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Bite of the Wolf: The Coven (Book Two): The Coven, #2
Bite of the Wolf: The Coven (Book Two): The Coven, #2
Bite of the Wolf: The Coven (Book Two): The Coven, #2
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Bite of the Wolf: The Coven (Book Two): The Coven, #2

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An innocent beauty… a man trapped in a spell… and the curse that separates them.

In a bid to break the curse, Mercedes Spencer and her friends enlist the help of vampires, who have taken up residence at the Rhapsody Estate, but can these bloodsuckers be trusted? The beast in the woods offers up a tantalizing distraction, Mercedes learning his identity, which makes their secret relationship even more shocking.

PublisherVirginia Wade
Release dateDec 17, 2016
Bite of the Wolf: The Coven (Book Two): The Coven, #2

Virginia Wade

Virginia Wade is the bestselling author of erotica and erotic romance. Known for her Monster Sex series, the Cum For Bigfoot saga, she has penned tales in a variety of subjects, such as a modern, naughty retelling of Jane Austen's most popular novels and a series on lusty Vikings, in Cum For The Viking, parts 1-5. She has explored sex in outer space with Bred by the Alien and taken readers on a journey to ancient Rome in Conquest of the Gladiator. A mother of two, and a wife, she realized a lifelong dream of writing and publishing after her oldest child graduated from high school. Earlier forays into self-publishing yielded few sales, but the experience and knowledge gained were immeasurable. Once she dipped her toes in erotica, with the publication of Seducing Jennifer, which has now been titled, Jennifer's Anal Seduction, the possibility of success presented itself, as the story found a home in the Erotica Top 100. Her second story, Stacy and the Boys, also rocketed up the charts, reinforcing the idea that writing in this genre was not only fun, but also profitable. An idea to write a campy, teen horror-fest, with a Sasquatch protagonist, led to the creation of Cum For Bigfoot, which is essentially a series of stories spanning several years in the lives of a tribe of Bigfoots and their human lovers. The silliness, the romance, and the sex struck a chord with readers, who enjoyed the adventures of Porsche, Shelly, and Leslie, while the kidnapped teens came to love their hairy abductors. The series is now on its fourteenth installment, with more to follow. Cum For Bigfoot was featured in the October 2012 issue of Penthouse Magazine. The article, Paranormal Porn, was written by Nick Redfern. Visit my web page at

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    Bite of the Wolf - Virginia Wade


    After having dinner and meeting Sasha Sullivan in the bathroom of Gary’s Pizza, I returned home to find my Aunt, Connie Spencer, in the kitchen. She wore a pretty purple dress, her hair braided down her back.

    There you are. She slipped a phone into her purse.

    Are you going somewhere? The cat, Floozy, rubbed against my leg. Hey, cat. I bent to pet her.

    My boss is having a party.

    On a Sunday night?

    It’s for a client, but, yes. I won’t be out too long.

    A brief storm had blown over, the smell of wet earth and asphalt lingering, with droplets of water on the window. Okay. Cordelia and Paulina promised to do some research on witches, hoping the Internet wasn’t out again. Have fun.

    Please lock the doors when I’m gone.

    We had little theft in town, but there had been some strange missing persons reports over the last few months, with a few grizzly deaths. I will.

    She gave me a quick once-over. You’ve done something to yourself, Mercedes. I don’t know what it is, but you look so different.

    Make-up. She would never understand what really happened, that a ghost of a witch had cast a spell on me, making me a witch as well. The same had happened to Cordelia and Paulina, all of us looking new and improved, prettier versions of our formally dull selves.

    What’s that look? She smiled. You’re thinking about something.

    My own sarcastic thoughts, Aunt Connie.

    All right. I need to go. You ate, right?

    Yes, pizza.

    She moved past me. Watch over Floozy. Don’t let her out tonight. It’s wet, and I don’t want her coming in with dirty paws.

    Will do. I opened a cabinet to get a glass. Have a good night.

    I’m really trying hard to score a date outta this, she giggled. As she ventured down the hallway, I thought I heard, I really need to get laid.

    My aunt was an attractive woman, having been single since her divorce. She did not date much, but perhaps her luck was about to change? I glanced out the window above the kitchen sink, seeing an expanse of grass meeting up with the woods. I thought about my beastly lover, the creature I had encountered a few days ago … after being spelled by a witch. He had taken my virginity, and I now knew who he was—our esteemed, missing principal. I still could not believe that had actually happened.

    Where are you tonight, Finn? I felt an urge to go out there … as I had last night, making love to him in his cave. But, I promised to do research. With that in mind, I went to the bedroom, closing the door and turning on Pandora, listening to music. I sat on the bed with the laptop, but quickly discovered the Internet unavailable, no connection. This damn town! We never had reliable Internet.

    Changing into a nightgown and brushing my teeth, I paced the bedroom, thinking about everything that had happened, and feeling far too restless. I shouldn’t go out there. Not another … night. But I wanted to … yearning for the feel of him, all hairy beast parts and man. Shit!

    Something tapping caught my notice, the sound coming from downstairs. I left the room, wandering down the darkened hallway to the back stairs, ending up in the kitchen, where only the under-mounted lights were on beneath the cabinets. At the door, I saw what I had been lusting for, Finn standing there in his fearsome form, luminescent eyes flashing behind the glass of the door. My heart leapt into my throat. It was a good thing Connie wasn’t here; otherwise she would have a stroke.

    Opening the door, I smelled him first, the stench of wet fur, which stunk like dog. Man, that’s potent. Raspy breathing filled the air, while his eyes bore into me. Hello, Finn. He couldn’t speak, I knew, but he had the ability to write, despite the thick, lengthy claws on each hand. You’re lucky my aunt’s not here. She’d have a coronary.

    From the waist up, he looked like a vision from a nightmare, his body covered in thick, matted fur. His height had me tilting my chin up to meet his eyes, which flashed in a predatory light, his breathing even raspier now. Having been in the woods in the rain, his bare legs and feet were covered in mud and leaves. If I let him in, he would mess up the house.

    Grrr … he growled with impatience.

    Wait, I’m thinking. You’ll drag in dirt. I could get him in the bath and wash him. I found that thought humorous, thinking of the were-creature as a pet, something that needed grooming, and he certainly did. Shit. He would make the floor dirty, but perhaps I could clean it all up before Connie came back. Holding the door open, I said, Come in, but don’t touch anything. You need a bath, buddy.

    He grunted in reply, stepping into the kitchen, but he had to lower his head to get through the door. His face and shoulders were far too large, looking like a wolf on steroids, his snout black. I closed the door behind him, the smell of wet fur lingering in the room.

    Follow me. I hoped he would agree about the bath, eyeing his throbbing manhood apprehensively. We’ll get to that in a bit, but you’re really disgusting, Finn. I’m sorry to have to be so blunt, but … eh, yeah. You need a bath, man.

    A snort left him, his eyes flashing.

    I’ll take that as a yes. Come on.

    We took to the stairs, Finn thumping behind me, his weight substantial. I remembered him from his human form, how handsome he was, and me having a schoolgirl crush. Then something had happened to him, disappearing over eighty days ago, until the night I encountered him in the woods in this beastly form. So many weird things had happened lately.

    In the bathroom, Finn had to stoop to fit, his hairy head touching the ceiling. Get in, please. Connie’s garden tub was larger than mine, and she had a detaching nozzle, so I could hose him down properly. Sit, please.

    He grunted in reply, clambering into the tub awkwardly, his claws on the plastic rim making scratching sounds. I turned on the water, feeling the

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