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The Hidden Power of Names: Using the Ancient Science of Nameology to Understand Yourself, Discover Your Life's Destiny, and Unlock Your Full Potential
The Hidden Power of Names: Using the Ancient Science of Nameology to Understand Yourself, Discover Your Life's Destiny, and Unlock Your Full Potential
The Hidden Power of Names: Using the Ancient Science of Nameology to Understand Yourself, Discover Your Life's Destiny, and Unlock Your Full Potential
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The Hidden Power of Names: Using the Ancient Science of Nameology to Understand Yourself, Discover Your Life's Destiny, and Unlock Your Full Potential

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What hidden secrets, codes, and profound messages are concealed within the letters of your name?

The Hidden Power of Names invites you to explore the mysteries and transformative power of the Hebrew alphabet. This first installment of an enlightening trilogy delves into the hidden energies encoded within each H

Release dateSep 6, 2024
The Hidden Power of Names: Using the Ancient Science of Nameology to Understand Yourself, Discover Your Life's Destiny, and Unlock Your Full Potential

Angela Robyinson

Angela Robyinson is a renowned scholar of Kabbalah, numerologist, author, and international speaker with over 23 years of experience in numerology, nameology (onomastics), and Kabbalistic teachings. She holds an honors degree in Behavioral Sciences with specializations in Psychology, Holistic Psychotherapy, and Life and Career Coaching, as well as a master's degree in Sociology and Anthropology with a focus on Organizational Consulting. Angela is certified in numerology, the secret power of letters, the 72 Names of God, Theta Healing, Reiki, and guided imagery.Angela began her professional journey in human resources and finance. After achieving significant success in the corporate world, she chose to leave it behind to pursue a spiritual path. She settled in Mount Shasta, California, where she dedicated seven years to deep spiritual practices. During this transformative period, she wrote books exploring the mystical and practical aspects of letters, names, numerology, and Kabbalistic teachings.In her book, The Hidden Power of Names, the first in the "22 Codes of Creation" trilogy, Angela shares profound insights from Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) and offers advanced onomastic analyses. This book provides readers with practical tools to decipher the hidden messages and codes within their names.Angela is a mother and a grandmother. She continues to consult, lead international workshops, and guide individuals worldwide. Her work helps people uncover their true selves and realize their soul's potential through profound insights into the power of their names and birth dates.

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    The Hidden Power of Names - Angela Robyinson


    Tracing the Origins of the Letters

    The source from which I gained much wisdom and understanding regarding the secret of the letters and the wisdom contained within them is Kabbalah, also known as the Secret Doctrine or the theory of Kabbalah. However, the source that provided the inspiration and framework for my writing is Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation.

    The theory of Kabbalah is entirely based on Sefer Yetzirah and is essentially its development and expansion. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the Secret Doctrine has existed since the dawn of mankind. Kabalistic practitioners assert that the knowledge found in Sefer Yetzirah has its origins in advanced extraterrestrial civilizations whose purpose is to aid in humanity's development. I strongly resonate with this assertion.

    Sefer Yetzirah constitutes the human expression of the soul. It presents humans as the origin of divine creation and deals with the cosmological aspects of creation. The book is written as a meditative text and contains magical clues of great significance. A text that fills the reader with wonder, mystery, and insights.

    Throughout generations, Sefer Yetzirah has been subject to various interpretations by philosophers, Jewish sages, Christian theologians, and numerous others. Some sources suggest that this philosophical and mystical text was also known to the Essenes, members of a Jewish philosophical sect from the Second Temple period, who studied The Torah and its secrets meticulously.

    Certain sources even suggest that Sefer Yetzirah was familiar to the Pythagoreans, adherents of the school founded by the illustrious mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, who utilized the numerical part of this knowledge. Moreover, some sources imply that certain parts of Sefer Yetzirah were interpreted in the ancient Hindu scriptures known as the Vedas, written in Sanskrit.

    The book Sefer Yetzirah is not easy to comprehend. It is written like a cryptic scroll, and deciphering its content requires seriousness, deep insight, and much meditation. What helped me understand this secretive scroll was the training I received over approximately three decades, which included various spiritual techniques. However, more than anything else, it was my numerous meditations with these sacred letters that aided me in connecting with their profound wisdom.

