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Secretly Yours: Vicious Snakes MC, #6
Secretly Yours: Vicious Snakes MC, #6
Secretly Yours: Vicious Snakes MC, #6
Ebook192 pages1 hour

Secretly Yours: Vicious Snakes MC, #6

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About this ebook

I was running from my ex,
because I saw something that I shouldn't have.
When I went to my grandfather for help, it opened me up to a world of possibilities.
The members of Vicious Snakes were different from the other men I had known in my life.
It took a lot of drinks and a couple drunken hook ups, but now one of them is the father of my baby.
My world became tangled with secrets and danger.
I was right at the center of it.
One biker was going to turn my world upside down.
Whether he knew it or not,
I was secretly his.

PublisherMallory Funk
Release dateApr 15, 2021
Secretly Yours: Vicious Snakes MC, #6

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    Secretly Yours - Mallory Funk



    He kisses along my jaw. I can’t help but moan when I feel him lightly bite the area between my neck and shoulder. A shudder runs through my body. I love the feeling of a bit of pain with my pleasure. I don’t know how he knows that, but that’s the last thing on my mind right now.

    Our heavy breathing fills the room as we get lost in each other.

    Fuck, he rasps out against my neck, sounding like he’s barely holding on by a thread. The feel of his breath on my skin sends yet another shudder through my body.

    He sways into me a bit, and I push him back towards the bed in his room here at the clubhouse. We both had a lot to drink tonight, but the brothers like to party. There is a party almost every week around here. I matched him shot for shot. I had wanted Crash since I had first laid eyes on him, but he never gave me the time of day. I had seen the feelings that he had for Camilla in his eyes. He wanted her, and I was off limits.

    No brothers would touch me because of who my grandfather is. My grandfather’s name around here is Stone. He is a well respected brother of the MC.

    We both fall onto the bed. I can’t help but chuckle as our kisses turn sloppy. This isn’t my first drunken hook up, especially here. I had slept with a different brother a few days ago, but that was a one-time thing and we both agreed to never speak of it again after that.

    This feels different though. I have never felt this amount of need and want for any other brother.

    Maybe it’s because I have wanted him for so long, or maybe it’s the alcohol, but these amazing sensations are not something that I’m going to question right now.

    I drunkenly try to fumble with the zipper of his jeans as he tries to take my top off but, with my hands occupied, he gives up and pushes my top down revealing my breasts. He then takes off the skirt I am wearing.

    Tonight, I was pissed off at another lecture that my grandfather was giving me earlier in the day. I couldn’t take it anymore. He had spent a lot of time away from my family growing up. I was the youngest, most rebellious child out of my three siblings. I have two sisters, and a brother who is the oldest of all of us.

    I walked into the clubhouse tonight dressed to kill in a short skirt, crop top, and way too much skin showing. My eyes locked onto Crash at the bar getting drunk. It was late enough in the night that I knew that most of the single brothers were out, and that anyone with an Old Lady was already at home with them.

    I came here to get away from shit at home including the constant disappointment from my parents and siblings, only to get the same perspective ten times worse from my grandfather; the one man that I thought would understand me. I never had a clue what I wanted to do with my life, but I thought that I had lots of time to figure it out. I’m only in my twenties. Who is to say we need to figure out life right away? I make enough to pay my bills and that should be enough.

    I try to push all thoughts of my family out of my mind and get lost in the sensation of Crash’s hands and mouth on me.

    My grandfather left for the night before I made it in the door.  I let the booze flow.  The next thing I know, I’m in Crash’s bed trying to tear his clothes off.

    There is a G-string under my skirt since I wanted easy access. I finally manage to get Crash’s pants open as he pulls my tank top even further down and sucks a nipple into his mouth.

    When he looks up at me with those glassy red eyes from too much alcohol mixed with the vibrant hue of his sexual intensity, I don’t think about what happens next. He may be drunk, but the feel of him looking at me like that makes me tremble with excitement. It makes me feel different than I have felt with anyone else.

    With our eyes locked, I sink myself down on him hard taking in everything he has to give, and he tightens his grip on my hips and lets out a loud shout at the sudden movement. His eyes are wide, but he doesn’t hesitate to grip my hips hard.

    We get lost in each other’s bodies. It feels good; no matter how drunk I am, I know how amazing this feels. Too amazing. In this moment, I don’t question why. It doesn’t take long for both of us to hit our release as we fuck each other even harder.

    When I recover from my orgasm, I look over and see that he is passed out with his pants undone, and his legs hanging off the bed. I climb off of him before I think about doing something stupid like passing out right next to him.

    I look into the mirror beside his bed to make sure that I don’t look like I just got fucked. My hair is a complete mess because of Crash holding onto it as he fucked me. That will be an easy tell.

    I do my best to fix it, but there is nothing that I can do to hide what happened here. Hopefully I can sneak out with minimal people seeing me. Preferably I can sneak out of here without anyone at all seeing me...

    As soon as I walk out the door, the room across the hall opens.

    Kid is pulling a shirt on as a club whore is walking right behind him. I can’t help but smirk.

    Have fun there? I say with a wink.

    He smirks right back at me. Probably as much as you just did.

    I can’t help but chuckle.

    The club whore walks toward the main room. I guess she could tell when she was not needed anymore.

    Well, I should get going before anyone else sees me and reports it back to my grandfather, I say.

