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Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang: The
Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang: The
Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang: The
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang: The

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After surviving a brutal attack by Mayor Highshine, Scrap, Paige and Gnat head into the wild Elsewhere in search of the Pink-Footed Goose, the rocket ship they hope can get them off-world. The place is fraught with danger, but they discover Mooch, a nomadic wandering town inhabited by robots who have rejected Highshine's views.
Release dateAug 1, 2024
Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang: The

Davina Tijani

Davina Tijani is a speculative fiction writer for adults and children with a passion for world mythology, which she enjoys incorporating into her writing. She grew up an avid lover of films and books - especially Star Wars, which sparked a lifelong love of storytelling in all its forms. Davina was born in London, United Kingdom where she currently lives.

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    Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang - Davina Tijani



    For Yasmin, for always believing in me.

    – D. T.

    To Bekah and Josh my great big siblings for always being my great big inspirations!

    – A. D-B.



    Title Page



    Chapter 1: The Elephant and The Snake

    Chapter 2: The Diamond Path

    Chapter 3: Snakedance

    Chapter 4: A Night on the Orange River

    Chapter 5: One World For All

    Chapter 6: Stinger’s End

    Chapter 7: The Helix

    Chapter 8: The Crystal Caves

    Chapter 9: Behold Grootslang

    Chapter 10: The Great Trade

    Chapter 11: Promises and Curses

    Chapter 12: Restoration

    Also Available

    About the Author

    About the Illustrator





    Yomi was surrounded by Nkara. She stared up at their fearsome fangs, enormous tusks and feathered wings. She felt her heart rate speed up as she thought about the power of these incredible creatures.

    Moving closer to the life-sized statues that filled the waiting room, Yomi marvelled at the solid gold, silver, bronze, glass, wood and even crystal used to bring the Nkara to life. Her younger brother Kayode hovered close by, looking at the Tabun rearing its claws at the onlooker. Its bright yellow eyes warned them to be on guard.

    This collection of Nkara statues was the closest Yomi had got to these powerful African beasts since 8arriving in Springbok. The town sat within a valley surrounded by rocky mountains and copper mines. Yomi knew there were real Nkara out there for her to find but she was yet to see anything … nothing … zilch!

    Uncle Olu, who are we meeting again? Yomi turned to where her uncle stood, inspecting the feather-covered body of a Pamahago. His work researching Nkara for the Sacred Beast League meant that Yomi and Kayode got to meet some fascinating people.

    An old friend of mine works here, Olu answered. Her name is Onalenna and she is an artefact specialist with the S.B.L. She is an expert in Yinza relics.

    Yinza! Yomi was excited. The more she saw of this amazing moon magic, the more questions she had about it.

    Didn’t I promise you I would give you more answers when we got here? Olu said with a smile.

    After everything that happened in Senegal, we definitely need those answers! Kayode traced his 9fingers over the claws of the Tabun.

    So she knows how Yinza ties to the moon? Yomi asked.

    "Grandma knows everything about Yinza." The words were followed by a bright flash of light. Yomi turned in its direction to see a boy around her age, carrying a camera.

    Yomi’s eyes widened – here was a kid who knew about Yinza too!

    Sipho! Olu greeted the boy. It’s been such a long time. Good to see you.

    It’s good to see you too, Sipho answered, before turning to look at Yomi and Kayode. "All of you. Grandma sent me to come and get you."

    Sipho grabbed Kayode’s hand and took hold of Yomi’s arm. He led them to another room further inside the building, where they found an older woman with thick grey braids. Behind her desk was the regal purple emblem of the S.B.L.

    Olusola Adesina. The woman broke into a big smile and opened her arms wide.

    Onalenna Magosi. Olu stepped into the hug. 10

    It’s been too long! You need to come to South Africa more often, Onalenna told him.

    I do! Let me introduce you to my niece Yomi and nephew Kayode.

    Yomi and Kayode shook hands with the senior S.B.L. member then Yomi cut straight to the chase. We want to learn everything about Yinza.

    11Onalenna’s eyes brightened. The greatest energy in existence starts on the moon but ends up on Earth and takes many forms: weapons, moonstones, Nkara and even people.

    People! Kayode gasped.

    How does that work? Yomi enquired. She knew that Nkara were connected to Yinza, but humans? She wanted to know more.

    Little is known about the descendants of the moon but they are the strongest users of Yinza. Some Nkara even worship them. Onalenna’s hands became expressive as she explained.

    Yomi couldn’t imagine Nkara worshipping people, but then she realized they weren’t exactly human. Maybe they’re like moon humans, she thought.

    The descendants can harness Yinza for other purposes, and exactly how they do that is what the S.B.L. are trying to understand. This is where Olu comes in!

    Olu smiled. I only just got permission to look into Yinza properly. I’m trying to figure it all out. 12Once I am done, you will be the first to read my report.

    As the adults spoke, Yomi noticed Kayode wandering around the room. He was looking at Onalenna’s Nkara ornaments and paintings of scenery from across South Africa.

    What’s this? Kayode held up a pencil sketch of a Nkara that Yomi had never seen before.

    13That is Grootslang, the mighty elephant-headed serpent. One of the oldest Sacred Nkara, Onalenna answered.

    She is also an Ancient, right? Yomi remembered the sub-groups of Nkara

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