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Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity: 11 Keys to Conscious Leadership and Leaving a Worthy Legacy
Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity: 11 Keys to Conscious Leadership and Leaving a Worthy Legacy
Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity: 11 Keys to Conscious Leadership and Leaving a Worthy Legacy
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity: 11 Keys to Conscious Leadership and Leaving a Worthy Legacy

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About this ebook

Contemplate where you are in your life right now. Are you in charge of your reality, feeling alive, and in full control of your mind, body, and spirit? Or are you fighting the battles of life, still trying to figure out who you are, what you really want and why

Release dateJun 6, 2024
Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity: 11 Keys to Conscious Leadership and Leaving a Worthy Legacy


Paulina Stankiewicz is the founder and CEO of Paulina Stankiewicz C-suite Coaching, a world-class leadership coach for CEOs. She has dedicated her career to helping her clients ignite iconic presence and personal power so that they can scale up with ease and build a legacy that lasts.Paulina brings a broad leadership experience of 15+ years working with Fortune 100 companies that, paired with her intuition and talent for spotting patterns, helps her clients achieve unprecedented impact.Her passion for creating a change in the world goes back to her childhood in Poland, where she grew up experiencing firsthand a communist regime. In a country where diversity and opportunities were slim and where no one dared to go against the establishment, she was unique in that she knew she wanted more. This created in her a passion and drive to make dreams come true. By working hard, she realized many of her own dreams, such as traveling to the USA when she was 20 years old and seeing Michael Jordan play live, or recently stepping out of the rat race and into a heart-led career and exponentially growing her business through the application of the processes outlined in this book.Paulina currently volunteers and supports two organizations focusing on career coaching and client strategy development.Her coaching qualifications include Co-Active Training Institute & CPCC Certification, PCC Certification from ICF and CPQC certification with Positive Intelligence. She also holds an Executive MBA with accreditation from Erasmus University and a master's degree in Insurance Statistics (Actuary).Through her commitment to serving her clients, she has also undertaken a magnitude of coaching and training courses with world-class leaders, such as Bob Proctor, Neale Donald Walsch, and Tony Robbins, and is a member of Tony's prestigious community, Platinum Partnership.

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    Wake Up - Do the Work - Save Humanity - Stankiewicz

    Wake Up

    Do The Work

    Save Humanity

    Key icon

    11 Keys to Conscious Leadership and Leaving a Worthy Legacy

    Paulina Stankiewicz

    Wake Up – Do the Work – Save Humanity

    Published in the Netherlands 2024

    Paperback ISBN 978-9-083416-30-4

    eBook ISBN 978-9-083416-31-1

    Copyright © Paulina Stankiewicz, 2024

    The moral right of Paulina Stankiewicz to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Dutch Copyright Act.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.

    Publishing partnership with The Writing House

    Cover design by Kieron Lewis

    Typesetting by The Book Typesetters

    The names and circumstances of clients’ stories have been changed to protect their identity and their privacy.

    To my loving parents,

    who gave me the gift of learning




    Waking Up

    Key 1: Be Your Own Person

    Key 2: Your Big Bold Vision – What Do You Really Want?

    Key 3: Your Biggest Opponent is the Saboteurs Inside You

    Key 4: Staying Power and Making It Happen

    Key 5: Contrast – The Key to Understanding Creation

    Key 6: Surrender with Intention and Commitment

    Key 7: The Importance of Identity

    Key 8: Proximity is Power – Surround Yourself with Like-minded People

    Key 9: The Importance of Your Support System – Your Economic Village and Your Cosmic Team

    Key 10: Life is a Journey to Enjoy

    Key 11: How to Keep it Alive – The Power of Your Values and Rituals

    Final Word – You Can and You Will

    Take This Work to the Next Level


    About the Author


    by Neale Donald Walsch

    There’s a door you’re standing in front of, whether you think of it this way or not. It is the door to your happiest, most wonderful, more fulfilling future. The problem is, that door is held shut by multiple locks. And most people don’t know where to find the keys. You are not, however, one of them. The keys are now in your hands.

    If I had read this book in the midst of my years encountering life’s struggles, I’m sure much of that struggle would have disappeared from my experience. If you are finding yourself in the midst of life struggles, you can thank yourself for having found your way to the words that Paulina Stankiewicz shares here. These are not just words. They are Insights. Clues. Pointers. Guides. Or, to use Pauline’s term: Keys.

    But there’s more here than powerful help. There’s a powerful call for help from you. For you are not the only one struggling right now. The World Entire is in the midst of some of the biggest challenges it has ever faced.

    Who would have imagined that one-fourth of the way into the 21st Century we would still be trying to figure out how to stop over 650 of our species’ children from dying every hour of starvation? Who would have predicted that our civilization would find it impossible to get one drop of pure water to 1.7 billion people; that 1.6 billion people – a quarter of humanity – would still be living without electricity; that nearly twice that number would still have to exist without basic sanitation?

    Perhaps more urgently, who was guessing 100 years ago that our civilization would today be moving closer to, rather than further from, nuclear war? Have we learned nothing? Have we evolved not at all?

    Well, in fact, we have. We are simply not demonstrating it. And that’s where you come in. Because if you agree that humanity could, and should, be doing better at being civilized at this stage in our development – and if you know, deep inside, that your own life could, and should, be going better than it has been – there is something important and immediate that you can do about it. Pick up the keys and open the door to the future of which you have dreamed, for which we have all hoped and prayed.

