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009 | Tony Robbins: "Take the Shoulds in Your Life and Make Them Musts.”


009 | Tony Robbins: "Take the Shoulds in Your Life and Make Them Musts.”

FromThe Quote of the Day Show | Daily Motivational Talks


009 | Tony Robbins: "Take the Shoulds in Your Life and Make Them Musts.”

FromThe Quote of the Day Show | Daily Motivational Talks

13 minutes
Nov 2, 2016
Podcast episode


Have you ever learned something, knew it was powerful, and never actually used it? I think we all have. But why?  I mean, we know we “should” do it. We’re even absolutely certain as to how much we would benefit from it if we did do it. And then we still don’t do it! But what if you took your shoulds and made them musts? To think “I must lose weight” is much different than “I should lose weight.” To think “I must create a better relationship” is far more powerful than “I must should create a better relationship.” When we stop “should-ing” on ourselves, our lives change. In today’s episode of The Quote of The Day Show, Tony Robbins reveals his 3 steps for changing your life by making your shoulds your musts. 1 - Raise your standards. 2 - Change your limiting beliefs. 3 - Have the right strategy. Today’s clip is from Tony’s Unleash the Power Within audio program available for instant mp3 download from our pals at Nightingale Conant.
Nov 2, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Changing your life in 12 minutes or less. The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers. Each episode spotlights an inspiring quote and 5-10 minute motivational audio clip to help you live a life you love. Featured speakers include Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and more. Hosted by entrepreneur and money mindset expert Sean Croxton. Follow Sean on IG, Twitter, and FB at @seancroxton. Also, subscribe to his interview podcast, The Sean Croxton Sessions, on iTunes.