    Sefer Yetzirah indicates that in order to create the world, the Supreme Creator harnessed the gematrical, phonetic, graphic, and geometric properties of the Hebrew letters. In essence, these twenty-two sacred letters encapsulate the divine energies and principles that brought the world into existence. They also serve as the means by which we shape the reality of our lives on the earthly plane.

    The theory of Kabbalah extends this understanding, indicating that the genetic coding of the human DNA comprises twenty-two distinct codes of various light ciphers that operate within humans as seeds of consciousness². Through understanding and deciphering these seeds, one gains access to higher states of consciousness and spiritual awakening.

    Sefer Yetzirah was written with the intention of providing mankind with principles that would lead them to evolutionary development. I hypothesize that to make it easier for us to understand, the author of Sefer Yetzirah linked the forces of nature acting upon us with the inner soul forces acting within us by correlating the letters to the elements, planets, and zodiac signs. This correlation facilitates a more accessible understanding of the distinctive character and attributes associated with each Hebrew letter.

    What the theory of Kabbalah revealed to humankind thousands of years ago is only now being substantiated through advanced science, particularly within the realm of quantum physics, where mathematical and empirical evidence is emerging to support these ancient insights.

    As I underscore throughout my writings, while the physical body is temporary, the soul is eternal. When the soul chooses to manifest itself in earthly existence, it constructs a personal blueprint, often referred to as the soul contract. Within this contract, the soul delineates its soul script—a narrative of what it aspires to achieve during its earthly journey, including who it intends to meet, the wisdom it aims to acquire, and the souls it will engage in the intricate dance of life.

    These souls, also known as soulmates and twin flames, often incarnate as family members, lovers, partners, friends, colleagues, and more. The soul contract specifies the junctures in time when it will encounter these soul members, as well as the scenarios or catalysts that will guide it toward actions that bring it closer to learning its personal lessons and fulfilling its spiritual purpose. Although this soul contract is initially predetermined, we are in a process of spiritual evolution. Therefore, we can consciously evolve and either rewrite or change parts of our soul contract, making a sort of script correction.

    Invitation to a Journey

    Our journey will commence by delving into the essence of Hebrew letters, unraveling their origins, understanding their uniqueness, and the pivotal role they play in the creation process. From there, we will embark on an exploration of the significance harbored within our given name and surname, understanding the inherent power it holds and the multifaceted intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and practical potential it carries. We will learn to comprehend the structure of our name and the strengths and weaknesses attributed to each letter.

    Additionally, we will focus on the various subdivisions of the letters, each offering a wealth of information and insights. These insights will furnish you with the tools needed to harness the letters of your name for the purpose of personal development, thereby allowing you to manifest your highest and most benevolent potential. Through this process, you will not only align yourself with the reality you aspire to inhabit but also summon forth miracles and wonders in your earthly journey.

    As we traverse this journey, you will unveil your unique temperament, the inner driving force that propels you, and the authentic desires nestled within your heart. You will learn to recognize the constructive and inhibiting aspects of your personality, along with the way you tend to unconsciously perceive the world, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of your life experiences. Moreover, you will unearth the latent powers of your soul, a revelation that will equip you with the insight necessary to effectively and precisely employ these powers. This, in turn, will enable you to foster loving, compassionate, and harmonious relationships, not only with others but also within yourself.

    The information presented in this book will reveal to you your inherent tendencies, the bedrock of your fundamental beliefs, and the energetic forces that influence and drive you hypnotically and subconsciously. By learning the power embedded within the letters of your name, you will come to recognize the extent to which your name provides you with roots, anchors, and grounding, as well as with wings that enable you to soar, elevate, and move forward toward the realization of your dreams.

    We are the ones we have been waiting for. Each and every one of us carries within the consciousness of the Messiah. Let us embark on this exploration together. And just like any journey, we will begin with the first step: understanding the true and profound essence of the letters.


    ² Seeds of consciousness is a term used in spiritual and philosophical contexts to describe the fundamental and unmanifested level of awareness from which all thoughts, emotions, and experiences emerge. Seed consciousness symbolizes the core of awareness before it takes specific forms in our conscious experience. These seeds of consciousness are encoded within the human DNA and serve as the fundamental patterns for the development of human consciousness and spiritual awareness. They represent the potential for inner growth and enlightenment, akin to the idea that through understanding and unlocking these codes, individuals can access higher states of consciousness and spiritual awakening.


    The Essence of the Letters

    "With thirty-two mystical paths of wisdom, engraved Yah, the lord of hosts, his universe with three books: text, number and communication."

