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TCC Podcast #118: Copy and branding with Sorcha MacKenzie


TCC Podcast #118: Copy and branding with Sorcha MacKenzie

FromThe Copywriter Club Podcast


TCC Podcast #118: Copy and branding with Sorcha MacKenzie

FromThe Copywriter Club Podcast

48 minutes
Dec 11, 2018
Podcast episode


Copywriter and brand specialist, Sorcha MacKenzie, is our guest for the 118th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast. We've admired Sorcha for quite awhile now, and have followed along as she's launched her own brand and website. We asked Sorcha about that process and this stuff too:
•  her path from acting to branding to copywriting
•  what her business looks like today
•  what it’s like to work for big brands like Marvel and Disney
•  how research impacts the creative process and brand development
•  working with chronic pain so that clients still get what they need
•  how Sorcha pads her timelines to give her extra time to get work done
•  how she conducts the research for a brand audits and branding work
•  the pitfalls of doing group research and focus groups
•  how she applies the branding process to her own business
•  what she’s done to develop her own brand as a branding expert
•  her experience starting her own business
•  how she came up with the products she offers for her clients
•  her biggest struggles as a freelancer

Want to hear what it's like to go from working on an Ant Man promotion to the daily grind of freelance life? Then click the play button below. You can also scroll down for a full transcript.

The people and stuff we mentioned on the show:
Sorcha’s website
The Copywriter Accelerator
The Brand Gap
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
The Copywriter Club In Real Life
Kira’s website
Rob’s website
The Copywriter Club Facebook Group
Intro: Content (for now)
Outro: Gravity

Full Transcript:


Rob:   This podcast is sponsored by The Copywriter Underground.

Kira:   It's our new membership designed for you, to help you attract more clients and hit $10K a month consistently.

Rob:   For more information or to sign up, go to

Kira:   What if you could hang out with seriously talented copywriters and other experts, ask them about their successes and failures, their work processes and their habits, then steal an idea or two to inspire your own work? That's what Rob and I do every week at The Copywriter Club Podcast.

Rob:   You're invited to join the club for episode 118 as we chat with copywriter and brand specialist Sorcha MacKenzie about working for big clients like Disney and Marvel, understanding brand strategy, the struggles she's had leaving the agency world for freelance, and why puppies make the best and worst office mates.

Kira:   Welcome, Sorcha.

Rob:   Hey, Sorcha.

Sorcha:   Thank you for having me. I'm thrilled to be here.

Kira:   Yeah, we're excited to have you here. We know you well through both The Accelerator and The Think Tank program that you're participating in. But I feel like we're going to get to know you even better today, so let's start with your story and how you got started in copywriting and branding.

Sorcha:   Sure, so I'm an accidental copywriter, probably like a lot of people. I was actually trained as an actress until I was about 20 years old. I was going to be a theater actress, and then I kind of bored of the stage world and went to film school. I got an MA in Film Studies. I wrote my dissertation on Grey's Anatomy like all good people do.

I ended up interning for Disney afterwards. I did a year's internship and I just never left. I got a really good grounding there. I got to do the creative stuff and learn lots more about the marketing side and all that. So that's really how I got into things, just absolutely stumbled into it.

Rob:   Okay, so I've got to know more about the dissertation on Grey's Anatomy. What was the topic? What did you do? What did you write?

Sorcha:   So, it was the representations of gender and sexuality within the first season of Grey's Anatomy. So there was lots of like stuff about the gays, the female gays, and all of the kind of representations of different people and all that. It was kind of a groundbreaking show back in the day.
Dec 11, 2018
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Ideas and habits worth stealing from top copywriters.