the RATIONAL AWAKENING: A Father's Guide to the Collapse of a Nation

Theodore Papadopoulos

Theodore Papadopoulos enlisted in the United States Army as an artilleryman at seventeen years old. He was commissioned as an Infantry lieutenant in 2001 and reported to Fort Benning for training two days before 9/11. Theodore graduated from Basic Infantry Officer Leaders Course, Ranger School, and Airborne School. He served with distinction as a platoon leader in the 101st Airborne Division during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. Theodore led an advisor team to Afghan security forces in 2007 and was selected to participate in multiple high-risk operations in support of Army Special Forces. After leaving the Army as a Captain in 2008, Theodore has worked as a construction superintendent, pharmaceutical manufacturing supervisor, and government program manager. He resigned from his position with the government in response to the COVID-19 vaccine requirement. Theodore is an Orthodox Christian and works with his wife and five children on their homestead.You may contact Theodore at [email protected] or find him on X at @TheoTheSoldier, TheodoreTheSoldier.


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    WOKE SUICIDE and the RATIONAL AWAKENING - Theodore Papadopoulos

    Woke Suicide and the Rational Awakening

    A Father’s Guide to the Collapse of a Nation

    Theodore Papadopoulos

    ©Theodore Papadopoulos 2023

    As I fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil, Saint Theodore pray for me.

    Death to the world—Christian saying signifying dying to the material world and living for the eternal world.

    You need Power only when you want to do something harmful; otherwise, Love is enough to get everything done. Charlie Chaplin

    The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling. Thomas Sowell

    Life in general has never been even close to fair, so the pretense that the government can make it fair is a valuable and inexhaustible asset to politicians who want to expand government. Thomas Sowell

    The government—or rather, the party—controlled everything: the news media, arms, police, the armed forces, the judiciary system, communications, travel, all levels of education from kindergarten to universities, all cultural and religious institutions. Political indoctrination started at a very early age, and continued by means of the Hitler Youth with the ultimate goal of complete mind control. Children were exhorted in school to denounce even their own parents for derogatory remarks about Hitler or Nazi ideology. George J. Wittenstein, M.D., Memories of the White Rose, 1997


    To my wife and family.

    To Eric, who can change a life in just a few words.

    Saint Theodore the Soldier.

    Saint Alexander of Munich.


    Table of Contents

    1 The Root Cause

    2 Worldviews

    3 Gender and the Family

    4 LGBTQ

    5 The American Holocaust

    6 Race

    7 Criminal Justice

    8 The 2nd Amendment

    9 Education

    10 The Economy

    11 Politics

    12 American Foreign Policy

    13 Ukraine

    14 Hamas, Palestinians, and Israel

    15 COVID-19

    16 The Alien Deception

    17 Final Thoughts


    1 The Root Cause

    Proverbs 23:7: As a man thinketh, so is he (or so shall he act). A person’s worldview will affect their decisions in life on all issues and in every situation. This book will challenge you to revisit each issue covered and consider it from two perspectives: the material woke worldview and the rational worldview.

    Stockton Rush, the owner and founder of OceanGate, fired the old white guys who were experts at submarine safety and instead hired a diverse and inclusive staff that was inspirational. Stockton Rush subsequently perished along with his passengers when his inherently unsafe submarine was crushed underwater.¹ Stockton Rush was woke.

    We often consider the choices we face in the culture war as choices framed by politics, science, or economics. These smoke screens allow people to believe the popular, media-driven narrative because it’s easier.

    Volition, or will, is at the root of all choices, and willful ignorance is a choice. Our choices in politics, science, and economics can all be diametrically boiled down to right versus wrong. The choices are physical manifestations of spiritual warfare.

    Our lives boil down to exactly two choices. One is to accept the existence of God and all that comes with it, and the other one is to reject God and invent excuses for the chaos that comes with the absence of God. That decision is consciously and subconsciously reflected in everything we do: thought, word, or deed. One choice is true, and the other is not. One choice is rational, and the other one is insanity. There isn’t any middle ground.