    Safer Yetzirah, Chapter 1, Verse 1

    The secret power of letters and names is rooted in the ancient Hebrew text known as Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation or The Book of Formation. Sefer Yetzirah begins with a verse narrating the story of the creation of the universe and its existence. It reveals that the formation of our universe was accomplished through thirty-two paths of wondrous wisdom, which are the twenty-two Hebrew letters and the ten divine spheres. These pathways constitute the building blocks of the universe and the foundation for its essential components of divine creation.

    Sefer Yetzirah delves deeply into these remarkable paths of wisdom and the various ways through which God, the supreme divinity, is revealed to us. According to it, our reality is composed of a system of numerical numbers and Hebrew letters, their inherent qualities, their gematrical value, their energetic light frequencies, and the resonant sounds they create.

    In order to create the different worlds, the supreme creator first formed energetic vessels possessing both spiritual and physical power. These vessels contain within them light frequencies, vibrations, sounds, and numerical-mathematical values. Through the energetic blueprint of these vessels, it is possible to create anything in the universe and existence and to impart life to it. These vessels are none other than the constituent letters from which the Hebrew language, known as The Holy Language, is composed. A language that is considered to be the original language of humanity.

    The Hebrew language is called The Holy Language, as the Hebrew letters constitute the building blocks of the physical world in which we live and exist. They contain the spiritual root of all possibilities of creation and have the ability to create different realities through the encoded ciphers encrypted in them.

    The Hebrew language is a coded language. Each letter signifies a specific amount of light that penetrates it based on its graphic pattern. It also embodies a certain quality according to its gematrical value and emits a vibrational frequency that resonates with its sound when pronounced. Moreover, each letter carries unique energy and its distinct fortune, which it radiates outward (from inside to outside) or magnetically attracts toward itself, drawing in equivalent energy in return (from outside to inside). This coded light information provides us with insights into our physics, genetics, and morphogenetics³.

    Since the mysterious story of the Tower of Babel, where the original language was distorted and different languages emerged, the wisdom and profundity of the Hebrew letters have been forgotten. This hidden wisdom, which remained dormant for thousands of years, is being gradually rediscovered in recent times by those on a spiritual path.

    One way to understand how the vibrational frequencies of these letters operate within a person is by exploring the fields of natural science. In physics, for instance, the structure of every atom consists of a central nucleus surrounded by rapidly moving electrons, creating intense internal activity. Similarly, in the context of the Holy language, when one letter connects with another, it forms a word and an energetic vibrational frequency. When these words combine to form sentences, they create a vibrational resonance.

    In the metaphysics⁴ of the universe, nothing is random, including the selection of an individual’s birth name. The act of naming a child is not just a formality; it marks the initial step in embracing the self-identity that the child will carry throughout their life journey. It also signifies the spiritual and practical role they are destined to fulfill.

    In the Talmud⁵, it is said, To every person, there is a name, and this assertion is not in vain. A name is one of the most important tools a person has. It functions as a tool that grants the individual an insight into their human essence, similar to an ID card that can be deciphered by interpreting the hidden code within its constituent letters. The purpose of a name is to provide the individual with an understanding of their spiritual potential, including their talents, abilities, and the energetic power at their disposal to realize this spiritual potential.

    However, before delving into a deep understanding of the uniqueness and power of the Hebrew letters in the creation process, it is important to first understand what a letter is.

    What is a Letter?

    A letter is an energetic pulse and electromagnetic frequency. Each letter operates within us similarly to our heartbeat (the expansion and contraction) and our breathing (inhalation and exhalation).

    Each letter encapsulates the energy of an event and a corresponding response. Thus, the letters in our names describe the internal processes we undergo, from the moment we encounter an event triggered by internal or external stimuli to our eventual response.

    In Hebrew, the term for letter , composed of the letters Alef (A), Vav (V), and Tav (T), carries a meaningful interpretation. The letter Alef represents the initial energy of the event, Vav symbolizes the interpretive energy that judges the event, and Tav signifies the resultant response energy. So, in fact, this interpretative judgment within the human mind⁶ is what creates the psychophysiological response.

    Diagram 2: Letter-Action

    A letter and another letter create an energetic pulse that activates both the internal and external environment, producing an event. This event, sparks the emergence of words within us, leading to thoughts. As we think in words, these lead to judgmental interpretations, which in turn trigger emotions. These emotions drive our responses, whether as physical actions or verbal expressions. Once initiated, this response stimulates further events, creating a continuous cycle, until we develop a deeper personal awareness and understanding of this process.

