EP 89 Uncover Your Mountain-Moving Faith: Is there someplace you want to go in life, or big things you dream of doing—but it just hasn’t happened yet? When we’ve been waiting a long time, it’s easy to start believing that what we’ve hoped for is never going to come to pass. But... by The Christine Caine Equip & Empower PodcastUNLIMITED
EP 101 How to Be Strong, Resilient, and Confident
EP 101 How to Be Strong, Resilient, and Confident
25 minutes
May 3, 2021
Podcast episode
We never really know how much strength we need until we’re put to the test. That’s true physically but also spiritually and emotionally. We discover whether we can handle the “heavier” things in life—setbacks, disappointment , discouragement—only when we are called to face them. Strong spiritual muscles allow us to meet whatever comes our way, the highs and the lows, with confidence, grace, and maturity. This episode will empower you to apply the Biblical principles to your life that build your spiritual and emotional strength, and grow your capacity to live every day filled with strength, courage, resilience, and confidence.
For more from Christine and to check out the show notes visit www.christinecaine.com/podcast today.
For more from Christine and to check out the show notes visit www.christinecaine.com/podcast today.
May 3, 2021
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 25 min listen