    This book is not a political, social, cultural, or economic analysis, though it will discuss all four topics at length. Instead, it is a book that shows how these topics are affected by our worldview. Do we view the issues rationally? Or are we rooted in the material worldview, where things can be subjectively explained or excused? Every single problem we face is because of the application of the material worldview. Every issue has a solution, or at least a way to put the issue in context, when viewed in the rational worldview. While this sounds like an oversimplification, that is the point. While the solution is simple, it is difficult to implement because it requires choosing right over wrong, especially when moral convention conflicts with base human desire.

    The material worldview is exemplified by woke. Wokeness is not a consistent philosophy but a continuously evolving conglomeration of anti-God choices, policies, and ideologies that share a common worldview. Wokeness is used to justify personal excess, excuse cruelty, impose upon others, and ultimately dominate and shut down dissent. But ultimately, as a form of nihilism, wokeness is self-destructive.

    I enlisted in the Army when I was seventeen. I was surrounded by a hundred other seventeen-year-olds and a few frustrated drill sergeants. When our platoon comically and chaotically failed a simple task such as setting up tents in a straight line, our drill sergeant would come upon the scene like a pressed-BDU shiny-black-boots god of war and utter the command… STOP THE MADNESS. And we stopped.

    This book is intended to give you, the reader, a stop the madness moment. I don’t know how many readers will agree with everything I present. I hope every reader will read enough to make them stop and look at the issue from another viewpoint.

    Root cause analysis

    One of my previous jobs was as a factory supervisor. As a safety coordinator, I learned how to do a root cause analysis. Often, the root cause of an issue is not immediately apparent until you deep dive into what mindsets, patterns, or actions start the ball rolling downhill. To do a simple analysis, ask ‘why?’ six times. For example, why did Timmy fall off of the ladder? The ladder slipped. Why did the ladder slip? The floor was slick with oil. Why was the floor slick with oil? The machines sprayed oil from the gears onto the floor. Why were the machines spraying oil from the gears? The gears were over-oiled. Why were the gears over-oiled? The operators were oiling them daily instead of weekly. Why were the operators oiling them daily? Because they were improperly trained in maintenance procedures. Thus, we come to the root cause of why Timmy fell off the ladder. Timmy fell because the machine operators were not adequately trained to maintain their machines.

    Here’s a challenge. Do a root cause analysis of any issue we face in America. Crime? Corruption? Joblessness? Racism? The root cause of our problems is that we, as a nation, have turned away from God. And in turning away from God, we have lost what is fundamentally true, what is fundamentally right, and what is unequivocally wrong. We’ve lost objective morality. In our confusion and hubris, we have decided that we can reinvent the wheel, making up truth as we go, redefining who we are as humans, and playing the game of life with our own rulesets. We are trying to cheat our way to happiness.

    After doing a root cause analysis, it is evident that a top-down approach to a single issue (for example, making abortion illegal) will not work. A top-down solution does not address the root cause of the problem. In a way, this simplifies things. All of the problems we face in America, and indeed, the world, can be solved with a single solution that can be implemented at the individual level.

    The moral foundation of all arguments

    One of the traps many American conservatives have fallen into is the trap of being a single-issue voter. People tend to focus on the one polarizing issue closest to them to the exclusion of other issues and, more importantly, the exclusion of the root of the issue. Whether it is serious moral issues such as pro-life, traditional families, or education, or secondary moral issues like smaller government, less taxes, and the 2nd Amendment, all of them are rooted in the same fundamental truth. And they must be defended from that strong point. Single-issue voters are attempting to fix the windows and doors of a house while ignoring its crumbling foundation.

    True conservatism is rooted in morality. If you oppose one thing based on the principle of morality, you must, therefore, oppose all immoral things. All issues, laws, and public policies, like our personal decisions, should be framed within the same moral structure.

    It is a very fast, slippery slope. You can’t pick and choose when to be moral versus immoral without being a hypocrite.