    The spoken word possesses immense power. In the Genesis creation stories, divine creation began with the words Let there be light.

    Within the Hebrew word letter , the word you is concealed. Reversing these letters yields the word cell , a fundamental unit of all living organisms, symbolizing the micro within the macro. The human body comprises trillions of cells.

    The word cell, concealed within the word letter, echoes the idea that just as cells are the fundamental building blocks of living organisms, letters are the building blocks of human communication and thought. A profound understanding of letters can unveil deep knowledge and insights, illustrating the interconnectedness of various aspects of the world and human experience, both macro and micro.

    As previously mentioned, the Hebrew language is an encoded language where the interplay of lights (the letters) imparts insight into the secrets inherent in specific words. This concept will become clearer as you continue reading.

    The Uniqueness of the Hebrew Letters

    The uniqueness of the Hebrew letters is expressed in several ways. The first is their structure. Hebrew letters are constructed like a funnel, resembling the shape of a pyramid. This structure helps us understand how the spiritual divine forces operate in the world and the human soul, how thoughts are formed in our minds, and how we can attract spiritual and material abundance into our lives.

    Diagram 3: The Pyramid of Letters

    Three Spiritual Divine Forces - AMSh

    The first category of letters, positioned at the top of the pyramid, represents the Three Spiritual Divine Forces that constitute, sustain and drive the universe forward. These profound divine forces present both in the world and within the human soul are represented by the letters Alef, Mem, and Shin, also known as AMSh .

    These three letters signify the cosmic law that states that every phenomenon comprises three forces: active, passive, and neutral; positive, negative, and neutral. These three forces, present in everything within the universe and existence, are expressed in all structures and processes.

    Seven Mind Forces - BGD-CPRT

    The second category of letters, positioned at the center of the pyramid, represents the Seven Mind Forces that shape human reality. These mind forces, which drive human action or resistance, activate the law of cause and effect and like attracts like. These seven mind forces are represented by the letters Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Caf, Peh, Resh, and Tav, also known as BGD-CPRT letters.

    The BGD-CPRT letters represent the cosmic principle, which asserts that everything in the universe—every atom, object, and living creature—is in a state of constant motion and rotation at a specific frequency. These vibrational frequencies influence and provoke reactions.

    Understanding the vibrational frequencies of these seven letters aids us in comprehending how mind energy functions, influencing the generation of responses and outcomes in our lives. Additionally, they offer insight into the formation of our thoughts and emotions— their style, pattern, and quality—and how they tend to create harmony or disharmony within us.

    Twelve Physical Forces - HVZKhThl-LNSOTzQ

    The third category of letters, situated at the base of the pyramid, represents the Twelve Physical Forces that assist humans in actualizing themselves in the physical plane. These forces are represented by the letters Heh, Vav, Zayin, Khet, Thet, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samech, Ahyin, Tzadi and Qof. These twelve letters are referenced in Sefer Yetzirah as HVZKhThI-LNSOTzQ letters.

    These twelve letters function in humans in a way that is similar to the operation of meridians⁷ in the body. Since we attract into our lives only that which resonates with our vibrational frequency, aligning our frequency with the things we desire is essential to attract abundance. The vibrational frequencies of these twelve letters and their wisdom assist us in achieving this alignment.

    The Letters in Genesis Narratives

    Another effective way to understand the symbolic meaning of each letter is to examine its first appearance in the Bible. The letter’s connection to its position in Genesis stories teaches us about the qualities it embodies and the messages it conveys. I will elaborate further on this in the upcoming chapter on the letters themselves.

    Light and Shadow Symbolism in Hebrew Letters

    The symbolic meaning of the letters can be understood through the concepts of light and shadow. For example, each letter represents the amount of light or shadow it contains. There are letters where light surrounds their shadow, like the letter Alef, where its contour lines are open from all directions, and there are letters where the shadow surrounds their inner light, like the letter Samech, where its contour lines are closed from all directions.

    Diagram 4: Letters Alef and Samech

    Furthermore, as the contour lines of the letter are smaller, the surrounding white light is more abundant in it, such as the letter Yod . Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, a Kabbalist and researcher of Kabbalistic teachings, discusses this topic in his book Derech Chochmat HaEmet LaRamchal.