    Alright. Take care, Demi, he says in a gruff voice.

    Thankfully, I walk out of the clubhouse without anyone else bothering me.

    Chapter One


    Five weeks later...

    I’m throwing up again. It’s the fourth time this week that I have started vomiting out of the blue. I don’t feel sick, but some smells make me want to hurl.

    There’s another party at the clubhouse, but there are different charters here. I came here as Stone’s granddaughter. I’m wearing a shirt that says Property of Stone. It’s not the same as an Old Lady cut, but it’s something for other bikers who aren’t from around here to know that I am family; not a club whore looking for a good time.

    I can’t help but let out a groan as another wave hits me and I throw up a bunch of bile. Fuck that shit hurts.

    The door opens. I guess I forgot to lock it. I turn my head to smile at whoever walks in.

    Honey, are you okay? Krista says with concern in her eyes.

    I can’t help when my eyes fill up with tears and my lips tremble when I answer. No, and I don’t think I will be okay.

    Oh honey, what’s wrong? You can talk to us, Ella says, coming to rub my back.

    I never thought I would be in the situation where I have to ask this: You guys don’t happen to have a pregnancy test, do you?

    Well... actually we do, Krista says grabbing her purse. I happen to have a few, she says pulling out a bunch of boxes. Wow, no wonder she was carrying a big purse.

    My eyes get wide when I see how many she bought. It dawns on me that someone else also thinks that they might be pregnant.

    I see a bunch of excitement when Camilla says that she is the one who is questioning whether or not she is pregnant.

    Can you guys at least turn around? I say dryly. They all laugh and turn around while we get the tests done.

    I have a feeling that I already know what it’s going to say.

    As much as I wish it wasn’t, I have a feeling that it’s going to come out positive.

    I ignore their conversation as I stare at my test willing it to be negative.

    Tears well in my eyes as a second line appears. It’s not faint or anything making it pretty clear that I’m definitely pregnant.

    Well, even if you aren’t; I am, I say when a sob escapes my throat.

    I never wanted it to happen this way. I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to have kids.

    Plus, I’m not sure who the father is.

    Not only am I unsure who the father is, but also my grandfather is definitely going to kill me.

    The one rule he gave me was to not have sex with any of his brothers. I went against his rule thinking that I knew better and to prove to myself and him that he couldn’t tell me what to do.

    I watch as they chase after Camilla when she runs out of the room.

    I don’t follow except to go sit with my grandfather. I don’t say anything but lean against him. He puts his arm around me, but I don’t think that he realizes that I’m in need of comforting right now.

    Everything becomes a commotion when it’s announced that Camilla and Torch are having a baby. I just barely manage a small smile for them because it’s hard to considering my own situation.

    I look across the room and see Kid laughing with a few brothers having a beer. He may have been young when he first started, but you couldn’t say that about him now. He’s tall with a lean build. I’ve seen him spend a few hours a day in the gym they have set up here at the club.

    When Crash walks up to him and they start bullshitting together, I can’t help but feel terrified.

    One of those two men got me pregnant. I have a good idea of which one it probably is, but I’m not sure how to go about telling them.

    I turn my head before they catch me looking at them.

    I think I’m going to head home, I whisper.

    Alright kiddo. Let me walk you out. Make sure none of these assholes touches my grandbaby, he says as he gets up.

    I want to laugh at his words. If only he knew that two of them did more than touch his grandbaby. In fact, one of them had gotten his grandbaby pregnant.

    I have gotten myself into some shit in the past, but getting impregnated by a member of my grandfather’s MC is definitely up there.

    When we get to my car, he looks at me and narrows his eyes for a moment before speaking. You good?

    I nod my head after a moment of hesitation.

    You know if you need me, I’m here. That’s why you came to me, he says.

    I give him a weak smile and wrap my arms around his waist. I’m fine, grandpa. I just have a lot going on in my head right now.

    He lets out a grunt. You let me know if you are ready to tell me why you ran, you hear?

    I nod my head into his chest, but I don’t have the heart to tell him why.

    I have made some fucked up choices in the past, but I can’t come to terms with what I did.

    This is what happens when you trust the wrong man.

    You end up running to the only man that you know can keep you safe.

    Even if he doesn’t realise it.

    Sooner or later though, everyone is going to find out why I came here. I needed to hide where no one could follow me, and I wanted to choose a place where my family would know that I was fine and safe.

    The problem is that I don’t think I will ever be safe.


    Crash (Sebastian)

    I let out a groan as I roll over to my back and rub a hand over my face.

    Everyone partied hard last night after finding out that Camilla was pregnant. Camilla and Torch left shortly after that, but I’m guessing that they were having their own celebrations all night long.

    My brother Torch had lucked out with that woman. I would have loved to have called her my Old Lady, but I knew that she only had eyes for him. I had just been hopeful that maybe she would look at me the same way.

    With lots of my brothers falling in love, I started to want what they had. They were all happy and had someone to come home to.

    I lived alone at my house a few blocks away from the club. I was abandoned as a baby and I never really had a family until I met the Vicious Snakes.

    I had already heard a lot of bad shit about motorcycle clubs but, when I met the Vicious Snakes, I had found a brother beaten almost to death in an alley behind the gym I was working at.

    Normally I would have ignored it, but I had to check if he was breathing.

    The heartbeat was faint, and I called an ambulance right away. I wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to do, but I

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