    Without God’s law

    What is going on? By and large, America's founding fathers were Christian, and their written documents reflected the Christian understanding of the world. Once upon a time, America had common ground rooted in a shared understanding of God’s will. We lost that, and as it turns out, with predictable results. Look out your window for a clue. People in America no longer have a common understanding of reality, and that plays out in every aspect of our lives. Politics. Religion. Entertainment. Values. Nobody knows where their neighbor stands. Nobody knows if they can trust their neighbor. Suspicion is the norm. Are they right-wing? Are they left-wing? Who did they vote for?

    You can’t legislate morality is an oft-quoted aphorism that never had any real meaning. Rather, legislation is a reflection of moral values (or the lack of them). Without moral principles, anything and everything can be legalized or justified (including injustice). The degradation of our nation’s values has been a slow evolution until the Clinton presidency signaled the end of morals as a guiding principle for government. Now, it is at full throttle. The Free Love movement has commoditized sex, and men walk away from pregnant women and their children. Women are taught that killing their children is the path to self-actualization. The majority of children who survive to childbirth are born into broken homes with missing parents or, worse, very confused parents. Our institutions have evolved from places guided by higher principles to pits of despair run by woke groomers, pushing our youth into self-destructive lifestyles defined by sexual, physical, and drug abuse and, ultimately, by suicide. Our government is no longer restrained by Godly principles, and our laws show it. More importantly, the casualty count reflects it. Americans are killed in the womb, on the streets, or by their own hand in staggering numbers.

    We talk a lot about freedom in America. The only way to maintain true freedom is to use our freedom to do the right thing rather than do whatever we want. This requires self-discipline, integrity, and sacrifice. A moral lifestyle is defined by self-denial of physical and material desires.

    The freedom to do whatever you want is fool’s gold and leads to enslavement to base passions. People who give in to physical and material desires fall into addiction, shame, and self-destruction.

    All legislation should be based on moral principles. This is not an argument for a theocracy. It is an argument for using sound rational thought and morals in governance. Dive into the accepted narrative that drives modern governance and social norms. You will find that it depends entirely on the lie that there is no objective right versus wrong.

    This belief has corollaries, such as that there is no objective morality. That any opinion, viewpoint, or action is instantly and absolutely as valid (or equally as invalid) as any other, including ones that you may consider heinous. Who is anyone to judge, and, more importantly, by what standard? And that, ultimately, there is no such thing as rational thought as we humans are just higher-evolved organisms governed only by the laws of physics and chemistry, which have led to a higher-evolved instinct called intelligence. It means that the words you are reading now are not even rational thoughts; they are just blurbs of ink proceeding from the random processes of my brain that trigger responses in your brain.

    The denial of God has an unfortunate side-effect on our people, particularly those who buy into (or, tragically, the young people pushed into) woke lifestyles framed by only material interests. Suicide is often seen as a rational solution to the misery that material lifestyles and wokeness lead to. After all, why not? If there is no God, no afterlife, and no meaning, then suicide is just turning out the lights without any consequences in our meaningless world. Suicide rates are increasing in all walks of life as more and more people buy into the woke agenda.

    The United States is a post-Christian nation with no higher principles beyond whatever someone in power (or the majority of voters) decides is right. Nothing is wrong, as we can see as elites flock to Epstein’s Island (he didn’t kill himself), mental illness and sexual deviancy are codified by law as normal despite the horrendous abuse and suicide rates, and political and moral corruption are the norms.


    In a society where God is marginalized, it is easy to see how prayers have become misconstrued as a meaningless, trite expression instead of something more useful. After one of the more recent school shootings committed by a transgender leftist, a local Democrat politician said, fuck your prayers, in response to a call for prayer for healing. During the 2012 Democrat National Convention, the attendees booed the inclusion of God in the party platform. There was a time when we had a better understanding of prayer. In times of trouble, George Washington often resorted to prayer for strength and courage. Throughout our history, various presidents have called for a day of prayer to get us through troubled times. Our nation prayed together through wars, the Apollo 13 emergency, and as recently as after the attacks on September 11, 2001. God is real, and He hears your prayers. Genuine, heartfelt prayer is possibly one of the most powerful aids in Creation. We all need prayers.