    Diagram 5: Letter Yod

    The simplest way to understand this concept is by likening light to spiritual awareness and shadow to lack of awareness. Following the previous example, while the letter Alef is enveloped from all directions in spiritual awareness, the letter Samech is enveloped from all directions in lack of awareness. Furthermore, the openness of the letter's structure, such as with Alef or Yod, facilitates an easier influx of divine light, allowing these letters to be filled with greater quantities of light.

    The Way Each Letter Receives its Power

    One important way to understand the uniqueness of the Hebrew letters is by familiarizing ourselves with how each letter receives its energetic power. To acquaint ourselves with these powers, we need to recognize three main characteristics of the letters: their graphic form, their gematrical value, and their pronunciation.

    Through the letters of our name, which receive their light and power from these three channels, the divine light frequencies penetrate the world and the human soul, giving form to the physical reality we perceive through our senses. These divine frequencies of light flow through our body, mind, and spirit, creating both inner and outer manifestations of events and reactions, leading to a chain of cause and effect. It is important to understand that our external environment is merely a reflection of what occurs within our soul or internal environment.

    Our reactions to situations are often influenced by our mind and tend to be mostly unconscious, thus creating in our life's reality the cycle of dharma and karma—the full circle of cause-and-effect relationships discussed in Hindu philosophy.

    The principle of karma posits that each human action determines future experiences. According to this principle, a person's intentions, actions, and deeds affect their future in a cause-and-effect relationship. The concept of dharma refers to the principles of justice, morality, and ethics that govern a person's behavior and actions. Dharma represents the path of righteousness and duty that a person is expected to fulfill in their lifetime. In Hinduism, these two concepts emphasize the importance of ethical and moral conduct, affirming that an individual's thoughts and actions directly determine their present and future lives.

    First Channel:

    Letters Graphical Form and Structure

    The graphical form of each letter provides insights into the degree of light it contains and the level of openness or closeness inherent within it.

    To better understand the graphical form of each letter, we will divide the twenty-two letters into four groups based on a common denominator. This division will allow us to reflect on the degree of light these groups of letters contain and their inherent openness or closeness toward opinions, ideas, people, situations, and life changes. In this categorization, along with the twenty-two letters, I will also include the five final or ending letters known in Hebrew as CMNP’Tz letters.

    Diagram 6: Hebrew Letters With a Common Denominator

    The Level of Openness of the Letter’s

    The level of a letter’s openness signifies its capacity to absorb large amounts of spiritual light. The more closed the graphical form of a letter is, the less spiritual light can penetrate its pattern. An open letter endows a person with the ability to flow with life in a light-hearted manner, to receive life events from a place of trust and faith, and to be open toward people, changes, and situations of uncertainty.

    According to the Kabbalistic teachings, an open letter channels greater abundance and blessings to a person, whereas a closed letter makes it difficult for a person to open up to changes, new processes, and situations of uncertainty. This can hinder the ability to flow with life easily. It tends to draw a person toward closure, difficulty in making changes, difficulty in releasing and letting go, and challenges in compassion, forgiveness and forgetting. A closed letter tends to limit divine abundance, but at the same time, it grants preservation and protection.

    A balanced name contains a combination of open and closed letters. The keyword here is balance. While open letters provide a person with abundance, blessings, and the ability to transcend the limitations of the earthly realm and to flow with life easily, closed letters offer grounding, preservation, and protection.

    Group A: Completely Open Letter

    Among the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, plus the five final letters, there is only one completely open letter, and that is the letter Alef. This letter stands firmly on the ground (on the line) on two legs and embodies the measure of kindness and compassion.

    A completely open letter like Alef symbolizes the ability to be open-minded toward different opinions and perspectives, including those that differ from one’s own beliefs and stances. This represents not only openness and the capacity to embrace a variety of opinions but also the ability to engage and connect with people, as well as to create friendships.

    Diagram 7: Letter Alef

    An open letter endows an individual with qualities such as openness, lightness, flow, movement, joy, adventurous spirit, trust, faith, and hope. It imbues the individual with optimistic energy, allowing them to see the half-full glass in every situation and matter. An open letter is like an open vessel, not bound by limitation.

    Group B: Completely Closed Letters

    Among the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, plus the five final letters, there are only two letters that are completely closed, and those letters are Samech and the Final letter Mem. Information about the final letters appears in Chapter Six.

