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Neurosalience #S1E7 with Jean Chen, and Molly Bright - The opportunities and challenges of physiologic fMRI


Neurosalience #S1E7 with Jean Chen, and Molly Bright - The opportunities and challenges of physiologic fMRI

FromOHBM Neurosalience


Neurosalience #S1E7 with Jean Chen, and Molly Bright - The opportunities and challenges of physiologic fMRI

FromOHBM Neurosalience

70 minutes
Apr 16, 2021
Podcast episode


This week’s podcast is centered on physiologic fMRI. Generally, when people think of fMRI, they think of a way to map neuronal function, however there is so much information about neurovascular physiology in the signal. Many researchers who use fMRI may not realize all of the potentially untapped information—and confounds!—in the fMRI time series. Dr Jean Chen and Dr Molly Bright each run research groups that focus on this information in complementary ways. Both use physiologic manipulations and an array of acquisition methods to probe and characterize details of the hemodynamic response, though their two research programs focus on different aspects of the haemodynamic response function. In this podcast, they highlight the importance of physiologic fMRI for the field. They also consider the challenges facing women in male-dominated research fields and how the life of women scientists might be improved.
Apr 16, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (91)

The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) presents the Neurosalience podcast. In this series of interviews you’ll discover the latest developments in techniques for measuring brain structure and function. You’ll hear about how these tools can provide insight into the function of the brain from childhood to old age, and why these normal processes may be affected in neurological and psychiatric conditions. Dr. Peter Bandettini interviews brain scientists of all types and discusses the latest developments, controversies and challenges related to their work in the field of brain mapping.