    Prayers are not just a request for something or a litany of words. Prayers are a connection to God, an exercise in humility. They remind us that God’s hand is in all things. Prayers help us remember God’s love and even the consequences of our actions. Prayers help us process life, be thankful for it, and ultimately be compassionate.


    We are now in America’s version of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution or the ascendancy of the Nazis in Germany. Our nation’s updated resume includes killing innocents by the millions. Children are legally abused, trafficked, and mutilated. Political corruption is on a national scale and survives by endless propaganda. People are brainwashed through a complicit media and government-controlled education. Dissidents and undesirables are persecuted by law. National and economic policies have become warmongering and self-destructive.

    For those still clinging to our Bibles, how do we live in the new America? Churches in America are similarly fractured and have little to no common ground with each other. Some churches have fully embraced Woke. Some are on the fence. Some caved to government pressure and closed their doors to the faithful during the manufactured COVID crisis. Many refuse to address the social issues facing us and our children daily at school, work, in the news, on television, and in the movies. At its very best, the American church is a fragmented, disjointed church composed of thousands of competing voices.

    Second to prayers, a God-fearing man's most important function is to speak and act out the truth. In a quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief of propaganda, it was said that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Our society is inundated with lies. The same lies are pushed constantly through entertainment media, social media censorship, and the news media, which is virtually a propaganda arm of the Deep State. Even our churches are being co-opted or intimidated into supporting the narrative. People are in a fog, unsure of what to believe but afraid to challenge the established story. They need to hear the truth, if only so that when they are on the brink of the abyss, they can see that there is a better way.

    Glass house

    Many of my coworkers, friends, and family have made choices different from mine. And in some cases, those decisions have created sharp divides that have led to falling out with each other. It’s not worth it. First, whenever I feel like throwing rocks at my neighbor, I must remember that I live in a glass house. Sure, I made decisions that broke from the woke narrative, but how long had I been part of the establishment? How much do I still compromise to keep my place in society?

    People face awful choices in today’s world. They must follow the narrative or risk their careers and families' livelihoods. This is not an accident. One of the intended purposes of current politics is to be deliberately divisive. Please don’t fall for it. We are in this together. Support each other by telling the truth in love and genuine tolerance, i.e., showing love and compassion for others even if you can’t support their decisions or actions. Woke tolerance is just a euphemism for intolerance of anyone who doesn’t go along with the woke narrative.

    In other words, we should hate the sin but love the sinner. We are all sinners; we are in this together regardless of skin color, philosophy, or creed. Love your neighbor. Do good to those who hate you. Don’t let false narratives and divisive politics succeed.

    It is all the same issue

    One of the main points of this book is to demonstrate the interconnection between a broad range of issues. The connection begins with the fundamental worldview our nation has adopted and how that fundamental worldview is based on a lie. That falsehood tarnishes everything we do, our opinions, and how we process new information. The cultural, political, and economic crises that face America are not the problem. They are merely symptoms of the problem. And while it is generally the same people behind every single law, policy, and decision that have moved our nation away from God, they are not the problem either. In many ways, they are the chief victims of the fundamental problem: our country has abandoned God, and with Him, our foundation of rational culture and responsible governance has crumbled.

    In the first chapter of this book, we will explore the very foundation of existence and how it affects our worldview. A worldview founded in truth is the first step to understanding what is going on around you: in your family, your neighborhood, in culture, politics, current affairs, and essentially, in everything.

    Each chapter in this book addresses a single issue and how it is affected by the worldview we adopt, whether the material or rational worldview. This book covers a broad range of topics, each of which can be its own book. This is not an in-depth scholarly book. Instead, it is a primer. Consider the points from the perspectives of absolute morality and then follow up with your own research.

    I think most of us can agree that there is something amiss in Western civilization, specifically in the United States. Whether it is moral decay, political corruption, or economic decline, something isn’t working.

    In the words of my drill sergeant, stop the madness.

    Facts don’t determine right versus wrong

    In American academia and politics, we like to debate facts. We debate whether a fact is true, or in some cases, whether two mutually exclusive facts can be

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