    A completely closed letter indicates a tendency toward closure and resistance to opinions and perspectives that differ from one's own beliefs and positions. This manifests as a reluctance to embrace new experiences, difficulty in opening up to others, forming connections and friendships, and challenges in understanding others as well as allowing oneself to be understood.

    Diagram 8: Letter Samech and Final Mem

    A closed letter is akin to a closed vessel, limiting the entry of light. When the amount of light in the structural pattern of the letter is restricted, it adds a challenging aspect to the issue of openness. A closed letter draws a person toward closeness, self-centeredness, egocentricity, rigidity, and emotional, mental, and behavioral fixation. It also inclines a person toward judgmental attitudes, opinionatedness, and attachment to beliefs, ideas, opinions, and stances. Closed letters indicate a tendency to hold and store energy, manifesting in an inherent difficulty in releasing and letting go, being compassionate and forgiving.

    The purpose of a closed letter is to draw a person inward to processes of introspection and deep self-reflection so they can become aware of the necessary processes required for their growth and development.

    In a situation where a person's name is mostly composed of closed letters, it can indicate a personality inclined toward stubbornness, opinionatedness, judgmental attitudes, rigidity, anxiety, and frequent use of defense mechanisms. In such cases, it becomes difficult for the person to trust and have faith, to open up to uncertainty and new processes, to make significant changes, to flow with life events, and to move through life's path with ease and optimism.

    Group C: Open and Closed Letters from Two Directions

    Among the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, plus the five final letters, thirteen letters have partly open shapes. These letters are Gimel, Dalet, Heh, Vav, Zayin, Yod, Ahyin, Tzadi, Resh, Shin, and final letters - Nun, Caf and Tzadi.

    Open and closed letters, in both directions, contain within them tendencies toward both openness and closure, depending on the context. They indicate a partial openness or closure to positions, opinions, ideas, people, and situations, with a tendency to exhibit both behaviors, influenced by the proximity of other letters in the person's name.

    Diagram 9: Letters Open from Two Directions

    For example, if a letter from this group is positioned between two closed letters or letters that are closed from three directions in a person’s name, the tendency of that letter would lean toward closure. Conversely, if the letter is placed between open letters, its tendency leans toward openness.

    For instance, the name Pip. The name consists of two letters, Peh, that are closed from three directions, and one letter, Yod, that is open and closed from two directions. This name comprises three letters, two of which represent a tendency toward closeness; therefore, this name indicates a raw tendency toward closure.

    On the other hand, the name Ala consists of two open letters and a middle letter closed from three directions. Therefore, the tendency of the middle letter Lamed would lean toward openness.

    Group D: Closed Letters from Three Directions

    Among the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, plus the five final letters, eleven letters are closed from three directions. These letters are Bet, Khet, Thet, Caf, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Peh, Qof, Tav and final letter Peh.

    Letters that are closed from three directions indicate a tendency toward closed-mindedness, rigidity, self-centeredness, and an inhibiting of free-flowing energetic movement. They inherently make it difficult for a person to open up to new opinions, ideas, people and situations. These letters contain energy that tends to limit and constrict a person’s consciousness, making it hard for them to see the whole picture and leading them to believe that the side they see and grasp is the only right and just one.

    Diagram 10: Letters Closed From Three Directions

    Individuals with these closed letters in their name typically struggle to recognize their tendencies toward closure and rigidity. They find it challenging to acknowledge the necessity of change and often struggle to implement it.

    Closed letters from three directions tend to draw a person into separate consciousness—the inclination to see the existing differences in everything and not what unifies them. In such situations, a person will struggle to contain the contradictions arising from the complex reality and simultaneously embrace the good and the bad, the pleasure and the pain. These letters tend to create a judgmental and biased perspective in a person, leading to challenging experiences. It invites them to explore and confront the very things the judge.

    These letters intend to draw one’s attention to several significant aspects. First, it underscores that every cause begins with a judgmental viewpoint and results in an experiential outcome. Second, it highlights the inherent tendency of those who possess these letters to form adhesions and attachments to people, circumstances, viewpoints, and stances. The third point focuses on the prevalent use of psychological manipulations by these individuals. Such manipulations function akin to defense mechanisms, creating barriers that conceal the absolute truth from the person. Situations where one robotically and habitually lives life on auto-pilot, asleep while walking. Finally, it serves as a reminder of the imperative need for change and

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