    Our challenge is to awaken ourselves, and nudge the sleepwalkers who make up so many of our companions on this journey, removing ourselves from, and ending, our long global nightmare. We can do this. This is not impossible. All we have to do is reach critical mass in the number of us who are willing to undertake the effort.

    Are we willing to be the beings we are capable of being? Are we willing – as Pauline Stankiewicz invites, urges, and encourages on these pages – to wake up, do the work, and save humanity? If your answer is yes, you’ll find keys with which to open that door, right here.

    Neale Donald Walsch

    January 2024


    I was challenged to write this book by my spiritual mentor, Neale Donald Walsch. If you do not know Neale, read his Conversations with God series or any of his forty books. I came across his work first during the Thinking into Results program by Bob Proctor. We read and studied Neale’s book Happier than God, which I could not recommend more. Later, I was guided to join Neale’s Spiritual Mentor Program.

    As part of the program, I had an opportunity to speak to Neale in one-on-one conversations over Zoom, and you probably will not believe me, but it was like talking to God. Neale has a powerful, calming presence I have not seen or felt in anyone else. He starts every call with a big smile and a ‘tell me everything’ … and you do want to tell him everything!

    During our second conversation, I asked for business advice regarding a challenge I faced. What he told me was mind-blowing. He said that maybe it was not the time. He paused and then paused some more and then said that I should first finish my book. What? How did he know I was thinking of writing a book? And what did he mean by finish? I hadn’t even started!

    My body told me there was truth in his words – I felt goosebumps all over and a powerful wave of energy. In the next twenty minutes, I came up with this title, which he confirmed by exclaiming, ‘I see it!’ I then committed to bringing my message to this world.

    I felt extremely supported by Neale. He cared about me writing this book, but not for me. Oh no … he cared about this because of humanity. He wanted to call me to action, to do my part in changing the world … an incredible soul.

    I felt the calling, and exactly three days later I started to write. I attended a group call where Neale was answering everyone’s questions and felt so much gratitude that tears fell down my face. Even though the call ended at 10pm and my second batch of laundry was waiting for me in the other room, I kept writing.

    At this point, most of me still doesn’t think anyone will read this book, my book. My inner voices are saying: Who do you think you are? and How dare you think that you could write a book, and someone would want to read it willingly?

    Have you ever experienced this? You want to do something that feels important, but then your inner voices activate. They ask, Why bother? or What will people think? or they deliver some other bullshit and you back off.

    I was never considered to be good at writing. In school, I was boxed as great at math and not that good at the Polish language, except for this one year when I was interested in the topics discussed in the literature of the positivism period. That was when I could write well and impress my teacher. It makes sense that when there is passion, there is capability. If the heart is in it, the direction and guidance follow.

    The same will be true for you. The only reason you may experience not being good at something is because you are probably not passionate about it, and you are now having to push yourself, instead of being pulled by it. When we find what we love, we become masterful and impactful.

    Where are you in your life right now? Are you creating your reality and in full control of your mind, body, and spirit, or are you fighting the battles of life, still trying to figure out what’s wrong with you and why others seem to possess what you do not? If it’s the latter, don’t worry – most people are in this bucket. And the solution is in your hands.

    The message of this book is simple: Wake up. Do the work. Save humanity.

    My intention is to help you wake up. Because most humans are still asleep … and the world needs us all to wake the f*** up!

    We have created many wonderful things in today’s world, and many disastrous things too. When I say we, I mean leaders, because it is us leading humanity toward these outcomes. You may get angry and say it is not true because you wouldn’t create these terrible things. I hear you, and I don’t say that we have consciously created these outcomes, but we did create this reality … well, some among us did.

    I believe it is time to take responsibility for our creation and shift our thinking to create new outcomes where children are taken care of no matter where they are in the world, where they are not bullied in schools, and where people love and respect each other. The world needs changing and the only way to change it is through our minds and consciousness.

    What we think, we create, don’t we?

    So, in this book I offer you 11 Keys to discovering how to do the work to save humanity. As you have picked up this book, I’m sure you will agree that humanity needs saving. We don’t need to go to the United Nations and read the list of global issues to know this – it’s enough to look around or turn on the news.

    When we take a look at the culture of organizations globally, according to a 2023 Gallup Report, employee engagement is only at twenty-three percent, and most employees are quiet quitting – almost six in ten employees fall into this category. The overall situation of low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion dollars, which represents nine percent of global GDP. And forty-four percent of employees report daily stress, a top cause of health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety. So, in other words, forty-four percent of employees worldwide are experiencing these problems just because they go to work! A new urgency, attention, and commitment to leadership is needed.

    Humanity is not doing great. This is good news for high achievers as there is plenty to work with … and it starts with me and you. It really does. We do not have to be billionaires to act. We have the power. All of us. Without exception. And it begins with these 11 Keys.

    Waking Up

    I didn’t always believe that we could do much to change the world. I was quite unaware, asleep, really. And I blamed others for everything bad happening around me. I never saw how I could really impact anything …

    During the fifteen years of my corporate career, I was placed in leadership roles, which most of the time were just managerial roles, because, frankly, I had no clue how to be a leader … and no one could teach me because most of my bosses also had no clue. As I continued my leadership journey and personal development, I got better at it mainly because of multiple corporate training courses, lots of observation of how not to act,

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