Having a vision for child care business success: Empowering your team for daycare business success by The Preschool Podcastratings:
42 minutes
Nov 6, 2016
Podcast episode
In this week’s episode we have an insightful conversation about continuous professional learning as an early childhood educator and the importance of sharing your learnings and stories with others in the early years community, in particular online. We speak with Deborah Stewart, the owner and operator of Teach Preschool blog, as well as The Children’s Studio preschool in Indiana. We explore how Deborah has used The Children’s Studio as a lab school for learning about children’s development and the Teach Preschool blog for sharing her learnings with others on the Internet for the forward progression of early childhood educators as professionals. To get inspired by an early childhood educator who is always learning and find out how and where you can share your work as an early childhood educator, stay tuned for this week’s episode of The Preschool Podcast!
Nov 6, 2016
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 33 min listen